Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sarge debate

*** (22:56:47):Welcome to the Kalagenesis Chat Room.
ImhotepVII says to (23:00:17):
Peace Kala
Kalagenesis says (23:00:44):
Peace brother
ImhotepVII says to (23:02:33):
Looks like just me and you tonight
ImhotepVII says to (23:02:49):
Glad I'm off tomorrow
Kalagenesis says (23:03:22):
Glad you made it
Kalagenesis says (23:03:34):
Last nights show was off the chain
Antoinette from De says to (23:04:01):
Hello kala annd imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (23:04:06):
Sorry I missed it. I was unconscious
Antoinette from De says to (23:04:13):
pls checkout my new post
Kalagenesis says (23:04:19):
Hello Aintonetter
ImhotepVII says to (23:04:23):
Hi Antoinette (F)
Kalagenesis says (23:04:36):
where is your new post?
Antoinette from De says to (23:04:45):
Antoinette from De says to (23:05:15):
it has been sch a long time sinceI had done one
Antoinette from De says to (23:05:36):
hello Wheelock
Antoinette from De says to (23:05:41):
How are you
Kalagenesis says (23:06:10):
I will read it tonight
WHEELOCK says to (23:06:14):
Hello, Antoinette...How are you
ImhotepVII says to (23:06:15):
I love it so far Antoinette
Kalagenesis says (23:06:22):
WHEELOCK says to (23:06:29):
ImhotepVII says to (23:06:30):
H'tp Wheelock
Antoinette from De says to (23:06:32):
brb seems like ashow I am going to new coffee for
WHEELOCK says to (23:06:39):
WHEELOCK says to (23:06:52):
Antoinette, I like you blog
Antoinette from De says to (23:07:12):
pls feel free to lv your input, I am sure that you all have alot to say on that subject thatI left out
WHEELOCK says to (23:07:13):
Its related to Kala's show topic
Kalagenesis says (23:07:17):
Obama is getting Tough
Antoinette from De says to (23:07:23):
ty wheelok
G'Anpu Assir says to (23:07:29):
peace and greetings
Antoinette from De says to (23:07:38):
hello ganpu
Antoinette from De says to (23:07:40):
WHEELOCK says to (23:07:40):
Greetins Assir
Kalagenesis says (23:07:41):
Dr Solo says to (23:10:43):
peace kala
ImhotepVII says to (23:10:54):
I'm having network issues. I may be in and out
Dr Solo says to (23:11:03):
peace wheelock
Dr Solo says to (23:11:12):
peace imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (23:11:19):
Peace Dr. Solo
WHEELOCK says to (23:11:20):
Peace Dr.Solo
Dr Solo says to (23:11:29):
peace antoinette
Antoinette from De says to (23:11:39):
hello dr.solo ad grit and mdus
Antoinette from De says to (23:11:58):
sorry keyboard needsnew batteres
Antoinette from De says to (23:12:11):
so it is acting up
G'Anpu Assir says to (23:12:38):
peace doc solo
ImhotepVII says to (23:14:07):
NP Antoinette
Dr Solo says to (23:14:09):
peace g'anpu assir
ImhotepVII says to (23:14:24):
My wireless is being rebellious
Dr Solo says to (23:14:33):
peace africa unite
ImhotepVII says to (23:14:41):
So I may be kicked off in a second
Antoinette from De says to (23:14:50):
pres. Obama walked out of the meeting today
ImhotepVII says to (23:15:00):
`He did?!?
Antoinette from De says to (23:15:03):
hello africaaunite
ImhotepVII says to (23:15:20):
Peace Africaunite
Dr Solo says to (23:15:21):
peace immodusoperandi
Antoinette from De says to (23:15:23):
yes wll get you the lin
Antoinette from De says to (23:15:28):
ImhotepVII says to (23:17:05):
Shoalin Wednesday Night @Kalagenesis!
Antoinette from De says to (23:18:04):
AfricaUnite2020 says to (23:18:15):
what about the former owner of BET?????? did he do it as well???
Antoinette from De says to (23:18:38):
there you o Imhotep
AfricaUnite2020 says to (23:18:39):
Hey brother ImhoepVII....
Antoinette from De says to (23:18:46):
hello sarge
AfricaUnite2020 says to (23:18:49):
and all the good brothers and sisters
ImhotepVII says to (23:19:00):
ImhotepVII says to (23:19:24):
Butterfly kicks a flyin'
Antoinette from De says to (23:23:15):
I thought thatshe was also
BobUSMC says to (23:26:15):
hahaha at Obama!!
BobUSMC says to (23:26:35):
Obama: "don't call my bluff". what an idiot
BobUSMC says to (23:27:04):
BobUSMC says to (23:27:27):
guns created America!
Antoinette from De says to Kalagenesis (private) (23:27:34):
bob said that he could not wait for the civil war to kill liberals and black people
BobUSMC says to (23:27:47):
the greatest nation on earth!!! by far!
WHEELOCK says to (23:27:54):
Shoot yourself Bob...who gives a rats rump what you feel
Dr Solo says to (23:28:21):
bob go jump on a granade
BobUSMC says to (23:28:24):
i'm not self loathing like you are Wheel, I love my country
BobUSMC says to (23:29:02):
Obama has to buy his office
Dr Solo says to (23:29:14):
bob was hit by friendly fire
WHEELOCK says to (23:29:21):
Bob is a thief
BobUSMC says to (23:29:29):
because his policies sure don't work worth a damn
BobUSMC says to (23:29:41):
Obama coming for me? what like a NAZI, Kala???
BobUSMC says to (23:29:48):
just like Hitler, kala???
BobUSMC says to (23:30:00):
hahaha, sounds like you want that kind of America, huh?
BryanSmith0 says to (23:30:07):
Kala you gonna make bob wet his pants(lol)
Dr Solo says to (23:30:10):
bob says he is smarter than sarah palin
BryanSmith0 says to (23:30:37):
AND that will Rust his "gun"(lol)
BobUSMC says to (23:31:13):
but Dr Solo isn't as smart as Palin. Maybe Pelosi though.. LOL.
Antoinette from De says to (23:31:26):
hello Brynan
BryanSmith0 says to (23:31:34):
hey antoinette
ImmodusOperandi says to (23:31:40):
Gay men rule the modeling world. they are most attracted to pre pubscent boys so don't be shocked when they present women who look like them.
Antoinette from De says to (23:31:51):
how are you
BryanSmith0 says to (23:32:01):
just peachy
Antoinette from De says to (23:32:13):
BryanSmith0 says to (23:32:43):
course peach season isn't for a couple of months...but they are growing(H)
BobUSMC says to (23:32:43):
bryan, my guns are all in tip top ready to go shape, at all times.
