*** (22:58:47):Welcome to the Kalagenesis Chat Room.
AmericanCitizen says to (23:03:25):
Kalagenesis says (23:03:50):
Welcome to the Open rant
esha2004 says to (23:03:56):
Kalagenesis says (23:04:02):
Thanks for joining us
Kalagenesis says (23:04:30):
Tonight call in with your rant
Pianki says to (23:04:35):
@Kala. Peace
Kalagenesis says (23:04:39):
peace P
Kalagenesis says (23:05:50):
Welcome Esha
Kalagenesis says (23:05:57):
Nuff luv
esha2004 says to (23:06:00):
hey Kala
Pianki says to (23:06:25):
@Nuff Peace
ImhotepVII says to (23:09:17):
Hey fam.
UniteDaHouses says to (23:09:34):
HUEY B says to (23:09:43):
ImhotepVII says to (23:09:53):
Hetepu Huey!
FertilityCoach says to (23:10:17):
Yep :)
UniteDaHouses says to (23:10:47):
I hope all has been well with everybody
NuffLuv says to (23:10:50):
Peace to kala
NuffLuv says to (23:11:02):
Peace to Baba Pianki
HUEY B says to (23:11:36):
HUEY B says to (23:11:44):
MsXtotheM says to (23:11:53):
FertilityCoach says to (23:12:03):
ImhotepVII says to (23:13:59):
Ahh, the days of AOL.
ImhotepVII says to (23:14:09):
and CompuServe
Kalagenesis says (23:14:48):
HUEY B says to (23:16:25):
UniteDaHouses says to (23:17:40):
dam thats a long video
HUEY B says to (23:17:55):
ImhotepVII says to (23:18:15):
I'm downloading it now
HUEY B says to (23:18:57):
ImhotepVII says to (23:19:04):
Don't forget Pygmy's
ImhotepVII says to (23:19:10):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:19:30):
UniteDaHouses says to (23:19:34):
but true that though, alot of people dont understand that alot of Europe is forest and people still have out houses an all that
ImhotepVII says to (23:19:49):
ImhotepVII says to (23:19:57):
UniteDaHouses says to (23:20:25):
i was looking at Current Tv and they have a show call long way round and they went all around europe
UniteDaHouses says to (23:20:49):
and alot of eastern europe doesnt have roads either
UniteDaHouses says to (23:21:18):
but let the white man he is the next best thing since sliced bread
UniteDaHouses says to (23:21:25):
tell it
ImhotepVII says to (23:21:59):
Courgars and Bobcats
Pianki says to (23:22:21):
There are areas in the US that is worse than what I have seen in some African Countries.
ImhotepVII says to (23:22:53):
The rural South
ImhotepVII says to (23:23:20):
The desert Southwest along the Mexican border
UniteDaHouses says to (23:23:49):
i prefer Nomadic people
ImhotepVII says to (23:24:01):
I say "Diasporan"
blackawareness says to (23:24:17):
Bobcats don't eat people
blackawareness says to (23:24:23):
you mean cougars and bears
blackawareness says to (23:24:41):
The largest north american carnivore is the polar bear
ImhotepVII says to (23:24:58):
Right, my error. I was thinking courgars but said bobcat
UniteDaHouses says to (23:25:06):
i blame the black women lol
ImhotepVII says to (23:25:10):
Bobcats are smaller
blackawareness says to (23:25:47):
Yeah I agree blacks and Latino's are NOOOOOT brotha's
ImhotepVII says to (23:25:53):
Thank you for the correction@blackawareness
blackawareness says to (23:26:11):
come to Miami and them Cubans will tell ya straight up "I'm not one of you"
blackawareness says to (23:26:15):
Straight UP
ImhotepVII says to (23:26:44):
I just read about how Latinos will put down "White" on the Census
UniteDaHouses says to (23:26:47):
niggas got to start dealing with nationality
ImhotepVII says to (23:27:12):
Niggas? Who are they? Not us right?
