Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Miseducation of Henry Louis Gates

One of the most dangerous Sacred Cows we as Black people in America have is we are apprehensive about higher learning.When someone who professes to have knowledge speaks we listen even to our own determent.Instead of being a people who are in control of themselves their destiny and lives we are people who are easily manipulated by anyone who either speaks smooth and slick or sound educated.Education is only good when it is used to better others.When it brings enlightenment and progress to other.Look at our community,has education served us well?Hell No!The problem has been those who used their degrees to parasite,and and mislead the people for political and personal gain.
The Op ed by Professor Henry Louis Gates was pandering
Gates was clearly pandering to the White establishment who gave him so much and for whom he owes his life to.People like Gates hate themselves and Africa.How can you look at the condition Africa was left in and then look around cities like Boston,where slave ships were built and then look at the coast of Africa with years of trama,and say it was an equal trade is insanity.
The following is an article by:

By Abdul Arif Muhammad, Esq.

In an April 23, 2010 Op-Ed piece for The New York Times entitled “Ending the Slavery Blame-Game,” Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. argues that a moral, historic, political and economic equivalency exists between the culpability and responsibility of some Africans who participated in the transatlantic slave trade with the nations of Europe and the American colonies . This article perverts history and violates what Dr. W.E.B. DuBois called “scientific truth.” The article was intellectually disingenuous from the stand point of history and scholarship.

The article is a perfect example of the “educated Negro” who has been taught to find his “proper place” at the back door, as stated by Dr. Carter G. Woodson in his book, The Mis-Education of the Negro. Professor Gates demonstrates through this article that he has accepted his proper place at the back door, showing he is in the category of an “educated Negro” that has, in fact, been mis-educated. It is not surprising then that when Professor Gates was mishandled by white policemen in Massachusetts, he felt it necessary to inform the police that he was a Harvard professor. This is the mind of black inferiority masquerading as an “educated Negro” who has in fact forgotten who he is in the mind of White America.

Sadly, the “educated Negro” state of mind has been a historic problem in the struggle of the masses of Black people for true liberation because there has always been a segment within the black community who are the buffers and apologists for the evil of White America against its black citizens. This phenomenon has been discussed in several scholarly works including The Black Bourgeoisie, by Dr. E. Franklin Frazier; The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, by Dr. Harold Cruse; The Souls of Black Folks, by Dr. W.E.B. DuBois and of course, The Mis-Education of the Negro, by Dr. Carter G. Woodson.

Professor Gates’ arguments are far below the standard of what one should expect from the Director of the W.E.B. DuBois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard University. Dr. DuBois was the first Black man to receive a Ph.D degree from Harvard University in 1895. The irony of Professor Gates’ article is that Dr. DuBois’ doctoral dissertation was entitled, The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to The United States of America, 1638-1870. It was first published in 1896 as one of the Harvard historical studies. This study properly placed the culpability and responsibility for slavery on Europe and the American colonies. Whatever the role some Africans may have played, Dr. DuBois did not seem to view it as requiring research and scholarly attribution.

Professor Gates’ claim that the idea of reparations is “compensation for our ancestor’s unpaid labor and bondage,” clearly shows the extent of his mis-education. Reparations is a cry for justice borne from the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade, over three centuries of chattel slavery where our ancestors according to Dr. DuBois were “worked to death,” and the injustices suffered by the masses of black people even down to this present day. The issue of reparations is not solely based upon compensation because money alone will not solve the 400 year destruction of an entire people, who were robbed of the knowledge of themselves, the knowledge of their heritage, robbed of their names, language, and religion. The cumulative effect of slavery was that Black people were destroyed in their ability to think and do for themselves.

Reparations have to be determined based upon the extent of the injury inflicted, and the cost must be calculated to actually repair the damage done from slavery, Jim Crow segregation, lynching, raping of women, destruction of the institution of the black family, assassination of black leaders, shortened life expectancy from disease, poor health care, drug abuse, gang violence, black on black homicide, police brutality, racial profiling and mob attacks. Professor Gates’ view that the call for reparations may be symbolic and impractical is profoundly egregious and shows his profound lack of understanding of the scientific truth of black suffering during slavery and since emancipation.

