So Sunday evening in September have been a central event in my household for the past eight years.That is when I started watching the VMA's live on MTV.In 2000 hip hop overtook rock as the dominant music genre among American youth.I supported it back then for many reasons.One reason was I thought anytime black youth can make money at an art form was a step forward.I though hip hop would break down barriers and misunderstandings among different races.I believed this back then but what I have always noticed is that many artist are not vetted or censored in the community.Once a person has a so called hit record MTV and the powerful recording industry decide to beam this artist into every home in America,their antics and actions come along with it.Many artist have little professional or family background rooted in descent behavior.Although there were shocking things at the VMA's far worst than what Kanye West did to country music artist Taylor Swift,in the age of Obama and even the most liberal White America now has his eyes on every thing that comes out of Black America.
Racism at the heart of the Kanye/Swift Controversy
The question many of us who consider ourselves nationalist and Pan Africanist is:Why do these hip hop so called brothers behave so stupidly?Why do they continue to insist like Bill Cosby said recently that racism is not a problem?Why don't these people understand in their simple arrogant minds that what they do is always going to reflect the Black/White relationship in America?And being the weaker group we as black people often will suffer the most from any fallout in the area of race relations.We have never gotten to the point where we are independent of White America
economically.Now hip hop is at a crossroad.Although many artist like Kanye,50 cent,Lil Wayne,Soldja Boy,Gucchi Man,Jay Z,Diddy,ect get hood and got swagger,they are dependent on the White youth and White party crowd for their bread and butter.One thing we Pan African culturalist have over the hip hop nation is we do not on the whole need or want White approval to succeed.
The fallout from this will have racial implications
We have an African American President,but many whites still hold racist views in America.Remember the John Birch Society?The Ku Klux Klan whom by the way was once the largest organization in American history.The racist groups like the Aryan Nations,The Order,and National Alliance all see fertile recruiting ground among lost white people.The image of a Black man stealing the innocent moment from a White All American blond girl triggered racist animosity that goes back to slavery in the United States.The image of him snatching the mic from Taylor Swift in a country where White people have seen a black man take the primary from a White woman,then the Presidency from another.This imagery all conscious black men know is still dangerous in a racist anti black society.The question the Kalagenesis has is when are the black artist going to act responsible like the artist who came before them?Back in the sixties artist represented the community the best way they could and to a people who did not have much they made us fell proud.Looking at Kanye walking around drunk passing hennessy to Joe Jackson live before millions of viewers was an low point for the African American community.
Welcome to the beginning of the the Kala Nation cultural movement.Kala means tribe or bond.In old West Africa Kalas were the building block behind the great empires that linked all African societies together in a complex structure.This kept wars down and protected smaller villages from stronger ones.At the top was the apex kingdom called Mali,which means where the king of kings live.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Kalagenesis Debate.Kala Nation goes head to head with Black Republican and iseecolor member H
Recently a so called Black Christian Republican aged 45 got into a debate with a young inexperienced Black woman who supports President Barack Obama.This man instead of representing the view of a decent Christian man with with conservative values and beliefs he went on a bullying rant on someone who cant fight back.Well the Kalagenesis is the defender of the weak and helpless.The member I am referring to is member H a self described Christian Republican who is a multi million dollar businessman.Before I am done with him he will delete his profile and disappear.This is a sample of the reply and discussion and his reply back to the Kala Nation Under God.
Kalagenesis wrote to H:
If you are such a good business person where is your website and what do you sell?Why were you not featured on Michael Baisden?Why are you not networking with other business people on this site instead of belittling young people who Know no better?You wrote"Little girl, I'm 45-yrs old, an international business owner (netted $2.6 million last year) and own personal properties in several countries (Norway, Austria, USA, and Belize). When I herald the dangers of the socialist policies that the Obama Administration is enacting I speak from real-world business experience. I'm the guy that owns the small-business that hires ignorant children like you (who have absolutely no skills, talents, or potential). Yet, your dumb ass thinks you deserve more than you can produce for yourself. You expect people like me to surrender more of our resources, that we've produced through our efforts, to do for you what you're unable/unwilling to do for yourself. The thing that you should remember, as you and other slacker-losers demand that us "rich people" pay more, is that we've already taken a ton of our money out of the US where Washington D.C. can't touch it.