ImhotepVII says to (23:27:32):
UniteDaHouses says to (23:27:37):
i refer to these niggas as niggas
UniteDaHouses says to (23:27:46):
or should i say AA
UniteDaHouses says to (23:27:54):
Black america
ImhotepVII says to (23:28:02):
I just say Diasporans
UniteDaHouses says to (23:28:25):
its the black women fault
ImhotepVII says to (23:28:27):
That just my taste :) Not to call you out or anything
HUEY B says to (23:29:11):
UniteDaHouses says to (23:30:00):
well people got to understand mexicans and el salvordorians identify with a european spanish(spain) culture.
ImhotepVII says to (23:30:08):
ccblackwell00 says to (23:30:50):
Whats A hankerchief head
ImhotepVII says to (23:31:14):
Someone of Arab/ Middle Easter descent
ccblackwell00 says to (23:31:37):
Like A Sheik?
ccblackwell00 says to (23:32:06):
Ok thanks I got it now
UniteDaHouses says to (23:32:14):
i blame mlk mother for how mlk it was her fault
Kalagenesis says (23:32:17):
ImhotepVII says to (23:32:37):
I've heard the same thing applied to Arabs@Kala
UniteDaHouses says to (23:32:53):
conscious brothers with white women, you might as well put the whole of black america as house niggas
AmericanCitizen says to (23:35:07):
arabs are not black people they cant be handkerchief heads@imhotep
AmericanCitizen says to (23:35:30):
most arabs despise black people@imhotep
AmericanCitizen says to (23:36:28):
sarge and black conservative are two examples of handkerchief heads--they despise their own race and think that blacks have made no contributions:D
ImhotepVII says to (23:37:44):
ImhotepVII says to (23:38:10):
Alright. I'm out for the evening. Have to get up for work. Hotep.
ccblackwell00 says to (23:41:04):
how about cool mike or perry steal
ccblackwell00 says to (23:41:12):
hankerchief heads
AmericanCitizen says to (23:41:47):
perry steele is a cool dude---he has actually done work in the black community@ccblackwell
ccblackwell00 says to (23:43:22):
that is kool idk him just his show i listen 2 them even if idk what they look like
ccblackwell00 says to (23:43:51):
i like both of them as far as views
UniteDaHouses says to (23:43:53):
FertilityCoach says to (23:44:00):
Black female in Japan here :)
UniteDaHouses says to (23:44:54):
japan i thought everything was down?
ccblackwell00 says to (23:44:56):
hi coach
FertilityCoach says to (23:45:28):
FertilityCoach says to (23:45:53):
Nope..i'm not on mainland Japan...i'm on a island south
UniteDaHouses says to (23:46:01):
UniteDaHouses says to (23:46:13):
that is phony jew creation
AmericanCitizen says to (23:47:26):
is all the food full of radiation in japan yet?@fertilitycoach
UniteDaHouses says to (23:48:03):
jews started that naacp garbage
FertilityCoach says to (23:48:08):
LOL...they have been testing the water
FertilityCoach says to (23:48:17):
it's coming back bad :(
UniteDaHouses says to (23:50:13):
well everything we doing is default status
AmericanCitizen says to (23:50:24):
what are the japanese going to do if they have several nuclear meltdowns?@fertility coach
AmericanCitizen says to (23:50:40):
and the radiation gets in the soil
FertilityCoach says to (23:50:47):
they are very civilized people.....i'm sure they will handle it better than we can ever expect
AmericanCitizen says to (23:51:17):
yes the asians are a very stoic people--very disciplined@fertilitycoach
FertilityCoach says to (23:51:27):
if you compare Katrina to this....you can see the difference in the way things are handled
FertilityCoach says to (23:52:07):
but as always...US is stepping in to help!!
AmericanCitizen says to (23:52:47):
but they cannot survive with radiation in their food @fertilitycoach
FertilityCoach says to (23:53:04):
so true!!
FertilityCoach says to (23:53:38):
I am about 1000 miles from main land..surrounded by many islands..they may move them??
AmericanCitizen says to (23:54:07):
and in the ground too---i feel so bad for them --the japanese are truly a great people to bounce back after WWII and control the auto and electronic industry around the world@fertilitycoach
FertilityCoach says to (23:54:11):
My husband has been sent to help....so I try not to watch the news as it would make me nervous
FertilityCoach says to (23:54:47):
they are very nice people. I feel more comfortable in a room full of them vs a room full of white people!!