Henry Louis Gates
Professor Gates’ claims that Africans played a “significant role” in the slave trade and that it was “lucrative for European buyers and African sellers alike” is astounding. His view that equal culpability for the slave trade and slavery “should truly belong to white people and black people on both sides of the Atlantic” is a historic perversion of the worst kind. Professor Gates obviously did not consider how Africa was devastated by slave trade from the 1500s to the 1800s; then, how she was systematically underdeveloped by European colonization from 1885 through the Second World War (1947). It was not until Ghana, the first independent African nation, was established in 1957 by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, that Africa began her journey to repair over five centuries of European rape and pillage of her human and material resources. Africa remains in that struggle today. An excellent source for scholarship on this point is the book, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Dr. Walter Rodney.

The co-conspirators, conceivers, planners, architects and designers of the transatlantic slave trade were the European nations. The American colonies and the colonized West Indies sustained and nurtured the slave trade due to the wealth it generated. This wealth fueled the industrial revolution in Europe and America, and ultimately made the United States a world power. Where is the evidence of historical records to prove otherwise? Another excellent source of scholarship on this point is the book, Capitalism and Slavery by Dr. Eric Williams. Africans did not know the mind of the European nations in planning the destruction of a people. Africans did not know that the Church sadly issued “papal bulls” from the pope sanctioning slavery of Africans because they were heathens, and needed to be civilized and Christianized. Africans were not aware of the peculiar institution of chattel slavery and its destructive effects that evolved over centuries in the American colonies. It is ludicrous to infer that visits to Europe by some Africans gave them knowledge of the holocaust of slavery.

Professor Gates writes that slavery is one of the greatest evils in the history of civilization. On this point he is absolutely correct. Slavery was a crime against humanity and an entire people. America has a very narrow window to escape the consequences of her deeds; unfortunately she has not yet shown she has the spiritual, moral or political will to repair the damage. If there was a criminal prosecution Europe and her American co-conspirators would be charged with crimes against humanity for the murder and slaughter of untold millions of African people. At best, those Africans who delivered their own brethren into the hands of their oppressors could be charged with the lesser criminal offense of being an accessory before the fact of false imprisonment. In other words they were complicit in an aspect of an entirely different crime from the greater crime of Europe and her American co-conspirators.

But the real point here is why is Professor Gates attempting to blunt and reduce the culpability of Europe and America in the horror of slavery? He seems to have developed a pattern of this behavior. On July 20, 1992 Professor Gates published an Op-Ed article in the New York Times to rebut the Nation of Islam’s book The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 1. In this article Professor Gates attempts to minimize the role of Jewish merchants, traders, financiers and slave owners in slavery. Can we fully comprehend the contradiction and hypocrisy of describing the behavior of the perpetrator of the crime as minimal, yet the victim played a “significant role” in the crime? It is bewildering. Is Professor Gates proving that he is a hired “educated Negro” by the rich and powerful to be an apologist against the legitimate cries for justice by a suffering people?

Finally, Professor Gates’ claim that President Obama’s genetic heritage of African and American parentage makes him “uniquely positioned to solve the reparations debate.” This statement does a tremendous disservice to President Obama. The question of reparations is largely a legislative issue that is the responsibility of the Congress to address. Should there ever be a Reparations Bill passed by Congress, only then would President Obama play the crucial role of signing the Bill into law. Moreover, no one person, even our President, can be the sole arbiter and reconciler on the issue of 400 years of black suffering. He could play a significant role in the discussion but the advancement of the issue of reparations is the responsibility of the more than 40 million black people who are the descendants of slaves.

Dr. W.E.B. DuBois
I conclude by offering to Professor Gates the words of Dr. W.E.B. DuBois regarding the culpability of England and America for slavery, found in Sec. 96 Lessons For Americans in The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to The United States of America, 1638-1870..

“It was the plain duty of the colonies to crush the trade and the system in its infancy: they preferred to enrich themselves on its profits. It was the plain duty of a Revolution based upon "Liberty" to take steps toward the abolition of slavery: it preferred promises to straightforward action. It was the plain duty of the Constitutional Convention, in founding a new nation, to compromise with a threatening social evil only in case its settlement would thereby be postponed to a more favorable time: this was not the case in the slavery and the slave-trade compromises … and yet with this real, existent, growing evil before their eyes, a bargain largely of dollars and cents was allowed to open the highway that led straight to the Civil War…

It behooves the United States, therefore, in the interest both of scientific truth and of future social reform, carefully to study such chapters of her history as that of the suppression of the slave-trade. The most obvious question which this study suggests is : How far in a State can a recognized moral wrong safely be compromised? And although this chapter of history can give us no definite answer suited to the ever-varying aspects of political life, yet it would seem to warn any nation from allowing, through carelessness and moral cowardice, any social evil to grow. No persons would have seen the Civil War with more surprise and horror than the Revolutionists of 1776; yet from the small and apparently dying institution of their day arose the walled and castled Slave-Power. From this we may conclude that it behooves nations as well as men to do things at the very moment when they ought to be done.”

