*** (01:28:42):Welcome to the Kalagenesis Chat Room.
ImhotepVII says to (01:29:20):
Where is the new show at?
Doc Don says to (01:29:35):
Good show Kala, do not be intimidated!!!!
ImhotepVII says to (01:29:57):
Got it@Kala
ImhotepVII says to (01:31:03):
We on?
African Warlord X says to (01:32:42):
I'm connected.
ImhotepVII says to (01:33:29):
I see you Warlord
ImhotepVII says to (01:33:56):
cool. Double show. Glad I'm on vacation and can stay up :-)
African Warlord X says to (01:33:59):
*** (01:36:41):The moderator activated the moderated mode.
SlimJim says to (01:38:22):
the new BPP is a joke, unless they chage their name... and their message
Citizen Black says to (01:38:28):
Doc Don says to (01:39:09):
Right Kala, We have a inherent right to VET any organization!!!!!!!!!
Citizen Black says to (01:40:45):
Muslims are still not political.
Citizen Black says to (01:40:57):
Who cares what Seti says????
Citizen Black says to (01:42:51):
Black panther anti-Arab imperialism was taught by the Nation of Islam.
Citizen Black says to (01:43:30):
Malik Shabazz denounce bin Laden.
Citizen Black says to (01:43:40):
on Fox.
Citizen Black says to (01:44:22):
but like Dead Prez said in the song: "George Bush is way worse than bin Laden is.
Citizen Black says to (01:44:48):
Doc Don says to (01:44:58):
Right Kala, We have a inherent right to VET any organization!!!!!!!!!
Citizen Black says to (01:45:00):
Colonel Khadafi is the best president in Africa.
Citizen Black says to (01:45:03):
Black panther anti-Arab imperialism was taught by the Nation of Islam.
Citizen Black says to (01:45:04):
Malik Shabazz denounce bin Laden.
Citizen Black says to (01:45:06):
on Fox.
Citizen Black says to (01:45:08):
but like Dead Prez said in the song: "George Bush is way worse than bin Laden is.
Citizen Black says to (01:45:13):
Colonel Khadafi is the best president in Africa.
Citizen Black says to (01:45:24):
Muslims are still not political.
Citizen Black says to (01:45:31):
Who cares what Seti says????
Citizen Black says to (01:46:40):
Chinese did have Black slaves.
Citizen Black says to (01:46:46):
Chinese did have Black slaves.
*** (01:47:03):The moderator disabled the moderated mode, you may freely chat now.
*** (01:47:06):The moderator activated the moderated mode.
Citizen Black says to (01:49:20):
The Negroes, like Malcolm X, who say immigrant Islam is more correct than AMerican Islam are the ones who play down white Arab racism.
Citizen Black says to (01:49:40):
Nation of Is.a
Doc Don says to (01:49:42):
Of Gaddafi and Arab racism towards Blacks
Citizen Black says to (01:49:47):
The Negroes, like Malcolm X, who say immigrant Islam is more correct than AMerican Islam are the ones who play down white Arab racism.
Citizen Black says to (01:49:48):
Nation of Is.a
Doc Don says to (01:49:54):
Of Gaddafi and Arab racism towards Blacks
Citizen Black says to (01:50:11):
Nation of Islam teach Black people not to suck up to honky, just to get into heaven after you're already dead.
Doc Don says to (01:50:16):
"We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans," Col Gaddafi said in Rome, August 30, 2010.
Citizen Black says to (01:50:20):
Nation of Islam teach Black people not to suck up to honky, just to get into heaven after you're already dead.
Doc Don says to (01:50:22):
"We don’t know what will happen, what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans," Col Gaddafi said in Rome, August 30, 2010.
Citizen Black says to (01:51:01):
African are starving and ignorant.
Citizen Black says to (01:51:08):
African are starving and ignorant.
Doc Don says to (01:51:25):
Arab racism towards Africans has for long been a taboo subject, considering that it is politically incorrect to voice out the obvious: That Arabs, who are mostly Muslims, are racists to boot and consider Africans, Muslim or Christian, as inferior
African Warlord X says to (01:51:37):
Nice try Citizen Black. No dummies here.
Doc Don says to (01:51:50):
Arab racism towards Africans has for long been a taboo subject, considering that it is politically incorrect to voice out the obvious: That Arabs, who are mostly Muslims, are racists to boot and consider Africans, Muslim or Christian, as inferior
African Warlord X says to (01:51:52):
Nice try Citizen Black. No dummies here.
southern region nbpp says to (01:52:15):
not by choice@cb
southern region nbpp says to (01:52:20):
not by choice@cb
PrittyKatt says to (01:52:41):
There will always be blacks with Negro mindsets
Doc Don says to (01:52:47):
Citizen Black says to (01:53:00):
Why is it that the Nation of Islam had to keep Black nationalism alive.
