*** (22:57:59):Welcome to the Kalagenesis Chat Room.
ImhotepVII says to (22:59:19):
Peace Kala, Bro. Holipsism
DesertRose says to (23:00:02):
ImhotepVII says to (23:00:19):
Peace DesertRose (F)
DesertRose says to (23:00:27):
kala!! imhotep!!
Kalagenesis says (23:00:40):
Peace brothers Last show for a few weeks
Mr Holipsism says to (23:00:44):
Kalagenesis says (23:00:52):
Peace Mr Holip,Imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (23:00:58):
ImhotepVII says to (23:01:03):
Peace brothers
Kalagenesis says (23:01:03):
Desert Rose
Mr Holipsism says to (23:01:10):
It's about time, Kala. You deserve a break. Has B.A. been banned yet?
DesertRose says to (23:01:30):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:01:39):
I can't stand the sound of his bootlickin' voice
AmericanCitizen says to (23:01:40):
Kalagenesis says (23:01:41):
I want him to call tonight!lol
DesertRose says to (23:01:46):
sometimes you need breaks
Kalagenesis says (23:01:52):
DesertRose says to (23:02:13):
i am on one(H)
ImhotepVII says to (23:02:27):
Recharge the batteris
Mr Holipsism says to (23:02:27):
When Sarge calls in I mute it until he gets off. He is a coon on steroids
Kalagenesis says (23:02:32):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:03:45):
We need more shows like the last one with Brotha Bell and about Infrastructure and functional practical information. Not battling boot lickin' coons who are only here to distract in the first place.
Mr Holipsism says to (23:04:13):
I hope you enjoy your time and do something for yourself, Kala. You do for others enough
Kalagenesis says (23:05:11):
I will brother I have alot of work backed up and I need to focus on my career But I will come back roaring like a lion
Dr Solo says to (23:05:37):
Peace KalaImhotep,Mr Holipsism,Desert rose and AC
Kalagenesis says (23:05:40):
Doc Solo!
ImhotepVII says to (23:06:26):
Peace Solo!
Dr Solo says to (23:06:46):
You been going hard Kala, take some time we not going anywhere
DesertRose says to (23:06:50):
dr solo!!
Kalagenesis says (23:07:02):
Thanks Doc I will return
Dr Solo says to (23:07:05):
Hey Drose how are you ??
DesertRose says to (23:07:18):
DesertRose says to (23:07:35):
Dr Solo says to (23:07:40):
ImhotepVII says to (23:09:04):
@Kala Did you hear Michael Imhotep interview Bernadette Stanis on Monday?
Dr Solo says to (23:09:58):
@Imhotep i met her about a year ago,very cool woman
ImhotepVII says to (23:10:28):
Yes. Mcihael was stuttering
ImhotepVII says to (23:10:33):
ImhotepVII says to (23:10:37):
Dr Solo says to (23:10:38):
She gave me a hug, wife stillmad about that..lol
ImhotepVII says to (23:10:48):
ImhotepVII says to (23:10:55):
ImhotepVII says to (23:11:02):
Dr Solo says to (23:11:16):
@imhotep i still here about it ..8-)
ImhotepVII says to (23:11:26):
ImhotepVII says to (23:11:50):
Ok, did you have a big smile that didn't leave for hours afterward?
ImhotepVII says to (23:12:02):
THAT could cause problems. lol
Dr Solo says to (23:12:18):
ImhotepVII says to (23:12:30):
ImhotepVII says to (23:13:04):
Then you have located the point of contention
ImhotepVII says to (23:13:22):
That would work@Kala
African Warlord X says to (23:14:22):
Peace fam. Just stopped in to say peace.
ImhotepVII says to (23:14:24):
Peace Warlord X
African Warlord X says to (23:14:36):
Peace Imhotep. Peace Kala
African Warlord X says to (23:15:22):
Or on most radio
Dr Solo says to (23:15:51):
Peace Warlord x
African Warlord X says to (23:16:00):
Peace Dr. Solo
ImhotepVII says to (23:16:18):
So basically you will go into seclusion to practice your "verbal Scorpion style"? @Kala
ImhotepVII says to (23:16:25):
Dr Solo says to (23:16:56):
Its going to be a crazy election, this might get real ugly
African Warlord X says to (23:17:12):
Okay folks. I'm exhausted. Peace, until later.
ImhotepVII says to (23:17:12):
I thnk so too@Solo
ImhotepVII says to (23:17:21):
Peace Warlord
ImhotepVII says to (23:17:29):
Get some sleep bruh
Dr Solo says to (23:17:37):
Peace warlord
AmericanCitizen says to (23:21:04):
that is true--black folks make very emotional decisions when it comes to politics--even your boy thomas admitted to that on your show!
ImhotepVII says to (23:21:25):
I wish I could disagree with you@AC
ImhotepVII says to (23:21:37):
but alas...
Dr Solo says to (23:21:43):
True @AC
Dr Solo says to (23:22:50):
Dr Solo says to (23:23:29):
Dr Solo says to (23:25:15):
bill clinton was slicker
Mike Machida says to (23:29:21):
good day mates
ImhotepVII says to (23:30:00):
ImhotepVII says to (23:30:17):
I'd shut up and have notepad and pen ready
Mr Holipsism says to (23:30:25):
I've been there
Mr Holipsism says to (23:30:41):
had many opportunities to
Mr Holipsism says to (23:30:42):
Mike Machida says to (23:31:12):
black people to busy rims and shiny jewelry
Mike Machida says to (23:31:16):
they like to shine
Mr Holipsism says to (23:31:48):
Thank you, Kala
Mr Holipsism says to (23:32:01):
Let the church say, "AMEN....RA!"