First of all you sit up here and defend a racist party like the Republicans when a growing number of Republicans now admit that there party has been taken over by Southern White racist conservatives who have as much love for Black people as the devil has for holy water.You talk about socialism this reply shows you are ignorant and don't know the definition of socialism.So now go and google it I will take you apart and expose you for the fraud liar you are.Explain the cash for clunkers,The bank bailout,small business tax credit and the health care reform which will help small business.You lied when you said you made millions in revenue.How can you make millions and not have a good tax accountant who can show you how to create tax shelters and write off all your expenses as business.You must be a stupid business person.And the money that you get taxed in the end is nothing compared to what the government spends protecting your rights and property here and abroad.Now you said people surrendering your resources.What about the many who fight for a share of the wealth but it is still in the hands a a few.You sound as ignorant as hell H.I don't know anyone who is waiting for a politician to do anything for them.But the lobbyist,PAC's and others sleep with politicians everyday to get what they want.But as soon as a poor person as for opportunity it is a crime.You are sick,Obama is the best thing this country has.And show me where any new tax laws took money from you since Obama came to office!!!!!!!!!!!!Show me the provision HR? S?Where is it liar?
Self described Christian Republican H wrote:
At 7:49pm on September 10, 2009, H said…
Okay, I'll take your bait because your spiel actually amused me.
If you are such a good business person where is your website and what do you sell?Why were you not featured on Michael Baisden?Why are you not networking with other business people on this site...
I own an international economic consultancy. My clientèle aren't found surfing these pages. Why would I waste bandwidth/webmaster resources with making anything available to an audience that can't benefit me or from my business? The world is a lot bigger than shuck-and-jive networking sites trying to balance everything from social issues to hooking up.
...instead of belittling young people who Know no better?
You're absolutely right on this point. However, I'm not sure the entire string has been taken into account because if I recall correctly I did turn the discourse into an educational opportunity. Nonetheless, that's a mute point. You are right. I was completely wrong. I didn't see the "under 21" until deep into the conversations.
First of all you sit up here and defend a racist party like the Republicans...
Of the 2 major political parties in the USA, I side with the Republicans because they espouse more of the principles that I believe in. Heck...both sides have their authentic racists. Let's not try to point fingers on that note. I'm pretty sure that you haven't heard me "defend" Repubicans. I defend the capitalistic free market that everyone has access to. The capitalistic free market that this nation was built on. And in doing so, I don't care who wasn't fortunate enough to take advantage of it. I defend the Constitutional Rights that we were given by the Founders. I defend the Conservative principles that I live by.
You talk about socialism this reply shows you are ignorant and don't know the definition of socialism.
Actually, I'm fully aware of what "Socialism" is and President Obama is (along with the Demoncraps/Repubicans in both Houses) steering our Nation toward socialism. Take a minute to read a dictionary before you speak.
Socialism - * Main Entry: so·cial·ism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Explain the cash for clunkers,The bank bailout,small business tax credit and the health care reform which will help small business.
Each of the items you've brought up are actually textbook examples of Socialism
"Cash for Clunkers" is taking money from citizens (because government doesn't create wealth/income) and administering the means of distributing goods (cars). Furthermore, the automaker that "won" with the most sales was Toyota! A Japanese Corporation!!! That means billions and billions of our dollars are going to Japan! US manufacturers sold less cars under this socialist program. I'd have complained but the govt should have made the program open only to US manufacturers so our money stayed in the USA.
"The bank bailout" and "small business tax credit" - again, government taking private money away from citizens (through taxes) and distributing to to private corporations because private corporations failed to prudently manage their fiscal responsibilities. The U.S. Government ("we the people") have the majority stake in AIG and GM. Is that not definition #2? Come on man/lady.
Health care reform - this is definition #1 and #2 completely! Irrespective of that blatant fact, health care is not a right. What's government doing trying to get involved in another private industry? I'm enthusiastic when my pharma stocks produce dividends quarterly. I'm encouraged when my health care stocks make a profit on my investments.
