In another week the world will commemorate the 40 years since the the passing of Dr Martin Luther King jr.Alot has change since that time period so I am told.What is not often told is Dr King had his detractors in our community who thought his I have a dream was just good ole darkie wishful thinking and that the more we intergrate into America the more peril we face.You see most African Americans living outside the south didn't think building this fantasy rainbow America was possible or feasible.What was needed and desired was respect and power.Black pride and power is what the community wanted.Black power=respect,self improvement,empowerment,control over ones destiny.White power=slavery,domination,racial supremecy,violence,racial oppression.So Dr King knew we had to over come White domination in order to realize peace with the White man.In 40 years it sad to report that we have not done that.We have 40 million dollar slaves,coons,buffoons blowing money entertaining the world while the world laughs at the most helpless people on the planet.A people with a trillion plus dollars in earning power but have nothing not even a restaurant chain.
The question that must be asked is why is it hat we have theses institutions back inthe day but not now.What good is all of this when we 99% of us still are employed by other races?Why does our youth think it is ok to engage is self genocide?Who is behind the corupting of our youth.We know BET(Black Evil Television)or MTV(Minstrel Television)only puts out the most ignorant,vile garbage around.Can you imagine Marcus Garvey,King,Malcolm X looking down from heaven on the people they loved and sacrificed for?What is this negative force that is damning our people back to slavery?It is a negative devil inspired culture that has people confused on what is right and what is wrong.You see not only do rappers brag about their sins and crimes,and have no fear of reprisals.They and their evil is celebrated.Now what music movement is around today that makes heroes out of race traitors like Jay Z,Nas,Rick Ross,and marginalizes groups like Kala Nation,Nation of Islam, Blacktown.net?It is the hip hop industry.The original culture is gone,now the purpose of hip hop is to lead as many souls to hell to burn as possible.Do I sound like a hater?Good because I am one.I hate lies,deceit,treachery,murder,cooning,and disrespect.The following is an example of why I think Black America is go to to need a bloody civil war in order to survive.I believe most of these hip hop sites are owned by Whites,who are stealing an African American art form and using it to make money and destroy the Black youth.This is an article from some fool named Odeisal on why Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls should be honored on the level as Dr King and Malcolm X.I refuse to believe Odeisal is even Black,just a White middle aged man fooling gullible hip hop clowns,making money and getting to use the N word at will.This is what he wrote back in January
By Odeisel
Legacy. Something handed down from the past for the benefit of the future. Never has there been a more precious gift than a life laid down so that others may enjoy liberties you were denied. Such is the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As we near what would have been Dr. King’s 79th birthday, we as a Hip-Hop community should truly reflect on what a gift that legacy was, and answer the loaded question: “Are we living up to the challenge of continuing that legacy?” The central question, I suppose, is are we leaving our culture in a better position to be a vehicle of change for those that come after us? Or are we leeching the culture leaving a useless husk in its wake?
Hip-Hop has proved to be our salvation in many ways. Jim Crow has been replaced by the glass ceiling. The noose and the flaming cross have been replaced with media assassination, bathroom plungers and bullets from blue clad soldiers who fear wallets. Hip-Hop has become the voice of our community where the Black Church once stood. The voice of Jay-Z, who calls himself Jay Hova, resonates louder in the minds of children than Jehovah. We rage against the machine with a voice that is changing the globe. Hip-Hop is the greatest agent of cultural diffusion this planet has ever seen. Faster than the Crusades. More powerful than sports. Able to have children of all races refer to each other as ni**as in a single bound. But is that a good thing? Does the newest integration allow for us to continue our struggle for advancement?
Hip-Hop has moved our young men off the corners and into the booth. Off the block and into the boardroom. From reporting to P.O.'s to being CEO's. Unfortunately many have ushered in that criminal element with them rather than truly convert their lives for the better. The “keep it real kingdom” has gotten increasingly more violent and negative since we lost our own Malcolm and Martin (Shakur and Wallace) almost a decade ago. While we keep them alive with posthumous albums, we’ve done a horrible job understanding the mistakes they made, and that we all made as a community profiting off the negativity. Life ain’t sweet. We know this. The music is gritty. The business is slimy. But it’s nothing to die for.
As Dr. King attempted to ensure our continued devotion to the ideals of our collective struggle with his legacy of sacrifice, so must we as a Hip-Hop community make sure that it will continue to be our voice, and our source for economic, political, and social advancement. For better or worse, Hip-Hop is how many people worldwide with no experience with people of color to see Black America. Not all of us are comfortable with that connection, especially the older generation, whose connection with our music and lifestyle adversely relates to their age. The older they are, the less likely they are to roll. So we arrive at a point in our history, where we are pitted against each other, for the favor of the collective, much as Dr. King faced opposition from the younger, more aggressive leadership of the SNCC.
Both hoping for the same goals, Dr. King was more willing to negotiate, the young college driven SNCC leadership impatient and ready for change now, were unwilling to bend or compromise. Because of Hip-Hop, Russell can navigate corporate America in his omnipresent Phat Farm, devoid of suit and tie. We can make deals and money outside of the system.
This is the freedom that we have sought for so long and some would say we are blowing it. However as judged by Kool Herc's recent stand with Senator Chuck Shumer,
defending the homes and right to ownership of the tenants of Hip-Hop's birthplace, we are not sitting on our asses. Outkast said "get up get out and get something" and that's exactly what we did, as Hip-Hoppers raised their collective consciousness in light of the Hurricane Katrina disaster, and the judicial inequality showcased in the Jena 6 incident. Our reality is ugly, and even though we camoflage it with bling, the pain and poverty that powers our music is true to the soul and message of Dr. King. Rappers like David Banner and Immortal Technique ARE speaking up. They are taking a responsible role in presenting these issues to our youth and to the world.
Often we forget in our haste to make history,the appreciation of the legacy of our past history. We stand on the shoulders of giants whose names we can’t remember, or choose to forget. Pioneers who dealt with ridicule and resistance when the world was “taking rappin for a joke.” It is that same spirit that ran through Dr. King. The attempt to face violence with peace did not necessarily seem pragmatic on face value. But whether or not you agree with the approach, the willingness to bring truth to the masses in the face of ridicule is congruous with the true spirit of Hip-Hop.
We should honor that legacy and that sacrifice, even while we cover it with ice. Let's make a true effort to honor that legacy. Restore that balance of Yin Yang, and leave this better than we found it. For the respect of our forbears, and the survival of those that come after us, let us keep Hip-Hop true to the essence of Dr. King’s spirit, and not some phantom phrase cooked up to politicize the man’s life.
We are living the results.
Above is the link to the site and replies.Check it out one of the best debates Ive seen on the net.This guy is exposed for the fraud he is.I am glad to tell you that thanks to the internet our message is getting out.More and more people are waking up because we know self love and unity is all we have to build upon.
The Kala Nation under God
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