Malcolm X once said that Negroes are afraid of revolution.The racist knows that the best way to oppress the Black man in America is to make him comfortable.Malcolm X said that for the Black man is in a prison.America he said is a mental prison that keeps the Black man stagnant,dependent,and broken.This is not the case if one thinks of himself as an individual or a rouge.But if one believes he is part of a group and his fellow African Americans are his brothers and tribesmen then America is an impedement to that end.Malcolm X said many talk of revolution but dont really know what it is.He was talking about the psuedo nationalist at the time who were misimforming people about what a real revolution was.The Universal Negro Improvement Association was a revolution in the thinking of our people.Many people said Garvey was before his time,this was not true.The time was right but counter revolutionary forces such as the N.A.A.C.P and Urban League undermined real progressive organizations like the UNIA.Malcolm X said revolution is change,it is ugly,it is bloody,it is uncompromising and does not bend and go back.
African Americans are not free
When people can make their own decisions,control their own destiny they are free.Along with that comes the heartbreak of failure,disaster ect.The Black peoples in America have never been in that position of making decisions that affect their lives.For example the relations with other people around the world is decided by the dominant White population.What foods are eaten,standard of beauty,the environment,war,ect all are the result of what the majority of White Americans benefit from or decide.Even the type of jobs created,or who has access to wealth is firmly in the hands of Whites.In a capitalist society the ultimate goal of the power structure is to regualate what goods are produced,who shall produce them and for whom shall the goods be produced for.The Black race no matter who holds the highest office we are never in those gate keeping positions to bring change to the masses.When people are free to build,create,and reach their full potential then they are happy.The question is what is the full potential of the African American?Not having a voice or after 400 years in the new world having no significant stronghold?Not one safe haven from poverty,ignorance,violence,self hate,White supremecy anywhere?Not one functioning community that is self sufficient?Is it our goal to pretend race does not exist?That one day Whites will forget the love they have for their White skin and all the beauty and benefit that comes from it?In this blog series I will talk about the changing paradigm in our community towards Pan Africanism,African Nationalism and just away from the ideal of trying to be a part of a country that has no intentions of being part of us.Martin Luther King jr was a great man but we cannot afford leaders like him anymore.Leaders that rely on appealing to the better angels of another race rather than doing the self respecting thing which is to build for yourself.-Kalagenesis
Welcome to the beginning of the the Kala Nation cultural movement.Kala means tribe or bond.In old West Africa Kalas were the building block behind the great empires that linked all African societies together in a complex structure.This kept wars down and protected smaller villages from stronger ones.At the top was the apex kingdom called Mali,which means where the king of kings live.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Still Sleeping on Africa?Africa number one in investor destination!
Do you still think of Africa as a charity basket case?A place you thank God your ancestors were delivered from?Well that once great empire is now rising and there seems to be no turning back.From South Africa with its massive investments in transportation ahead of the 2010 World cup,Nigeria with it's Eko Atlantic a new city on the coast built from reclaimed coastline or Kenya's investment in renewable energy.Africa is experiencing growth faster than any other part of the world.And this means opportunity for smart ambitious young people in the US.Now is the time,as China is looking to move in and take over the continent for its own ends.We here in America have to be the vanguard of transparency and democracy on the continent.-Kalagenesis
The following is an article about the impact Africa is going to have on the world:
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Investing in Africa with ETFs
Globe-leading Growth Stuns Even the IMF
By Sam Hopkins
Monday, March 8th, 2010
Are you still sleeping on Africa?
International Monetary Fund Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn is there this week to say he underestimated the continent's resilience.
The IMF is revising its full-year 2010 economic growth estimate for Africa from 4.3% to 4.5%, making it the leading region in the global economic recovery.
Africa's resurgence is largely the result of help from the Washington-based institution, but Strauss-Kahn warned an audience in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi that vigilance is key to turning recovery into stability: "Africa will continue to face large, persistent and costly shocks. Without a secure standard of living, people might turn to unproductive or even violent activities, possibly leading to instability, a breakdown of democracy, or war—all compounding the initial suffering."
96% Success Rate Since February 2009
Since February 2009, we've closed 48 trades in Pure Asset Trader.
Of those, 46 were winners with only 2 losers. Do the math - that's a winning percentage of about 96%. And every trade - even including the losers - is averaging +40%... meaning Pure Asset Trader is nearly doubling money every 2 trades! Isn't it time you made similar gains?
