Welcome to the beginning of the the Kala Nation cultural movement.Kala means tribe or bond.In old West Africa Kalas were the building block behind the great empires that linked all African societies together in a complex structure.This kept wars down and protected smaller villages from stronger ones.At the top was the apex kingdom called Mali,which means where the king of kings live.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Comparing and Contrasting"Having an Interest in Something"and"Being Interested in Something"African Americans and Africa
in·ter·est ( n tr st, -t r- st, -tr st ). n. 1. a. A state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something: an interest in sports. b. Something, such as a quality, subject, ...
Many Pan Africanist and African American nationalist have historically shown an interest in their motherland.The passion and emotion for our African homeland goes back to when the first Africans were ripped from the shores of Africa.To many it has always been an escape,a place of wonder and excitement.For years the media convinced many of us to be ashamed of Africa as a place of backwardness and savagery.Those of us who studied Africa and identified with our homeland kept our eyes on development and progress going forward.We are definitely interested in Africa.A recent survey showed 80% of African Americans more than any other Black group,say they want more positive images of Africa and want to know more about the continent.Whether it is the new DNA technology tracing ones roots to the exact tribe or visiting the continent for vacation the number of our people interested in Africa is growing to shocking proportions.
What is the frustration that many of us are feeling?The frustration is we do not have interest in Africa.Lets define and interest and see how it differs from being interest in something.An Interest is something gained by having assets or something tangible of value.An Interest gives you a return on principle.This means if you own land,you have interest,because it is tangible.That land may be used for farming and also wealth creation.We African Americans have to make the transition from being interested in Africa to having interest in Africa.Having interest means your bottom line is at stake.You have to be more engaged in Africa.You need political connections and backing to protect your interest.This is the challenge of groups like the Rosenthall Group,Kemetic Pipeline,and African Venture Partners and many others doing business in Africa.Money is on the line.This puts our love for Africa to the test.Chinese were interested in Africa,now they have interest in Africa they will protect through diplomatic relations and good will gestures.We have to go beyond slogans and rhetoric and get serious or we will be locked out of the continent of our ancestors.This is the time for us to step up and put our faith to the ultimate test.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Marcus Garvey,W.E.B.Dubois and Firestone in Liberia
Marcus Garvey once said "Up you mighty race you can accomplish what you will."Marcus Garvey was the most listened to Black man in history.At his peak in 1923 he had millions of followers around the world.W.E.B Dubois was also a top intellectual who had influence in the Black community.The staging group for all African humanity was in the United States.Marcus Garvey found ready followers and listener in America,where as he never could get a following Europe and the West Indies.In America he remarked that her saw Black men walking down streets,owning businesses running newspapers in America.He saw Black colleges,scientist,teachers,doctors.It was here he saw the vision for a redeemed Africa.But the problem as Garvey saw it in America was leadership.He saw that leaders were primarily light skinned Negroes,who in his opinion had questionable loyalties.His detractors accused him of separating Black and Whites even though America Jim Crow and racial discrimination was the norm.Marcus Garvey woke the conscious of Black people up.He captured the imagination of millions of poor Black people.He appeared genuine to most.It was this connection that his enemies feared.The appointed Black leaders of the day did not address the community.They spoke about the community not to the community.Their newspapers and essays were aimed at Whites to convince them of the need for intergration and that Black people were good Americans.All the while knowing that the masses would never benefit even from token intergration.So when Garvey told the Black man in America he should colonize Africa and be able to rise on his own merits and hard work,that resonated with the majority of African Americans.Only African Americans were in the position to challenge European powers in Africa.The issue was would they want to stay being Black Americans or would they want to be African nationalist?They majority choose African Nationalism.
The NAACP the oldest civil rights organization was opposed to African Nationalism.Most were light skinned and did not feel attached to Africa as the masses of darker skinned Black people.The presence of Marcus Garvey and the parades with military themes struck fear in the hearts of the old Negro guard and the White establishment.It did not matter that Garvey called the White man a brother and was respectful of the United States and its sovereignty.The whole idea of what America thought of Black men was being undermined.Most Americans thought of Black people as not quite human.The stereotypes and minstrel image of Blacks being ignorant,clownish,violent,lustful,petty,simple was what most White Americans believed.Seeing a big imposing man with a militant uniform speaking with a foreign accent alarmed the White power structure.On four continents the cry was"GARVEY MUST GO."Seeing this the old guard Negro leadership began reaching out to White Americans who were misinformed about who and what Garveyism was.These treacherous Negroes successfully convinced the powers in America Garvey was a danger to the good Negroes in America who only dream about being American.
The UNIA team to Liberia.