Dr. DuBois who over a span of seven decades as academic, scholar, sociologist, author, editor, civil rights activist and Pan-Africanist was truly an educated black man. As the Director of the institute at Harvard which bears his name it is my hope that this may provide some future guidance to Professor Gates that he might escape the syndrome of the “educated Negro” who has been Mis-Educated.

(Abdul Arif Muhammad is an attorney, historian, researcher, writer, lecturer and former Editor-in-Chief of The Final Call newspaper. He is currently developing a series of essays entitled “A More Perfect Union.” Contact him at arifmu

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sacred Cows:Light, Bright, Damn Near White

In the year 2006 I began the Kalagenesis Blog.I said the biggest problem facing the African American community was Sacred Cows.Many people disagreed with me on this saying what is that?Sacred Cows are beliefs,customs,habits,traditions people hold on to to their own demise.I said self hate is the biggest Sacred Cow followed by colorism,status seeking,lack of reading,and materialism.The one Sacred Cow we carry around is the Sacred Cow of light skin worship.This comes from the plantation system in which we view the nearer we are to the White man in color or status the better we are as a people.You have middle aged Black women bragging about their so called privilege over her darker skinned counter parts.The treatment she thinks is special is what people should be treating each other anyway.Why are people of color so colorstruck?Why do we talk about how equal we are but we use the White man's system to measure ourselves by?
Pan Africanism is the only answer
The best way is fight the coming enslavement of the Black race through mind manipulation and mental enslavement is through Pan Africanism.The rejection of America and its White Supremecy.People walk around with a badge of superiority under this system just because they may be lighter toned.This is why the African American is in a far worst situation than any other Black group.Anywhere there is this division you will find a broken culture,families,crime,poverty and self hate.Only a Kala Nation under God will survive.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An Industrial Revolution in Nigeria

When I was a kid I fantasied about a strong Black country.Something out of a science fiction movie.I must have come from watching Japanese and Hong Kong made films inwhich I saw other parts of the world modern which were people of color.I often said where is the futuristic Africa?Why cant an African country produce robots,trains,spacecraft.Well that idea may be answered.Africa is changing and we as African Americans have a chance to be in on it.Nigeria with its ultra modern Lekki free trade zone and Eko Atlantic a Dubai type Island made from reclaimed sand from eroding coastline.The following is an article about the spectacular growth in Nigeria.

An industrial revolution is gradually coming about in Nigeria, with more than 140 million inhabitants Africa's most populous country. Despite the credit crisis the country's economic growth looks set to continue in the coming years. 'After Asia it's now the turn of the African economic tigers'.

Ten gleaming motorcycles adorn the Innoson showroom in the city of Nnewi in the southeast of Nigeria. Most were made in China. 'But we are making more and more parts ourselves, like petrol tanks, brake parts and plastic covers' says company manager Onusogo Nnamdi. He's optimistic about the future. 'We will shortly be starting the manufacture of tyres,' he says. 'Within five years we will be the first company that markets a motorcycle manufactured entirely in Africa'.

The sale of lightweight motorcycles is booming business in Africa. The demand is being met mainly by Chinese companies, with motorcycles straight off the production line costing less than three thousand euro. Nigerian cities are abuzz with them. They are also used as taxis. Anybody who wants to get from one side of town to the other for a few cents simply jumps on to the back seat.

'The problem with Chinese motorcycles is that their quality is not very good,' says Nnamdi. 'The parts that we make are better and barely more expensive.' Innoson is not the only Nigerian manufacturer getting in on the act. 'Over the past years countless new industrial companies have been started up. Nigeria is on the eve of an industrial revolution'. The city of Nnewi, home to many manufacturers, is nicknamed 'the Taiwan of Africa'. Nnamdi: 'After Asia it's now the turn of the African economic tigers. We can do anything that they can do Taiwan'. Africa is rich in raw materials, but they are seldom used locally. Nigeria, with a population of 140 million the continentç—´ most populous country, is one of the countries where this is beginning to change. The dominance of the oil sector - Nigeria ranks among the world's ten largest oil exporters - is gradually declining. The contribution of non-oil industry to Gross Domestic Product now stands at four percent, which although small is nevertheless a start.