BobUSMC says to (23:32:50):
haha @ you!!
BobUSMC says to (23:33:18):
Sarge probably whipped your butt, Kala. you can't hang with the truth.
CFGA says to (23:33:25):
I love Guns
BobUSMC says to (23:33:32):
Be careful what you ask for, you might get it
CFGA says to (23:33:32):
calling back in now
BobUSMC says to (23:33:38):
BryanSmith0 says to (23:33:38):
he can't talk and type at the same time....i won't say anything else to him....that way he can concentrate
BobUSMC says to (23:33:40):
Antoinette from De says to (23:33:53):
hello Lee or sarge
G'Anpu Assir says to (23:33:57):
Eye think there are some suspected racists participating in this chat...
BobUSMC says to (23:34:06):
CFGA says to (23:34:10):
Sarge always beats you in debates Kala
CFGA says to (23:34:24):
Let Sarge speak Kala
CFGA says to (23:34:31):
you always over talk him
BobUSMC says to (23:34:38):
Sarge has whoooped ur but every single time, Kala. You're a rank amateur wanna be. :D(lol)
CFGA says to (23:35:01):
CFGA says to (23:35:08):
I'm calling in
Antoinette from De says to (23:35:17):
lee you said that
CFGA says to (23:35:18):
Your lieing dude
ImhotepVII says to (23:35:19):
Back agian
CFGA says to (23:35:25):
lie Kala
CFGA says to (23:35:45):
You don't want me to defend myself huh Kala?
CFGA says to (23:36:08):
I'm callin in
BryanSmith0 says to (23:36:12):
CFGA???? Confused f#ckers from Georgia??<:o)
CFGA says to (23:36:16):
lets talk about this
Antoinette from De says to (23:36:17):
wow lee
BobUSMC says to (23:36:40):
Let's see if Kala has the balls to let Lee and Sarge speak w/o interruption.
CFGA says to (23:36:40):
Don't listen to this crap Antoinette
Dr Solo says to (23:36:43):
lee knows whats best for blacks !!!
CFGA says to (23:36:48):
Kala is a drunken Fool
CFGA says to (23:37:29):
BobUSMC says to (23:37:33):
Lee, who cares what Antonette thinks, she's a racist too.
CFGA says to (23:37:42):
See Antoinette
CFGA says to (23:37:52):
Kala can't help himself
CFGA says to (23:37:58):
Kala is a punk
CFGA says to (23:38:11):
He can't handle the truth
Dr Solo says to (23:38:13):
bob stick a granade in your mouth and pull the pin
G'Anpu Assir says to (23:38:23):
Eye suspect these people are racist trolls and no attention should be paid to them. They are here to DISTRACT US!!
BryanSmith0 says to (23:38:24): use that racist comment/accusation a little too freely
BobUSMC says to (23:38:43):
Kala, the man who calls BrotherK "brotherKKK" just because he's a conservative.
Dr Solo says to (23:39:18):
brother kkk
BobUSMC says to (23:39:52):
dr solo, come on down and try it. Make my day! HAHA (6)
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:39:53):
yo brother kala--great rants--can skypeassholes call in?
BobUSMC says to (23:40:11):
bryan, it's 1000% TRUE
CFGA says to (23:40:13):
Dr Solo says to (23:40:13):
i would love to bob !!
BobUSMC says to (23:40:15):
CFGA says to (23:40:19):
yea Frank call in
BryanSmith0 says to (23:40:28):
My short answer....Facisim is corporate socialism.....Nazis loved their corporate sponsers
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:40:30):
Antoinette from De says to (23:40:41):
brb coffee is calling it is done now
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:41:30):
im in que
CFGA says to (23:41:37):
I'm in que too
ImhotepVII says to (23:41:40):
Antoinette, can you see this post?
ImhotepVII says to (23:41:50):
I'm testing my network
CFGA says to (23:41:51):
lets see if Kala will face us
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:41:53):
god bless west virginia
CFGA says to (23:41:59):
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:42:10):
he got the mute button--
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:42:16):
beats us up
*** (23:42:22):frankfromwestvirginia is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to (23:42:38):
Kala just gonna flap his jowls all night instead of letting the truth on his show.
Dr Solo says to (23:42:52):
i see it imhotep...your post
CFGA says to (23:42:54):
BryanSmith0 says to (23:42:57):
(lol) franks always good for a few "kicks" (lol)
BobUSMC says to (23:43:34):
Frank whipped kala last night!!! Whipped him bad !!!
G'Anpu Assir says to (23:43:34):
*** amerikkka and this white homosexual culture
BobUSMC says to (23:43:49):
Sarge crushed Kaka!!
BobUSMC says to (23:43:51):
*** (23:44:02):BobUSMC is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Dr Solo says to (23:44:06):
true @g'anpu
G'Anpu Assir says to (23:44:17):
F**k these dumb ass gentetic mutants
Dr Solo says to (23:44:30):
hi bob (})..:D
Antoinette from De says to (23:44:47):
back, must of missed a lot see people are muted
BryanSmith0 says to (23:45:04):
Nope....he goes back to the mid 1800's.... sorry guy.....
CFGA says to (23:45:12):
Kala is muting the good guys tonight
Dr Solo says to (23:45:24):
yeah right @cfga
CFGA says to (23:45:45):
Kala won't face anyone he needs to interupt when he knows when he's losing the arguments
Dr Solo says to (23:45:48):
frank is a troll,a good
Antoinette from De says to (23:45:57):
oh well have to see for myself, muting bob is always the right choice
BryanSmith0 says to (23:46:15):
G'Anpu Assir says to (23:46:22):
y is this person yelling. and is he yt?
Dr Solo says to (23:46:37):
hi bob (})....(lol)
Dr Solo says to (23:47:15):
@g'anpu he is a so-called black man...
BryanSmith0 says to (23:47:20):
He ain't "whipping Kala's azz" ....he is just talking REALLY LOUD:D
Antoinette from De says to (23:47:26):
yes, bryan, he said to me that he wanted the civil war to kill blacks and liberalls
Dr Solo says to (23:48:04):
who said that @antionette ???
*** (23:48:08):frankfromwestvirginia has been unmuted by Admin.
Antoinette from De says to (23:48:18):
G'Anpu Assir says to (23:48:49):
man who cares about all these confusing azz labels. White people use that to confuse us
Dr Solo says to (23:48:53):
bob is a marine he is a nobody
*** (23:49:09):BobUSMC has been unmuted by Admin.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:49:23):
thanks kala
Antoinette from De says to (23:49:30):
true, probably was kicked out because not right in the head
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:49:33):
sarge is kickin ur butt
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:49:41):
dont mute him
CFGA says to (23:49:51):
Antoinette Bob said he wanted to Kill all blacks?
