Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Night Sermon

*** (23:56:43):Welcome to the Kalagenesis Chat Room.
Kalagenesis says (23:57:07):
When there is a revolution among civilized people things take a turn for the better.A few years after the American Revolution the United States was a rich nation.The French Revolution built modern France.The Industrial Revolution gave us a high standard of
Kalagenesis says (23:58:23):
Dr King's Birmingham address
Kalagenesis says (23:58:28):
Kalagenesis says (00:00:39):
Welcome to the Sunday Night sermon
ImhotepVII says to (00:01:28):
Peace Kala. Peace room
NailsIbird says to (00:01:34):
In here
Kalagenesis says (00:01:38):
Thanks for joining Imhotep Nails guest
NailsIbird says to (00:01:50):
right on family
Kalagenesis says (00:02:02):
We got this thing on lock
ImhotepVII says to (00:02:12):
roger that.
ggt183 says to (00:02:15):
Whats up Kala
Kalagenesis says (00:02:14):
We are winning
Kalagenesis says (00:02:19):
Kalagenesis says (00:03:02):
Welcome everyone as we talk about an American icon
NailsIbird says to (00:03:38):
Are you going to speak on those brothers that were framed in Namibia
ggt183 says to (00:03:40):
Kalagenesis says (00:03:48):
I will mention them
NailsIbird says to (00:03:58):
aabbcc says to (00:04:16):
whassup germaine
Kalagenesis says (00:04:19):
This should alarm anyone who is thinking of traveling in Africa
aabbcc says to (00:04:30):
long time no see
Kalagenesis says (00:04:43):
Welcome Antoinette
NailsIbird says to (00:04:52):
Yep, but not deter them, just inform them so they will be more prepared
Kalagenesis says (00:04:56):
This is the Sunday Night sermon
ImhotepVII says to (00:05:06):
@Nailsbird Whoa, when did this happen? What happened?
Kalagenesis says (00:05:19):
Last year
Mary13531 says to (00:05:22):
An! :-*
ggt183 says to (00:05:24):
Mary13531 says to (00:05:33):
Germaine! :-*
NailsIbird says to (00:05:35):
Two brothers from America were framed for killing a white afrikanner in namibia
ImhotepVII says to (00:05:42):
Wow, I'm waaaay late
ImhotepVII says to (00:05:50):
Antoinette from De says to (00:05:53):
Hello Kala, abc, Germaine, guests, Imhotep, Mary and Nails
NailsIbird says to (00:05:53):
I found it on a white afrikanner blog page
NailsIbird says to (00:05:59):
Hey Ant
ImhotepVII says to (00:06:04):
Hey Antoinette
ImhotepVII says to (00:06:07):
NailsIbird says to (00:06:12):
Kala found out that they were indeed framed
ImhotepVII says to (00:06:19):
ImhotepVII says to (00:06:22):
By whom?
NailsIbird says to (00:07:20):
By the namibian police
ImhotepVII says to (00:07:33):
NailsIbird says to (00:07:42):
NailsIbird says to (00:07:48):
^^^here's the story
ImhotepVII says to (00:08:36):
NailsIbird says to (00:08:47):
And here's the original white afrikanner blog that I found it on that tried to demonize the brothers
NailsIbird says to (00:08:49):
ImhotepVII says to (00:09:18):
NailsIbird says to (00:09:34):
I want to keep up with this story
Antoinette from De says to (00:09:50):
ty Nails
NailsIbird says to (00:10:06):
We are in the SAME economic position relevant to white as after slavery
NailsIbird says to (00:10:13):
YW Ant
ImhotepVII says to (00:10:28):
I thnk so Kala
Mary13531 says to (00:11:02):
Slavery isn't over. I heard the other day there are 27 million in slavery today
ImhotepVII says to (00:11:19):
Correct Kala
ImhotepVII says to (00:11:36):
@Mary Where? Mauritania?
ImhotepVII says to (00:11:52):
or just globally?
Antoinette from De says to (00:12:03):
don't know the amount but there are in some countries
Mary13531 says to (00:12:04):
ImhotepVII says to (00:12:50):
Yes. Sadly you still find the practice in a lot of Muslim countries
ImhotepVII says to (00:13:07):
Not jsut Muslim, but a good part
ImhotepVII says to (00:13:14):
Mary13531 says to (00:13:15):
In the US, too, when you think about sex slaves
ImhotepVII says to (00:13:35):
Yes, and the peonage in the Deep South
Antoinette from De says to (00:13:39):
and can not lv out the prison slaves
Mary13531 says to (00:13:53):
That too
ImhotepVII says to (00:13:59):
Yes Antoinettte
ImhotepVII says to (00:14:21):
The prison-industrial complex is the new plantation
NailsIbird says to (00:14:29):
Sex trafficing in the US is mostly foreign imported not domestic
ImhotepVII says to (00:14:36):
ImhotepVII says to (00:14:39):
Antoinette from De says to (00:14:50):
yes and something that truly needs to be fixed
ImhotepVII says to (00:15:10):
E.Europe is a huger trafricker
Antoinette from De says to (00:15:10):
but how is the question
Mary13531 says to (00:15:28):
Perhaps by being law-abiding?