FertilityCoach says to (23:54:51):
sad to say!!
AmericanCitizen says to (23:55:30):
sony, hitachi, toshiba, toyota, honda, suzuki, etc. --all japanese brands from a small island nation
FertilityCoach says to (23:55:41):
SlimJim says to (23:55:47):
thought i'd stop by to see what Kala is whining about today...
UniteDaHouses says to (23:56:09):
well really their has always been craziness in the movement it just never been to this extreme with almost nothing getting done
FertilityCoach says to (23:56:18):
LOL SlimJim....hope my listener base goes up because of that LOL
AmericanCitizen says to (23:56:34):
the japanese practically own the electronic markets around the world--if they go down the global economy will be effected
FertilityCoach says to (23:56:46):
so right AmericanCitizen!!!!
FertilityCoach says to (23:57:06):
and where the quake hit is where it is all made
SlimJim says to (23:57:30):
wonder if any electronics are made in, say, China?? hhhmmmm
FertilityCoach says to (23:58:18):
ahh smart SlimJim......pft
AmericanCitizen says to (23:58:23):
most of the japanese still make a lot of the products on their land especially computer chips@slimjim
SlimJim says to (23:59:06):
really? wow. you have a knack for stating the redundantly obvious..
AmericanCitizen says to (23:59:06):
china has just entered the economy in a big way in recent history--for a long time they were a closed nation
SlimJim says to (23:59:26):
wow.. teach me more!
SlimJim says to (00:00:22):
Is China a very big country? do they have many people living there? or just a hundred or so?
AmericanCitizen says to (00:00:45):
are u trying to be funny pal?@slimjim
AmericanCitizen says to (00:01:10):
there are more asians on the planet than any other racial group
UniteDaHouses says to (00:01:26):
what is an asian?
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:01:39):
HEY YALL(}):-*
SlimJim says to (00:01:50):
what do you think? do you think i have such in depth knowlege as to the goings on outside my house?
AmericanCitizen says to (00:01:56):
people derived from asia8-)
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:02:12):
UniteDaHouses says to (00:02:43):
arabs east europeans, polynesians, indians, mongolians are all asians
220love says to (00:03:05):
UniteDaHouses says to (00:03:05):
i was just wondering who you were talking about
220love says to (00:03:25):
Kalagenesis says (00:03:27):
220love says to (00:03:34):
hey ba
AmericanCitizen says to (00:03:41):
no arabs are semites and eastern europeans are white people
AmericanCitizen says to (00:04:10):
indians, chinese, japanese, indonesians, phillipino, etc. are asians
SlimJim says to (00:04:11):
i'm just sitting here learning.. and sippin some beer from a dixie cup... oops, is it legal to still say that?
UniteDaHouses says to (00:04:23):
Asia is continent I thought All those people I named are in asia
AmericanCitizen says to (00:04:46):
russia is in parts of asia, not eastern europe
AmericanCitizen says to (00:05:12):
the middle east, and the near east and far east are considered to be part of the orient
UniteDaHouses says to (00:05:27):
ohh you are referring to Mongoloid racial people ok i got you
AmericanCitizen says to (00:05:34):
the arabs are orientals not asians
SlimJim says to (00:06:24):
Oriental refers to products from the far east.. people there are refered to as asians.. not orientals
SlimJim says to (00:06:35):
see.. i know a little something
UniteDaHouses says to (00:06:39):
i guess kneegrows are going to blame the bloods and crips on the black women next
AmericanCitizen says to (00:06:55):
middle eastern products are oriental products too--check your info@slimjim
SlimJim says to (00:07:25):
AC.. you called people there "orientals" that was my point..
AmericanCitizen says to (00:07:30):
rugs that are made in tunisia, egypt, morroco, kashmir are called oriental rugs
SlimJim says to (00:07:56):
and simply cause i was not super-inclusive does not make my fact inccorect..