CFGA says to (23:49:57):
when did he say that?
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:50:16):
barrack wants to kill all the muzzies
BryanSmith0 says to (23:50:27):
Somebody needs to give this caller.....A VALIUM.....NOW!!!!!!!(lol)
Antoinette from De says to (23:50:44):
yes Lee, about a week or so ago, less than a month ago, i believe on dr. Jones show not really sure right now
Antoinette from De says to (23:50:47):
which show
CFGA says to (23:50:50):
He said Liberals Antoinette not blacks
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:51:03):
where is the waggon?
Antoinette from De says to (23:51:08):
he said both Lee, he made the statement to me
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:51:13):
BryanSmith0 says to (23:51:19):
Dam giving me a headache listening to his LOUD F#CKING TONE:@
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:51:20):
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:51:30):
CFGA says to (23:51:33):
Dr Solo says to (23:51:40):
oh so antioneete misunderstood @cfga.....she is smarter than that shutup !!
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:51:52):
he isnt a decendant of the slaves
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:52:05):
no in the slave stuff
BryanSmith0 says to (23:52:05):
Maybe that is why nobody really gives a S#!T what he is saying
Antoinette from De says to (23:52:06):
I do know what was said to me, ty Dr. Solo
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:52:21):
wont give repriations
CFGA says to (23:52:28):
Dr. Solo did you say Shut up?
CFGA says to (23:52:30):
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:52:33):
solo is a rat
CFGA says to (23:52:34):
CFGA says to (23:52:38):
shut me up
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:52:47):
Antoinette from De says to (23:52:54):
no he is not Frank
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:53:03):
cant we all just build bridges?
CFGA says to (23:53:16):
easy to talk all that trash behind a computer
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:53:16):
where is all the love?
Dr Solo says to (23:53:19):
@antionette i don't like cfga or bob so i don't care about there feeling...there full of it
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:53:23):
Dr Solo says to (23:53:52):
and frank is just a troll who cares about him period
CFGA says to (23:53:58):
Dr Solo you don't know me to like or dislike me
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:54:08):
will there be riots if obama loses the election in 2012
CFGA says to (23:54:09):
CFGA says to (23:54:20):
Your full of Hate
Antoinette from De says to (23:54:24):
i like Lee very shocked to hear the statement about blackks selling crack instead of being a m uslim, and I am a christian and I don't want to see anyone selling crack
CFGA says to (23:54:25):
ya big baby
Dr Solo says to (23:54:26):
i heard enough to make a judgement ..
BobUSMC says to (23:54:37):
Antopinette, you're a total liar, and phony. too.
CFGA says to (23:54:37):
you hate people that have a differing opinion?
CFGA says to (23:54:44):
BobUSMC says to (23:54:45):
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:54:59):
kala abuses the mute button
Dr Solo says to (23:55:12):
not true have a right to your opinion
WHEELOCK says to (23:55:15):
Bob respect the women...
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:55:21):
protects barrack at all costs
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:55:35):
he isnt all black--a halfling
CFGA says to (23:55:38):
Antoinette do you think I said I want to see black people on crack?
Antoinette from De says to (23:55:40):
bob your color always manages to show your ingorance little boy,
BobUSMC says to (23:55:43):
I do respect you wheelock, as soon as you move to Cuba
BryanSmith0 says to (23:55:49):
Obama isn't a socialist either.....he is a right politician......
Antoinette from De says to (23:56:04):
I would hope not Lee
Dr Solo says to (23:56:16):
wheelock you know bob is a punk he was hit by friendly fire
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:56:17):
CFGA says to (23:56:18):
WHEELOCK says to (23:56:24):
Moving to Cuba is a great idea....
CFGA says to (23:56:25):
believe what ya want
StormBytes says to (23:56:29):
teabaggers don't lik facts
StormBytes says to (23:56:38):
teabaggers like rubber stamp audiences
BobUSMC says to (23:56:45):
haha, MY COLOR? WOW. you show your true colors here Antoinette, but hide them on conservative shows. Ranger was actually 100% right about you.
CFGA says to (23:56:46):
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:56:49):
sarge is a true patriot
CFGA says to (23:56:52):
WHEELOCK says to (23:57:01):
Bob is full of crap also
G'Anpu Assir says to (23:57:03):
y argue with racists anyway? they are just here to confuse us
Kalagenesis says (23:57:06):
Lee your next
JoeGoode says to (23:57:07):
Always on point Mr. H.
BobUSMC says to (23:57:07):
wrong bryan, Obama a pure marxist wanna be.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:57:19):
wheelcock--is a dummy
BobUSMC says to (23:57:20):
center right? haha, that's funny bryan
BobUSMC says to (23:57:34):
you smokin' some strong sheeet there mon.
Antoinette from De says to (23:57:41):
yes, I do I am black no matter where I am, and because Corey is a little boy to you both have been bent over to much
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:57:44):
barrys going down
Antoinette from De says to (23:57:57):
excuse my language everyoone
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:57:58):
pulled a temper tantrum today
JoeGoode says to (23:58:12):
Frank, what is your purpose on this channel?
Antoinette from De says to (23:58:22):
Kala it says you have an hour left
Dr Solo says to (23:58:30):
ranger the dope head ???
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:58:31):
rightwingers got him acting like a spoiled 12 yr old
Antoinette from De says to (23:58:32):
is the show over
BryanSmith0 says to (23:58:56):
nope....he does NOT want Single payer health care....He does NOT support same sex marriage equality.....he DOES give favors to "big business"
JoeGoode says to (23:59:14):
I am at a lost on why Frank always comes on Kala's program. Why Frank?
JoeGoode says to (23:59:27):
What is your reasoning?
BobUSMC says to (23:59:35):
haha, you're such a racist and a total liar, Antoinette. you've been TOTALLY exposed for what you really are, and you don't like it.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:59:37):
because i can learn so much
JoeGoode says to (23:59:46):
Learn what?
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:59:47):
he is a smart negro
Dr Solo says to (23:59:52):
frank is a distraction ...should be banned for like
WHEELOCK says to (23:59:53):
Frank is my boot licker
frankfromwestvirginia says to (23:59:54):
over educatede
Antoinette from De says to (23:59:59):
Dr Solo says to (00:00:05):
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:00:21):
wheelcock--is a follower
Antoinette from De says to (00:00:25):
here is an excellent dictionary
Antoinette from De says to (00:00:30):
use that one
BobUSMC says to (00:00:35):
Kala is KING of Kalaland in his mind. He would torture the evil whitey in KalaLand.