NailsIbird says to (00:15:45):
It's old white guys & jews(not to gerneralize) buying eastern european & asian women
Mary13531 says to (00:16:25):
It doesn't have anything to do with race
ImhotepVII says to (00:16:26):
The heart of people need to change@Ant If that changes, then you would see that drop
Antoinette from De says to (00:16:28):
Mary that would also mean having honest law officals, that are not out making quotas
Antoinette from De says to (00:16:42):
honest judges
Mary13531 says to (00:17:03):
It's all about greed
Antoinette from De says to (00:17:07):
true to Mary and Imhotrp
ImhotepVII says to (00:17:11):
NailsIbird says to (00:17:15):
That's why I said not to generalize, but for the most part that's what it is
ImhotepVII says to (00:17:18):
NailsIbird says to (00:17:30):
Hell there's even FEMALE sex trafficers
ggt183 says to (00:17:54):
Slavery..unfortuntely yields great wealth to slave labor
ImhotepVII says to (00:17:57):
The love of money crosses race and gender
Mary13531 says to (00:18:16):
Greater wealth to the slave traders
ggt183 says to (00:18:21):
Mary13531 says to (00:19:05):
There's nothing wrong with integration
ggt183 says to (00:19:08):
pure expolitation
African Warlord X says to (00:19:53):
Peace, Kala.
ImhotepVII says to (00:19:56):
@Mary Agreed, as long as its a real integration. The one from the 60's was a pacification technique
African Warlord X says to (00:20:02):
Martin Luther King is a coon for the white man.
Antoinette from De says to (00:20:04):
hello Warlod
ImhotepVII says to (00:20:05):
Warlord X
ggt183 says to (00:20:07):
warlord x!!
NailsIbird says to (00:20:10):
I have no problem with PHYSICAL intergration in AMERICA as long as it's done from a nationalist prospective, and economcially benifits black people
African Warlord X says to (00:20:10):
Hello, Antoinette.
African Warlord X says to (00:20:14):
Hello, Germaine.
African Warlord X says to (00:20:22):
Nothing. What's happening with you?
Mary13531 says to (00:20:35):
Why shouldn't it benefit both?
NailsIbird says to (00:20:54):
MLK was a brave man that was mislead. %99 of negros today would never have to courage to do what he did at the time
African Warlord X says to (00:20:59):
Lets praise the Muslim brotherhood. They just want to kill Jews.
ImhotepVII says to (00:21:09):
ggt183 says to (00:21:17):
ImhotepVII says to (00:21:35):
Gotta diagree there my dear brother :)
NailsIbird says to (00:21:49):
It should be mutual beneficial. But I'm black/African so that's who I'm concerned with first of foremost
Antoinette from De says to (00:21:55):
Warlord no love you
African Warlord X says to (00:22:06):
Kala, what do you want me to do with that Jewish racist terrorist extremist Ben Solomon>
African Warlord X says to (00:22:08):
NailsIbird says to (00:22:10):
*first & foremost
African Warlord X says to (00:22:19):
Ben Solomon eats tuna on rye. I agree with you, Kala.
ggt183 says to (00:22:33):
ohhh..hes just trying to piss off Ben
ggt183 says to (00:22:36):
African Warlord X says to (00:22:38):
Then they sold out to the white man.
Mary13531 says to (00:22:54):
Warlord is a racist
ImhotepVII says to (00:23:04):
No, he's not
African Warlord X says to (00:23:05):
Yep. But tI have the left shielding me, Mary.
ImhotepVII says to (00:23:22):
I know him.
African Warlord X says to (00:23:40):
I'm not a racist. I just hate Jews.
African Warlord X says to (00:23:50):
especially tuna on rye Ben Solomon.
Mary13531 says to (00:24:09):
I'm in the wrong room (})
African Warlord X says to (00:24:22):
Kala, what happened to your white girlfriend? why did you kick her out?
NailsIbird says to (00:24:44):
Like Kala said we have no friends or enemies. ONly interest.
ImhotepVII says to (00:24:44):
African Warlord X says to (00:24:48):
Are you breaking up with her? I saw the picture of you kissing her on My Space.
ImhotepVII says to (00:24:56):
Antoinette from De says to (00:26:24):
both but 1 on vet war
ImhotepVII says to (00:26:27):
The King who called America to the carpet
ImhotepVII says to (00:26:53):
"I can hear God say tom America: "You are too arrogant!" "
Antoinette from De says to (00:26:55):
yes that is the one w/ the bad check
Antoinette from De says to (00:27:15):
insufficent funds
ImhotepVII says to (00:27:22):
ImhotepVII says to (00:27:54):
Broke, busted, disgraced, shameless...shal I continue?
Team Afrika says to (00:27:57):
Can't compare...have to be careful with criticizing the Civil Rights movement while we enjoy the fruits of their labor
ImhotepVII says to (00:28:01):
ImhotepVII says to (00:28:50):
@Team Afrika The CRM was good, but it was incomplete
ImhotepVII says to (00:29:08):
The problem is we got comfortable
NailsIbird says to (00:29:16):
Israel, South Korea, And even the nations of Afrika to an extent
NailsIbird says to (00:29:29):
we can go down the line
ImhotepVII says to (00:29:50):
We thought getting the corporate jobs and moving to the suburbs was "making it".