Mike Machida says to (23:33:16):
i can show you the black ghetto
Dr Solo says to (23:33:33):
@Mike all black folks not buying rims and jewlry
Mike Machida says to (23:34:00):
most of the black community have failed because of being irresponsible
Mike Machida says to (23:34:14):
not all, but most
Mr Holipsism says to (23:34:18):
Don't waste your time, Solo. The only way you will get on the same page with these people is if you hate your self and your people
Mr Holipsism says to (23:34:44):
Just say BLACK PEOPLE AIN"T SHIZNIT and they will catch the holy ghost
Mike Machida says to (23:34:48):
most of the black community has failed, which is why they don't progress
ImhotepVII says to (23:34:48):
Peace AA Nation1
Dr Solo says to (23:34:52):
I hear you @MR HOLIPSISM
Mike Machida says to (23:34:59):
I AM BLACK HOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Mike Machida says to (23:35:09):
and most black people assume, without asking
Mike Machida says to (23:35:26):
thats your problem, he assumed im white because i spoke the truth about my own community
Mr Holipsism says to (23:35:27):
Most bootlickin' coons hate themselves
Mike Machida says to (23:35:29):
never learn
Mr Holipsism says to (23:35:43):
You are white. A chocolate covered white person
Mr Holipsism says to (23:35:57):
and you are blocked, Fool
Mike Machida says to (23:36:03):
i speak the truth doesnt mean i hate my people
Mike Machida says to (23:36:12):
Mike Machida says to (23:36:14):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:36:20):
Mike Machida says to (23:36:21):
now he sends insults lol
Dr Solo says to (23:36:23):
@Mike were you lookin for a conservative show ...lol
Mike Machida says to (23:36:28):
really i didnt know most meant all wow
Mike Machida says to (23:36:41):
i would never call ur show, when you are insulting me already .
Mike Machida says to (23:37:05):
u wont use me for entertainment and bash me sorry
Mike Machida says to (23:37:23):
most does not mean all! no matter what you say
Dr Solo says to (23:37:39):
Call -in @mike its freaky friday
Mr Holipsism says to (23:37:45):
He sees MOST, Kala, because that fits his bootlickin' white ass kissin' narrative
Mike Machida says to (23:37:51):
i dont need to be used by u for ur entertainment because no one wants to call ur show sorry
Sonni Ali says to (23:38:06):
Kala what up.
Mike Machida says to (23:38:08):
LOL at Holipsism
Mike Machida says to (23:38:15):
Dave the Marine says to (23:38:15):
So anyone who disagrees with you won't be met on the intellectual level
Dave the Marine says to (23:38:24):
You will simply name call
Dr Solo says to (23:38:26):
Mike are you related to Black Conservative ???
Mike Machida says to (23:38:37):
I was insulted before i even got a chance to call
Mr Holipsism says to (23:38:39):
Wow...another person to block. Thank you
Dave the Marine says to (23:38:47):
Your welcome
Mike Machida says to (23:38:53):
i dont run into buildings on fire unless im saving someone i love sorry
Mr Holipsism says to (23:39:08):
Thank you for providing the next talking point I will smash
Mike Machida says to (23:39:20):
wow... another person to block. Thank you (in the baby voice) lol
Mike Machida says to (23:39:35):
you guys are funny lol
Dr Solo says to (23:40:09):
What is (you guys )@mike
Mike Machida says to (23:40:16):
Mike Machida says to (23:40:18):
Dave the Marine says to (23:40:19):
you can block me like you block any knowledge that doesn't fit into you preconceived notion you prejudge everyone which makes you not the literary Uncle Tom Mr. Hopsism but the
Dave the Marine says to (23:40:27):
minstral show Uncle Tom
Mike Machida says to (23:40:31):
so many excuses host , so many excuses
Mike Machida says to (23:40:41):
u will live ur entire life making excuses
Mr Holipsism says to (23:40:49):
My channel and my circle is not the freakin' Iowa caucus. If you ain't down with Black Nationalism I ain't f__king with your coon ass
Sonni Ali says to (23:41:08):
Who are these catz?
Dave the Marine says to (23:41:14):
Well you will get what you deserve then
Mike Machida says to (23:41:19):
dave is talking to me
Mike Machida says to (23:41:21):
lol wtf
Mr Holipsism says to (23:41:22):
and if you don't like it , learn to love it, cause its the best thing GOING. "Whooooooooo!" - Ric Flair
Mike Machida says to (23:41:25):
this host is crazy lol
Mike Machida says to (23:41:30):
arent u talking to me dave?
Sonni Ali says to (23:41:32):
Mike Machida says to (23:41:48):
ImhotepVII says to (23:42:15):
You do not come to someone's house and insult them@Dave
Mr Holipsism says to (23:42:46):
Family, utilize the IGNORE feature. We waste too much time debating COONS
Sonni Ali says to (23:42:53):
Why even listen to these clowns?
Mike Machida says to (23:42:53):
his excuse for the black community is they watch maury, as if thats someone elses fault
Mike Machida says to (23:42:55):
Dave the Marine says to (23:42:55):
It wasn't advertised as a Black Nationalist show forgive me for thinking you advertising was accurate forgive me I will leave you are not progressive you ar a fasist thats different
Mr Holipsism says to (23:43:07):
Thank you, Sonni
Sonni Ali says to (23:43:18):
get em' out of here!
Sonni Ali says to (23:43:27):
Mr. Holip what up
Mr Holipsism says to (23:43:36):
Dr Solo says to (23:43:45):
@mike, when do you have a show ???
Sonni Ali says to (23:43:47):
Lets get that show back!
Mike Machida says to (23:44:04):
I dont have a set schedule for shows, to busy
Sonni Ali says to (23:44:13):
We need you MAN @ Mr.Holip!