SlimJim says to (00:08:09):
my fact is sound and correct.. not need to check
AmericanCitizen says to (00:08:10):
middle eastern culture is called an oriental culture
FertilityCoach says to (00:08:17):
lawd what did I miss LOL
FertilityCoach says to (00:08:39):
I need to call in hehe
SlimJim says to (00:09:04):
Hey Chef.. cook me up some Gumbo.. i pay good $$ for that
Chef Robb says to (00:09:41):
Who did you pay?
AmericanCitizen says to (00:10:02):
are u an executive chef?@chef robb
SlimJim says to (00:10:25):
i give $7 to $12 for a good bowl of gumbo.. to whoever has some
FertilityCoach says to (00:10:26):
Am I the only lady here???
Chef Robb says to (00:10:31):
Chef Robb says to (00:10:39):
Thomas is asleep?
AmericanCitizen says to (00:10:49):
so u run a restaurant?@chef robb
SlimJim says to (00:10:57):
i'm a Gumbo addict
Chef Robb says to (00:10:58):
I've had 2
AmericanCitizen says to (00:11:18):
what was the name of your restaurants?@chef robb
Chef Robb says to (00:11:33):
Patent Pending @ SlimJim...The FDA has new regs
UniteDaHouses says to (00:12:13):
kala legacy building
SlimJim says to (00:12:20):
if the FDA takes away my Gumbo, that will be the last straw! its showtime at that point
Chef Robb says to (00:12:24):
The last one was the South Town Eatery and Buffet
AmericanCitizen says to (00:12:48):
are u still in the restaurant business?@chef robb
Chef Robb says to (00:13:01):
No, I'm packaging my Gumbo so the patent is pending
UniteDaHouses says to (00:13:27):
its the black women fault lol
Chef Robb says to (00:13:28):
NO...I cater now...Less time in the Kitchen
AmericanCitizen says to (00:13:51):
if u have a restaurant u should advertise on blog talk u might get some customers----is your gumbo like the kind in new orleans?@chef robb
SlimJim says to (00:13:56):
Chef.. you from the south?
220love says to (00:14:29):
hey chef when you doing a show?
SlimJim says to (00:14:48):
Packaging Gumbo??? NOOOO!!!
220love says to (00:15:02):
what makes kala think i have something against him?
Chef Robb says to (00:15:03):
The only bad thing that is said about my Gumbo is its 2 spicy
Kalagenesis says (00:15:12):
Just kidding
220love says to (00:15:24):
& what the hell is warlord talking about?
Chef Robb says to (00:15:30):
NO, 220Love has been my heart since day 2
AmericanCitizen says to (00:15:32):
spicy gumbo is how it is supposed to be chef robb
Kalagenesis says (00:15:33):
just playing with you
SlimJim says to (00:15:37):
It aint Gumbo if you by it off the shelf, or mail-order!! Its some kind of soup at that point :D
220love says to (00:15:40):
lol day 2
220love says to (00:16:01):
ok kala, thought you was going crazy
Chef Robb says to (00:16:07):
I know AC. I tell them that
220love says to (00:16:18):
220love says to (00:16:30):
do a damn show
Chef Robb says to (00:16:34):
Kalagenesis says (00:16:35):
AmericanCitizen says to (00:16:41):
if it aint spicy then it is soup chef robb
220love says to (00:16:44):
i ran outta archives damnitttt :@
Chef Robb says to (00:16:53):
I tell them that also
220love says to (00:16:58):
what that link?
SlimJim says to (00:17:13):
Gumbo need not be spicy.. its all in the roux.. I like seafood gumbo w/oysters.. not that andoullie sausage stuff
SlimJim says to (00:17:18):
or chicken
Chef Robb says to (00:17:30):
220love says to (00:17:37):
i like when wheelockk does shows
AmericanCitizen says to (00:17:43):
gumbo is spicy like chilli is supposed to be spicy too
Chef Robb says to (00:18:09):
SlimJim...Tell me your recipe you saw mine
220love says to (00:18:19):
nature valley coupons to the right
SlimJim says to (00:18:21):
I'm tellin ya, i may not know much.. but i'm a gumbo eatin fool down here.. at least 3 times/week
220love says to (00:18:49):
screw the gumbo! when you doin a show?