Team Afrika says to (00:30:18):
Different goals...when you have no food in the house, you will settle for crackers. Once you get those crackers, then you start thinking different.
ImhotepVII says to (00:30:28):
Team Afrika says to (00:30:40):
The problem is we have not built anything upon their foundation
Antoinette from De says to (00:30:49):
true but it is something that should of been passed down to our children
Kalagenesis says (00:30:49):
East Coast says to (00:30:50):
Evening all
Black African Warlord X says to (00:30:52):
ImhotepVII says to (00:30:53):
The 60's was the first phase, we are now in the second
Black African Warlord X says to (00:31:16):
i had to log in, bc i saw some clown impersonating me earlier
ImhotepVII says to (00:31:29):
Antoinette from De says to (00:31:32):
hello East Coast
NailsIbird says to (00:31:35):
Oh wait that wasn't you X?
Black African Warlord X says to (00:31:38):
hold up, i'm hearing an echo with this calller
ImhotepVII says to (00:31:39):
That wasn't you?
Black African Warlord X says to (00:31:47):
no, that wasn't me
East Coast says to (00:31:51):
Antoinette, Bob, Hotep, Nails, Warload
NailsIbird says to (00:31:57):
I thought something was kind of fishy with the guy when he started speaking ill of MLK
Antoinette from De says to (00:32:00):
Warlord that happens to you on ggt's shows also
ImhotepVII says to (00:32:09):
Peace East Coast
Black African Warlord X says to (00:32:15):
yes, Ben is a coward
ImhotepVII says to (00:32:28):
And insulted Mary
ImhotepVII says to (00:32:45):
That ticks me off
Team Afrika says to (00:32:46):
Yeah, whites withstood the sixties. We have been sleepwalking in our defeat for over 40 years now.
Antoinette from De says to (00:32:46):
but I know it is not you brcause the way how you address e
Antoinette from De says to (00:32:55):
ImhotepVII says to (00:34:27):
Hooah Marine!
Team Afrika says to (00:35:36):
Negroes, Nationalists, the Conscious community..i.e. almost all blacks in America are scared and cowardly
NailsIbird says to (00:36:02):
A naitonalist can be in the interest of his nation and the people of his nation WHERE EVER HE his, even in the middle of europe
NailsIbird says to (00:36:09):
^^^I chose nationalism
ImhotepVII says to (00:36:12):
Think so@TA
ImhotepVII says to (00:37:28):
This is true Kala, sad and true
Team Afrika says to (00:38:07):
Nobody in our community wants to make a sacrifice. We all have carved out a comfortable niche in America and we are not giving up our cell phones, big screen TVs, slick cars or jobs to build anything.
Black African Warlord X says to (00:38:51):
finally, my computer is almost functional ( i don't hear an echo anymore ).
ImhotepVII says to (00:38:57):
Sadly I have to say that is true. That may change soon.
Antoinette from De says to (00:39:39):
that is good Warlord
ImhotepVII says to (00:40:01):
Warlord got skills.
NailsIbird says to (00:40:02):
*Going grab a bit to eat, family. BRB
ImhotepVII says to (00:40:06):
Black African Warlord X says to (00:40:21):
lol @ Imhotep
Black African Warlord X says to (00:41:28):
and the brother K's moved to mississippi
Team Afrika says to (00:41:52):
We all need to be moving to Mississippi
Black African Warlord X says to (00:41:54):
hello bro k. i know you're here
ImhotepVII says to (00:42:10):
@Team Why?
Black African Warlord X says to (00:42:26):
he's a plant @ I-hotep
Team Afrika says to (00:42:32):
Black African Warlord X says to (00:42:50):
yes. and those masses own and control nothing
Team Afrika says to (00:43:19):
And what is different anywhere in America?
Black African Warlord X says to (00:44:27):
where do you suggest we live TA
Team Afrika says to (00:45:03):
I would suggest Jefferson County.
Black African Warlord X says to (00:45:33):
did you take your paxil today ?
Black African Warlord X says to (00:46:16):
how can i become part of your team ?
Black African Warlord X says to (00:46:49):
why don't we build some mud huts, and be in touch with the soil ?
Black African Warlord X says to (00:48:06):
where did osama-bin solomon go ?
ImhotepVII says to (00:48:07):
@TA What is in Jefferson County?
Antoinette from De says to (00:48:11):
Warlord I'm a country girl,use to lay in the mud, don't want tolive in a hut ade of ud
Team Afrika says to (00:48:28):
Antoinette from De says to (00:48:37):
play sorry not lay
ImhotepVII says to (00:48:43):
So you suggest a colony there?
Team Afrika says to (00:49:54):
Not a colony exactly, just a general move for those who can and can make it down there.
Black African Warlord X says to (00:54:15):
haley barbour = mark sanford on crack
ImhotepVII says to (00:59:58):
He is used as a disarming point
Kalagenesis says (01:01:04):
ImhotepVII says to (01:01:40):
Black African Warlord X says to (01:01:46):
did the circus shut down early
Team Afrika says to (01:02:11):
That message has been driven home, the Occupy Movement was just a copy cat.