Mike Machida says to (23:44:15):
i may do one tomarrow
Dr Solo says to (23:44:26):
good,cause im not going to listen..lol
Mike Machida says to (23:44:40):
Mike Machida says to (23:44:46):
Mike Machida says to (23:44:51):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:45:46):
I'm here, Family. Never left
Mr Holipsism says to (23:46:05):
I take on Bootlickin' Negroes in squads of three. LOL
Sonni Ali says to (23:46:25):
lol@Mr. Holip
Mr Holipsism says to (23:46:36):
Brotha Kala has been holding it down
Sonni Ali says to (23:46:41):
Sonni Ali says to (23:46:47):
As always
Mike Machida says to (23:46:53):
yes he is
Mike Machida says to (23:46:55):
smart guy
dr raven says to (23:46:55):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:47:00):
We have to separate the wheat from the chaff
dr raven says to (23:47:12):
solo is a plant
Mike Machida says to (23:47:17):
he knows alot, including that most means all (lol)
Sonni Ali says to (23:47:34):
What is your point smart guy?
dr raven says to (23:47:46):
a racist from chicago
Dr Solo says to (23:47:46):
Dr Solo says to (23:47:59):
dr raven says to (23:48:03):
solo is a skype reject
Mike Machida says to (23:48:04):
uncle tom, this guy is racist
Mike Machida says to (23:48:13):
i love all people of color
ImhotepVII says to (23:48:16):
Targeting system coming online...
ImhotepVII says to (23:48:35):
Target aquired: Dr. RAVEN
dr raven says to (23:48:36):
kala was a guest of frank
Mike Machida says to (23:48:37):
i love all colors
dr raven says to (23:48:43):
tell them kala
Mike Machida says to (23:48:45):
it doesnt matter what color a person is
Mr Holipsism says to (23:48:56):
@#$%! Mike Machida
Mike Machida says to (23:48:56):
Mike Machida says to (23:49:03):
lol im not white
ImhotepVII says to (23:49:08):
Ignore button ready to launch...
Mr Holipsism says to (23:49:11):
I can't even see what he is typing, Kala
Mike Machida says to (23:49:13):
dr raven says to (23:49:22):
we got along
Mike Machida says to (23:49:32):
this guy is crazy, says im white lol everyone knows me and knows im black you hot head lol
Sonni Ali says to (23:49:36):
Dr raven is really Shill a gay rights activist
Dr Solo says to (23:49:37):
@frank why do you come here ?????
dr raven says to (23:49:38):
we invited him back
Sonni Ali says to (23:49:49):
Gay racist guy!
dr raven says to (23:49:52):
we got dahittman in there now
Sonni Ali says to (23:49:54):
Mike Machida says to (23:49:54):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:50:00):
dr raven....thank you for identifying yourself. IGNORE BUTTON
Mike Machida says to (23:50:04):
LMFAO i needed some comedy tonight
dr raven says to (23:50:13):
solo is are plant
dr raven says to (23:50:18):
Mike Machida says to (23:50:24):
he is in an uproar
dr raven says to (23:50:28):
i was nice
dr raven says to (23:50:36):
didnt mute u
ImhotepVII says to (23:50:36):
Kala time to launch banish missles
Dr Solo says to (23:50:36):
Yeah your right frank..lol
Mike Machida says to (23:50:37):
calm down before u have a heart attack on air
Mr Holipsism says to (23:50:38):
Anyone else want to step up to the plate to be ignored?
Mike Machida says to (23:50:45):
dr raven says to (23:50:49):
a reject
dr raven says to (23:51:36):
with the internet rejects
Mike Machida says to (23:51:48):
Holipsism is dying for attention lol
Mike Machida says to (23:52:27):
ya know
Mike Machida says to (23:52:29):
ya know
Mike Machida says to (23:52:30):
Sonni Ali says to (23:52:43):
Mike M a 9/11 patriot
*** (23:52:47):Mike Machida is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
SlimJim says to Kalagenesis (private) (23:52:48):
kala-yes u need to take a break from this to devote urself to what u feel is the answer. only then will u find that the path to sucess was right there in front of u all along. good luck to you.. i welcome u back to reality soon
Sonni Ali says to (23:52:49):
I here ya
Kalagenesis says to SlimJim (private) (23:53:01):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:53:31):
I love it when they keep my name in their bootlickin' mouths. Just spell it right. Its Mr. HO - LIP - SISM. Three syllables. Get it right, Clowns. LOL
Sonni Ali says to (23:53:31):
Mike M that 9/11 *** is soo tiring dude!
Dr Solo says to (23:53:53):
lol @holip
SlimJim says to Kalagenesis (private) (23:54:11):
u know i mean that in all sincerity.. we have had our ways. but i understand the spirity of identity.. (dont dare say aloud to anyone i said that):D
SlimJim says to (23:54:42):
Solo.. what u doing here? jeez...
SlimJim says to (23:54:50):
Sonni Ali says to (23:55:01):
Africa is what's best for all black people!
Kalagenesis says to SlimJim (private) (23:55:06):
Kalagenesis says (23:55:15):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:55:18):
ignore button poised and ready to be pushed....
Dr Solo says to (23:55:26):
aw naw slimjim 8-)
SlimJim says to (23:55:44):
Ignore me Mr Hol!!!!! please
Mr Holipsism says to (23:55:55):
No prob
SlimJim says to (23:56:00):
thank u
SlimJim says to (23:56:22):
ignore Solo Mr Hol!!!!! please
SlimJim says to (23:56:27):
SlimJim says to (23:56:36):
push that button
Dr Solo says to (23:56:46):
Mr Holipsism says to (23:56:46):
If wish every troll was so forthright. Thank you. Don't bother responding because you are like John Cena right now. I can't see you
Sonni Ali says to (23:57:15):
Buffoon @ SJ
SlimJim says to (23:57:22):
ImhotepVII says to (23:57:45):
@Slim 2 more months and the freezer gets filled again?
*** (23:58:07):Mike Machida has been unmuted by Admin.
SlimJim says to (23:58:11):
right on!!! oct 1st! u said u bow hunt right?
ImhotepVII says to (23:58:23):
No, I wish I did.