The enduring goad to the Universal Negro Improvement Organization was the Republic of Liberia.The first independent African republic and second independent Black state.Liberia was at the center of an international scandal involving tribesmen being recruited for labor on an island called Fernando Po.The league of nations investigated and found no evidence of slavery but said the practice should stop.This was a ploy to get Liberia to relinquish her sovereignty.Liberia had two cards to play.Marcus Garvey offered to raise money to pay Liberia's debt.He organized a team of engineers,farmers,bankers ect to go to Liberia and build a new settlement.The Liberian government promised Garvey one million acres of land for settlement.This alarmed the colonial powers in the region who had banned all images of Marcus Garvey in their colonies.Now he would have a base to operate from.So threats came about an invasion if Garvey or his followers landed in Liberia.At the same time WEB Dubois heard that Harvey Firestone was looking at Liberia as a source of rubber.Firestone of Akron Ohio was one of the largest tire manufacturers in the world.But the British had a monopoly on the world rubber supply.WEB Dubois convinced Firestone to go to Liberia to give Liberia an alternative to Marcus Garvey.He then visited Liberia and convinced Liberian president CB King that Garvey was an undemocratic dictator who would take over Liberia.So Liberia rejected Garvey arresting his men when they arrived on the ship.The keep the ship and tools.Garvey's movement collapsed after this and Firestone signed a 99 year lease building the worlds largest rubber plantation on land promised to Marcus Garvey.Click Here!http://24fffem6bqcq7nauiz1j2f5wb1.hop.clickbank.net/
Monday, May 14, 2012
Birthplace of African Nationalism.The Black Church
For many years the Black church as been criticized for being passive to White supremacy,and Black subjugation.In the 20th century the Black Church saw its place as the center if the Black community erode as large numbers of African Americans flooded into large cities in the North and new religions and cults sprung up all over the place.After the failure of reconstruction the Black community lost faith in organized religion and began questioning its premise.It was clear that in the American experiment Christianity was used to justify White domination and Black submission.Groups like the Nation of Islam used this to gain a following.This lasted up until the last 15 years when it appears that the Nation of Islam is just another organized group of Black people with no power to change the conditions of the average Black person.Even worst,with the NOI people are told to isolate and hide from White society in the name of do for self.All of this has people becoming more agnostic towards these so called men of God.
A closer look at African American history reveals that contrary to contemporary beliefs,the Black church was far from passive and submissive.The whole idea of Black people being a people and a culture started in the Black church.Before that there was no reason other than a slave revolt to come together.Early Black evangelical preachers preached a gospel of racial pride and redemption.They also dignified being from Africa.This was because as many Black people witnessed European immigrants coming off of the boats in filth.Illiterate,hungry and poor,the image of Europe was not the paradise Hollywood portrayed it.Many of these early scholars knew of past African kingdoms and Empires.So if White people can be proud of being Anglican or occidental why cannot the modern Black man draw on Africa for inspiration.The result was the birth of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.The first Black institution in the modern world.The idea of being an Africa trumped tribe or birthplace.This was the basis for an entire race confronting a common enemy,and creating common goals.We are Africans in America.The ultimate symbol of this was the Biblical references to returning to the land of Promise.A fatherland of African ancestors.The idea of taking the knowledge of the world that was advancing and create a haven for African people to live and develop to their full potential was born.This was a direct result of the rejection,humiliation and degradation Black people received in America.Two of the most prominent AME leaders were the founder Bishop Richard Allen and later cam Bishop Henry Mcneil Turner.These men challenged the Black man to build a nation of his own on his own African soil.They brought and Africanized version of Christianity to Africa,that created a conscious movement still felt in the community today.They idea of a Black Jesus and praise and shouting in church were drawn from African heritage.The following is a address by the great Bishop Ricard Allen:
Address to the Free Persons of Colour of these United States"
To the Free People of Colour of these United States
Impressed with a firm and settled conviction, and more especially being thought by that inestimable and invaluable instrument, namely, the Declaration of Independence, that all men are born free and equal, and consequently are endowed with unalienable rights, among which are the enjoyments of life, liberty, and the pursuits of happiness.
Viewing these as incontrovertible facts, we have been led to the following conclusions; that our forlorn and deplorable situation earnestly and loudly demand of us to devise and pursue all legal means for the speedy elevation of ourselves and brethren to the scale and standing of men.
And in pursuit of this great object, various ways and means have been resorted to; among others, the African Colonization Society is the most prominent. Not doubting the sincerity of many friends who are engaged in that cause; yet we beg leave to say, that it does not meet with our approbation. However great the debt which these United States may owe to injured Africa, and however unjustly her sons have been made to bleed, and her daughters to drink of the cup of affliction, still we who have been born and nurtured on this soil, we, whose habits, manners, and customs are the same in common with other Americans, can never consent to take our lives in our hands, and be the bearers of the redress offered by that Society to that much afflicted country.