NailsIbird says to (01:02:48):
Black African Warlord X says to (01:03:21):
ben sodomizon is back !
ImhotepVII says to (01:03:35):
Did you same me some@Nailsbird? lol
NailsIbird says to (01:03:53):
NailsIbird says to (01:04:00):
Oh food lol
NailsIbird says to (01:04:02):
naw brah
ImhotepVII says to (01:04:07):
NailsIbird says to (01:04:19):
I done digested it alreay
NailsIbird says to (01:04:22):
ImhotepVII says to (01:04:40):
Yes, yes he was.
ImhotepVII says to (01:04:46):
Kalagenesis says (01:04:50):
208 421 4125
NailsIbird says to (01:04:54):
He could be calling from google voice
NailsIbird says to (01:05:03):
You can get fake numbers from there
Black African Warlord X says to (01:05:13):
ill call him now
NailsIbird says to (01:05:35):
A lot of trolls use google voice to troll people
NailsIbird says to (01:06:01):
Here comes the yelling conservative
NailsIbird says to (01:06:03):
ImhotepVII says to Kalagenesis (private) (01:06:52):
It was a cellphone that allegedly orginated near Twin Falls, Idaho
Kalagenesis says to ImhotepVII (private) (01:07:00):
NailsIbird says to (01:07:07):
No you'll make the white people happy
NailsIbird says to (01:07:13):
not everybody will be mad at you
Black African Warlord X says to (01:07:37):
that fool just about messed in his pants !!!!!!!!!!!
JoeGoode says to (01:09:09):
One at a time please
ImhotepVII says to (01:10:09):
Did I hear this man right?
JoeGoode says to (01:10:21):
This is one man's opinion
Antoinette from De says to (01:10:56):
yes pls tell us why Sar
Team Afrika says to (01:11:44):
This is just stupid...America was the USSR #1 trade partner
ImhotepVII says to (01:11:51):
Yes, he has it twisted
Measure of Faith says to (01:12:04):
lo Sarge is on the money
Measure of Faith says to (01:12:11):
Sarge rocks
Measure of Faith says to (01:13:02):
wrong prior to the civil war 80% of blacks in american were self employed
ImhotepVII says to (01:13:09):
Communism is a joke
NailsIbird says to (01:13:52):
Racism goes beyond a political ideology
ImhotepVII says to (01:14:03):
Yes it does
JoeGoode says to (01:14:43):
Communism is a joke? Tell that to the Chinese who will be running the world soon.
Measure of Faith says to (01:15:19):
the chinese are not communists in their economic system
NailsIbird says to (01:15:25):
That's what make a difference in being an AMERICAN hero and being a BLACK hero
Measure of Faith says to (01:15:40):
nor do you need to worry about the chinese running the world
ImhotepVII says to (01:15:42):
I meant that terms of how it undermines some basic human rights
ImhotepVII says to (01:16:11):
It erases individualism
Antoinette from De says to (01:16:18):
anything to take credit from any accomplishments that blacks make
JoeGoode says to (01:16:53):
Why don't I have to worry MoF? You think the Chinese man will treat the Af. Amer. man any better?
Measure of Faith says to (01:16:54):
martin Luther King was a serial adulterer
ImhotepVII says to (01:17:17):
Ok, stop right there MoF
Team Afrika says to (01:17:22):
MoF....Name 3 women he had affairs with?
Black African Warlord X says to (01:17:37):
better than being a priest who doggie styles little boys for kicks
Measure of Faith says to (01:17:37):
lol mary jane and ann
Team Afrika says to (01:18:14):
So it was just a tactic to piss on his name without fact
Measure of Faith says to (01:18:30):
ImhotepVII says to (01:18:50):
At that time, if ANYONE called the U.S. to the carpet for its behavior, they were called "Communists"
Measure of Faith says to (01:18:55):
MLK was a serial adulterer even coretta scott king has spoken about his infidelities
Mr Holipsism says to (01:19:08):
Damn....I tune in and the first thing I hear is a boot lickin' Negro
ImhotepVII says to (01:19:22):
Hey Mr. Holipsism
NailsIbird says to (01:19:23):
ScaVen says to (01:19:25):
^^ (lol)
NailsIbird says to (01:19:31):
Call in
NailsIbird says to (01:19:37):
destroy em
Antoinette from De says to (01:19:43):
hello Mr. Holisism long time
Antoinette from De says to (01:19:57):
Measure of Faith says to (01:20:01):
all the dole check receivers defending their dole distributing black masters
Mr Holipsism says to (01:20:08):
Peace Imhotep, Antoinette...Family!
Measure of Faith says to (01:20:36):
the saddest thing in the black community is the black leaders perpetuating the dole desire
ImhotepVII says to (01:20:49):
So does Sarge believe in "states rights"?
Antoinette from De says to (01:20:57):
check the data robert it is more whites then blacks that rec entitlements
Measure of Faith says to (01:20:57):
yes he does
Mr Holipsism says to (01:21:00):
Can you please get this boot lickin' Negro off the line?