SlimJim says to (23:58:37):
nuthin like it
ImhotepVII says to (23:58:40):
I know hunters
SlimJim says to (23:58:51):
but i understand it aint for everone
Dr Solo says to (23:59:08):
@slimjim bend that bow were it shoots you in your butt...lol
ImhotepVII says to (23:59:15):
Looking forward to some pheaseant chili and venison
SlimJim says to (23:59:16):
damn! lol
Mike Machida says to (00:00:00):
DeveshPatel says to (00:00:28):
what are these idiots talkin about
Dr Solo says to (00:00:29):
@slimjim any of your favs running for president ???
SlimJim says to (00:00:47):
Dr Solo says to (00:00:55):
you @devesh
dr raven says to (00:00:58):
cubs suk
ImhotepVII says to (00:00:59):
Marxism=trading one master for another
SlimJim says to (00:01:10):
ron paul of course.. but i voted for him last time to no avail
Mike Machida says to (00:01:19):
who told anyone to idolize or care what West has to say? Stop making people leaders and lead yourself
dr raven says to (00:01:23):
solo u butten up boobie?
ImhotepVII says to (00:01:34):
That's why I laugh at so called Black Marxists/Communists
Dr Solo says to (00:01:39):
@slimjim what you think about perry ??
SlimJim says to (00:01:47):
loud moth texan
ImhotepVII says to (00:02:29):
Perry needs to go sit down somewhere
Kalagenesis says (00:02:48):
ImhotepVII says to (00:02:52):
Seceeding form the Union is tantamount to treason
SlimJim says to (00:02:58):
ive been behind ron paul for years..and now it only shows i was right.. i say give the nut a chance.. the die hard dems and repubs have screwed things up
Mike Machida says to (00:03:11):
There are way more black people selling drugs, relaxing on food stamps and section 8, and spending time in the street than trying to work. I never said all, i said most
Mike Machida says to (00:03:33):
Of course there are no jobs for them, but they are trained humans who follow the lead of what they are told to follow
Mike Machida says to (00:03:37):
i dont have a job, or need one
SlimJim says to (00:04:05):
Mike.. you are self reliant?
Kalagenesis says (00:04:08):
Mike Machida says to (00:04:17):
Yes i am slim
Dr Solo says to (00:04:30):
@mike trailer parks are full to capacity
SlimJim says to (00:04:41):
kala.. dont be postin them long ass links up in here while we are chatting.. dude
Mike Machida says to (00:04:44):
So is your moms *** whats your point dr?
Mike Machida says to (00:04:53):
that would be c u n t
Dr Solo says to (00:05:30):
@mike the real punk comes out of you ...lol
ImhotepVII says to (00:05:37):
Wow@Michael That is nasty and disrespectful
Mike Machida says to (00:05:51):
So i can be disrespected b?ut i cant disrespect
Mike Machida says to (00:06:04):
u dish it out, better be able to take it
ImhotepVII says to (00:06:07):
Did anyone talk about your parents?
Mike Machida says to (00:06:23):
dr said what he/she wanted, and so did i
Dr Solo says to (00:06:24):
@imhotep his comments let me know what he was, all he did was bash blacks
SlimJim says to (00:06:32):
Solo... u have to admit.. u dug on mike and he had a pretty good comeback.. roll with it
Mike Machida says to (00:06:33):
hopefully they aer not a real doctor talking like that
Mike Machida says to (00:06:42):
thanks slim lol
Mike Machida says to (00:07:03):
i bash blacks because i dont make excuses for blacks? gotcha!
Dr Solo says to (00:07:07):
i didnt say nothin about his moms hoeish ways @slimjim
Mike Machida says to (00:07:19):
u said what u wanted solo, and i came harder
Mike Machida says to (00:07:26):
say something else, and i got something for ya
SlimJim says to (00:07:30):
no.. thats right solo.. he ways talking about yours
Mike Machida says to (00:07:35):
if u dont want disrespect, then shut up
Dr Solo says to (00:07:42):
i said trailer park was full you nutcase
Dr Solo says to (00:07:59):
i gotchu @mike
SlimJim says to (00:08:00):
haha.. now we got some spirit fun here!
Mike Machida says to (00:08:06):
yea yea yea dr.
Dr Solo says to (00:08:11):
you ping ,i will pong
Dr Solo says to (00:08:38):
Mike Machida says to (00:08:40):
who called me a 911 patriot
SlimJim says to (00:08:51):
psst..solo.. i dont think mike is messin around
ImhotepVII says to (00:08:53):
My mom and I liked the movie
Dr Solo says to (00:09:01):
why you going to beat them up at mike ..lol
ImhotepVII says to (00:09:10):
She lived through that time period.
SlimJim says to (00:10:42):
right ImhotepVII.. but its more fun to say "black power"
SlimJim says to (00:11:00):
i say it all the time.. but people just laugh at me
Mike Machida says to (00:12:33):
if i made a bad decision, i dont blame it on being black
SlimJim says to (00:12:36):
what did the headlines say when obama got elected? "HISTORIC".. why? was he the 1st democrat to be elected?
Sonni Ali says to (00:12:47):
color matters in the good ole USA.
Mike Machida says to (00:12:52):
Who cares about obama
Mike Machida says to (00:12:59):
he is irrelevant
SlimJim says to (00:13:00):
yep.. especially to black people
Sonni Ali says to (00:13:05):
your moms
ImhotepVII says to (00:13:11):
Sadly, yes it does@Sonni
SlimJim says to (00:13:12):
oh lord ... war lord
Mike Machida says to (00:13:21):
color matters to you, not me
SlimJim says to (00:13:30):
yes it does mike
SlimJim says to (00:13:40):
shouldnt but it does
Sonni Ali says to (00:13:47):
Mike Machida says to (00:13:49):
well thats your opinion,
SlimJim says to (00:14:02):
people need to bee more honest with themselves
kemetu says to (00:14:04):
what kind of low vibration level is mike on why argue with him
Sonni Ali says to (00:14:10):
no thats usa opinion
Dr Solo says to (00:14:23):
i agree @sonni
Mike Machida says to (00:14:36):
well, keep crying until u die about color issues, i personally dont care
SlimJim says to (00:14:45):
if you laugh at chris rock jokes.. guess what.. color matters.. doen not make you evil or racist.. just cognitive
Mike Machida says to (00:14:59):
there will be millions more crying after u die, so whatever have fun, it wont solve anything
Mike Machida says to (00:15:12):
u cant fix color issues, because your brainwashed that there is color
Sonni Ali says to (00:15:25):
thats your opinion smart guy
Mike Machida says to (00:15:32):
u damn right and im very smart
kemetu says to (00:15:38):
in the struggle to get free they have no rights or opinions period
SlimJim says to (00:15:46):
take it light.. not saying color is indicative of anything.. just that it exists and there is an awarness.