Despite the credit crisis the Nigerian economy is expected to continue growing in the coming years. In its most recent forecast, the Economist Intelligence Unit predicted growth of approximately three percent in the coming year. While this is less than in previous years, it is substantially more than the recent growth rates of western countries. Foreign investment funds, like Orbis of America and Intereffekt of the Netherlands, hold ample interests in listed Nigerian companies.


British economist Paul Collier is delivering a speech in Lagos, Nigeria's economic capital. Collier, author of the widely acclaimed book The Bottom Billion, specialises in developing countries. 'I'm moderately optimistic about Nigeria,' he says. 'While there are problems, like the rampant corruption and poor infrastructure, the government of President Yar但dua seems genuinely to want to do something about it. Financial policy has improved in recent years. It's easier for companies to get loans than it was a few years ago'. The Nigerian Central Bank's recent assault on fraudulent banks confirms that the government is seriously endeavouring to reform the economy.

Collier believes that the billions of dollars that Nigeria earns each year from exporting oil and gas has obstructed rather than stimulated the emergence of industrial companies. 'The value of the Nigerian currency, the naira, was very high for many years. It prevented local companies from competing. When the government finally devalued the naira many Nigerians complained about the increased prices of imports. But local industry benefited'.

The rampant corruption during the military dictatorship from 1983 to 1999 also slowed things down. The situation has now improved. 'The central government includes good leaders,' says Collier. 'But locally there are still major problems. Government funding often fails to reach the right place.'


The poor infrastructure is another problem. Virtually every day there is no electricity for hours on end, and sometimes for days at a time. Companies have to purchase expensive diesel generators to continue manufacturing their goods.
The government is attempting to solve the problems in ways including giving independent entrepreneurs an opportunity to build electricity stations. Bart Nnaji is one of the independent entrepreneurs in the electricity market. His company Geometrics is building a 188 MW power station in the city of Aba. 'Nigerians rightly complain about the government but in many cases the solution is right there. If the government fails, you take things into your own hands as an entrepreneur'. Geometrics received a loan from the World Bank to build the power station which will cost almost three hundred million euro. Nigerian banks also provided help in financing the station.

Lorries loaded with concrete drive in and out of an industrial site on the northern tip of Aba. In front of the gates there four gas turbines that Nnaji purchased in the United States. Men wearing blue helmets are busy laying the foundations on which the turbines will stand. The new station will increase Nigeria's total electricity capacity by five percent. 'Depending on demand we might increase capacity to 500 MW in due course', says Nnaji.
Until 2002 Nnaji was a professor of robot technology at the University of Pittsburgh in United States. He is one of thousands of Nigerians who have returned to their homeland in recent years in search of a job. Many are well educated and have experience of working at large Western companies. 'Nigeria has very many opportunities,' says Nnaji. 'Unfortunately they have not been used so far. I want to help change that situation.'


Foreigners are also investing robustly in industrial companies in Nigeria. Over the past few years Indian entrepreneurs have established textile companies in Nigeria, while the Chinese have commissioned the construction of plastics factories, for example. White farmers who fled Zimbabwe have established agricultural farms and dairy factories in the west of the country at the invitation of the Nigerian government.

Dutch industrial companies have also discovered Nigeria. Heineken built a brand new brewery just outside the city of Enugu. With more than eight million hectolitres per year, the Dutch brewer sells more beer in Nigeria than it does in the Netherlands. Friesland Campina has set up in Lagos a factory that makes tinned concentrated milk. Products of Peak and Three Crowns, the two brands under which Friesland Campina operates in Nigeria, are on sale even in the country's smallest villages. An interesting fact about companies launched by Nigerians is that many are managed by entrepreneurs from the southeast of the country dominated by the 20 million strong Ibo tribe. 'The Ibos are more enterprising than other sections of the Nigerian population,' claims Charles Aniekwilo, secretary of the Nnewi Chamber of Commerce.

Aniekwilo, himself an Ibo, mentions various reasons for this situation. 'The southeast of Nigeria is relatively densely populated. Agriculture, the traditional source of income, did not provide enough to supply everybody with food'. Another explanation is that from the 19th century a relatively large number of Christian missionaries and evangelists were active in Ibo land where they set up schools everywhere. 'That is why Ibos are traditionally better educated than Nigerians from other parts of the country.'