Kalagenesis says (01:21:10):
Black African Warlord X says to (01:21:11):
ImhotepVII says to (01:21:25):
@MoF WHAT Black "leaders"?
Measure of Faith says to (01:21:26):
sure ant thats because there are 900 times more whites than blacks
NailsIbird says to (01:21:36):
I'd would rather talk to like minded nationalist about missions in AFrican then listen to a debate with this guy
Mr Holipsism says to (01:21:37):
I reject what you have to say
Mr Holipsism says to (01:21:40):
Good bye
Mr Holipsism says to (01:21:42):
Measure of Faith says to (01:21:45):
imho al sharpton jessie jackson
Mr Holipsism says to (01:21:49):
NailsIbird says to (01:22:00):
Just my opinion
NailsIbird says to (01:22:02):
Measure of Faith says to (01:22:10):
name any black leader and you'll be pretty sure to find a dole deserving message
Measure of Faith says to (01:22:22):
"we are owed" its a sad joke
Mr Holipsism says to (01:22:24):
White guys. Priceless
JoeGoode says to (01:22:26):
People are always ignorant when they disagree with Sarge
ImhotepVII says to (01:22:32):
Um, they are not "leaders" of the Black community@MoF
Mr Holipsism says to (01:22:38):
White men are his heros
ImhotepVII says to (01:22:40):
they don't speak for all of us
Black African Warlord X says to (01:22:40):
Measure of Faith says to (01:22:42):
sure they are
ImhotepVII says to (01:22:51):
Not mine
Mr Holipsism says to (01:23:03):
I love how he glosses over chattel slavery like it was littering
Measure of Faith says to (01:23:03):
not all but they feed the message of dole deserving due
Black African Warlord X says to (01:23:09):
an honorary member of the kkk
NailsIbird says to (01:23:18):
I agree the phone lines need to be cut on this guy.
ImhotepVII says to (01:23:21):
Ok, gotta call in.
Team Afrika says to (01:23:23):
So this clown can forgive the "founding fathers" for owning slaves but wants to tear down MLK for doing business with communists?
Antoinette from De says to (01:23:29):
Imhotep to robert they are, if you do not agree w/ him your wrong and racist
NailsIbird says to (01:23:35):
American would call them international terriorist
ScaVen says to (01:23:37):
indeed Afrika lol
Measure of Faith says to (01:23:43):
I am not a racist
NailsIbird says to (01:23:48):
The hypocricy of this nation
Measure of Faith says to (01:23:51):
nor do I call anyone a racist
Mr Holipsism says to (01:23:51):
These clowns must be in heaven now that they have a forum they can be heard in again. These Negroes disappeared off the planet during Kala's hiatus.
Black African Warlord X says to (01:24:13):
Measure of Faith says to (01:24:22):
the message spread to the black community regarding black history in america is mostly fable and flat out lies
Team Afrika says to (01:24:27):
Not sure why Kala entertains them
Mr Holipsism says to (01:24:37):
They can't hold their own with a show or forum because no one is listening to them
JoeGoode says to (01:24:39):
Kala likes to argue
Black African Warlord X says to (01:24:49):
i thought sarge had gotten strung up down there in georgia
Mr Holipsism says to (01:25:00):
don't worry. It's not too late
NailsIbird says to (01:25:06):
I would rather build with liked minded folks than argue with these guys every day
JoeGoode says to (01:25:20):
Mr Holipsism says to (01:25:27):
Does Sarge support Ron Paul or Mitt Romney?
Measure of Faith says to (01:25:32):
the saddest fact in slavery is that african leaders sold their own people into slavery as though they were property and not human beings
Team Afrika says to (01:25:35):
They didn't because they did not consider black folks ever getting this far
Black African Warlord X says to (01:26:03):
listen to this fool
Mr Holipsism says to (01:26:10):
Defend your master, Kunta
Black African Warlord X says to (01:26:15):
Mr Holipsism says to (01:26:21):
I love it
Measure of Faith says to (01:26:31):
lol sd that the truth is so foreign to y'all
Mr Holipsism says to (01:26:36):
This is what we call in the streets, "bodying yourself"
Mr Holipsism says to (01:27:08):
Measure of ***, I take it you are a fan of this coon, huh?
Team Afrika says to (01:27:19):
Oh, he loves him.
Measure of Faith says to (01:27:25):
no person desreves anything extra because of skin color nor should any person be denied anything because of skin color
Black African Warlord X says to (01:27:31):
i bet sarge's podiatrist is a millionare. all of that buckdancing sarge does has probably created plenty of bunions for him to remove
Mr Holipsism says to (01:27:43):
Good. Another coon whose keystrokes i don't have to view
Team Afrika says to (01:27:51):
MofF...that is the white man's creed right after he has everything
Mr Holipsism says to (01:28:11):
I like to keep my chat coon free
Mr Holipsism says to (01:28:16):
Measure of Faith says to (01:28:17):
lol you fools put down your own for not towing the fable that y'all deserve extra
Antoinette from De says to (01:28:21):
MOF is not black
Mr Holipsism says to (01:28:34):
No, MOF is blocked.
Measure of Faith says to (01:28:37):
you keep dweeling on the past and you miss the current and you'll fail in the future
ImhotepVII says to (01:28:51):
Dwelling on the past?
