Years ago I was a follower of Minister Farrakhan and I still think he can have a role in our liberation.The problem is as it has always been a belief in a flawed religion.Most people who join the Nation of Islam do so out of a sense of belonging and wanting to help not for hatred of anyone.The Nation of Islam is a separatist organization not a nationalist on.They do not believe in parting from America but giving Black people every reason under the sun to hate the country of their birth.They do not like seeing Black people happy.Because happy Black people don't need them.A real nationalist movement to buy land and build an independent nation is not what they are but a group hell bent on being used to attack America through Black pain and suffering.It is out of this that Farrakhan draws his followers.People who want to hear how everything is the White man's fault and life is all doom and gloom.Except for him and his cronies who live very well.Over the years I ignored so of the hypocrisy I observed in the group.For instance the Min was offered dual citizenship by the President of Gambia and offered land and asylum by other African countries for him and his followers.When this card is pulled he often would talk about how America is the greatest country in the world.And how fortunate he is to live in a country that allows him to express himself.Then he goes on a rant about the evil America.Well a recently rediscovered video from the early 90's reveal that the White man is not the only thing Minister Farrakhan thinks is bad and evil.It seems the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had anti Black self hate issues steaming from racist Arab/Muslim mythology.But I still think the Minister can be forgiven.He just lost the moral high ground and his credibility to speak on our behalf.The following is a thread from facebook and some angry people talking about the self hate video.
11 hours ago · Like
11 hours ago · Like · 1 person
11 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Nysut Kedar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaCGy3tAbtg ..
11 hours ago · Like
Nysut Kedar ----->DAMAGE CONTROL<-------http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaCGy3tAbtg ..
11 hours ago · Like
Heru Tehuti Ausar Nailah Baniti the Pharaoh Con look like he may have had to see how Supa the head was he smiling like a 3rd grader that just got a piece of candy LOL
11 hours ago · Like
Louis Orr @ Nysut Kedar, here is the audio only version, that one is still up.
10 hours ago · Like
Nysut Kedar found it thanks to a friend..ashe..http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xj5u41_nation-of-islam-self-hate-teaching_news
9 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Nysut Kedar we dont need the NOI to hide or conceal the facts..we need them to do the honorable thing and repudiate that aspect of there teachings ?? but i doubt that will ever happen because most leaders and there followers are too arrogant and full of false pride to admit something was false or incorrect in there doctrine..smh
9 hours ago · Like · 2 people
7 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Tashame Ali well shyt just how long did ppl think that he was going to continue to throw the fist up in the air for " Blak Power" ? A conscious Krakka never existed to me anyways..his son is married to a European , and now it's publicly visioned seeing Europeans in the N O I..glad i freed myself from all dat shyt..that tells you about Religion they ALL borrow from each other...
6 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Jamerican Angel I wonder did she sleep with him too SMH
6 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Anthony Hunt
To comment on the original topic, if you know the Nation of Islam teachings, Elijah Muhammad taught that the original black people were VERY dark skin with straight hair and thinner lips and noses. He said that our kinky hair, thicker lips and noses were not our original appearance. So in our DNA, our nature of how we originally looked keeps resurfacing to come back to our original state. Not ONLY because of brainwashing by whites and arabs, but from within. I wonder how many sisters who commented in this post still wear an occasional weave of indian or chinese hair and have the straight hair appearance?? I have seen the pictures in some of your photo sections. To go even further with this, Elijah Muhammad taught that 50,000 years ago one of our black scientist by the name of SHABAZZ moved his family into African in the spirit of REBELLION. Being in Africa changed our physical appearance over the tens of thousands of years from our orignal state. Now its true that you don't even see Africans in Africa or fresh from Africa wearing their hair wild. Many of them perceive it as crazy. But while we should know Africa and study Africa, Africa still had flaws and was taken over and deviated in some way...So we can't fully follow Africa either. We aren't to fully follow no one, not the arabs or nor whites either
6 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Mental Sun Superhead and Farrakhan hmm they both made careers out of fuckin people. smh
6 hours ago · Like · 2 people
S Sanders
Peace and Life. H O L D the fudge up!!! Farr o Khan is not the NOI he is NOI Inc.... Help your sister/brother/child-deity who is HELD trapped/kidnapped there in that corporation! If you know Sound Right Reasoning that isn't enough to just t...See More
6 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Leslie Bully-Thompson Tell Farakhan this: When I look at my "nasty nappy naps" I see curls, indicating that there is life. Does he know physics? Geometry? Straight line indicate nothingness. Where does he thiink he is going with Miss clarol and the permanant process?