Mike Machida says to (00:15:47):
so cry like babies until u die, and nothing will change when u die
Sonni Ali says to (00:15:51):
really @mike
ImhotepVII says to (00:15:51):
kemetu says to (00:16:01):
if they gave a damn they would know that and not put themselves out there as color blind racists
Mike Machida says to (00:16:07):
awareness doesnt fix anything,
Sonni Ali says to (00:16:19):
you have said that 4 times
Sonni Ali says to (00:16:23):
Mike Machida says to (00:16:28):
the best way to fix anything, is to ignore it
Sonni Ali says to (00:16:31):
Dr Solo says to (00:16:39):
Please ignore mike hes dumb
Mike Machida says to (00:16:43):
i dont have color issues, or worry about color, because i dont allow it to effectme,
kemetu says to (00:16:54):
ignorance is the reason the eurpeans can rule
kemetu says to (00:17:11):
we dont either
ImhotepVII says to (00:17:14):
NICE! @ Warlord
SlimJim says to (00:17:22):
mike.. if you dont ignore it and just put it in its propper place, it serves a better cause.. but go ahead and ignore
ImhotepVII says to (00:17:23):
I'm stuck here
Mike Machida says to (00:17:24):
i am my own man, i dont care about my color skin, because i dont allow anyone to lable me. I say black just because im in this room with a bunch of pro black cry babies
Sonni Ali says to (00:17:24):
yes nice
kemetu says to (00:17:25):
no color issues
kemetu says to (00:17:32):
systematic issues
kemetu says to (00:17:39):
Mr Holipsism says to (00:17:57):
kemetu says to (00:18:11):
hotep Kala and chat room
Mr Holipsism says to (00:18:20):
De Von Bell of the Kemetic Pipeline
SlimJim says to (00:18:33):
let me take a moment to say "God bless rich people" ... u know u had to get that in
Mr Holipsism says to (00:18:33):
Peace Kemetu
Dr Solo says to (00:18:36):
hotep kemetu
Mike Machida says to (00:18:37):
its really crazy that i have never had to deal with race issues, because im far from an uncle tom, love hip hop, got tons of tattoos, and drive an expensive car, yet i dont cry like a baby and make excuses
Sonni Ali says to (00:18:56):
Mike Machida says to (00:18:58):
people are to spoiled
Dr Solo says to (00:19:03):
So what @mike
Sonni Ali says to (00:19:04):
so what
kemetu says to (00:19:19):
so stop whinning now mike
Mike Machida says to (00:19:21):
the rich blacks dont cry about color, because they to busy getting rich, while the poor sit on they ass and make excuses
kemetu says to (00:19:23):
move on
Sonni Ali says to (00:19:34):
you are talkin about driving a nice car it must be your first
Dr Solo says to (00:19:41):
Mike what you need is yo butt kicked
kemetu says to (00:19:43):
money will not save us from shyt
Mike Machida says to (00:19:53):
always had nice cars all my life
kemetu says to (00:19:56):
illusions of grandure, he drank the coolaid
Mr Holipsism says to (00:20:11):
Why do people still see what Mike is typing? Why do you not have Mike on IGNORE?
Mike Machida says to (00:20:19):
thats because i pay my bills and im responsible, im not sitting on the porch smoking blunts like a punk
Dr Solo says to (00:20:30):
@mike who cares bout you damn car...smh
Dr Solo says to (00:20:39):
Sonni Ali says to (00:21:03):
thats because he thinks it is special that he drives a nice car.
Mike Machida says to (00:21:07):
whoever made a comment about my first nice car thats who Dr. Do u want my autograph because u cant keep my name out your mouth
Dr Solo says to (00:21:10):
@mike tell that to someone who smokin the blunt ...punk
Mr Holipsism says to (00:21:11):
kemetu says to (00:21:11):
asante sana mr. holipsism
ImhotepVII says to (00:21:20):
Good Warlord!!
SlimJim says to (00:21:23):
warlord.. u need me (or solo) to show u how to hold a rifle.. for the love of bullets.. please change ur photo!
Mr Holipsism says to (00:21:32):
(}) @ Kemetu
SlimJim says to (00:21:33):
ImhotepVII says to (00:21:47):
Mr Holipsism says to (00:21:52):
Solo, what's the deal? IGNORE HIM
Mike Machida says to (00:22:07):
yea solo, ignore him,
ImhotepVII says to (00:22:10):
But I respect the wife's wishes. ((sigh))
SlimJim says to (00:22:16):
lol mike
Dr Solo says to (00:22:23):
yeah your right @holip
Mr Holipsism says to (00:22:59):
Question for the Family....How do you starve an attention whore?
Dr Solo says to (00:23:06):
ImhotepVII says to (00:23:20):
I've already ignored him
kemetu says to (00:23:29):
me too
Sonni Ali says to (00:23:52):
How can we get involved in the pipeline @ Kemetu
Mike Machida says to (00:23:53):
Which one of you guys are on section 8?
Kalagenesis says (00:24:00):
Dr Solo says to (00:24:13):
@Mr Holipsism, i have him on ignore but i still can smell him
Sonni Ali says to (00:24:23):
So we can acclerate the process of getting out of here!