'We believe in our own strength,' emphasises Aniekwilo. 'If you have a problem it's up to you to solve it. We're not keen about development aid'. The motto of the Ibos is reflected in slogans often painted on the side of commercial vehicles. One of the most popular is 'No food for lazy man'.


Nigerian industrial products are being exported on an increasingly larger scale. The value of non-oil exports from Nigeria recently smashed the ceiling of one billion euro. Car parts from Nigeria are on sale everywhere in the neighbouring countries of Niger and Cameroon - brake blocks, oil filters, batteries. Fruit juices and pasta are other goods sold to other countries. Nigerian shoes are another highly promising export product. The centre of this industry is the Ariaria market in the city of Aba. Thousands of craftsmen can be seen at work in small box-like workshops. Some work manually, others use machines. Most shoemakers work in clusters of four to six people. 'I cut the soles,' explains shoemaker Samuel Ugwu. 'A colleague does the uppers. A third person glues the two parts together after which somebody else does the stitching'.

Ugwu makes women's shoes under the brand name of Sunshine. Various models hang from the wall. Most of the shoes are made of imported artificial leather. 'Nigerian women want a good price,' says Ugwu. 'I also use real leather but they often find it too expensive'. The shoemaker is considering expanding his business. Thanks to the new electricity station under construction he hopes to be able to get a 24-hour supply of electricity. 'I will then be able to mechanise. At present the four of us together make twenty pairs of shoes per day. With the right machines we can increase the number to eighty.'
A sizeable group of shoemakers in Aba specialises in copying Western brands, just as the Chinese and others do. Teen slippers of Puma and Adidas are openly on sale. Ugwu does not participate in the copying of Western brands. 'We must rely on our own strength,' he says. 'Most Nigerian shoes are of excellent quality. Let us be proud of that.'

About Gerbert van der Aa
Gerbert van der Aa is a historian and journalist who specialises in north and west Africa. He is the writer of 'Khaddafi's woestijn', a book about Libyan leader Colonel Qaddafi published by Nieuw Amsterdam Uitgevers. Also see http://www.gerbertvanderaa.nl/. Gerbert van der Aa wrote this article for the December 2009 issue of ZAM Africa Magazine, a quarterly on Africa (in Dutch).

This item was submitted on 30 Mar - 13:12 by Team Club Africa

Elephant meets Dragon.U.S. companies still think they can compete in Africa without African Americans

The world has seen what the Kalagenesis has been saying for three years.That China is now the dominant economic influence in Africa.A lot of this to be frank, has to do with race.The Chinese are using the bad blood left over from centuries of slavery and the period of European colonialism in Africa.China had a long history with Africa that goes back to the Tang and Yuan Dynasties.Chinese pottery,porcelain,art,sculpture,silk, ect was traded across overland trade routes through the Middle East,to Africa and across the Sahara Desert to West Africa.Also the trade routes across the Indian Ocean to the Swahili States along the East African coast.African gold,pottery,animals,textiles,ect were traded to China.China never took African captives to its shores the way Arabs and Europeans did.In other words most Africans view China as a friend.China has taken a no get involved in the internal affairs of Africa.This token of respect is what the West cannot deal with.Although their are human rights abuses in Africa.It is better than the years right after so called independence.China has to answer the charge that it is doing this for its own self interest.Africans are getting their countries developed.Something Western Nations failed to achieve after a half century of trying.
American companies are sneaking into Africa
Would not it be easier to openly acknowledge you have a large African population and use this to gain an edge in Africa?It seems that not only are African Americans locked out of the milk and honey of America,but the same selfish racist forces don't want us to enjoy the benefit of the Africa century.We have a feminized Black leadership who think begging for crumbs from a White economy is better than making their own way and economy like Marcus Garvey said.We have to create our own dialogue with African leaders and the 800lb Gorilla in the room is an idea for the creation of an African American state.Such a state would serve as a corridor and the gateway to Africa.A place where African Americans can build relations with over a billion people on the continent outside the confines of the US-Africa relationship.African Americans are restricted in their dealings with Africa.The Black community should be able to engage China,Japan,Singapore,Venesuela,Cuba,US,ect.Also the African American community should be able to be part of the African Union.This is the time and it is time to expose media outlets who keep putting a negative image of Africa out there.
Below is an invitation to a U.S./Africa event you wont hear about in the news
2010 U.S. – Africa Infrastructure Conference
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2010 U.S. – Africa Infrastructure Conference

The Corporate Council on Africa’s fourth U.S. – Africa Infrastructure Conference will be held at the JW Marriott Hotel in Washington, D.C., from April 27 – 29, 2010.