Click here for more.
As IMF Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a French economist, speaks for a large lender that has been the target of developing-world ire, even as it bailed out the weakest nations. IMF help usually comes with structural adjustment conditions that mean in order to get money, national governments have to make big cuts.
When the global recession rolled toward Africa like a tidal wave in late 2008, Strauss-Kahn and the macroeconomic maestros he leads took a different approach: they allowed African countries to expand their budget deficits and encouraged loose monetary policy to keep cash flowing. Inflation has been kept in check by zero-interest IMF loans that helped bolster currencies like Ghana's cedi against the dollar.
The Fund's Africa director now says 2009 growth doubled IMF expectations, so the IMF is now saying Africa grew by 2% instead of 1% last year.
Everyone there hopes that the momentum created by international lending can carry Africa into the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, and that greater visibility for maturing African markets will draw more investors like you.
So let's look at what Africa has to offer U.S.-based shareholders.
Africa Plays Leading the Way
It is true, if a bit trite, to say that children are the future. On the poorest continent, kids can either grow up swinging AK-47s or they can leapfrog schoolchildren in wealthier places with emerging technology like mobile phone payments.
In Kenya, 21 million people out of the 36 million population are expected to have mobile phones by the end of 2010. Of those new telecommunication customers, 6 million already use a system called M-PESA — m from mobile and the Swahili word for money — to exchange money and manage their bank accounts with just their handsets.
More than 4 of every 5 businesses in sub-Saharan Africa use mobile phones as their primary line of communication, since fixed-line infrastructure is weak or non-existent.
In Somalia, which hasn't even had a stable government since the early 90s, mobile money transfers through networks named Sahal and Zaad mean you don't have to carry cash or race to find a phone when violence breaks out and you want to reach loved ones.
The desire for communication in emergencies is something that has driven mobile telecoms growth all around the world, from volatile regions like Africa and the Middle East to peaceful places like the U.S., where a quick roadside 911 call can save your life.
Now, international mobile phone giant Vodafone (NYSE: VOD) has chosen Kenya and seven other African markets to debut its Vodafone 150, which it calls the world's cheapest cell phone. Vodafone, which was established in the UK 26 years ago, has been eager to tap African mobile phone trends and expand them into other emerging markets like China and India.
With mobile payment systems like M-PESA, Africa is leading rather than following... and using its traditional weakness in infrastructure to its advantage in wireless telecoms.
Computer companies are also eager to make their mark in Africa, starting with kids in the One Laptop Per Child campaign. Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) was an early partner with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop rugged, portable computers, and its chips are featured in the motherboards of OLPC's XO series laptops.
During his March trip, Dominique Strauss-Kahn is speaking at universities in South Africa, Kenya, and copper giant Zambia, stressing the importance of turning Africa from a dependent continent into one where capital markets can lead development. With IMF money, Kenya and its neighbors have increased budgets for health care and education, rather than tightening such social spending as the IMF has demanded with past loans. The new model seems to be that quality of life comes first, then economic health will follow.
Sweet, but not Sugar-Coated Opportunities
Over several years, I've seen major financial news organizations like Bloomberg go from ignoring Africa to featuring it as a key growth market. There's also been a proliferation of exchange-traded funds linked to Africa broadly and to some countries specifically.
For example, the Market Vectors Africa ETF (NYSE: AFK) taps growth in Nigeria and Morocco with a price-to-earnings ratio of 10. The S&P 500 is currently trading at about 14 times earnings.
AFK isn't doing very well over the past year, showing that all Africa plays aren't created equal. By investing in companies like Attijawarifa Bank (I hadn't heard of it either), that index fund's planners have gone a little too obscure to draw big volume, and that could trap buyers when AFK drops in trading.
Market Vectors also recently launched its Egypt Index ETF (NYSE: EGPT), which amounts to a play on both Africa and the Middle East at the same time.
The winner among Africa ETFs and pure-play stocks remains the iShares MCSI South Africa Index (NYSE: EZA). Though nearly 1/4 of the working-age South African population is jobless, investors have reaped 96% gains in EZA since last March. That beats the S&P, and what might surprise you is that South Africa's iShares has outpaced its Hong Kong counterpart (NYSE: EWH). That China-oriented ETF has climbed by 78% dating back to this time in 2009.
