Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Angola.An Ideal place for an African American Homeland

The nation of Angola is currently selling off its country to the Chinese for pennies on the dollar.The Chinese are building railroads,office buildings,mines,banks all in exchange for the natural resources.The question is can a squeezed African American population get a territory in this vast artificial state that is still controlled by outside imperialist powers.Why should we not have a part of this land.The Namibe province in Angola is ideal along with one other.Now the native indegenous people would not be a problem when they see that we will treat them humanely.So this is the Kala Nation proposal for a nation state.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bitter seeds,Bitter soil equals Bitter Harvest

In the Bible it is taught that you shall be known by the fruits you bear.Just as one of my recent post 'Strange Fruit'a tree or any harvest starts from a seed or a soil.How thoses seeds are keeped nurtchured are how the plant will turn out.We see this parallel in our human family.With almost without exception the examples of this reigns true.When a mother is loving and caring the child is more likely to grow up the same way.We see this in sports,politics,entertainment ect.The problem we as a people are facing is too many of us are planting bitter seeds and we are reaping a bitter harvest.
The level of discord in Black America is genocide
What makes kids kill other kids for the fun of it?What would posess a group of kids to beat a 46 year old man half to death?You see we in America and Black America can talk all day about lack of opportunity ect,but why the destructive self hate?Why do we buy into a society that says your not attractive?Why do we accept second class citizenship and proudly pass it along to the next generation?Is it no wonder why our children are angry and out of control?Although the mainstream Black Media tries its best to put up a nice face of our community,beneath the surface lies division and unresolved conflict left over from slavery.There is jealousy,envy,self hate,classism,ect.These things are planted in the people from generation after generation.We see this being played out on the internet the one place where you get honest diologue amony our people.
Lets begin to plant the sweet seeds of love
Yes we must begin to plant the seeds of love,unity,community,brotherhood in order for us to survive.When our artist,musicians,writers and thinkers present their works to us,we need to scrutinize what they are messaging to us.We have to recognize that the enemies of our people dont want to see love peace and happiness in our community.It is a threat to them and their dominance of us.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Poll Question.Some African Americans want an Independent Nation are you for or against the idea?

Sixty five percent of registered voters of a major political party the Republicans think President Barack Obama is not a citizen.About 50 percent thinks he is helping the terrorist.About a third think he is the anti Christ.The Republicans claim to be the party of fiscal responsiblity but they vote against budget curbing measures because Obama supports it.The racist attitudes of many Whites liberal and conservative is appalling.If the most educated so called successful Black man is treated like this,and we see now it has nothing to do with his politics but his color.What does this say about the future of our people in this county.White people control who gets rich and it seems the only Blacks allowed to get rich are the people who sell their souls.Now if Mexico offered us to come there but they said look you will be seen as the dregs of this country.We can guarantee you 27% unemployment and the rest menial jobs.Crack and gang violence is going to be the norm in your communities and we can also make sure 49% of murder victims are your youth so come on in!!!!!!What would you say to that?You would say hell no,so why do we say hell yes to American racism.If they treat someone like Barack Obama like a dog you think they love the rest of us?
As revolutionary as it sounds some believe it is time to expand beyond America
There is a growing movement of pragmatic people who think opportunity for advancement lyes beyond the plantation of the American border.We have organizations like blacks without borders who are getting into all types of business adventures making millions and love living in a Black majority race free society of South Africa.Seeing the success of Blacks without borders some pioneering African Americans
want to take it a step further.They are seeking a state or territory from an African country for the African Americans to build future generations.Is this the answer.The Kalagenesis always says"If you want the right answer you have to ask the right question"The question is would African Americans benefit politically,economically,culturally ect have a two country solution as opposed to America only.The future is here and this question is finally being asked.

Kalagenesis Poll

Would you be against the creation of an African-American Nation on African Soil?

I would no go,but its okay
America offers the best oppotunity for us
Africa offers great potential for us