5 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Jamerican Angel I still shocked that he even thinks and said that
5 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Awo Fategbe hid daughter was recently initiated into Ifa/Orisa at Oyotunji - saw the post on my facebook yesterday. she got a great big head of hair too. haha
5 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Jamerican Angel What is that? Awo fategbe
5 hours ago · Like
Awo Fategbe @Nailah Banti - Of course i was kidding. c'mon! we are all gonna die so let's not take ourselves or anyone else too seriously. farrakhan is a joke, so jokes on him!
5 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Norm J Blunt is he 4real with this shit?????????
5 hours ago · Like
Awo Fategbe A Jamerican - I saw a post yesyerday i think from the Oba of Oyotunji that or actually it was a picture and it said the woman was the daughter of Farakhan. let me see if i can find it.
5 hours ago · Like
Jamerican Angel Ok but whats the Oba of Oyotunji is what I was asking?
4 hours ago · Like
Awo Fategbe
oh o.k. Oyotunji is a cultural nationalist institution created bya brother with a vision of possibilities. He has passed and now his son is the head. Oba means king in Yoruba. So anyways, his dad bought was a part of the cultural nationalis...See More
4 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Shanette Tootabooforyou Eley wow thats crazy
4 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Chay Morrow LMBO!!!! Yall killin me with the slander and backbiting!!! Is this all they teach in your organizations??? I think I got dumber reading this post! Come on with all this time consuming garbage! Do something for Self and stop all this non-sense!
4 hours ago · Like
Claude Everett Bowen Farrakan has run out of things to say and or bitch about. He needs to sit his ass down as his time widns up because he still must answer for his part in the murder of Malcolm X
3 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Nailah Baniti
@ Anthony Hunt.. Yes you have seen the pics of me with straight hair.. I don't knock anyone who doesn't choose to go natural, but I will knock a nigga who continues to disrespect our Afrikan features--So I don't get your point.. Perhaps yo...See More
3 hours ago · Like
Khumo Kanjabanga Bold headed Minister
3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Nailah Baniti So being in Afrika gave us nappy hair and big nose Anthony Hunt? LOL-- So it was our disobedience to God why we were cursed with such featured? LMAO--Nigga PLEASEEEEEEEEE)))
3 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Anthony Hunt I didn't make the post Nailah...you did. While at the same time with the weave and straightened hair photos you have are plentiful in your photo section...and if saying "Nigga Please" is all you got to disprove the point of the hair and features being due to being in Africa for tens of thousands of years, then ok. You might as well be gossiping with this post
3 hours ago · Like
Nailah Baniti
LMFAO-- Before I went NAUTRAL-- I wore a weave, SO??? What's your point? What did I say about the sister in the picture? Nothing, only that Khan wanted us to look like this "pretty" video vixen in the picture... I don't have to prove anything to you because your argument is not intelligent.. I quoted the man, if you don't like it then take your "conscious" Muslim *** off my page.. there is a delete button right next to my name you know.. If it weren't for people like him pushing that Western Idea of what beauty is, most of our sisters would probably still have their natural look! Again...Nigga Pleaseeeeeeeee
3 hours ago · Like
Romulus Bey wow
3 hours ago · Like
Nailah Baniti
And for the record Anthony Hunt. You have not proven that our Afrikan feautures were due to our enviornment.. All you've stated is that Elijah Muhhamad said so, which not only makes you a follower, but idiot for not seeking FACTS on his claim.. So unless you have evidence to Prove that we went from straight hair to Naps-- Your argument is garbage!!! We both know why you're trying to debate with me, and it has nothing to do with the post-- Take your emotions out of this and you might be able to use your liminal senses!!
3 hours ago · Like
Anthony Hunt
Don't be further ridiculous. You know good and well this picture is taken at a public event. He probably didn't even know who she was. I see the Congress woman in the background of this photo. You might be starting a gossip blog Nailah. How do you know that it isn't true? that isn't even an option in your mind. I didn't hear him say "your ugliness" like you posted. You clipped and pieced together his points just like the white folks do.
3 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Nailah Baniti
The video where he stated that our ugliness was a disobedience to god has been removed from Youtube-- I didn't state that he knew her--READ CAREFULLY!! I said, "Perhaps" he'd like for us to look as European as the "pretty vixen" in the picture.Why? because he's always saying that we are so UGLY!!! Nowhere did I say he knew her, or they're sleeping together.. I quoted him.. The video where he stated that Ugliness was our disobedience to god was posted on my page on June 5, now it has been removed from the internet... If you do not have the FACTS on the video that I've listend to and watched a few times, then don't speak on it!! Yall Mulsims are worst than Christians.. SMH!!
3 hours ago · Like
Chay Morrow Sister Nailah: You are too hard for the yard! While I like your spirit soldier I think your aim is off... And why would I delete you for having an opinion... If you like having only friends who agree with you then thats your prerogative! I guess I can't be down with the "I can't stand Minister Farrakhan Group"... LMBO!