This year’s conference, which is themed “Building Dynamic Growth in Africa,” focuses on key economic sectors in Africa, including information and communication technology, alternative energy, and human security. The effects of climate change on Africa are also a focus, along with available instruments for project finance.

Immediately following the World Bank spring 2010 meetings, the conference brings together senior U.S. and African private sector and government officials; key decision makers from leading U.S. infrastructure companies; financial institutions; and international organizations with a vested interest in infrastructure investment and growth on the continent.

The conference presents attendees with the latest infrastructure trade and investment opportunities, funding sources, power and ICT projects, financing, and national security in Africa, while providing a space for potential business partner formation through an array of networking opportunities.

The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) is the leading resource for U.S. companies engaged in doing business on the African continent. CCA programs, including the 2010 U.S.-Africa Infrastructure Conference, help the public quickly understand the African business climate and identify specific trade and investment opportunities.

In advance of the conference, visit the CCA website at www.africacncl.org for regular program updates and/or to register. Contact CCA Infrastructure Director Vivienne Sequeira at or cca@africacncl.org with any questions.

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Established in 1993, The Corporate Council on Africa is a nonpartisan 501(c) 3 membership organization of nearly 200 U.S. companies dedicated to strengthening the commercial relationship between the U.S. and Africa. CCA members represent nearly 85 percent of total U.S. private sector investments in Africa. The organization is dedicated to bringing together potential business partners and to showcase business opportunities on the continent.

When Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9:00 AM - Thursday, April 29, 2010 11:00 PM
Eastern Time Zone
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1331 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20004
(202) 393-2000

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Fox News and the Dumbing down of America

A few months ago I was doing some out bound service calls to clients concerning their current Medicare Supplement plans.From all over the community I had some weird and interesting things said to me.This was around last August during the Congressional recess.The talk in the air was about death panels.I thought no real intelligent person would even talk about this as a serious topic for debate.I was wrong.I found out just how gullible and easily misled the masses of American people are.It seems it is easier to believe a big lie then the simple truth.There are people because of commentators at Fox News who believe President Obama is a Marxist who is hell bend on a one man jihad against this country.The right wing has law abiding people ready to arm themselves against their government.The Tea Party want to take back their country.From what?A Black family in the White House?Or the fact that America is changing and there is nothing they can do about it?Now last summer as Ive stated I was talking to an 81 year old White woman on the phone and she went on for 15 minutes about how Obama was trying to kill off all old White people like her because she is of no use in his Obamaamerica.I tried to reason with her but she heard it from the town halls on Fox News and that is all she needs.People do not want to think anymore.Anything that makes them out to be the victim while they wallow in self pity and resentment.It is Obama's fault for everything.The automobile industry who made cars we did not need for years-Obama,the health care crisis-Obama-crime in our schools-Obama,Illegal aliens-Obama,The sinking of the Titanic-Obama too.But when the Dow is up 11,000 points oh it is not because of Obama or his policies.Then you ask them what is it from,they will say I don't know I have to watch Cavuto on Fox News to see!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

South African White Supremecist Leader killed

JOHANNESBURG – South Africa's white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche was bludgeoned to death by two of his farm workers Saturday in an apparent dispute over wages, police said, amid growing racial tensions in the once white-led country.

Terreblanche, 69, was leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging movement, better known as the AWB, that wanted to create three all-white republics within South Africa in which blacks would be allowed only as guest workers.

The opposition Democratic Alliance party blamed increasing racial tensions for the killing.

"This happened in a province where racial tension in the rural farming community is increasingly being fueled by irresponsible racist utterances" by two members of the governing African National Congress, said the Democratic Alliance legislator for that constituency, Juanita Terblanche.

Terblanche, no relative of the far-right leader, said her party did not share his political convictions but warned that the attack on him could be seen as an attack on the diverse components of South Africa's democracy.

President Jacob Zuma appealed for calm following "this terrible deed." In a statement, he asked "South Africans not to allow agent provocateurs to take advantage of this situation by inciting or fueling racial hatred."