JoeGoode says to (00:00:40):
So Frank, you like to debate smart African Americans?
WHEELOCK says to (00:00:47):
Really Frank...
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:00:51):
kalanation is a great idea
BobUSMC says to (00:00:54):
Antoinette, you're a NAZI too, you like censorship when it suits you.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:01:02):
i suppot the movement
G'Anpu Assir says to (00:01:05):
Man forget these crakkkas they got nothing constructive to offer
JoeGoode says to (00:01:08):
Why is it a great idea Frank?
BobUSMC says to (00:01:16):
:D(lol) @ Antoinette the Racist Phony
Antoinette from De says to (00:01:26):
when you talk about killing me, you need to be shut up
JoeGoode says to (00:01:29):
Do you want all AA to go back to Africa?
JoeGoode says to (00:01:45):
What movement do you support?
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:01:49):
gets the movement to move back to africa is only fair
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:02:07):
kala is ahead of his time
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:02:14):
a great thinker
JoeGoode says to (00:02:17):
Oh, I see now. You want America all white.
bradleyc79 says to (00:02:20):
hayyyyyyy :@
StormBytes says to (00:02:30):
Is this a white power radio program?
BobUSMC says to (00:02:31):
hahah @ YOU Antoinette, so now I've threatened to kill you, huh?? you're on drugs because you're DILLUSIONAL!
JoeGoode says to (00:02:34):
Is that it Frank?
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:02:38):
he will go down in history--
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:02:43):
like jesus
Antoinette from De says to (00:02:47):
you said blacks, I am black
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:02:58):
glenn beck had more
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:03:17):
tea pary had 2 million
Dr Solo says to (00:03:18):
if white people whould have been good people ....there would be no neep for n.o.i or black panther party
BryanSmith0 says to (00:03:26):
glenn beck had to pay them to come(lol)
Dr Solo says to (00:03:30):
Antoinette from De says to (00:03:30):
perhaps I should give a copy of that to the fbi and have them look fo r yoou
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:03:42):
million man march was a scam
JoeGoode says to (00:03:44):
You have no life Francis.
bradleyc79 says to (00:03:45):
Nation of Islam (Tp)
Antoinette from De says to (00:03:54):
and then you can say I am a racistfor coming after you for for that reason
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:03:57):
luey stole all the money
WHEELOCK says to (00:04:02):
I doubt very seriously The Tea Party has 2 million members !
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:04:10):
but sang a good song
Dr Solo says to (00:04:26):
there was no damn money @frank
WHEELOCK says to (00:04:26):
Tea Party is a bigger scam
BobUSMC says to (00:04:30):
you smokin' crack, Antoinette, or just abusing psychotic pills??? you're out to lunch for dinner time
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:04:30):
movin on up--like george jefferson
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:04:49):
scares the libtarts
WHEELOCK says to (00:04:49):
Tea Party is just another racist group
BobUSMC says to (00:04:57):
you sure are imaging an awaful lot of stuff. has to be LSD you're on, I'd say.
bradleyc79 says to (00:04:58):
BobUSMC says to (00:05:12):
because you sure are trippin' hard!!!
BobUSMC says to (00:05:18):
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:05:23):
a prison gang--nation of islam
Antoinette from De says to (00:05:26):
that is your methods of choice not mine have to much to do to be foolish enoough to mess with that crap
Dr Solo says to (00:05:29):
sarah palin quit her damn job ...and rich is hell now off the tea party
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:05:32):
beenie caps
WHEELOCK says to (00:05:34):
Frank and Bob got married in NY last week....
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:05:34):
JoeGoode says to (00:05:36):
Kala, you need like minded people. Mute all the others
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:05:47):
come on wheelcock
WHEELOCK says to (00:05:57):
Bob and Frank sorry
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:05:59):
going downlow?
Dr Solo says to (00:06:18):
bob you reject marine stfu !!
BobUSMC says to (00:06:32):
yea joeGoode can't handle any opposing views that blow his false premises away factually.
BobUSMC says to (00:06:39):
kjust like te NAZI's couldn't either.
BobUSMC says to (00:06:40):
WHEELOCK says to (00:07:01):
Opposing views based on facts are always welcomed
JoeGoode says to (00:07:02):
I can handle opposing views. I just don't have the time for it.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:07:04):
no mo gov checks because of obama
BobUSMC says to (00:07:27):
BTW Antoinette, find your evidence. YOU CAN'T because it's ALL A LIE out of your racist mouth..
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:07:28):
wheelcock u got only 1 side
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:07:40):
the darkside
JoeGoode says to (00:07:44):
How will opposing views help me?
BobUSMC says to (00:07:49):
dr solo, show me YOUR DD214, you buffoon.
WHEELOCK says to (00:07:58):
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:08:01):
solo is a rat
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:08:25):
but ur to dumb to know it
Antoinette from De says to (00:08:35):
Bob go and scxxw yourself, and you are th buffoon
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:08:50):
brother kala let sarge tell the truth
*** (00:08:51):frankfromwestvirginia is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
StormBytes says to (00:08:54):
Where did you come up with this "Liberalism" definition?
WHEELOCK says to (00:08:59):
BOB, I HAVE 2 DD-214's
StormBytes says to (00:09:01):
There's no such thing as Liberalism.
BTC News Show says to (00:09:15):
WHEELCOCK is on an Equal Opportunity housing project after being kicked out of Wheelock. Dumbazz libtardfaggot.
JoeGoode says to (00:09:16):
Kala, who's radio show is this?
StormBytes says to (00:09:28):
the term "Liberal" refers to a VIEW POINT. It's not an ideology, it's a leaning.
JoeGoode says to (00:09:34):
Take control brother?
BTC News Show says to (00:09:35):
Sarge is doing a great job !
BTC News Show says to (00:09:43):
Sarge is the voice of reason here.
WHEELOCK says to (00:09:45):
BTC, eat shiit
JoeGoode says to (00:09:57):
Sarge is just full of emotion
BTC News Show says to (00:09:58):
Nice comeback WheelCock.
BobUSMC says to (00:09:59):
now now liar Antoinette, go cook some dinner for a man or soemthng productive where you can't tell all your lies. .
BryanSmith0 says to (00:10:12):
He is just F#CKING LOUD
JoeGoode says to (00:10:16):
Kala take control
BTC News Show says to (00:10:27):
It's supposed to be RANT night...