Furthermore, you and I are not entitled to reap the benefits of a medical professional/pharma manufacturer just because that seems "unfair" when you or I can't afford to pay for their that they've taken the responsibility to obtain through difficult schooling and R&D, respectively.
...not have a good tax accountant who can show you how to create tax shelters and write off all your expenses as business.You must be a stupid business person.
The dishonest thing is to "create tax shelters" to hide from the legal obligations that we have as US Citizens. I'm not trying to avoid taxes, partner. I'm all for equitable tax liabilities. I just don't want to pay more and more for lazy, worthless, useless people to sit around and do nothing but receive increased "benefits" while I'm out creating jobs and producing revenue and taking all of the risk.
What about the many who fight for a share of the wealth but it is still in the hands a a few.
What have they EARNED? The reality of "wealth" is that it is and never will be attainable by everyone. It's a natural phenomenon that some people are more capable than others. If investing were easy, everyone would be a Warren Buffet. If real estate were easy, everyone would be a Donald Trump. If chatting on the radio were easy, everyone would be a Michael Baisden. If golf were simple, everyone would be Tiger Woods. If writing were simple, everyone would be a Terry McMillan. If communicating/producing were simple, everyone would be an Oprah Winfrey. These people have risen to the top, not because their profession is easy, but because they have something special within them and have learned to capitalize on it. There are those who have natural abilities, others profit through perseverance, and still others have just damn good fortune to capitalize when and where others can't. All I want is the chance to be what I can define as a success.
Is it "unfair"? Heck if I know. I do know that spending time/energy complaining about what someone else has that I want/ain't got doesn't do anything to get me closer to what I want. I also know that if we all had $1 million in the bank the cost of bread would be several thousand dollars a loaf. Then folk would be complaining because he's got $10 million and I've only got $6 million. You know, the poorest Americans are still richer than the majority of the world.
You sound as ignorant as hell...
That could very well be. However, I'm not one of the losers crying because I can't afford medical coverage for myself and my family. I'm not one of the losers crying because I can't afford to buy a car unless "Master Sammy in the big White House" takes money from my neighbors and gives it to me as a "Cash for Clunkers program." Or worse, borrows from the Communist Chinese so we can spend, spend, spend. I'm not one of the losers crying because "the white man," the lobbyists, some PAC, or sweet call girl is sleeping with the people that we elect and getting favors.
But as soon as a poor person as for opportunity it is a crime.
Let us differentiate between seeking opportunity and expecting something for nothing. Praising the "Cash for Clunkers" is asking for something in return for nothing. What did any of the "Cash for Clunkers" participants do to EARN those few thousand dollars that taxpayers are responsible to provide? Seeking opportunity is pulling yourself up by the "bootstraps." Do you hear Indians (from Asia) crying because "the white man is keeping them down"? How about Asians coming over in droves for the opportunity to pursue their dreams/goals. What about the latinos that are coming from Central/South America for an opportunity to make an honest living and to be more than they can in their country? This is the greatest nation in the history of the world! Personally, I'm sick of hearing MY people complain because they can't get ahead yet someone just got off of the boat (literally) and is making a very profitable living, yet we've been sitting around for decades "wishing" more than sweating for ourselves, for our dreams, for our futures, for our kids. I have no tolerance for MY people complaining because they can't afford school clothes for their kids but they've got 24" wheels on their brand new car and a Blu-ray attached to their 56" Plasma TV.
You are sick,Obama is the best thing this country has.
I appreciate your perspective. However, everyone is entitled to be ignorant (look it up before you get offended). The nation is further in debt (with no thanks to Bush 43) than ever before. We, the nation, are spending money that our (yours and mine) great-grandchildren will be trying to pay off. There's something fundamentally wrong with that! Well, that is unless you're one of those parents that uses your kids' SSN to get credit, electricity, or goods and leaves their financial future all screwed up. Not saying you're that guy/gal but I suspect we both know of people who've done that to their own children. Well, that's what borrowing for new programs today is doing to the nation.