The killing comes 10 weeks before South Africa prepares to host the first World Cup soccer tournament on African soil, with massive expenditures on infrastructure being questioned as hundreds of thousands of tickets and hotel rooms remain unsold.

The South African Press Association quoted police spokeswoman Adele Myburgh as saying that Terreblanche was attacked by a 21-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy who worked for him on his farm outside Ventersdorp, about 110 kilometers (68 miles) northwest of Johannesburg.

Myburgh said the alleged attackers have been arrested and charged with murder. She said the two, whom she did not identify by name, told the police that there had been a dispute because they were not paid for work they had done on the farm.

"Mr. Terreblanche's body was found on the bed with facial and head injuries." She said a machete was found on his body and a knobkerrie — a wooden staff with a rounded head — next to his bed.

Terreblanche had threatened war on South Africa's white minority government in the 1980s when it began to make what he considered dangerous concessions to blacks that endangered the survival of South Africa's white race.

A symbol of white resistance to democratic black majority rule, he had lived in relative obscurity in recent years but had not changed his views.

He revived the AWB in 2008 and had rallies that drew growing crowds whom he wooed with his declaration that white South Africans are entitled to create their own country, a fight he declared he would take to the International Court at The Hague.

From the other side of the color spectrum, a firebrand African National Congress leader also has been raising tensions, insisting on singing an apartheid-era song urging supporters to "kill the Boer." Boer is Afrikaans for a farmer, but also is a derogatory term for any white in South Africa. Last week, the high court ruled the song hate speech and banned the ANC's Julius Malema from singing it. The ANC is appealing.

Terreblanche's killing comes amid growing disenchantment among blacks for whom the right to vote has not translated into jobs and better housing and education.

Some consider themselves betrayed by leaders governing the richest country on the continent and pursuing a policy of black empowerment that has made millionaires of a tiny black elite while millions remain trapped in poverty, even as whites continue to enjoy a privileged lifestyle.

Terreblanche recently has made statements highlighting the corruption that has ballooned under the black government.

"Our country is being run by criminals who murder and rob ... We are being oppressed again. We will rise again," he said, referring to concentration-camp conditions that killed thousands during the Boer War fought by British colonizers.

Terreblanche launched his political career in 1973 amid growing opposition to the white minority government and its racist policies, forming the AWB with six other "patriots" of the Afrikaans-speaking whites descended from Dutch immigrants.

The AWB was a semisecret organization for years. When it "came out" in 1979, the movement displayed its Nazi-like insignia and declared opposition to any parliamentary democracy.

Terreblanche would arrive at meetings on horseback flanked by masked bodyguards dressed in khaki or black and became a charismatic leader for a small minority that could not envision a South Africa under the democratic rule of a black majority.

At one rally his guards who terrorized blacks and were dubbed "storm troopers" after the Nazis, brandished guns, police batons and knives, prompting the government to announce it was "looking into" the actions and attitudes of the movement.

In 1983, Terreblanche was sentenced to a two-year suspended jail sentence for illegal arms possession, though he said the arms were planted by black opponents. The same year, two AWB militants were jailed for 15 years for conspiring to overthrow the government and assassinate black leaders.

Terreblanche finally was jailed in 1997, sentenced to six years for the attempted murder of a black security guard and assaulting a black gas station worker.

He became a born-again Christian in prison, and declared on his release in 2004 that his experience had convinced him that "the real hour to revive the resistance had arrived."

Terreblanche had threatened to take the country by force if the white government capitulated to the ANC. After the white government conceded, the ANC overwhelmingly won 1994 elections and has won every election since with more than 60 percent of votes.
Related Searches:

* president jacob zuma
* afrikaner weerstandsbeweging
* african national congress

Eugene Terrablance the leader of the AWB militia was killed in an apparent dispute over wages.Now for years it always intrigued me how someone can be in a country they have no business being declaring their right to control another race.Now the Boers want a state on African soil.The catch is they want to use Black labor to build it.This is because they get rich setting up a parasitic relationship with the African population.It comes as no surprise that South Africa still has racial tensions and that after 16 years since the the first all race election many people are feeling left out.Now how can the Black government level with the Black population and tell them this is a global capitalist problem that can only be solved with a global new order.The following is an article about the murder.Kalagenesis

JOHANNESBURG – South Africa's white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche was bludgeoned to death by two of his farm workers Saturday in an apparent dispute over wages, police said, amid growing racial tensions in the once white-led country.

