The cowardly racist is the worst enemy to the future of the Black community.Unlike the open racist who tends to confront you like a man as best as he can not the coward.He hides behind code words like limited government,and low taxes.Now let alone taxes have actually gone down under Obama but dont tell that to the racist they will lie about their taxes going up to justify hating the first Black President.Night after night when reading the hate directed at the Obama family you would think we were overthrown by a foreign power and Obama was installed.The same people who rail against big government fully supported warrantless wire taping and the Patriot act.They argued that hey if you are not doing anything wrong then you have nothing to worry about.Obama expanded the so called war on terror
President Obama authorized more predator drone attacks,covert combat missions against terrorist and also secured a lasting nuclear peace deal.Also why are people like national guardsmen,police,rangers ect people sworn to uphold the law being unlawful when they did the oath keepers pledge to not obey any laws conflicting with "American values"Where were these Oath Keepers during the Bush years?This is all about the fact that many are still in denial about what a hateful racist country this is.Why are people in the media silent about the lynching of a good man?This is a lynching to show the same irrational racist mob mentality that our ancestors endured they can even do this to the President of the United States.Theses same type of people John Quincy Adams wrote in the 1800's would stop at nothing to achieve their aims.The wicked men do not respect the fact that there are many races,colors,creeds,religions in this land all working to make it a better place.They dont want to live in peace with people who are different than they are.They dont want diversity if it means other than different whites.We have to stop these people,America is headed for a bloody civil war.
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