And show me where any new tax laws took money from you since Obama came to office!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent point, however, I'm not foolish enough to play economic defense. When Senator Obama won the Demoncrap nomination I immediately began transferring (legally) resources (money) and incorporating my business overseas (with the corp headquarters overseas) to minimize my vulnerability to a socialistic administration. The bills for these billions and billions of programs Pres. Obama wants will come due. Whether you and I pay now or later it will have to be paid. The ONLY asset that I still own in the USA is a hamburger franchise located in the Midwest and as soon as I find a buyer that baby is gone!
Show me the provision HR?
Obviously more of my ignorance...don't have a clue what a "provision HR" is.
I think you need to come to this thread and answer for yourself.
First things first, I neither need to answer to anyone nor for anything. If a thread between A & B gets disclosed (whether in part or whole) to another party any problems the 3rd party has are his/her own.
Besides, it would be pretty comical to engage in the tribal/mob mentality. I understand that a Conservative/Republican/Libertarian isn't at all welcome in the "Black Community" or this superficial "networking" site, primarily because we've decided to leave the plantation and are automatically considered to be a "sell-out," "Uncle Tom," or somehow "not Black."
I enjoyed your challenge/confrontation. You've solidified my impressions of Demoncraps/Liberals.
Now, since you've got a passion for the ObamaCare. What has the bureaucracy of government managed successfully? How's health care in the Veteran's Administration? How's Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae? How's the U.S. Postal Service? How's Medicare/Medicaid? How did Congress do with managing the Congressional Post Office? How's government done with Social Security? Depending on your age, you're paying your hard earned money into a system that's going to be flat broke before you collect a single penny. How is the government doing with spending within our (the nation's) means, balancing the budget? When your bank account is lower than you want or empty do you continue to borrow and spend? I sure as hell don't. Yet, that's exactly what the government does. Sounds to me like you want more of that. I don't! All of these government ran programs are total disasters! Brother/Sister, the bureaucracy keeps raising taxes to spend more and more without regard to what it's doing to the everyday man, woman, and child. When my businesses begin to not turn a profit I change how we do business. If it goes into the red, I sell. Government doesn' tells us to just give more. Isn't that what Biden said, "It's patriotic to pay more taxes." That S.O.B. made millions and gave less than 3% to charity. He'd rather take from you and me. Oh, we won't take it from the poor people...we'll take it from the rich. Are you sure you want an opportunity to gain wealth? :-)
The communists just come out and say "we can do it better if we just had more money." The socialists disguise it as "rights" to those who don't have what they want.
Hopefully I've conveyed my messages concisely but thoroughly. As I'm sure you're aware, writing isn't the most effective means of communication.
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At 6:29pm on August 30, 2009, Joseph Pollard / DJ P.L.O said…
Kalagenesis:In all fairness to H he did admit he was out of line talking to the young girl like that.He said he did not see her under 21 age.I'll accept that but the issue of him using his so called success and wealth to belittle people he disagrees with and spewing GOP talking points is another.He does it again when he wrote disrespecting Iseecolor members saying no one on this site would have any knowledge of his so called international business so why put network with anyone on this site.HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Michael Baisden has listeners from every corner of the globe.Business people in South Africa,Japan,Europe,China ect all do business with Iseecolor members so what is H talking about when he wrote this:
I own an international economic consultancy. My clientèle aren't found surfing these pages. Why would I waste bandwidth/webmaster resources with making anything available to an audience that can't benefit me or from my business? The world is a lot bigger than shuck-and-jive networking sites trying to balance everything from social issues to hooking up.
Hooking up?Wasting time with Iseecolor members?400,000 potential contacts?This is a so called consultant?I thought consultants collect names any names for any reason!!!!!!!H is a fraud and the Kalagenesis has exposed him
Kalagenesis wrote to H:
If you are such a good business person where is your website and what do you sell?Why were you not featured on Michael Baisden?Why are you not networking with other business people on this site instead of belittling young people who Know no better?You wrote"Little girl, I'm 45-yrs old, an international business owner (netted $2.6 million last year) and own personal properties in several countries (Norway, Austria, USA, and Belize). When I herald the dangers of the socialist policies that the Obama Administration is enacting I speak from real-world business experience. I'm the guy that owns the small-business that hires ignorant children like you (who have absolutely no skills, talents, or potential). Yet, your dumb ass thinks you deserve more than you can produce for yourself. You expect people like me to surrender more of our resources, that we've produced through our efforts, to do for you what you're unable/unwilling to do for yourself. The thing that you should remember, as you and other slacker-losers demand that us "rich people" pay more, is that we've already taken a ton of our money out of the US where Washington D.C. can't touch it.