BTC News Show says to (00:10:28):
Antoinette from De says to (00:10:38):
your bentover boy wit no respect, lack of parents raising you right, that should of whipped your behind but did not but keep messing with me and you will see what your parents failed to give you
StormBytes says to (00:10:40):
Whoever thinks a US president can be a "liberal" is a moron.
JoeGoode says to (00:10:50):
Rant doesn't mean let people say anything
Dr Solo says to (00:10:51):
bob you fake marine ....stfu !!!!!!!!!!!
BTC News Show says to (00:10:53):
BryanSmith0 says to (00:11:05):
Nobody else is screaming incoherently into the phone
BTC News Show says to (00:11:27):
Where's J Fag tonight?
WHEELOCK says to (00:11:33):
Sarge gave Kala an upset stomach....
Kalagenesis says (00:11:59):
Yes he double talks
WHEELOCK says to (00:12:01):
BTC = Stupid
JoeGoode says to (00:12:04):
WL, why is your font so big?
BTC News Show says to (00:12:12):
STFU WheelCock, Sarge has more intellectual sense in his toe nail that you have years spent in high school.
BryanSmith0 says to (00:12:14):
Sarge is so full of it....It made me think i need to take a dump
BobUSMC says to (00:12:19):
oooooh, u a bad street beeetch, huh?? 8-| I'm soooooo scared, you phony liar RACIST.
BobUSMC says to (00:12:25):
HAHAHA @ Antoinette
BryanSmith0 says to (00:12:33):
somebody needs releif
BTC News Show says to (00:12:43):
WheelCock = No Originality in trying to sound intelligent.
BobUSMC says to (00:12:50):
LIAR LIAR pants on fire. (6)
Dr Solo says to (00:12:53):
these fools follow sarge ....damn i heard it all now
WHEELOCK says to (00:13:01):
lol....BTC you crackheads stick together....Sarge make sense to another idiot
WHEELOCK says to (00:13:12):
Like you BTC
Antoinette from De says to (00:13:20):
be very glad that i do not know wher you are i am no one's femle dog, i know you want to be that is why you are bent over
BTC News Show says to (00:13:32):
WheelCock - do you sound like a little girl so you have to have a big loud font in here to make up in your tiny mind?
WHEELOCK says to (00:13:44):
CrackHead Unity is Strong tonite
BobUSMC says to (00:13:48):
dr solo, would you like to make a VERY SIZABLE wager about my U.S. Marine service???
BobUSMC says to (00:13:53):
make my day!!!
BobUSMC says to (00:13:56):
BTC News Show says to (00:14:05):
The fact is WheelCock, that you are here to give Kala a reach-around. You need to start thinking for yourself.
*** (00:14:08):frankfromwestvirginia has been unmuted by Admin.
WHEELOCK says to (00:14:14):
BTC....U are giving me Gas !
BryanSmith0 says to (00:14:21):
they gotta stick together...there is only five of em....they have to do the "prop up the dead bodies" to make themselves look impressive:S
Dr Solo says to (00:14:44):
@bob i wish you were overseas getting your ass kickednow
BTC News Show says to (00:14:56):
No WheelCock, that is your brain attempting to commit suicide after trying to think a little. Dumbazz libtard Kala Rectal Cleaner.
BTC News Show says to (00:15:14):
BryanSmith is another Kala Rectal Cleaner.
BobUSMC says to (00:15:16):
ahhhh, so NOW you're threatening me, Antoinette?? You going to tell the FBI that??
Antoinette from De says to (00:15:26):
yes I am
Antoinette from De says to (00:15:37):
fo calling me out of my name
BobUSMC says to (00:15:38):
hahaha @ IDIOT Antoinette.
BTC News Show says to (00:15:47):
We are impressive, fag. SkypeAssholes has been kicking azz for 10 years now, fagboy.
BobUSMC says to (00:15:54):
Antoinette = wacist weeetard
Dr Solo says to (00:15:57):
@bob could you please act like a man for once in your life ....damn
BobUSMC says to (00:15:59):
Antoinette from De says to (00:16:03):
that is fine,, Ihave freinds that r agents
Antoinette from De says to (00:16:23):
bent over little boy
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:16:39):
most blacks die before they collect ss
BobUSMC says to (00:16:39):
well I'm right here at home Dr Solo, make my day, punk.
BobUSMC says to (00:16:44):
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:16:51):
shorter lives
Dr Solo says to (00:16:56):
@bob and you were a marine ???
BobUSMC says to (00:17:00):
BTC, lol.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:17:19):
bob tuskin rocks
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:17:24):
our leader
Dr Solo says to (00:17:30):
must been in charge of sunkin the poison out of snake bites @bob
BobUSMC says to (00:17:38):
dr solo, make the bet, douchey
BTC News Show says to (00:17:45):
WheelCock do you have something stuck down your throat right now, keeping you quiet?
Antoinette from De says to (00:17:46):
Dr. Solo, a marine reject that did not make it through basic training out on mental disorder
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:17:51):
solo is rat
BobUSMC says to (00:17:58):
put ALL your money where your fat mouth is.
BTC News Show says to (00:18:03):
You should stick to the reacharound, libtard fagboy.
BryanSmith0 says to (00:18:06):
I doubt he knows the proper definition of communisim either
Dr Solo says to (00:18:16):
bob i dont give a damn bout your wet dream
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:18:23):
wheelcock is only a muppet
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:18:34):
kals houseboy
Dr Solo says to (00:18:41):
frank your a troll...
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:18:46):
a waterboy
BobUSMC says to (00:18:47):
haha Antoinette, you're willing to bet all you own on that one? You're actually REALLY, REALLY stupid.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:19:17):
solo ur a rat
BTC News Show says to (00:19:28):
Dr Solo you are the king of the reacharound libtard fagboys in here, ya dumbazz trash digging rectal cleaner.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:19:52):
juvinille behavior--barrack
Antoinette from De says to (00:19:55):
it speaks for itself, I have already wasted to much time for you, kids like you should be put to bed now, good night little boy
BTC News Show says to (00:19:58):
Go fill your mouth with Kala's equipment again and stfu.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:20:06):
he is a war monger
Dr Solo says to (00:20:20):
@btc is that all you got
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:20:23):
wheelcock the waterboy
BTC News Show says to (00:20:42):
Like I would expend any effort on you, monkeyboy.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:20:48):
he is an african with no slave roots
Dr Solo says to (00:20:53):
wheelock is not responding to you guys
BobUSMC says to (00:21:03):
<:o) I'm going to sleep now Antoinette because you say so.. HOLD YOUR BREATH for that, eh.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:21:07):
could care less about the getto blacks
BobUSMC says to (00:21:09):
haha, IDIOT
BTC News Show says to (00:21:12):
Probably because you have him on all fours right now libtard.