Chef Robb says to (00:18:54):
I still have 30 qtrs of Gumbo
Chef Robb says to (00:18:56):
Chef Robb says to (00:19:06):
I did 1 today
SlimJim says to (00:19:17):
Chef.. i cant cook all that well.. but, when i try, i go by John Folse book.. as best i can
220love says to (00:19:17):
you lying!
220love says to (00:19:39):
what was the topic?
AmericanCitizen says to (00:19:47):
black people do not have a culture that values education--i dont care what u say
AmericanCitizen says to (00:20:05):
that is why they do not know about the stock market
220love says to (00:20:07):
whats paltalk?
Chef Robb says to (00:20:23):
The War on Drugs turns 50....220Love
220love says to (00:20:42):
where is the show? on paltalk?
SlimJim says to (00:20:44):
ssshhhh AC.. the stock market is supposed to be a secret....:D
FertilityCoach says to (00:21:14):
I have written 5 books :)
UniteDaHouses says to (00:21:15):
we ont have a cultural identity period
UniteDaHouses says to (00:21:25):
i will second that
AmericanCitizen says to (00:21:42):
i have been to different countries want to see my passport
SlimJim says to (00:21:52):
Damn! Kala callin AC out! I feel neglected! :D
SlimJim says to (00:22:22):
I have been to similar countries..
SlimJim says to (00:22:25):
AmericanCitizen says to (00:22:42):
u can see the stamps on my passport if u dont believe me--i can copy the pages and mail them to u@kalanation
mikeamelio says to (00:22:52):
SlimJim says to (00:23:03):
AmericanCitizen says to (00:23:18):
how smart are u kalanation?
AmericanCitizen says to (00:24:42):
u are very immature calling out people on the internet----that shows a very dull mind on your part
SlimJim says to (00:24:58):
you have done worse AC..
UniteDaHouses says to (00:25:19):
AmericanCitizen says to (00:25:27):
who have i called out as being dumb genius!!
AmericanCitizen says to (00:25:38):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:25:47):
Hey Chef Robb
SlimJim says to (00:25:48):
wasnt it you that once called me a "redneck farmer" that never got "cultutalized"?? (even though its true) :D
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:25:55):
ok i just came in here for 220
Chef Robb says to (00:26:01):
Hey, Tracy
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:26:02):
I ain't doing no show
DesertRose says to (00:26:12):
hi Tracy!!!
220love says to (00:26:12):
well the smartest people come from upstate new york!
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:26:13):
hi Robb sweetie
DesertRose says to (00:26:18):
mikeamelio says to (00:26:20):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:26:22):
hey ROSIE!!!
DesertRose says to (00:26:32):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:26:37):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:26:40):
FertilityCoach says to (00:26:43):
hey I know that stuff :)
UniteDaHouses says to (00:26:45):
i New York from slavor of Love fom upstate New York
Chef Robb says to (00:26:47):
Hey Rose
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:26:52):
r u doing a show rose
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:26:58):
i'm bored
DesertRose says to (00:27:03):
Chef!!!! whats cookin? ({)
DesertRose says to (00:27:10):
get it.. cookin?
Chef Robb says to (00:27:18):
Big Pots
DesertRose says to (00:27:18):
(lol) ok ignore me
220love says to (00:27:24):
damn gmore i thought you was doing a show
SlimJim says to (00:27:26):
At least when Kala talks, he projects his words.. instead of sounding like he's takin a shiit... :D
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:27:28):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:27:35):
oh wow
220love says to (00:27:36):
i use to think warlord was cool
DesertRose says to (00:27:40):
tomorrow Tracy.. i have one more homework tonight
DesertRose says to (00:27:46):
DesertRose says to (00:27:51):
yu guys are naughty!
220love says to (00:27:53):
wasnt nobody saying hotep :|
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:27:53):
geezuz here we go
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:28:08):
what I do now?
220love says to (00:28:15):
dont leave gmore
DesertRose says to (00:28:15):
i dont know
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:28:16):
220love says to (00:28:22):
ba is asleep
UniteDaHouses says to (00:28:34):
we dont
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:28:39):
ok ROSE thanks :)
UniteDaHouses says to (00:28:48):
HGC's are a joke
UniteDaHouses says to (00:28:57):
HBC's are a joke
Chef Robb says to (00:28:59):
Hey First of All
Chef Robb says to (00:29:10):
Again First of all
220love says to (00:29:10):
1st of all.............