First of all you sit up here and defend a racist party like the Republicans when a growing number of Republicans now admit that there party has been taken over by Southern White racist conservatives who have as much love for Black people as the devil has for holy water.You talk about socialism this reply shows you are ignorant and don't know the definition of socialism.So now go and google it I will take you apart and expose you for the fraud liar you are.Explain the cash for clunkers,The bank bailout,small business tax credit and the health care reform which will help small business.You lied when you said you made millions in revenue.How can you make millions and not have a good tax accountant who can show you how to create tax shelters and write off all your expenses as business.You must be a stupid business person.And the money that you get taxed in the end is nothing compared to what the government spends protecting your rights and property here and abroad.Now you said people surrendering your resources.What about the many who fight for a share of the wealth but it is still in the hands a a few.You sound as ignorant as hell H.I don't know anyone who is waiting for a politician to do anything for them.But the lobbyist,PAC's and others sleep with politicians everyday to get what they want.But as soon as a poor person as for opportunity it is a crime.You are sick,Obama is the best thing this country has.And show me where any new tax laws took money from you since Obama came to office!!!!!!!!!!!!Show me the provision HR? S?Where is it liar?
Self described Christian Republican H wrote:
At 7:49pm on September 10, 2009, H said…
Okay, I'll take your bait because your spiel actually amused me.
If you are such a good business person where is your website and what do you sell?Why were you not featured on Michael Baisden?Why are you not networking with other business people on this site...
I own an international economic consultancy. My clientèle aren't found surfing these pages. Why would I waste bandwidth/webmaster resources with making anything available to an audience that can't benefit me or from my business? The world is a lot bigger than shuck-and-jive networking sites trying to balance everything from social issues to hooking up.
...instead of belittling young people who Know no better?
You're absolutely right on this point. However, I'm not sure the entire string has been taken into account because if I recall correctly I did turn the discourse into an educational opportunity. Nonetheless, that's a mute point. You are right. I was completely wrong. I didn't see the "under 21" until deep into the conversations.
First of all you sit up here and defend a racist party like the Republicans...
Of the 2 major political parties in the USA, I side with the Republicans because they espouse more of the principles that I believe in. Heck...both sides have their authentic racists. Let's not try to point fingers on that note. I'm pretty sure that you haven't heard me "defend" Repubicans. I defend the capitalistic free market that everyone has access to. The capitalistic free market that this nation was built on. And in doing so, I don't care who wasn't fortunate enough to take advantage of it. I defend the Constitutional Rights that we were given by the Founders. I defend the Conservative principles that I live by.
You talk about socialism this reply shows you are ignorant and don't know the definition of socialism.
Actually, I'm fully aware of what "Socialism" is and President Obama is (along with the Demoncraps/Repubicans in both Houses) steering our Nation toward socialism. Take a minute to read a dictionary before you speak.
Socialism - * Main Entry: so·cial·ism
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Explain the cash for clunkers,The bank bailout,small business tax credit and the health care reform which will help small business.
Each of the items you've brought up are actually textbook examples of Socialism
"Cash for Clunkers" is taking money from citizens (because government doesn't create wealth/income) and administering the means of distributing goods (cars). Furthermore, the automaker that "won" with the most sales was Toyota! A Japanese Corporation!!! That means billions and billions of our dollars are going to Japan! US manufacturers sold less cars under this socialist program. I'd have complained but the govt should have made the program open only to US manufacturers so our money stayed in the USA.