WHEELOCK says to (00:21:12):
No Frank you can't drink from my toilet...BTC is scheduled this week
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:21:13):
spikes in jail
BryanSmith0 says to (00:21:27):
If frank is a far down do you have to go to find BTC (Backward Tepid C@cksuker??)
*** (00:21:29):frankfromwestvirginia is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Dr Solo says to (00:21:52):
bob picks on women ...your a great marine
BobUSMC says to (00:22:07):
Antoinette = racist (@)
Flyover Territory says to (00:22:12):
i believe in the Hank Johnson philosophy -- don't be too far on one side as it might tip over
BobUSMC says to (00:22:50):
I believe in calling out ALL Bullcrap, whether by female or faggot like you Dr Solo.
BobUSMC says to (00:23:00):
equality, ain't it great!!
BryanSmith0 says to (00:23:04):
Jarheads RULE!!!(lol) They don't know what to do with it when they catch it....but they stumble upon the right target eventually
Dr Solo says to (00:23:06):
bob tried to impress everyone with his sign in name
Dr Solo says to (00:23:26):
BobUSMC says to (00:23:47):
make that bet then Dr Solo, you buffoon.
BobUSMC says to (00:23:52):
*** (00:23:55):BobUSMC is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Flyover Territory says to (00:23:56):
know why Gy-renes have such well developed trapezoids & flat foreheads?
Flyover Territory says to (00:24:27):
cuz when you ask them a question, they just shrug their shoulders; when give the answer, they slap their forehead
Flyover Territory says to (00:24:38):
Dr Solo says to (00:24:42):
bob even has a damn pic of hiself in his impressed
BryanSmith0 says to (00:24:46):
If the guy had been ANYTHING....he would have a sign in name including "gunney".....otherwise just another ground pounder with a bad haircut
BryanSmith0 says to (00:25:13):
dam....a bad haircut
Flyover Territory says to (00:25:27):
it's so they can get that 'cover' on, Bryan
Flyover Territory says to (00:25:31):
Dr Solo says to (00:25:51):
is that you bob in the pic or one of your buddy who made it through boot camp ???
Flyover Territory says to (00:26:24):
GM only had to pay back 66%of the amount borrowed
Flyover Territory says to (00:26:29):
get the facts right
Flyover Territory says to (00:27:08):
PIK is THE worst thing the USDA ever did
*** (00:27:08):frankfromwestvirginia has been unmuted by Admin.
BryanSmith0 says to (00:27:29):
Did you oppose the BANK BAILOUTS....that was a republican idea
Flyover Territory says to (00:27:39):
yeah, i did
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:27:44):
nebraska farmers are rejecting subsidies
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:27:57):
corn is very profitabl4e
BryanSmith0 says to (00:28:05):
We need to END the Ethonol subsidies
Flyover Territory says to (00:28:05):
i also opposed the fact BoA was FORCED to take TARP money
BryanSmith0 says to (00:28:07):
Flyover Territory says to (00:28:10):
strong armed
Flyover Territory says to (00:28:15):
Flyover Territory says to (00:28:16):
ImmodusOperandi says to (00:28:23):
the bailout was a joint party idea. They BOTH VOTED TO PASS IT. Obvious to anyone with an IQ that is a joint decision and idea.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:28:24):
there plowing up the feilds
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:28:40):
corn is king
BryanSmith0 says to (00:28:45):
And Bush signed it
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:28:51):
wheats cat an alltime high
BryanSmith0 says to (00:28:53):
Bush called for it
ImmodusOperandi says to (00:29:02):
he was president at the time, of course he signed it
ImmodusOperandi says to (00:29:05):
*** (00:29:08):BobUSMC has been unmuted by Admin.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:29:10):
cotton is makin dirt farmer rich
BryanSmith0 says to (00:29:15):
McCain stopped his "campagin" in order to make sure it passed
Flyover Territory says to (00:29:23):
yeah, but 2nd go 'round is when BoA was forced
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:29:33):
the feds need to back off
Flyover Territory says to (00:29:34):
just like Goldman-Sachs
ImmodusOperandi says to (00:29:42):
and whomever was president during that time would have signed it as well as long as the common interest of big business was being protected as they profit by the billions from it.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:29:42):
no more welfare
Flyover Territory says to (00:29:46):
and Regions
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:29:49):
no more free food
Flyover Territory says to (00:29:51):
and the list goes on & on
BryanSmith0 says to (00:29:59):
It Was a republican idea....that Dems went for too....I am niether....but that is a whole different topic
BobUSMC says to (00:30:03):
you gots nuthin', absolutely nuthin', positively nuthin'.....
ImmodusOperandi says to (00:30:22):
same here Bryan
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:30:25):
put the welfare rats to work
JoeGoode says to (00:30:33):
This is useless.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:30:36):
ImmodusOperandi says to (00:30:36):
I think the whole rhetoric of both parties is tired out
*** (00:30:40):frankfromwestvirginia is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
BobUSMC says to (00:30:49):
Obama STOLE property from the Bond holders of the auto makers
BobUSMC says to (00:30:51):
BobUSMC says to (00:31:09):
Obama is a thief !!!!
Dr Solo says to (00:31:11):
where your proff bob ???
Flyover Territory says to (00:31:23):
not just that, you need to root out the fraud in the SSI & Welfare rolls
Dr Solo says to (00:31:35):
BryanSmith0 says to (00:31:36):
I see D's and R's as the same party being bought by insurance, pharmacuticals, industry, etc...etc.....they all get paid by the same ppl
Flyover Territory says to (00:31:43):
i'm gonna get muted for speaking facts... just watch
ImmodusOperandi says to (00:31:55):
agreed Bryan.
BobUSMC says to (00:32:16):
where's YOUR proof that I never served, you dumb dork? make that bet, azzhat
BobUSMC says to (00:32:33):
Flyover Territory says to (00:32:41):
just mute the d-bag, Bob
Flyover Territory says to (00:32:43):
WHEELOCK says to (00:32:46):
Exactly Bryan...People like Bob, Frank, BTC, Sarge just don't get it
Dr Solo says to (00:33:40):
@bob at your last statement, i dont care about you and your marine dream
Flyover Territory says to (00:34:00):
he wasn't raised by his mother very much.... most of that heavy lifting was left to the previous generation
Dr Solo says to (00:34:10):
@bob plus you pick on women so your still a punk anyway
BryanSmith0 says to (00:34:17):
SARGE.....grasp your mic firmy in your right hand....move your hand about 18 inches away from your face....thank you
BobUSMC says to (00:34:46):
naaaaa Fly, I want his money, if he's talking shiit about my service.