Chef Robb says to (00:29:17):
more First of All
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:29:18):
ain't nothing wrong with HBCU's
Chef Robb says to (00:29:20):
SlimJim says to (00:29:23):
AC.. Kala didnt call any names.. he just layed out a description
220love says to (00:29:26):
wouldn't that be 2nd of all?
DesertRose says to (00:29:29):
actually..first of all AC is very smart.. if you listen close.. the man studies
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:29:35):
:@ HBCU are cool
DesertRose says to (00:29:38):
(F)there showed you love
DesertRose says to (00:29:43):
dont ever say i didnt
DesertRose says to (00:29:49):
220love says to (00:30:02):
well @ rose he said something that was foolish
220love says to (00:30:16):
lol @ rose
Chef Robb says to (00:30:17):
DesertRose says to (00:30:22):
220love says to (00:30:33):
its 30 first of alls :d
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:30:38):
lol the adbul la ob ya momma??? 8-|
220love says to (00:30:39):
220love says to (00:30:49):
DesertRose says to (00:30:50):
FertilityCoach says to (00:30:55):
I do :)
220love says to (00:30:59):
he stutters
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:31:04):
220love says to (00:31:09):
i think he looking that up
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:31:09):
FertilityCoach says to (00:31:11):
that's my favorite subject
FertilityCoach says to (00:31:21):
DesertRose says to (00:31:22):
i have to take biology 3 times
mikeamelio says to (00:31:31):
biology suckssss
220love says to (00:31:35):
he talking about the pituitary gland
DesertRose says to (00:31:35):
that subject and i dont get along
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:31:38):
I learned about the abdul la ob yo momma from watching WATERBOY!
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:31:42):
Chef Robb says to (00:31:43):
FertilityCoach says to (00:31:52):
LOL waterboy!!!
220love says to (00:31:53):
the pineal gland secretes melanin
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:31:57):
FertilityCoach says to (00:32:00):
woo hoo!!!!!!!
DesertRose says to (00:32:06):
it always sound kinky
FertilityCoach says to (00:32:17):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:32:18):
momma said....
DesertRose says to (00:32:23):
AC wake up!!!
220love says to (00:32:23):
its the skin @ warlord
UniteDaHouses says to (00:32:27):
i dont see where people going to HBC are coming out with a knowledge of self, kind, others or a nationality. Howard has a long history of negroism
220love says to (00:32:34):
the biggest organ is the skin
FertilityCoach says to (00:32:43):
hehe :)
UniteDaHouses says to (00:32:44):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:32:53):
alligators are orn-ree on account they got all them teeth and no tooth brush
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:32:56):
UniteDaHouses says to (00:32:59):
youll trippin lol
Chef Robb says to (00:33:03):
FertilityCoach says to (00:33:03):
LOL LOL TraCGmore!!!!!!!
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:33:13):
220love says to (00:33:22):
20th of all :D
Kalagenesis says (00:33:30):
Largest artery
DesertRose says to (00:33:39):
there you go... throw down.. here have a flower(F)
220love says to (00:33:41):
i am a scientist lmfao! :D
DesertRose says to (00:33:45):
Chef Robb says to (00:33:49):
Alligator, tails taste great fried plus some hot sauce?
FertilityCoach says to (00:33:57):
LOL Chef!!!!!
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:34:00):
lol Robb
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:34:05):
no thank u!
220love says to (00:34:07):
yuck wheelock
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:34:07):
220love says to (00:34:16):
SlimJim says to (00:34:18):
Damn Chef.. I had aligator friday night!!
DesertRose says to (00:34:30):
oh to eat??
220love says to (00:34:32):
alligators eat people
SlimJim says to (00:34:35):
but no hot sauce...
FertilityCoach says to (00:34:39):
LOL 220!!
SlimJim says to (00:34:45):
<<<<<< eats aligators
Chef Robb says to (00:34:47):
Fried Gator is good...