"The bank bailout" and "small business tax credit" - again, government taking private money away from citizens (through taxes) and distributing to to private corporations because private corporations failed to prudently manage their fiscal responsibilities. The U.S. Government ("we the people") have the majority stake in AIG and GM. Is that not definition #2? Come on man/lady.
Health care reform - this is definition #1 and #2 completely! Irrespective of that blatant fact, health care is not a right. What's government doing trying to get involved in another private industry? I'm enthusiastic when my pharma stocks produce dividends quarterly. I'm encouraged when my health care stocks make a profit on my investments.
Furthermore, you and I are not entitled to reap the benefits of a medical professional/pharma manufacturer just because that seems "unfair" when you or I can't afford to pay for their that they've taken the responsibility to obtain through difficult schooling and R&D, respectively.
...not have a good tax accountant who can show you how to create tax shelters and write off all your expenses as business.You must be a stupid business person.
The dishonest thing is to "create tax shelters" to hide from the legal obligations that we have as US Citizens. I'm not trying to avoid taxes, partner. I'm all for equitable tax liabilities. I just don't want to pay more and more for lazy, worthless, useless people to sit around and do nothing but receive increased "benefits" while I'm out creating jobs and producing revenue and taking all of the risk.
What about the many who fight for a share of the wealth but it is still in the hands a a few.
What have they EARNED? The reality of "wealth" is that it is and never will be attainable by everyone. It's a natural phenomenon that some people are more capable than others. If investing were easy, everyone would be a Warren Buffet. If real estate were easy, everyone would be a Donald Trump. If chatting on the radio were easy, everyone would be a Michael Baisden. If golf were simple, everyone would be Tiger Woods. If writing were simple, everyone would be a Terry McMillan. If communicating/producing were simple, everyone would be an Oprah Winfrey. These people have risen to the top, not because their profession is easy, but because they have something special within them and have learned to capitalize on it. There are those who have natural abilities, others profit through perseverance, and still others have just damn good fortune to capitalize when and where others can't. All I want is the chance to be what I can define as a success.
Is it "unfair"? Heck if I know. I do know that spending time/energy complaining about what someone else has that I want/ain't got doesn't do anything to get me closer to what I want. I also know that if we all had $1 million in the bank the cost of bread would be several thousand dollars a loaf. Then folk would be complaining because he's got $10 million and I've only got $6 million. You know, the poorest Americans are still richer than the majority of the world.
You sound as ignorant as hell...
That could very well be. However, I'm not one of the losers crying because I can't afford medical coverage for myself and my family. I'm not one of the losers crying because I can't afford to buy a car unless "Master Sammy in the big White House" takes money from my neighbors and gives it to me as a "Cash for Clunkers program." Or worse, borrows from the Communist Chinese so we can spend, spend, spend. I'm not one of the losers crying because "the white man," the lobbyists, some PAC, or sweet call girl is sleeping with the people that we elect and getting favors.
But as soon as a poor person as for opportunity it is a crime.
Let us differentiate between seeking opportunity and expecting something for nothing. Praising the "Cash for Clunkers" is asking for something in return for nothing. What did any of the "Cash for Clunkers" participants do to EARN those few thousand dollars that taxpayers are responsible to provide? Seeking opportunity is pulling yourself up by the "bootstraps." Do you hear Indians (from Asia) crying because "the white man is keeping them down"? How about Asians coming over in droves for the opportunity to pursue their dreams/goals. What about the latinos that are coming from Central/South America for an opportunity to make an honest living and to be more than they can in their country? This is the greatest nation in the history of the world! Personally, I'm sick of hearing MY people complain because they can't get ahead yet someone just got off of the boat (literally) and is making a very profitable living, yet we've been sitting around for decades "wishing" more than sweating for ourselves, for our dreams, for our futures, for our kids. I have no tolerance for MY people complaining because they can't afford school clothes for their kids but they've got 24" wheels on their brand new car and a Blu-ray attached to their 56" Plasma TV.
You are sick,Obama is the best thing this country has.