Terreblanche, 69, was leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging movement, better known as the AWB, that wanted to create three all-white republics within South Africa in which blacks would be allowed only as guest workers.

The opposition Democratic Alliance party blamed increasing racial tensions for the killing.

"This happened in a province where racial tension in the rural farming community is increasingly being fueled by irresponsible racist utterances" by two members of the governing African National Congress, said the Democratic Alliance legislator for that constituency, Juanita Terblanche.

Terblanche, no relative of the far-right leader, said her party did not share his political convictions but warned that the attack on him could be seen as an attack on the diverse components of South Africa's democracy.

President Jacob Zuma appealed for calm following "this terrible deed." In a statement, he asked "South Africans not to allow agent provocateurs to take advantage of this situation by inciting or fueling racial hatred."

The killing comes 10 weeks before South Africa prepares to host the first World Cup soccer tournament on African soil, with massive expenditures on infrastructure being questioned as hundreds of thousands of tickets and hotel rooms remain unsold.

The South African Press Association quoted police spokeswoman Adele Myburgh as saying that Terreblanche was attacked by a 21-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy who worked for him on his farm outside Ventersdorp, about 110 kilometers (68 miles) northwest of Johannesburg.

Myburgh said the alleged attackers have been arrested and charged with murder. She said the two, whom she did not identify by name, told the police that there had been a dispute because they were not paid for work they had done on the farm.

"Mr. Terreblanche's body was found on the bed with facial and head injuries." She said a machete was found on his body and a knobkerrie — a wooden staff with a rounded head — next to his bed.

Terreblanche had threatened war on South Africa's white minority government in the 1980s when it began to make what he considered dangerous concessions to blacks that endangered the survival of South Africa's white race.

A symbol of white resistance to democratic black majority rule, he had lived in relative obscurity in recent years but had not changed his views.

He revived the AWB in 2008 and had rallies that drew growing crowds whom he wooed with his declaration that white South Africans are entitled to create their own country, a fight he declared he would take to the International Court at The Hague.

From the other side of the color spectrum, a firebrand African National Congress leader also has been raising tensions, insisting on singing an apartheid-era song urging supporters to "kill the Boer." Boer is Afrikaans for a farmer, but also is a derogatory term for any white in South Africa. Last week, the high court ruled the song hate speech and banned the ANC's Julius Malema from singing it. The ANC is appealing.

Terreblanche's killing comes amid growing disenchantment among blacks for whom the right to vote has not translated into jobs and better housing and education.

Some consider themselves betrayed by leaders governing the richest country on the continent and pursuing a policy of black empowerment that has made millionaires of a tiny black elite while millions remain trapped in poverty, even as whites continue to enjoy a privileged lifestyle.

Terreblanche recently has made statements highlighting the corruption that has ballooned under the black government.

"Our country is being run by criminals who murder and rob ... We are being oppressed again. We will rise again," he said, referring to concentration-camp conditions that killed thousands during the Boer War fought by British colonizers.

Terreblanche launched his political career in 1973 amid growing opposition to the white minority government and its racist policies, forming the AWB with six other "patriots" of the Afrikaans-speaking whites descended from Dutch immigrants.

The AWB was a semisecret organization for years. When it "came out" in 1979, the movement displayed its Nazi-like insignia and declared opposition to any parliamentary democracy.

Terreblanche would arrive at meetings on horseback flanked by masked bodyguards dressed in khaki or black and became a charismatic leader for a small minority that could not envision a South Africa under the democratic rule of a black majority.

At one rally his guards who terrorized blacks and were dubbed "storm troopers" after the Nazis, brandished guns, police batons and knives, prompting the government to announce it was "looking into" the actions and attitudes of the movement.

In 1983, Terreblanche was sentenced to a two-year suspended jail sentence for illegal arms possession, though he said the arms were planted by black opponents. The same year, two AWB militants were jailed for 15 years for conspiring to overthrow the government and assassinate black leaders.

Terreblanche finally was jailed in 1997, sentenced to six years for the attempted murder of a black security guard and assaulting a black gas station worker.

He became a born-again Christian in prison, and declared on his release in 2004 that his experience had convinced him that "the real hour to revive the resistance had arrived."

Terreblanche had threatened to take the country by force if the white government capitulated to the ANC. After the white government conceded, the ANC overwhelmingly won 1994 elections and has won every election since with more than 60 percent of votes.
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