Nevertheless, Africa is vulnerable. Commodities drive index funds like EZA, which means that major drops in gold, oil, or copper can hit national markets and government coffers hard. Hundreds of people have been killed in ethnic rioting in Nigeria in recent days, and similar violence came after a disputed election in Kenya in late 2007.
For a balanced, pan-African economy to take its place next to the Asian Tigers and other emerging markets in the Southern Hemisphere, hard assets and international aid can't be the only sources of big revenue. The United Nations says agricultural business is critical to Africa's success, and Kenya is making major moves in renewable energy that could draw millions more dollars for local development.
To sum up: Africa has problems as well as potential. If fear is the main emotion driving your investment choices, you will miss big returns in favor of prevailing wisdom that carries its own huge risks.
Africa's risk outlook is changing by the year — and largely for the better. Make it a part of your portfolio today with some of the options I've mentioned here.
And in April I'll be updating you with more up-to-date news and plays from Africa itself, where
The following is an article about the impact Africa is going to have on the world:
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Investing in Africa with ETFs
Globe-leading Growth Stuns Even the IMF
By Sam Hopkins
Monday, March 8th, 2010
Are you still sleeping on Africa?
International Monetary Fund Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn is there this week to say he underestimated the continent's resilience.
The IMF is revising its full-year 2010 economic growth estimate for Africa from 4.3% to 4.5%, making it the leading region in the global economic recovery.
Africa's resurgence is largely the result of help from the Washington-based institution, but Strauss-Kahn warned an audience in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi that vigilance is key to turning recovery into stability: "Africa will continue to face large, persistent and costly shocks. Without a secure standard of living, people might turn to unproductive or even violent activities, possibly leading to instability, a breakdown of democracy, or war—all compounding the initial suffering."
96% Success Rate Since February 2009
Since February 2009, we've closed 48 trades in Pure Asset Trader.
Of those, 46 were winners with only 2 losers. Do the math - that's a winning percentage of about 96%. And every trade - even including the losers - is averaging +40%... meaning Pure Asset Trader is nearly doubling money every 2 trades! Isn't it time you made similar gains?
Click here for more.
As IMF Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, a French economist, speaks for a large lender that has been the target of developing-world ire, even as it bailed out the weakest nations. IMF help usually comes with structural adjustment conditions that mean in order to get money, national governments have to make big cuts.
When the global recession rolled toward Africa like a tidal wave in late 2008, Strauss-Kahn and the macroeconomic maestros he leads took a different approach: they allowed African countries to expand their budget deficits and encouraged loose monetary policy to keep cash flowing. Inflation has been kept in check by zero-interest IMF loans that helped bolster currencies like Ghana's cedi against the dollar.
The Fund's Africa director now says 2009 growth doubled IMF expectations, so the IMF is now saying Africa grew by 2% instead of 1% last year.
Everyone there hopes that the momentum created by international lending can carry Africa into the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, and that greater visibility for maturing African markets will draw more investors like you.
So let's look at what Africa has to offer U.S.-based shareholders.
Africa Plays Leading the Way
It is true, if a bit trite, to say that children are the future. On the poorest continent, kids can either grow up swinging AK-47s or they can leapfrog schoolchildren in wealthier places with emerging technology like mobile phone payments.
In Kenya, 21 million people out of the 36 million population are expected to have mobile phones by the end of 2010. Of those new telecommunication customers, 6 million already use a system called M-PESA — m from mobile and the Swahili word for money — to exchange money and manage their bank accounts with just their handsets.
More than 4 of every 5 businesses in sub-Saharan Africa use mobile phones as their primary line of communication, since fixed-line infrastructure is weak or non-existent.
In Somalia, which hasn't even had a stable government since the early 90s, mobile money transfers through networks named Sahal and Zaad mean you don't have to carry cash or race to find a phone when violence breaks out and you want to reach loved ones.
The desire for communication in emergencies is something that has driven mobile telecoms growth all around the world, from volatile regions like Africa and the Middle East to peaceful places like the U.S., where a quick roadside 911 call can save your life.
Now, international mobile phone giant Vodafone (NYSE: VOD) has chosen Kenya and seven other African markets to debut its Vodafone 150, which it calls the world's cheapest cell phone. Vodafone, which was established in the UK 26 years ago, has been eager to tap African mobile phone trends and expand them into other emerging markets like China and India.