I appreciate your perspective. However, everyone is entitled to be ignorant (look it up before you get offended). The nation is further in debt (with no thanks to Bush 43) than ever before. We, the nation, are spending money that our (yours and mine) great-grandchildren will be trying to pay off. There's something fundamentally wrong with that! Well, that is unless you're one of those parents that uses your kids' SSN to get credit, electricity, or goods and leaves their financial future all screwed up. Not saying you're that guy/gal but I suspect we both know of people who've done that to their own children. Well, that's what borrowing for new programs today is doing to the nation.
And show me where any new tax laws took money from you since Obama came to office!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent point, however, I'm not foolish enough to play economic defense. When Senator Obama won the Demoncrap nomination I immediately began transferring (legally) resources (money) and incorporating my business overseas (with the corp headquarters overseas) to minimize my vulnerability to a socialistic administration. The bills for these billions and billions of programs Pres. Obama wants will come due. Whether you and I pay now or later it will have to be paid. The ONLY asset that I still own in the USA is a hamburger franchise located in the Midwest and as soon as I find a buyer that baby is gone!
Show me the provision HR?
Obviously more of my ignorance...don't have a clue what a "provision HR" is.
I think you need to come to this thread and answer for yourself.
First things first, I neither need to answer to anyone nor for anything. If a thread between A & B gets disclosed (whether in part or whole) to another party any problems the 3rd party has are his/her own.
Besides, it would be pretty comical to engage in the tribal/mob mentality. I understand that a Conservative/Republican/Libertarian isn't at all welcome in the "Black Community" or this superficial "networking" site, primarily because we've decided to leave the plantation and are automatically considered to be a "sell-out," "Uncle Tom," or somehow "not Black."
I enjoyed your challenge/confrontation. You've solidified my impressions of Demoncraps/Liberals.
Now, since you've got a passion for the ObamaCare. What has the bureaucracy of government managed successfully? How's health care in the Veteran's Administration? How's Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae? How's the U.S. Postal Service? How's Medicare/Medicaid? How did Congress do with managing the Congressional Post Office? How's government done with Social Security? Depending on your age, you're paying your hard earned money into a system that's going to be flat broke before you collect a single penny. How is the government doing with spending within our (the nation's) means, balancing the budget? When your bank account is lower than you want or empty do you continue to borrow and spend? I sure as hell don't. Yet, that's exactly what the government does. Sounds to me like you want more of that. I don't! All of these government ran programs are total disasters! Brother/Sister, the bureaucracy keeps raising taxes to spend more and more without regard to what it's doing to the everyday man, woman, and child. When my businesses begin to not turn a profit I change how we do business. If it goes into the red, I sell. Government doesn' tells us to just give more. Isn't that what Biden said, "It's patriotic to pay more taxes." That S.O.B. made millions and gave less than 3% to charity. He'd rather take from you and me. Oh, we won't take it from the poor people...we'll take it from the rich. Are you sure you want an opportunity to gain wealth? :-)
The communists just come out and say "we can do it better if we just had more money." The socialists disguise it as "rights" to those who don't have what they want.
Hopefully I've conveyed my messages concisely but thoroughly. As I'm sure you're aware, writing isn't the most effective means of communication.
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At 6:29pm on August 30, 2009, Joseph Pollard / DJ P.L.O said…
Kalagenesis:In all fairness to H he did admit he was out of line talking to the young girl like that.He said he did not see her under 21 age.I'll accept that but the issue of him using his so called success and wealth to belittle people he disagrees with and spewing GOP talking points is another.He does it again when he wrote disrespecting Iseecolor members saying no one on this site would have any knowledge of his so called international business so why put network with anyone on this site.HUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Michael Baisden has listeners from every corner of the globe.Business people in South Africa,Japan,Europe,China ect all do business with Iseecolor members so what is H talking about when he wrote this:
I own an international economic consultancy. My clientèle aren't found surfing these pages. Why would I waste bandwidth/webmaster resources with making anything available to an audience that can't benefit me or from my business? The world is a lot bigger than shuck-and-jive networking sites trying to balance everything from social issues to hooking up.
Hooking up?Wasting time with Iseecolor members?400,000 potential contacts?This is a so called consultant?I thought consultants collect names any names for any reason!!!!!!!H is a fraud and the Kalagenesis has exposed him
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