Mr Holipsism says to (00:24:29):
I can't
Mr Holipsism says to (00:24:31):
kemetu says to (00:24:34):
Mike Machida says to (00:24:37):
Gay men usually can smell solo
Mike Machida says to (00:24:44):
Mike Machida says to (00:24:51):
this dude talking about he smells me
Mike Machida says to (00:24:56):
kemetu says to (00:25:01):
Mr Holipsism says to (00:25:02):
He's John Cena to me
Mr Holipsism says to (00:25:06):
I can't see him
Dr Solo says to (00:25:11):
Sonni Ali says to (00:25:15):
Mike Machida says to (00:25:18):
yes, he keeps talking about me
Mike Machida says to (00:25:30):
he cant see me lol cant help but to talk about me
kemetu says to (00:25:30):
by first memorizing the law
Mike Machida says to (00:25:38):
"The Gays"
kemetu says to (00:25:49):
through several sources
Sonni Ali says to (00:25:55):
Real talk @ Kemetu
kemetu says to (00:26:04):
our law
SlimJim says to (00:26:05):
i want ya'll to join my fight to end child slave trade in western africa.. please join the cause
Mike Machida says to (00:26:20):
blesss you all be safe on 9/11/11 because its not going to be pretty
kemetu says to (00:26:46):
proverbs are the foundation of all our societies and rites of passage systems
Dr Solo says to (00:26:46):
@slimjim you need to stop it here first don't you ???
kemetu says to (00:26:57):
right dr. solo
SlimJim says to (00:26:58):
its over here
SlimJim says to (00:27:06):
no mas
Sonni Ali says to (00:27:32):
I will take my chances in AFRICA!
kemetu says to (00:27:46):
we are in africa
SlimJim says to (00:27:47):
then take ur chances.. whats stopping u?
Kalagenesis says (00:27:48):
right brother
Kalagenesis says (00:27:56):
No we are in America
Mike Machida says to (00:28:01):
the help was a good movie
kemetu says to (00:28:05):
SlimJim says to (00:28:09):
go follow your dream.. stop talking about it and just do it
Kalagenesis says (00:28:10):
kemetu says to (00:28:37):
we need to do both not either or but either and
Kalagenesis says (00:28:51):
What the hell is Abrakapocus?
Sonni Ali says to (00:28:52):
It is not dream @ SJ
SlimJim says to (00:29:06):
kala.. u have an identity crisis.. its good ur taking some time off.. u need to either melt or not
Kalagenesis says (00:29:12):
Boomshakalaka land?
SlimJim says to (00:29:26):
oh lord:D
kemetu says to (00:29:43):
to be effective in forming relationships in africa we must first have a community and that community must begin working with african migrant communities here
Dr Solo says to (00:29:55):
@slimjim you can be my driver in africa, see how nice i am
Kalagenesis says (00:30:00):
ok but we are in America
Sonni Ali says to (00:30:11):
SlimJim says to (00:30:29):
does that make you feel superior solo? ok.. then.. ill be your driver
Mike Machida says to (00:30:39):
the black community depends on jobs, mostly low paying. The arab community depends on family business, thats why they are so successful. They come together blacks dont
ImhotepVII says to (00:30:49):
Abrakapocus? Wha?
kemetu says to (00:30:53):
kala abrakapocus is when bugs bunny confused dracula and made him useless and non threatening by turning his body into a bat with a man head
Mike Machida says to (00:30:56):
hand full of black family businesses, thousands of arab businesses that are family owned
Dr Solo says to (00:31:10):
not superior, just giving you a job @slimjim
Sonni Ali says to (00:31:10):
What black people need over here is for someone to show us how tomake money so we can get the hell out of here!
ImhotepVII says to (00:31:14):
OH YEAH!! @Kemetu
SlimJim says to (00:31:22):
haha Sonni..
ImhotepVII says to (00:31:25):
I remember that! ROFL
kemetu says to (00:31:37):
he the dju was workin the gentile
Dr Solo says to (00:31:45):
@slimjim plus i don't feel, i am superior
Sonni Ali says to (00:31:47):
SJ @ Blo
kemetu says to (00:31:50):
all around the world the same song
kemetu says to (00:31:58):
we own the planet
Sonni Ali says to (00:32:09):
How to INVEST!
kemetu says to (00:32:16):
we must start right here in our families
SlimJim says to (00:32:20):
yall are a trip..
Sonni Ali says to (00:32:23):
That is the only way
kemetu says to (00:32:38):
trade on commdities and distribution systems we create
kemetu says to (00:32:51):
we should not chase money
Sonni Ali says to (00:32:59):
Now you are talkin
Sonni Ali says to (00:33:05):
SlimJim says to (00:33:05):
whole bunch of crazy ideas but u cant focus on certain things to get the job done
SlimJim says to (00:33:20):
but u have some crazy ideas
kemetu says to (00:33:23):
we should chase the position of power and control of our resources
Sonni Ali says to (00:33:33):
I do not know how to do this
Sonni Ali says to (00:33:46):
That is why I am asking how
kemetu says to (00:33:52):
that is the work
kemetu says to (00:33:55):
for all of us
Sonni Ali says to (00:34:02):
People have money biut do not know what to do with it
Dr Solo says to (00:34:17):
@slimjim, your never going to hear our plans are you nuts...smh
kemetu says to (00:34:26):
one way to do so is to study indigenous economies and figure out how to create the relationships needed to succeed
kemetu says to (00:34:44):
most with money dont want to really help us
SlimJim says to (00:34:51):
Solo.. you would be suprised of how many "plans" im aware of..
dr raven says to (00:35:04):
kala hittman is takin trash in our room
dr raven says to (00:35:17):
join our calll
dr raven says to (00:35:24):
feed us in
Sonni Ali says to (00:35:52):
Thats is because the idea should be broadcast louder!
dr raven says to (00:36:07):
SlimJim says to (00:36:14):
Sonni.. if you want to be hear.. just whisper
SlimJim says to (00:36:27):
watch how many people lean in to listen
SlimJim says to (00:36:43):
SlimJim says to (00:37:17):
no one pays attention to the loud mouth with the megaphone
SlimJim says to (00:38:25):
that *** cheney gonna get a young man heart in a transplant.. that dude is gonna live another 40 years
Sonni Ali says to (00:38:29):
That does not suprise me @Kala
SlimJim says to (00:38:33):
diick Cheney
SlimJim says to (00:39:07):
*** *** ***er btr
Sonni Ali says to (00:39:19):
BA is always shooting down anything dealing w/ Africa.