Flyover Territory says to (00:35:03):
i talk crap about your service
Flyover Territory says to (00:35:06):
or branch, rather
Flyover Territory says to (00:35:09):

BobUSMC says to (00:35:18):
dr solo, i pick on anybody who LIES
BobUSMC says to (00:35:23):
including YOU
BryanSmith0 says to (00:35:33):
Was John McCain born in the US??????
WHEELOCK says to (00:35:37):
Ok, Next Caller Sarge is boring !
Dr Solo says to (00:35:58):
@bob i see you pick on women a damn man for once
*** (00:36:08):frankfromwestvirginia has been unmuted by Admin.
BobUSMC says to (00:36:25):
well maybe Fly, but you're not dumb enough to say I never served.
WHEELOCK says to (00:36:27):
Bob hates women....but he loves his cows and chickens...
Flyover Territory says to (00:36:34):
wow... here we go; it was okay to vet the daylights outta McCain, but better *not* do so with Obama
Flyover Territory says to (00:36:46):
Flyover Territory says to (00:36:56):
oh, no... he din't!
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:37:05):
sarge is kickin arse
will the one who knows says to (00:37:14):
is this real
WHEELOCK says to (00:37:22):
Sarge isn't making sense he is just loud
BobUSMC says to (00:37:24):
wheel/solo, ur girl is a racist and a liar. just like you guyz are. haha.
*** (00:37:24):frankfromwestvirginia is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Dr Solo says to (00:37:55):
bob is a tough dude pickin on women ...amazing guy
Flyover Territory says to (00:37:57):
'birther movement' was initiated by the Hillary people
BryanSmith0 says to (00:38:09):
BobUSMC says to (00:38:18):
Antoinette = racist (@)
Dr Solo says to (00:38:33):
@bob im not a racist ...i just dont like you ...
Flyover Territory says to (00:38:34):
remember, Solo... the only thing more fun than picking on women & kids is OLD PEOPLE
WHEELOCK says to (00:38:35):
I drove thru W. sucked
BobUSMC says to (00:38:36):
Dr Solo = ^o)
Flyover Territory says to (00:38:41):
(they can't move so fast)
Antoinette from De says to (00:38:54):
grown woman, mother and grandmother and racist only in your inmature mine
BobUSMC says to (00:39:07):
if you don't like me, then I'm doing something very right.
Dr Solo says to (00:39:26):
@bob you think so ...
BobUSMC says to (00:39:48):
there's absolutely NO DOUBT that YOU ARE a RACIST, Antoinette. and a LIAR, too.
WHEELOCK says to (00:39:52):
Sarge is a liar
BobUSMC says to (00:40:09):
wheel's on ACID.
Dr Solo says to (00:40:15):
@ bob i hope no one picks on your wife or husband
WHEELOCK says to (00:40:23):
Bob you better hope not....
Flyover Territory says to (00:40:23):
gosh... Kala's asking 'yes/no' type questions & expects an answer
AfricaUnite2020 says to (00:40:31):
Is Sarge related to Pastor Manning??????????????
BobUSMC says to (00:40:32):
so is Antoinette and Solo
Flyover Territory says to (00:40:32): to see that on the other side of the coin
BryanSmith0 says to (00:40:44):
Bob....if the state gives me a certificate of live birth for YOU!!!!!!can I believe it???????If not why are states allowed to keep these records
BobUSMC says to (00:40:52):
Obama's HIDING something, obviously.
WHEELOCK says to (00:40:53):
WHEELOCK says to (00:41:33):
Sarge and his list of lies he got from his slavemassa
Dr Solo says to (00:41:34):
@bob you dont want no one picking on your wife or husband do you ????
BryanSmith0 says to (00:41:42):
Bush was a MORON...and ADMITTED IT
WHEELOCK says to (00:41:48):
Shoot yourself Bob
will the one who knows says to (00:42:10):
this is silly
BobUSMC says to (00:42:13):
where's Obama transcripts. Obama's an empty suit.
Flyover Territory says to (00:42:27):
here we go again... anyone who says or is sympathetic to the right is automatically classified as a "Tom" or "House Boy" or whatnot
Dr Solo says to (00:42:31):
bob was hit by friendly fire
WHEELOCK says to (00:42:31):
Very silly...This Old man is yelling..CALL 911
BobUSMC says to (00:42:35):
Obama SMOKES cigarettes, HOW NASTY!!!
Flyover Territory says to (00:42:46):
hey, Bob!
Flyover Territory says to (00:42:52):
i resemble that remark, dang it!
BobUSMC says to (00:42:54):
Obama smells like an ashtray!!!!8-|
BryanSmith0 says to (00:42:56):
Bush snorted coke
BobUSMC says to (00:43:02):
P U !!!!
Dr Solo says to (00:43:04):
@bob you smoke crack ....stfu
*** (00:43:08):frankfromwestvirginia has been unmuted by Admin.
Flyover Territory says to (00:43:16):
Obama DEALT the Peruvian Marching Powder!
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:43:18):
wheelcock needs to call in
Flyover Territory says to (00:43:18):
so there!
WHEELOCK says to (00:43:22):
Bob, smells like the outhouse
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:43:36):
he holds all the knowledge
WHEELOCK says to (00:43:44):
No Frank you can't beat off to my voice
Dr Solo says to (00:43:59):
Dr Solo says to (00:44:05):
SlimJim says to (00:44:06):
i'll be the mild one
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:44:07):
hitler was a racist
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:44:25):
didnt like jesse owens
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:44:37):
36 games--fact
Dr Solo says to (00:44:40):
that damn slimjim...8-)
WHEELOCK says to (00:44:49):
I don't like you Frank now what?
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:44:53):
hugo is a facist
Antoinette from De says to (00:45:05):
I rea
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:45:09):
thats fine
will the one who knows says to (00:45:13):
lets not up lift hitler tonight
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:45:16):
u go downlow
BryanSmith0 says to (00:45:37):
He is partially correct....but Hitler was NEVER "socialist" he was nationalist.....night of the long knives actually did get rid of most of the left....but hitler never liked them ANYWAY
Dr Solo says to (00:45:47):
@slimjim these guys make you look like a choir boy
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:45:51):
west virginia is like africa
BobUSMC says to (00:46:03):
wheel, solo and racist liar antoinette kiss Obama butt while he takes a dump.