Black African Warlord X says to (01:28:55):
yawn @ MOF
Measure of Faith says to (01:29:00):
yes the past
ImhotepVII says to (01:29:08):
I'm sorry, the racist system form the past is still in the present
Measure of Faith says to (01:29:17):
slavery and segregation are all past matters not current issues
Black African Warlord X says to (01:29:18):
why don't you teabaggers get over bho winning the election
NailsIbird says to (01:29:39):
Nobody's talking about being owed anything.....We are talking about building OUR OWN for US
markhensby says to (01:29:49):
hi everyone
Antoinette from De says to (01:29:58):
hello Mark
Measure of Faith says to (01:30:01):
go build it quit belly-aching about the past
Antoinette from De says to (01:30:10):
yes love that one
NailsIbird says to (01:30:17):
WHy do you people give that kneejerk respone to everything to everything that isn't a black person licking your boots
NailsIbird says to (01:30:52):
We talk about the past as a reference to now and the future. Point is we're not trying to get you to GIVE us anythinhg
NailsIbird says to (01:31:15):
Don't tell us what we can talk about, though.
NailsIbird says to (01:31:23):
WHo the hell do you think you are
Measure of Faith says to (01:31:29):
more whites in america fought to end slavery and died in the process than there were slave holders
Mr Holipsism says to (01:31:39):
Nails, they know that. They just love us and what us to keep them at the center of our universe. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. There isn't any miscommunication
ImhotepVII says to (01:31:55):
that is true and no one is taking from that @MoF
Black African Warlord X says to (01:32:01):
Measure of Faith says to (01:32:29):
so why is it a black white thing and not a simple rights and truth issue
markhensby says to (01:32:49):
Is MLK still relevant? That's a very good question.
Measure of Faith says to (01:32:56):
why does skin color matter?
NailsIbird says to (01:33:12):
I could go into the real reason whites in the north want to end slavery, to get rid of the south's economic advatage, but that's irrelavent. Point is we're not ASKING for anything
Team Afrika says to (01:33:19):
Ain't none of them groups going to bust a grape
JoeGoode says to (01:33:26):
MoF - ask the white man that question.
Mr Holipsism says to (01:33:34):
I don't even believe they want to destroy Barack Obama. I just think they want to keep the country racially polarized as a distraction
ImhotepVII says to (01:33:44):
Look up "White Privledge"@MoF
Antoinette from De says to (01:33:59):
no Kala that is ROBERT
Kalagenesis says (01:34:10):
Ok Robert lol
Kalagenesis says (01:34:17):
Ben's buddy
NailsIbird says to (01:34:24):
We're black people with BLACK specific issues & solutions. What's so hard to understand about that
Mr Holipsism says to (01:34:36):
By all accounts, Barack Obama is an establishment Politician. He is about as radical to the system as the CEO of Goldman Sachs
NailsIbird says to (01:34:40):
*black people talking about
Mr Holipsism says to (01:34:59):
But, he isn't alone
Measure of Faith says to (01:35:31):
<--- Robert not lee
Mr Holipsism says to (01:35:32):
it isn't like anyone else wouldn't lick the boots of the financial industry like he does
Kalagenesis says (01:35:34):
Measure of Faith says to (01:35:43):
I am in your que take my call
Mr Holipsism says to (01:35:45):
not me
Kalagenesis says (01:35:48):
Mr Holipsism says to (01:35:52):
I'm listening online
Kalagenesis says (01:35:56):
Mr Holipsism says to (01:36:15):
You going into overtime, Kala?
Measure of Faith says to Kalagenesis (private) (01:36:21):
I am in your que take y call
Kalagenesis says (01:36:27):
Mr Holipsism says to (01:36:42):
Ok. I'll try and call in before the live show ends
Mr Holipsism says to (01:37:23):
oh boy, here we go
JoeGoode says to (01:37:38):
Can't wait to hear this
Team Afrika says to (01:37:44):
ImhotepVII says to (01:38:01):
Oy gevalt...
ImhotepVII says to (01:38:07):
Team Afrika says to (01:38:25):
LOL...self-employed slaves
Mr Holipsism says to (01:38:51):
I guess he was one of the white people stopping the other white folks from burning down Black Wallstreet
Mr Holipsism says to (01:39:30):
This is why I don't allow white folks to even participate in Black Discussions.
Black African Warlord X says to (01:39:44):
where do these people come from ? hasn't he heard of the fugitive slave act
NailsIbird says to (01:39:57):
Chattle slavery generated a lot of money for the WHOLE nation
Mr Holipsism says to (01:40:13):
Mute him
NailsIbird says to (01:40:17):
It funded the industrial revelution in the north
NailsIbird says to (01:40:30):
Most slaves WERE CAPTURED not sold
Mr Holipsism says to (01:40:45):
I'm going to eat this fool up
ImhotepVII says to (01:40:52):
Planet of the APES?!?!?
Antoinette from De says to (01:40:54):
Mr Holipsism says to (01:41:01):
I'm going to eat his ass straight the *** up
NailsIbird says to (01:41:03):
@I agree MUTE this F**k
JoeGoode says to (01:41:15):
Now we talking Apes?