3 hours ago · Like
Nailah Baniti
No Chay, I want everyone to have their own opinions.. I welcome yours as well.. That's why it is still there. So now we're in a group because a few of us can see through the non-sense he promotes? It isnt as if we are making these things up? Did I mis-quote him? No, he did say these things.. Why, I haven't any idea... But I strongly respect Malcom's idea, that "Who taught us how to hate ourselves?" He is suppose to be our brother and a leader and this is what he is constantly promoting, self hatred? Chay, let me ask you, have you seen or heard any of what I have quoted? If so, then do you also promote that form of self hatred? This is my point.. I am not hating on him.. I just want most Afrikan people to know that no one will be their savior, that they must fight for themselves. Farrakhan or Obama will not liberate our people, so why become their followers?
2 hours ago · Like
Chay Morrow Brother Claude: And may I ask, what do you have to answer for? I know I gotta answer for a whole lot! We always worried bout the wrong things!!!
2 hours ago · Like
Nailah Baniti
Chay, It is not my place to judge somone for their personal lifestyle, but when that person continues to introduce his/her lifestyle to me and others like me, then I cannot sit quiet and say, let ye be judge by Allah-- No, no, no... He is infecting the minds of our people. Should I sist back and say not a word?? Shouldn't we all say something.. It is said that we teach people how to treat us.. I say remaining silent while someone is mistreating you is teaching them that it is okay to mistreat you... But you are right, everyone will have to answer to a higher power, I call her (KARMA). But until he does, I will stand against his teaching if he continues to teach LIES.
2 hours ago · Like
Chay Morrow
And to be clear: We "Muslims" students of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad do not have to watch the video to know what Minister Farrakhan is talking about. Here is a suggestion to all... Instead of taking it as a personal attack to your views; why not actually do the research on what Elijah taught regarding the Tribe of Shabazz (remember El Malik "Shabazz" AKA Malcolm X) and be scientific with your approach and arguments...
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Nailah Baniti
Who created the Muslim religion??? What is it's origin? Not that I knock anyone who chooses to be a follower of any religion, but where did it originate from? There is more than one way to TRUTH, (MY) truth, and it is NOT of he Muslim religion. Religion by far was the greatest con ever invented. And like El Shabazz AKA Malcolm X stated, "I'm truth no matter who tells it and I'm for justice no matter who it is for or against." Again, there's more than one way to the truth and the teachin of Khan is NOT it!! For me at least.
2 hours ago · Like
Chay Morrow To answer your question Sis, I promote what I believe to Be Truth. I do feel that what Minister Farrakhan said needs to be better understood and therefore better explained...
about an hour ago · Like
John Tifase Somorin Howell would love to share these
about an hour ago · Like
Leslie Bully-Thompson ...I would like to hear the "better" explaination of nappy heai and broad noses being a curse...and further more nappy hair being a carrier of disease. I've been natural for 8 years and have'nt consulted a doctor or taken perscription drugs, no surgeries or ailments. In fact I attribute a portion of my good health my to getting off the hair drugs.
about an hour ago · Like · 1 person
Chay Morrow
Sister Leslie: I am not here to explain anything sis. Not on this platform at least. That would open up a much bigger argument in which no one actually wins and it would only cause even more confusion. However, if you would truly like to study for yourself I can point you in the right direction... By the way congratulations on not having any ailments, surgeries, or having to take prescription drugs! And I sincerely support the use of natural products!
about an hour ago · Like
Chay Morrow Nailah: Our Unity is Our Liberation!!!
48 minutes ago · Like
Leslie Bully-Thompson
...Well, thank you brother. And I must I had no idea that something in my entry led you to conclude that I was going in the wrong direction. Please redirect me if you will. If you are speaking of our Afrikan features as being a curse,...See More
43 minutes ago · Like
Chay Morrow If you are striving in the way of the Most High then you sis are going the Right direction! I simply meant I can point you in the direction of literature that may satisfy your research regarding The Tribe of Shabazz. I love to see my people accepting themselves in a thankful manner to the Most High!
32 minutes ago · Like · 1 person
Malcolm W Swilling
It very unfair to a man who has defended the Black Community for more years then some of us have been alive with a Teaching that most of us do not and did not understand even back then to take a quote with out hearing the context in which i...See More
6 minutes ago · Like
Malcolm W Swilling
It very unfair to a man who has defended the Black Community for more years then some of us have been alive with a Teaching that most of us do not and did not understand even back then to take a quote with out hearing the context in which it was said and run with it.
It is Surprising to me that you think this man would say anything to harm our people...
We dont have to agree with everything he say just know that ( the method he uses have a proven track record of improving Black peoples lives in America) what he says he believes in and was taught by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad the Messenger of God To Us The Blackman and Woman Of Amaerica!
@Chay Marrow, You are very wise and discipline.
Thank You @Nailah for the discussion.
@Anthony Hunt You are very practical in your assessment.
about a minute ago · Like
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