This story has got me so furious I am at a boiling point.How in the world are some sick twisted people can do such a thing.It is because everyone is a victim of society ,and any wrong doing is justified because of male oppression.If you think I am exaggerating then watch this trial closely.See if this piece of human garbage who killed an innocent baby get the death penalty.All ready the sick mental doctors are going to say she was suffering from post pardom depression or so other silly illness.I am wondering why like Susan Smith who drown her little boys in a lake or that evil wench who drowned her kids in a bathtub do women get sympathy from this sick male testosterone hating feminist country.Below is the story.
A mother went on trial yesterday accused of killing her month-old daughter by cooking her in a microwave oven while drunk.
Police investigators and scientists are expected to give evidence in the sensational case against 27-year-old China Arnold.
Arnold pleaded not guilty to a charge of aggravated murder at the beginning of her trial in Dayton, Ohio, yesterday.
If convicted by the jury in Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, she could face the death penalty.
Investigators believe that Arnold killed her daughter, Paris Talley, by putting her in a microwave at her home in August 2005 while she was drunk.
Coroner's officials say the baby suffered high-heat internal injuries and had no external burns.
They have ruled out scalding water, open flame or other possible causes of death that could have damaged the skin.
Arnold's defense lawyer Jon Paul Rion claims his client had nothing to do with her daughter's death and was stunned when investigators told her that a microwave might have been involved.
Arnold took the baby to the hospital after finding her unconscious and does not know how she died, Rion said.
During a pre-trial hearing in July, Dayton police Detective Michael Galbraith said Arnold told him she arrived home in the early morning hours after drinking, fell asleep and was awakened at 2:30 a.m. by the baby's crying.
She said she warmed a bottle in the microwave oven, tried to give it to the baby, changed the child's nappy and then fell asleep on the couch with the baby on her chest.
Arnold said she and her children were the only ones in the apartment until her boyfriend arrived several hours later and noticed something was wrong with the baby.
Galbraith said Arnold told him: "If I hadn't gotten so drunk, I guess my baby wouldn't have died."
But when cross-examined by Rion, Galbraith acknowledged that Arnold told him she didn't know how the baby suffered the burns and that she had nothing to do with it that she could recall.
Earlier this month, defense witness Robert Belloto, a staff pharmacist at Good Samaritan Hospital, testified that he doesn't believe it would have been possible for Arnold to place the baby in the microwave because the woman was so intoxicated.
Belloto said Arnold told him she had consumed about 40 percent of a pint of high-proof rum in 90 minutes.
But he acknowledged that he had no other corroboration for her claim.
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