Mr Holipsism says to (01:41:29):
the reality is that the European orchestrated the entire concept
NailsIbird says to (01:41:45):
Call in @Holipsism please
Measure of Faith says to (01:41:58):
I fully agree that whites buying blacks is deplorable
ScaVen says to (01:41:58):
great point kala
NailsIbird says to (01:42:01):
save us from this diatribe
Antoinette from De says to (01:42:03):
true Mr. Holpsism
Mr Holipsism says to (01:42:09):
When the concept of using Afrikan slaves for free labor was introduced where there any Afrikans at the meeting?
Measure of Faith says to (01:42:24):
but the denial that African leaders sold their people is ridiculous
NailsIbird says to (01:42:32):
Most slaves were CAPTURED not sold. What do people not understand
Mr Holipsism says to (01:42:33):
These clowns are so full of monkey feces
Antoinette from De says to (01:43:06):
who sold your race here Robert
Mr Holipsism says to (01:43:20):
No one denies the Afrikan involvement in the slave trade. But for the white man to point to the Afrikan is similar to what a child does when it gets caught doing something wrong.
Measure of Faith says to (01:43:26):
the british starved my ancestors out of our homeland
Antoinette from De says to (01:43:27):
when there were white slaves also
Measure of Faith says to (01:43:43):
I am irish many of my people came here as slaves
NailsIbird says to (01:43:49):
There were white indintured servants
Mr Holipsism says to (01:43:53):
if "well, he did it too" doesn't work for children how the F do they expect it to work for them?
NailsIbird says to (01:43:56):
not chattle slaves
Mr Holipsism says to (01:44:34):
No, Mr. White man, you are not getting a get out of jail free card for slavery, punk
NailsIbird says to (01:44:49):
MUTE this F*CK please
Mr Holipsism says to (01:45:17):
it was so deplorable that he gave back all of his wealth to the cause
Mr Holipsism says to (01:45:19):
NailsIbird says to (01:45:26):
NailsIbird says to (01:46:36):
the black caller doesn't get to speak, but this white guy can dominate the convo the whole time
NailsIbird says to (01:46:38):
JoeGoode says to (01:46:39):
Africa is a continent - Never was just one country
ScaVen says to (01:47:44):
MoF missed the whole point
ImhotepVII says to (01:48:09):
Yes he did
JoeGoode says to (01:48:10):
Now Kala can't look at history "correctly"?
ScaVen says to (01:48:59):
i can hear N$$%& on the tip of this guys tongue
JoeGoode says to (01:49:08):
Me too.
Measure of Faith says to (01:50:53):
lol warlodrx comes on and restates what I said then calls me dumb
NailsIbird says to (01:50:55):
the salem witch trials were they killed their old elderly women
Measure of Faith says to (01:50:58):
too funny
herewegoagain says to (01:52:19):
tokenism is a classic example of how you are still viewed as a slave
NailsIbird says to (01:52:26):
Why not talk about the european slave catchers who weren't sold but CAPTURED
herewegoagain says to (01:52:35):
they don't mind u working for them
Measure of Faith says to (01:52:38):
its sad that the truth has to be denied to keep the we deserve extra montra rolling
herewegoagain says to (01:52:44):
but u r not meant to lead
ImhotepVII says to (01:52:52):
No one is denying the truth!
ImhotepVII says to (01:52:58):
NailsIbird says to (01:53:06):
which made up the majority of the slaves in the transatlantic
herewegoagain says to (01:53:10):
unless u control those who they want to be stepped on
Measure of Faith says to (01:53:25):
why does every caller start with name calling and slandering
ImhotepVII says to (01:54:22):
MoF, you came here with preconcieved notions and angered people.
NailsIbird says to (01:54:22):
He called you an irish man
NailsIbird says to (01:54:31):
is that an insult to you?
Michael Bonner says to (01:54:42):
Sooooooo True
Measure of Faith says to (01:54:53):
nope I am proud to be of irish heritage
ImhotepVII says to (01:54:55):
THe Irish got treated HORRIBLY, and it was WRONG
Measure of Faith says to (01:55:12):
but the irish don't cry about it
JoeGoode says to (01:55:13):
Not at wrong as the Af. Amer man
JoeGoode says to (01:55:21):
Not as wrong
NailsIbird says to (01:55:26):
If we're talking about african nationalism then we're supposed to americans for everybody
Measure of Faith says to (01:55:32):
the first step to overcoming it is to stop crying about it
NailsIbird says to (01:55:59):
but if there something on the news about a rape in the congo then it's "you dirty african negros"
JoeGoode says to (01:55:59):
Not crying, just remembering. Just like the jews and holocaust
NailsIbird says to (01:56:34):
Yeah gloria stemin
ImhotepVII says to (01:56:43):
Becasue your skin is White. Irish fought Italians, but when it came to Black, the cultural diff. btw. Italian and Irish disappeared
ImhotepVII says to (01:56:51):
It just becasme "White"
ScaVen says to (01:56:55):
indeed Imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (01:57:02):
Measure of Faith says to (01:57:04):
why is black on whit crime so much higher than white on black crime?
