Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Minstrel show

*** (23:00:20):Welcome to the Kalagenesis Chat Room.
Kalagenesis says (23:00:51):
The Neo Minstrel Age
Kalagenesis says (23:01:36):
Dealing with stereotypes
Kalagenesis says (23:01:51):
Boycott BET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kalagenesis says (23:02:03):
DesertRose says to (23:02:56):
(F) Peace
DesertRose says to (23:04:21):
I think Benji is getting worse in his hate.. someone should call his mom
DesertRose says to (23:04:26):
DesertRose says to (23:04:36):
(Tp) calling
Kalagenesis says (23:04:41):
Yes Ben is having a meltdown
Kalagenesis says (23:04:55):
He is losing his mind
DesertRose says to (23:05:06):
something is going on
DesertRose says to (23:05:13):
losing touch with reality
Kalagenesis says (23:05:23):
He is twisted
uBpJessie says to (23:06:32):
Kalagenesis says (23:06:38):
Hey Jess
Kalagenesis says (23:06:52):
The Voice of the Kala Nation on BTR
uBpJessie says to (23:06:57):
get me the name of this sone pls
uBpJessie says to (23:07:04):
Kalagenesis says (23:07:16):
I will try I got it off youtube
uBpJessie says to (23:07:21):
Kalagenesis says (23:07:33):
Its a Liberian song
Mr Holipsism says to (23:15:02):
uBpJessie says to (23:15:12):
kala pants saggers should meet fleece johnson
uBpJessie says to (23:16:43):
here kala
uBpJessie says to (23:16:47):
uBpJessie says to (23:20:33):
kala what was the name of the urban green project you talked about yesterday?
uBpJessie says to (23:26:51):
so have a tazer is considered being armed?
uBpJessie says to (23:38:22):
lol frank left
uBpJessie says to (23:52:59):
I think NYOIL peep that in one of his songs
J Dub says to (00:07:39):
there doing a pretty good job attacking & kiling the dumb ones
J Dub says to (00:10:15):
black repugs are self hating oppertunist
snake tuskin says to Kalagenesis (private) (00:12:09):
this is between u and me franks real name is fred and he hates being called by it
snake tuskin says to Kalagenesis (private) (00:13:03):
dude keep it down duh
snake tuskin says to Kalagenesis (private) (00:13:29):
you wernt spose to say it out load
snake tuskin says to Kalagenesis (private) (00:13:50):
how can i help u if you do that
snake tuskin says to Kalagenesis (private) (00:14:03):
dumb ***
pumpkin13 says to (00:26:04):
taokiller says to (00:32:03):
hey pumpkin
pumpkin13 says to (00:35:14):
HI tao!
ggt183 says to (00:45:32):
Hi Everybody
pumpkin13 says to (00:46:58):
Hi ggt!
taokiller says to (00:47:45):
whats up GGT
taokiller says to (00:51:38):
we are the only people who did not want to come to America
BobUSMC says to (00:52:20):
America's biggest enemies are white dorky liberals, by far.
Kalagenesis says (00:52:28):
BlackAchievement USA says to (00:52:45):
BobUSMC says to (00:52:46):
they're the cancer within
BobUSMC says to (00:53:31):
and they're also the enemy of minorities, too.
*** (00:53:33):BobUSMC is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (00:59:24):BobUSMC has been unmuted by Admin.
BobUSMC says to Kalagenesis (private) (00:59:56):
now Kala, why the censorship? ({)
pumpkin13 says to (01:00:42):
Have a good night folks.
BobUSMC says to (01:00:56):
America ROCKS!!! greatest country on earth!
BlackAchievement USA says to (01:02:00):
kala finally admits to his middle class bona fides
BlackAchievement USA says to (01:02:41):
nation building is a middle class ("bushsy") pursuit
Kalagenesis says (01:02:48):
BlackAchievement USA says to (01:03:12):
the underclass have no ideal what you are talking about
BlackAchievement USA says to (01:03:40):
the projects don't give a damn about africa---i lived it that is my upbringing

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