220love says to (00:34:50):
hi fertility
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:34:54):
my niece had somma that She said it looks white and fluffy. I'm afraid to eat that mess
FertilityCoach says to (00:34:55):
hi 220!!!
SlimJim says to (00:34:58):
yep.. charbroiled too
FertilityCoach says to (00:35:01):
ever had quarter dog??
220love says to (00:35:04):
hey wheelock fertility is very pretty
Chef Robb says to (00:35:09):
FertilityCoach says to (00:35:11):
aww thank you :)
220love says to (00:35:34):
dog who in the hell wanna eat some dog?
FertilityCoach says to (00:35:42):
LOL LOL They eat it here!!!
220love says to (00:35:43):
30th of all
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:35:44):
say no to alligator, raccoon, possum stew, etc...
FertilityCoach says to (00:35:55):
next to kids selling puppies!!
FertilityCoach says to (00:35:58):
so ironic!!!!!!
FertilityCoach says to (00:36:04):
gonna have to get a pic of it
Chef Robb says to (00:36:12):
220love says to (00:36:20):
fertility, you need to change your font
FertilityCoach says to (00:36:25):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:36:26):
possum stew and gizzard gravy 8-|:@
UniteDaHouses says to (00:36:27):
these niggas to busy loving they white women
220love says to (00:36:36):
hell naw gmore :|
220love says to (00:36:47):
possum stwe
220love says to (00:36:54):
stew :|
Chef Robb says to (00:37:01):
Interesting Tracy
220love says to (00:37:08):
220love says to (00:37:20):
now he gone make a recipe :|
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:37:24):
^o)8-| I saw that on the BEVERLY HILLBILLIES
220love says to (00:37:35):
lmao :D
FertilityCoach says to (00:37:36):
Thanks 220!!
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:37:42):
Chef Robb says to (00:37:51):
I've had possium b4 but not with gizzards
SlimJim says to (00:37:54):
Chef.. tell me you have a supply of Tony Chachere's.. best way to charbroil redfish w/ some lemmon butter..
220love says to (00:37:59):
bigger fertility! then click bold!
220love says to (00:38:06):
so we can see you
FertilityCoach says to (00:38:17):
hehe :)
220love says to (00:38:20):
i need a fertility coach!
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:38:23):
jedfro opened a diner called the COUNTRY GIZZARD!!
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:38:27):
FertilityCoach says to (00:38:29):
Im here for you.....
220love says to (00:38:32):
yeah gurl! you got it!
FertilityCoach says to (00:38:39):
not sure if I can post my website here...
BlkoziOi says to (00:38:41):
220love says to (00:38:45):
gmore crazy
220love says to (00:38:51):
you can
Chef Robb says to (00:38:51):
Nope, don't have that 1, Do you have the Ribb bible
FertilityCoach says to (00:39:02):
220love says to (00:39:04):
ribb bible?
BlkoziOi says to (00:39:13):
SlimJim says to (00:39:14):
I got a damn opossum outside my house as we speak.. u wont catch me eatin those rats..
220love says to (00:39:21):
i gotta find a man to help 1st
FertilityCoach says to (00:39:27):
BlkoziOi says to (00:39:31):
Chef Robb says to (00:39:33):
Hey, BlozOi
BlkoziOi says to (00:39:39):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:39:44):
that look like big slow rats don't they Jim
220love says to (00:39:46):
yeah possum is a big azz rat
Chef Robb says to (00:39:54):
Chef Robb says to (00:39:58):
SlimJim says to (00:40:00):
nasty creatures.. and dumb too
220love says to (00:40:01):
BlkoziOi says to (00:40:05):
220love says to (00:40:14):
i spelled that jacked up
Chef Robb says to (00:40:22):
220love says to (00:40:22):
220love says to (00:40:33):
220love says to (00:40:45):
i can spell what i am saying
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:40:49):
I had a raccoon in my tree and he looked at me like I was wasting his time
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:40:52):
220love says to (00:41:00):
BlkoziOi says to (00:41:12):
220love says to (00:41:19):
he said "b" gimme some nutz
Chef Robb says to (00:41:22):
Raccoons look like the monkeys they cook in Asia
SlimJim says to (00:41:27):
dumbass Opossums cant see for shiit.. you walk right up to 'em, grab by the tail and sling 'em up in the trees...