Kalagenesis says (00:39:49):
Mr Holipsism says to (00:39:51):
Kalagenesis says (00:40:04):
I know
Mr Holipsism says to (00:40:05):
Kalagenesis says (00:40:11):
SlimJim says to (00:40:28):
so.. ya'll are always shooting down anything dealing with america
Kalagenesis says (00:40:33):
SlimJim says to (00:40:36):
Sonni Ali says to (00:40:39):
Kalagenesis says (00:40:47):
I say do what you want
SlimJim says to (00:40:53):
me too
Mr Holipsism says to (00:40:56):
Kalagenesis says (00:40:57):
America will be fine without us
Sonni Ali says to (00:41:04):
Sonni Ali says to (00:41:16):
SlimJim says to (00:41:24):
no comment
Dr Solo says to (00:41:25):
lol@ MR Holip ..jellies
Dr Solo says to (00:41:43):
damn my sister wore jellies
Sonni Ali says to (00:41:46):
Back to Africa.
ImhotepVII says to (00:42:13):
Alkebulan, here we come
SlimJim says to (00:42:26):
i say if you are not committed to the sucess of this country, then it is better that u leave
SlimJim says to (00:42:36):
so we agree there
Sonni Ali says to (00:42:57):
What are you talkin about we built this POS for free.
SlimJim says to (00:43:04):
Sonni Ali says to (00:43:11):
This guy
Sonni Ali says to (00:43:14):
SlimJim says to (00:43:17):
Kalagenesis says (00:43:20):
Mr Holip your on
Mr Holipsism says to (00:43:41):
Sonni Ali says to (00:43:52):
much more too dont stop @SJ
Sonni Ali says to (00:43:57):
Go ahead
SlimJim says to (00:43:59):
i dont subsribe to that "blacks built this country" crap.. think about it before you speak
Sonni Ali says to (00:44:21):
Get this dude out of here
SlimJim says to (00:44:24):
Sonni what did u do? for free?
SlimJim says to (00:44:32):
u said "we"
Sonni Ali says to (00:44:36):
the same ole same ole
Sonni Ali says to (00:44:59):
ImhotepVII says to (00:45:33):
ROFL!! Featal postion!!!
ImhotepVII says to (00:45:36):
SlimJim says to (00:45:37):
am i to beleive 5% to 8% of inhabitants built everything in american history? really?
Sonni Ali says to (00:45:49):
Like redman says "whatever man!"
SlimJim says to (00:46:12):
who raised the entire town of chicago?
Sonni Ali says to (00:46:41):
BA is an imposter
SlimJim says to (00:47:39):
Sonni.. please list for me the things that exist in america that was only built by "you"
kemetu says to (00:47:50):
we need to invest in water and land for our common use
Sonni Ali says to (00:48:15):
kemetu says to (00:48:15):
they love jesus in many parts of africa
kemetu says to (00:48:21):
more than we do
kemetu says to (00:48:33):
and you know we sick wit it
Sonni Ali says to (00:48:58):
Same ole tricks @ USA!
SlimJim says to (00:50:34):
u see.. as things progress and some continue to fall behind, they will.. they must.. bring forward the ills of the past to justify there own short-comings.. i see it.. and its sad
SlimJim says to (00:50:56):
no tricks.. just sadness
RamsesDevine says to (00:51:06):
africans are stupid
Sonni Ali says to (00:51:54):
That should be an automatic!
Sonni Ali says to (00:52:03):
ImhotepVII says to (00:52:04):
Man, I should call in!!!!
SlimJim says to (00:52:05):
to which i say.. get a frip of your own reality and dont let any fool like me in a chat room get in the way you our own progress
RamsesDevine says to (00:52:09):
i don't hate africans
ImhotepVII says to (00:52:21):
Sonni Ali says to (00:52:23):
ImhotepVII says to (00:52:27):
SlimJim says to (00:52:28):
is ernie els an african?
SlimJim says to (00:52:45):
oh lord with the frekin moors
Sonni Ali says to (00:52:51):
RamsesDevine says to (00:52:52):
all black people don't come from africa
ImhotepVII says to (00:52:53):
Yeah, "moors"
SlimJim says to (00:53:00):
Sonni Ali says to (00:53:14):
this guy
SlimJim says to (00:53:16):
the moors where the first on the moon
Sonni Ali says to (00:53:21):
SlimJim says to (00:53:30):
the moors where the first to fly a plane
Sonni Ali says to (00:53:32):
makes no sense at all
Sonni Ali says to (00:53:40):
this guy
Kalagenesis says (00:54:08):
Sonni Ali says to (00:54:14):
That lets you know he is uneducated.
Sonni Ali says to (00:54:26):
Who would say something like that.
RamsesDevine says to (00:54:30):
africans don't even respect you black people in america
Sonni Ali says to (00:54:33):
Sonni Ali says to (00:54:41):
Sonni Ali says to (00:55:00):
SlimJim says to (00:55:02):
listen to warlord go!!! must not be a blunt in reach
RamsesDevine says to (00:55:12):
so why don't you live in africa then
RamsesDevine says to (00:55:19):
you can move
Sonni Ali says to (00:55:22):
kemetu says to (00:55:28):
how can they ramses we dont know our history
Sonni Ali says to (00:55:28):
the same reason you dont
Sonni Ali says to (00:55:32):
SlimJim says to (00:55:40):
really yes.. it is possible for humans to move
Sonni Ali says to (00:55:40):
RamsesDevine says to (00:55:45):
so move back
Sonni Ali says to (00:55:53):
ah Man
Sonni Ali says to (00:55:57):
this guy
SlimJim says to (00:56:13):
slavery!?? haha
Sonni Ali says to (00:56:13):
anymore questions RamsesD?