NailsIbird says to (01:57:04):
OUR problems as blacks still exist
ScaVen says to (01:57:06):
and it still exists today.
JoeGoode says to (01:57:09):
If you really want to see racism, check out the origin of planned parenthood.
ImhotepVII says to (01:57:19):
Wrong, reverse that MoF
Measure of Faith says to (01:57:20):
you would think it would be the other way around but its not
ImhotepVII says to (01:57:33):
There is more Black on Black crime
NailsIbird says to (01:57:49):
Irisish problems are marginalised into general whiteness
NailsIbird says to (01:57:54):
ImhotepVII says to (01:57:55):
@Joe Yes, it's called eugenics
NailsIbird says to (01:58:11):
They don't exist anymore
Measure of Faith says to Kalagenesis (private) (01:58:45):
I'd love to answer that question
Measure of Faith says to Kalagenesis (private) (01:58:48):
unmute me
JoeGoode says to (01:59:16):
You hot tonight Kala. Many guest listening
MsXtotheM says to (01:59:17):
ImhotepVII says to (01:59:49):
Excuse me?
Black African Warlord X says to (01:59:59):
call in ben. stop " bagging " long enough to join the conversation
ImhotepVII says to (01:59:59):
Who are you and why are you calling me names?
ImhotepVII says to (02:00:19):
Call in and talk to me.
NailsIbird says to (02:00:22):
Take a look outside to see why it's about color
ImhotepVII says to (02:00:27):
I'll wait...
JoeGoode says to (02:00:37):
Is it over?
MsXtotheM says to (02:00:38):
herewegoagain says to (02:00:41):
I should've called in
herewegoagain says to (02:00:53):
now we won't be able to hear anything til the show is over
herewegoagain says to (02:00:57):
oh swell
ImhotepVII says to (02:01:02):
LOL! I'm done. Have a good night Ben
NailsIbird says to (02:01:32):
MsXtotheM = Ben the drunk jew
JoeGoode says to (02:01:34):
Relax MsX. Imhotep can call himself anything he wants.
NailsIbird says to (02:01:46):
That's a fake profile
ImhotepVII says to (02:01:52):
Black African Warlord X says to (02:01:56):
kkk-oon servant ism
MsXtotheM says to (02:02:05):
Antoinette from De says to (02:02:14):
is it Nails,
Black African Warlord X says to (02:02:16):
JoeGoode says to (02:02:49):
You funny MsX. Now go get a tampon
Kalagenesis says to Sarge60 (private) (02:02:57):
NailsIbird says to (02:03:15):
Ben-jew is on HIS period
ImhotepVII says to (02:03:23):
Why does he remind me of Morton Downey Jr. from back in the day? He's yelling all the time!
JoeGoode says to (02:04:18):
Is the show over?
ImhotepVII says to (02:04:27):
Yes online
MsXtotheM says to (02:04:28):
Measure of Faith says to (02:04:36):
lol why are y'all bashing Ben he isn't even in the room
MsXtotheM says to (02:04:41):
ImhotepVII says to (02:05:17):
MoF, the MsX IS Ben
JoeGoode says to (02:05:44):
Why so hostile Ms.X? You forgot to take your medicine/crack?
MsXtotheM says to (02:05:54):
MsXtotheM says to (02:06:11):
NailsIbird says to (02:06:29):
LOL @MOF trying to cover for his jew-troll friend
MsXtotheM says to (02:06:36):
NailsIbird says to (02:06:38):
BenGAY is in the room
ImhotepVII says to (02:06:39):
Um, Peckerwood is what was used 50 yrs ago!
Measure of Faith says to (02:06:44):
lol thats not Ben
ImhotepVII says to (02:06:52):
As you wish
NailsIbird says to (02:07:20):
yeah it is. It's his signature trolling methods
ImhotepVII says to (02:07:30):
I'm done with the trolls
JoeGoode says to (02:07:38):
Oh MsX. Woman not God, no matter what you say.
Sarge60 says to Kalagenesis (private) (02:07:38):
Anytime :D
MsXtotheM says to (02:07:41):
Kalagenesis says to Sarge60 (private) (02:07:52):
NailsIbird says to (02:07:53):
but by all means, keep trying to convice us that's a legit black person
NailsIbird says to (02:07:59):
We wont buy it
ImhotepVII says to (02:08:05):
Meanwhile, back at Gothat City...
MsXtotheM says to (02:08:24):
MsXtotheM says to (02:09:23):
JoeGoode says to (02:09:28):
I love your energy Ms.X. but you don't know my God?
Antoinette from De says to (02:09:35):
Sarge was not a cop in Ca
MsXtotheM says to (02:09:48):
JoeGoode says to (02:09:57):
JoeGoode says to (02:10:01):
NailsIbird says to (02:10:36):
Ben's muter accidentally dropped him on his head while he was breast feeding
NailsIbird says to (02:10:42):
That's kosher
NailsIbird says to (02:11:01):
in his family
JoeGoode says to (02:11:22):
MsX. your father could have punched your mother in the stomach when you were in there, but he didn't. Was HE your GOD?
MsXtotheM says to (02:13:10):
MsXtotheM says to (02:13:44):

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