With mobile payment systems like M-PESA, Africa is leading rather than following... and using its traditional weakness in infrastructure to its advantage in wireless telecoms.
Computer companies are also eager to make their mark in Africa, starting with kids in the One Laptop Per Child campaign. Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) was an early partner with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop rugged, portable computers, and its chips are featured in the motherboards of OLPC's XO series laptops.
During his March trip, Dominique Strauss-Kahn is speaking at universities in South Africa, Kenya, and copper giant Zambia, stressing the importance of turning Africa from a dependent continent into one where capital markets can lead development. With IMF money, Kenya and its neighbors have increased budgets for health care and education, rather than tightening such social spending as the IMF has demanded with past loans. The new model seems to be that quality of life comes first, then economic health will follow.
Sweet, but not Sugar-Coated Opportunities
Over several years, I've seen major financial news organizations like Bloomberg go from ignoring Africa to featuring it as a key growth market. There's also been a proliferation of exchange-traded funds linked to Africa broadly and to some countries specifically.
For example, the Market Vectors Africa ETF (NYSE: AFK) taps growth in Nigeria and Morocco with a price-to-earnings ratio of 10. The S&P 500 is currently trading at about 14 times earnings.
AFK isn't doing very well over the past year, showing that all Africa plays aren't created equal. By investing in companies like Attijawarifa Bank (I hadn't heard of it either), that index fund's planners have gone a little too obscure to draw big volume, and that could trap buyers when AFK drops in trading.
Market Vectors also recently launched its Egypt Index ETF (NYSE: EGPT), which amounts to a play on both Africa and the Middle East at the same time.
The winner among Africa ETFs and pure-play stocks remains the iShares MCSI South Africa Index (NYSE: EZA). Though nearly 1/4 of the working-age South African population is jobless, investors have reaped 96% gains in EZA since last March. That beats the S&P, and what might surprise you is that South Africa's iShares has outpaced its Hong Kong counterpart (NYSE: EWH). That China-oriented ETF has climbed by 78% dating back to this time in 2009.
Nevertheless, Africa is vulnerable. Commodities drive index funds like EZA, which means that major drops in gold, oil, or copper can hit national markets and government coffers hard. Hundreds of people have been killed in ethnic rioting in Nigeria in recent days, and similar violence came after a disputed election in Kenya in late 2007.
For a balanced, pan-African economy to take its place next to the Asian Tigers and other emerging markets in the Southern Hemisphere, hard assets and international aid can't be the only sources of big revenue. The United Nations says agricultural business is critical to Africa's success, and Kenya is making major moves in renewable energy that could draw millions more dollars for local development.
To sum up: Africa has problems as well as potential. If fear is the main emotion driving your investment choices, you will miss big returns in favor of prevailing wisdom that carries its own huge risks.
Africa's risk outlook is changing by the year — and largely for the better. Make it a part of your portfolio today with some of the options I've mentioned here.
And in April I'll be updating you with more up-to-date news and plays from Africa itself, where
violence in south africa
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Halliburton Exposed!Bringing coruption to Nigeria

The tradjedy of Nigeria is that is is the country that never was and it seems never will be.Inspite of the fact of having some of the most intelligent educated people on Earth it is plagued with corruption.Most people know this but what many dont know is that the corruption you see in developing countries is the doing of multinational corporations who have no respect for any country that is not White or advanced.Hallibuton is under scrutiny for its affiliate KBR in several case around the world including Iraq.For decades oil companies have retarded the growth of Africa's industries but having lop sided development doing industries the country has no use for in the name of globalism.What should happen is the only industries that produce goods and sevices for the country should be build.Instead because industry is still seen as modern or something the West is about.Many are still in denial about the importance of transparency and good governance.
America loses credibility in Africa
The good news is America has lost its credibilty thanks to the exporting of war,greed and corupption of the past decade.Now it is time to bring pragmatic,progressive young people together in Nigeria with the same in America.The old guard capitalist looter/barons of Wall Street have to be stopped.Nigeria knows it cannot afford another generation slipping by.
300 Billon Dollars Lost over 30 years in Nigeria!
Yes from Babaginda to Obasanjo from BMW'S to Filipina concubines,private jet,orgies,Halliburton and several Western companies have deliberatly conspired to keep warfare,instability,and corruption alive as to have a safe place to do business in.It is abundantly clear that American companies need a corrupt non transparent place to do business in.
halliburton in nigeria,
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