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:46:16):
the corporation came here and raped our resourses
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:46:23):
then left
WHEELOCK says to (00:46:32):
Bob and Frank blows each other !
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:46:45):
we have the 7th biggest stae economy in the usa
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:47:11):
coal and timber and nat gas
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:47:23):
deer hunting
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:47:33):
BryanSmith0 says to (00:47:37):
Well at lest Frank....(from west virginia) don't have any teeth to get in the way
will the one who knows says to (00:47:40):
obama and hiler should never be in the same sentence
Flyover Territory says to (00:48:05):
don't leave out weed, Frank
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:48:06):
john denver loved wv
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:48:18):
Flyover Territory says to (00:48:19):
the 2nd biggest ca$h crop in WV
SlimJim says to (00:48:19):
u just mentioned them both in the same sentence
BobUSMC says to (00:48:22):
Obama STEALING from "small folk" :
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:48:25):
white widow
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:48:29):
Flyover Territory says to (00:48:49):
so did Bob Denver (aka Gilligan)
Flyover Territory says to (00:48:56):
but he loved the weed, too
frankfromwestvirginia says to (00:48:59):
obama has pushed the black unemployments rates to a new high
SlimJim says to (00:49:15):
gilligan smoked weed?
Flyover Territory says to (00:49:22):
ImhotepVII says to (00:49:29):
YES! Finally back in
Flyover Territory says to (00:49:34):
in the later years
ImhotepVII says to (00:49:50):
I'm listening on the phone
BryanSmith0 says to (00:49:51):
by fank(})
Dr Solo says to (00:49:57):
ImhotepVII says to (00:50:01):
I heard the whole thing
ImhotepVII says to (00:50:04):
ImhotepVII says to (00:50:17):
My wireless was jacked
Flyover Territory says to (00:50:22):
glad i saw that name, Im
Dr Solo says to (00:50:34):
kick out bob,btc,and
BryanSmith0 says to (00:50:34):
Sarge needs to be on 'modified' chill his azz out
Flyover Territory says to (00:50:34):
gotta re-watch "Bubba Hotep" this weekend
ImhotepVII says to Kalagenesis (private) (00:51:04):
Don't worry bruh, I heard the whole thingt on the phone
WHEELOCK says to (00:51:05):
Dr.Solo be kind to gay people they have rights now
BryanSmith0 says to (00:51:14):
Facist corporate socialism.....Communism "people" socialism
ImhotepVII says to Kalagenesis (private) (00:51:16):
My wireless was jacked
Dr Solo says to (00:51:32):
Antoinette from De says to (00:51:57):
hello beachbum
SlimJim says to (00:52:20):
the similarities between obama and carter administrations are getting scary.. inflation and interest rates would just about complete it
Flyover Territory says to (00:53:32):
that's next on the list, Slim
Pianki says to (00:53:35):
Obama said he can not guarantee SS Payments on August 3rd.
Antoinette from De says to (00:53:40):
imhotep i just put the batteries on charger for my wireless keyboard
Dr Solo says to (00:53:57):
@slimjim who could have been good for the u.s.a ,,,if obama was never in the picture ????
BryanSmith0 says to (00:53:58):
Obama drops his pants, bends over, and hands the republicans the KY....way too easily.....
Beachbum55 says to (00:54:11):
hi antoinette..(})
Flyover Territory says to (00:54:14):
gotta go, y'all... have a good night
Antoinette from De says to (00:54:25):
that i hate but son brought it for me
SlimJim says to (00:54:36):
why doesnt obama just keep the stuff people paid into like social security and not print the checks for the other free shiit
Antoinette from De says to (00:54:41):
how r u bb
BobUSMC says to (00:54:42):
Antoinette is a racist liar !!!
ImhotepVII says to (00:55:12):
ImhotepVII says to (00:55:15):
Pianki says to (00:55:27):
Entitlements payments will stop come Aug 3rd. Mayheim and riots will pursue.
Antoinette from De says to (00:55:28):
bent over go kiss your dog
BobUSMC says to (00:55:36):
Dr Solo says to (00:55:40):
bob is a true marine !!!!!!!!1
BryanSmith0 says to (00:55:56):
Social Security is one of THE most misunderstood programs we have.....SSI is directed by LAW the only place they can "invest" their money is T-Bonds
Dr Solo says to (00:56:21):
bob your right you are a marine !
ImhotepVII says to (00:56:32):
BobUSMC says to (00:56:37):
my dog is 100000% more honest than you, Antoinette.
Pianki says to (00:56:40):
SS and disability payments will not be made.
BryanSmith0 says to (00:57:21):
Better to miss one payment than lose any chance of COLA increases in the foreseeable future
Antoinette from De says to (00:57:27):
i do not need to lie little boy you r bad enough w/o adding fiction to it
Dr Solo says to (00:57:30):
@bob would did you do as a marine ????
BobUSMC says to (00:57:31):
dr solo, you could never be a marine, you're a wussy.
SlimJim says to (00:57:55):
too much fraud in disability..
SlimJim says to (00:58:11):
and food stamps.. and vouchers
Pianki says to (00:58:14):
Farm subsidies are entitlements. They will stop.
SlimJim says to (00:58:37):
we saw the fraud in the black farmer cash in too
Dr Solo says to (00:58:50):
@bob i heard you sucked the poison out of snake bites in desert storm that true bob...???
Antoinette from De says to (00:58:58):
bob i bet in your mind it is since u use your pet as a mate
BobUSMC says to (00:59:26):
you're such a phony Antoinette, it's hilarious. people are seeing right thru you now, though. LOL.
BryanSmith0 says to (00:59:29):
STOP Farm subsidies....some of those go to ppl who "own" farm land ..... these ppl live in NYC or Philly.....Dont pay farms for NOT growing crops
SlimJim says to (00:59:35):
far too many people feel its ok to take money they do not deserve..
Dr Solo says to (01:00:03):
@slimjim you take air you dont deserve
Pianki says to (01:00:03):
Americans who work abroad are angry for having to be taxed in two countries.
Antoinette from De says to (01:00:08):
better take it to vet to check for stds
SlimJim says to (01:00:45):
its not air anyone else created and worked hard for
Pianki says to (01:00:47):
Bye bye by.
Beachbum55 says to (01:01:04):
Dr Solo says to (01:01:07):
great show kala
Antoinette from De says to (01:01:15):
Pianki says to (01:01:25):
Dr Solo says to (01:01:26):
slimjim give us back our air
Antoinette from De says to (01:01:36):
great show kala
SlimJim says to (01:01:43):
if u created it, i'll give it back
Dr Solo says to (01:01:51):
Pianki says to (01:01:57):

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