RamsesDevine says to (00:56:20):
them savage ass niggas over there worship white people and have no respect for you they call you akata
Sonni Ali says to (00:56:41):
Stop watchin SUGAR HILL MAINE!
Sonni Ali says to (00:56:44):
SlimJim says to (00:56:59):
sonni i have a quote for u.. but wont tell u who said it
SlimJim says to (00:57:14):
"99% of all failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses."
Sonni Ali says to (00:57:19):
You never heard that word before until you saw SUGAR HILL!
RamsesDevine says to (00:57:28):
africans have all that land and yet don't even run they own ***
SlimJim says to (00:57:48):
now.. who said it?
RamsesDevine says to (00:57:50):
the indians and the chinese and europeans run africa
RamsesDevine says to (00:58:17):
how stupid can you be to let a minority come in and run your land
Sonni Ali says to (00:58:23):
I tell you this much they run more *** then we do.
RamsesDevine says to (00:58:33):
where the african car
Sonni Ali says to (00:58:51):
what is your point?
Sonni Ali says to (00:59:16):
just beacuse there is no african car
RamsesDevine says to (00:59:26):
africans don't even get along with each other tribally they don't even consider themselves the same people
Kalagenesis says (00:59:28):
Ramses not true
Mr Holipsism says to (00:59:29):
Sonni Ali says to (00:59:32):
you are shallow maine
SlimJim says to (00:59:50):
Sonni.. u need to quit worrying about what "you people" have accomplished.. and more about what "you" have accomplished.. if all did that, things change
ImhotepVII says to (00:59:54):
There's an African made plane!
Sonni Ali says to (00:59:58):
He hasn't said anything since he has been here
RamsesDevine says to (01:00:00):
got to unganda and get your lips cut off
RamsesDevine says to (01:00:09):
Sonni Ali says to (01:00:15):
Nothing but hot air maine
ImhotepVII says to (01:00:32):
and VCR's, and other electronic devices
RamsesDevine says to (01:00:40):
the africans leaders are sell outs
RamsesDevine says to (01:00:51):
they sell out their own people
SlimJim says to (01:01:12):
no one has a people. thats so midevial
SlimJim says to (01:01:31):
"ma people" oooohhhh "ma people"
RamsesDevine says to (01:01:35):
and they sold you into slavery you should be sekking reparations from the africans not the europeans
Sonni Ali says to (01:01:52):
Imposter alert!!!!!
ImhotepVII says to (01:01:58):
Chipmunk with an afro!?!?!?!? EPIC!(lol)
RamsesDevine says to (01:02:00):
why they said come home
Dr Solo says to (01:02:08):
Great Show Kala !! and enjoy your time off, Peace to all, Good Night !!
dr raven says to (01:02:08):
solo is a rat
ImhotepVII says to (01:02:18):
Peace Solo
Sonni Ali says to (01:02:18):
He is not
RamsesDevine says to (01:02:23):
why they never said come home black man
SlimJim says to (01:02:29):
yep.. good show kala... take care yall!
SlimJim says to (01:02:36):
kala.. go get ya some!
Sonni Ali says to (01:02:42):
They shouldn't need to tell you
ImhotepVII says to (01:02:46):
They are calling us to come home @Rameses
Sonni Ali says to (01:02:54):
If they have to you are tooo damn stupid
ImhotepVII says to (01:03:00):
The Joseph Project in Ghana
RamsesDevine says to (01:03:13):
it's called civilization
ImhotepVII says to (01:03:19):
There's a movment in Benin to have us come back
RamsesDevine says to (01:03:38):
there are international laws
ImhotepVII says to Kalagenesis (private) (01:03:50):
I'm in the cue.
RamsesDevine says to (01:03:51):
why they went to the united nations
SlimJim says to (01:04:00):
ppssst ImhotepVII.. yall aint never been there
Kalagenesis says to ImhotepVII (private) (01:04:02):
RamsesDevine says to (01:04:08):
and charged anybody with crimes
SlimJim says to (01:04:17):
that was a bunch of people that are all gone now
RamsesDevine says to (01:04:24):
they never did
SlimJim says to (01:04:29):
whole new batch of people on the planet
ImhotepVII says to (01:05:04):
@Slim I understand, but the fact is that we are still related to the people there.
RamsesDevine says to (01:05:17):
everybody is related
ImhotepVII says to (01:05:27):
AmericanCitizen says to (01:05:33):
SlimJim says to (01:05:34):
that i undertand.. but i dont even know who or where my heritage lives..
SlimJim says to (01:05:38):
doesnt bother me
Sonni Ali says to (01:05:42):
Always going to be unequal
SlimJim says to (01:05:51):
or should i say.. lived
Sonni Ali says to (01:05:56):
As long as we stay here
Sonni Ali says to (01:06:07):
Hell NO
RamsesDevine says to (01:06:14):
if you let another people rule your land either your inferior or stupid
RamsesDevine says to (01:06:30):
especially a minority
RamsesDevine says to (01:07:01):
the indians even run the supermarkets in africa
RamsesDevine says to (01:07:17):
why don't they do something besides chase monkeys
Sonni Ali says to (01:07:19):
A couple of you need a good ole school south side of Chi town ass kickin
Sonni Ali says to (01:07:42):
Please believe
Sonni Ali says to (01:08:12):
Internet tough guys lol
SlimJim says to (01:09:25):
whats a south side chicago ass kicking? an uneducated frop out kicking a donkey then beggin for a hard quarter to help buy a black and mild and 40?