220love says to (00:41:34):
oh wait, thats a squirell
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:41:38):
lol 220
Chef Robb says to (00:41:59):
Squirells are r
220love says to (00:41:59):
ok stop slim, u scaring me
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:42:01):
what's an Opossum???
Chef Robb says to (00:42:03):
rats 2
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:42:04):
TalknChitwTraCGmore says to (00:42:11):
U spelled the whole damn word
mikeamelio says to (00:42:30):
SlimJim says to (00:42:35):
220.. didnt AC tell ya? i'm a back-woods redneck...
220love says to (00:42:56):
damn kala did you kick her out?
BlkoziOi says to (00:42:57):
DesertRose says to (00:43:08):
8-| did you for reals
220love says to (00:43:09):
open my line :@
UniteDaHouses says to (00:43:11):
ggt183 says to (00:43:18):
what up
DesertRose says to (00:43:18):
(lol) omg
mikeamelio says to (00:43:29):
whats up man
mikeamelio says to (00:43:32):
why no show???
DesertRose says to (00:43:40):
hi ggt
Chef Robb says to (00:44:27):
UniteDaHouses says to (00:44:29):
the naacp asked for a comprehensive jobs pacage
Chef Robb says to (00:44:37):
220love says to (00:45:18):
why the hell you kick gmore out?
220love says to (00:45:27):
she didnt even do anything
UniteDaHouses says to (00:46:41):
I found that to be crazy ass hell too
UniteDaHouses says to (00:47:25):
they are true negro organization
220love says to (00:47:38):
we was talking about shyt in the chat & kala kicked gmore out for no reason :|
FertilityCoach says to (00:49:32):
uh oh!!
AmericanCitizen says to (01:00:15):
what are the branches of the brachial plexus@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:00:48):
what are the names of the cranial nerves@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:02:15):
what are the chambers of the heart@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:02:43):
what is the parietal lobe of the brain @warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:03:18):
what does the hypothalamus do in the brain@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:03:57):
what is a retrovirus@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:04:32):
what is electrophoresis@warlordx
AmericanCitizen says to (01:05:03):
what is the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:05:33):
what is the sodium/electron pump of the cell membrane@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:05:46):
what is a fatty acid@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:06:06):
what are the glycosomes@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:06:28):
what is an oligosacchride@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:06:45):
what is glutamic acid@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:06:59):
name the amino acids@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:07:16):
what is a carbohydrate@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:07:31):
what is an angioplasty@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:07:55):
what is the mitral valve@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:08:10):
what is the cns@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:08:36):
what is the peripheral nervous system@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:08:55):
what are the axons@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:09:11):
what are the dendrites@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:09:24):
what is ach@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:09:37):
what is dopamine@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:09:53):
what is norepinephrine@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:10:09):
what is the cytoplasm@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:10:25):
what is adenine@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:10:49):
what is a protein@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:11:15):
who was ernest just@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:11:46):
where is the femoral artery@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:12:03):
where is the radius and ulna@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:12:30):
where is the superior vena cava@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:12:50):
where is the gall bladder@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:13:11):
how many lobes are there of the liver@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:13:26):
what is psychoanalysis@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:13:44):
what is the pavlovian dog@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:14:08):
what is classical conditioning@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:14:30):
what is a tendon@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:14:42):
what is a ligament@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:15:09):
what is histology@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:15:33):
what are the parts to a microscope@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:15:51):
where is the clavicle@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:16:11):
where is the subclavian artery@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:16:33):
where is the epiglottis@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:17:19):
what is the arachnoid membrane@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:17:44):
where is the deltoid muscle
AmericanCitizen says to (01:17:50):
@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:18:28):
where is the anterior cruciate ligament@warlord x
AmericanCitizen says to (01:19:07):
where is the trapezius muscle@warlord x
Kalagenesis says (01:19:42):
Wiki warrior
AmericanCitizen says to (01:20:02):
all from the top of my head
AmericanCitizen says to (01:20:10):
no wiki son
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