Tell it not to barbarians, lest they refuse to be civilised, and eject our christian missionaries from among them, that in the nineteenth century of the christian era, laws have been enacted in some of the states of this great republic, to compel an unprotected and harmless portion of our brethren to leave their homes and seek an asylum in foreign climes: and in taking a view of the unhappy situation of many of these, whom the oppressive laws alluded to, continually crowd into the Atlantic cities, dependent of their support upon their daily labour, and who often suffer for want of employment, we have had to lament that no means have yet been devised for their relief.
These considerations have led us to the conclusion, that the formation of a settlement in the British province of Upper Canada, would be a great advantage of the people of colour. In accordance with these views, we pledge ourselves to aid each other by all honourable means, to plant and support one in that country, and therefore we earnestly and most feelingly appeal to our coloured brethren, and to all philanthropists here and elsewhere, to assist in this benevolent and important work.
To encourage our brethren earnestly to co-operate with us, we offer the follwing, viz. 1st. Under that government no inviduous distinction of colour is recognised, but there we shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, and immunities of other citizens. 2nd. That the language, climate, soil, and productions are similar to those in this country. 3rd. That land of the best quality can be purchased at the moderate price of one dollar and fifty cents per acre, by the one hundred acres. 4th. The market for different kinds of produce raised in that colony, is such as to render a suitable reward to the industrious farmer, equal in our opinion to that of the United States.. And lastly, as the erection of buildings must necessarily claim the attention of the emigrants, we would invite the mechanics from our large cities to embark in the enterpirse; the advancement of architechure depending much on their exertions, as they must consequently take with them the arts and improvemnts of our well regulated communities.
It will be much to the advantage of those who have large families, and desire to see them happy and respected, to locate themselves in a land where the laws and prejudices of society will have no effect in retarding their advancement to the summit of civil and religious improvement. There the diligent student will have ample opportunity to reap the reward due to industry and perserverence; whilst those of moderate attainments, if properly nurtured, may be enabled to take their stand as men in the several offices and situations necessary to promote union, peace, order and tranquility. It is to these we must look for the strength and spirit of our future prosperity.
Before we close, we would just remark, that it has been a subject of deep regret to this convention, that we as a people, have not availingly appreciated every opportunity placed within our power by the benevolent efforts of the friends of humantiy, in elevating our condition to the rank of freemen. That our mental and physical qualities have not been more actively engaged in pursuits more lasting, is attributable in a great measure to a want of unity among ourselves; whilst our only stimulus to action has been to become domestics, which at best is but a precarious and degraded situation.
It is to obviate these evils, that we have recommeded our views to our fellow-citizens in the foregoing instument, with a desire of raising the moral and political standing of ourselves; and we cannot devise any plan more likely to accomplish this end, than by encouraging agriculture and mechanical arts: for by the first, we shall be enabled to act with a degree of independence, which as yet has fallen to the lot of but few amoung us; and the faithful pursuit of the latter, in connection with the sciences, which expand and ennoble the mind, will eventually give us the standing and condition we desire.
To effect these great objects, we would earnestly request our brethren throughout the United States, to co-operate with us, by forming societies auxiliary to the Parent Institution, about being established in the city of Philadelphia, under the patronage of the General Convention. And we further recommend to our friends and brethren, who reside in places where, at present, this may be impracticable, so far to aid us, by contributing to the funds of the Parent Institution; and, if disposed, to appoint one delegate to represent them in the next Convention, to be held in Philadelphia the first Monday of June next, it being fully understood, that organized societies be at liberty to send any number of delegates not exceeding five.
Signed by order of the Convention,
Rev. Richard Allen, President,
Senior Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Churches.
Junius C. Morel, Secretary.
Friday, May 4, 2012
The Black Dollar Conundrum
Jewels from the Kalagenesis..........The Black Business Conundrum:
Black business needs to study the Art of War by Sun Tzu.We have no strategy,no alliances,no weaponry and most important no base.We have to stop looking at business as a social issue and look at is as a survival means.When we are in business we move products and services from the source to market and we reap the reward for our works.That is the way business has been done since time memorial.Business should not be about connecting with Black consumers alone.It should be about connecting with anyone with cash.We need to start generating revenue so we can invest in our communities and families.If we generate one trillion a year in income in America our goal should be to generate parity amount from the American economy no matter where the dollar comes from.That is the only way.We have to end the search for so called Black dollars Tomfoolery because all money is green and gold.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
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