Citizen Black says to (01:53:27):
Why did the Muslims have to be the ones to reestablish the Black Panthers.
BlackAchievement USA says to (01:53:38):
Citizen Black says to (01:53:50):
Why is it that the Nation of Islam had to keep Black nationalism alive.
African Warlord X says to (01:53:49):
@ Southern region nbpp Look at the stock quotes of Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, and Angola. This clown knows nothing about that. Not all of Africa is what his beer bellied, redneck grandmother taught him
Doc Don says to (01:53:52):
Citizen Black says to (01:53:54):
Why did the Muslims have to be the ones to reestablish the Black Panthers.
Citizen Black says to (01:53:54):
Why didn't you hyper Black nationalist restart the Panthers???
BlackAchievement USA says to (01:53:57):
African Warlord X says to (01:53:58):
@ Southern region nbpp Look at the stock quotes of Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, and Angola. This clown knows nothing about that. Not all of Africa is what his beer bellied, redneck grandmother taught him
Citizen Black says to (01:53:59):
Why didn't you hyper Black nationalist restart the Panthers???
Citizen Black says to (01:54:27):
Islam is Black America only solution.
southern region nbpp says to (01:54:34):
im not muslim
BlackAchievement USA says to (01:59:36):
they did
newblackpantheradio says to (01:59:58):
citizen ?
Citizen Black says to (02:00:21):
You need to start vetting cowardly Negroes who care what honkys think.
newblackpantheradio says to (02:00:22):
why dont you call in with your questions
African Warlord X says to (02:00:39):
Because we do what we want to do
Citizen Black says to (02:00:42):
I actually really love professor Ahmadenijad.
Citizen Black says to (02:01:08):
Brother Khadafi says he'll give us th guns to fight for our freedom.
Citizen Black says to (02:02:42):
When professor Ahmadinejad took over the American Embassy in 1979, all the black workers in the embassy were released in less than 24 hours.
nyc1347 says to (02:02:46):
facebook owner just put $100 million into newark
Citizen Black says to (02:02:53):
Islam is Black America only solution.
newblackpantheradio says to (02:02:56):
why dont you call in with your questions
uBpJessie says to (02:02:56):
Citizen Black says to (02:02:58):
I actually really love professor Ahmadenijad.
Citizen Black says to (02:02:59):
Brother Khadafi says he'll give us th guns to fight for our freedom.
Citizen Black says to (02:03:01):
When professor Ahmadinejad took over the American Embassy in 1979, all the black workers in the embassy were released in less than 24 hours.
nyc1347 says to (02:03:03):
facebook owner just put $100 million into newark
uBpJessie says to (02:03:09):
nyc1347 says to (02:03:11):
facebook owner just put $100 million into
nyc1347 says to (02:03:14):
facebook owner just put $100 million into
Citizen Black says to (02:03:14):
The white embassy workeers were held for more than 2 years.
southern region nbpp says to (02:03:14):
nyc1347 says to (02:03:19):
thats generous
Citizen Black says to (02:03:22):
The white embassy workeers were held for more than 2 years.
southern region nbpp says to (02:03:23):
nyc1347 says to (02:03:24):
thats generous
Citizen Black says to (02:04:38):
If Negroes who claim to be conscious, need to remember those who have supported them in the past, or our foriegn support are gonna realise that Negroes are sellout, and really just love thier honky masters.
African Warlord X says to (02:04:45):
@ NBPradio They never call in.
Citizen Black says to (02:05:05):
If Negroes who claim to be conscious, need to remember those who have supported them in the past, or our foriegn support are gonna realise that Negroes are sellout, and really just love thier honky masters.
African Warlord X says to (02:05:07):
@ NBPradio They never call in.
African Warlord X says to (02:05:37):
Because we do what we want to do
African Warlord X says to (02:05:44):
Oh, you're black Citizen plant ?
Citizen Black says to (02:05:47):
Civil rights movement were
African Warlord X says to (02:05:53):
Citizen Black says to (02:05:56):
civil rights movement was unitd
Citizen Black says to (02:06:10):
civil rights movement was united behing
Citizen Black says to (02:06:13):
southern region nbpp says to (02:06:16):
bp, just agitators
Citizen Black says to (02:06:40):
civil rights movement was united behind jewish leadership, not Black leadership.
ImhotepVII says to (02:06:51):
uBpJessie says to (02:07:09):
whose the cohost
Citizen Black says to (02:08:21):
we always had different economic statises in the Black community.
newblackpantheradio says to (02:09:04):
slim jim , none of those cowardz will ask there questions
newblackpantheradio says to (02:09:15):
its strange
Citizen Black says to (02:09:34):
It doesn't cause no money to tell coons that Black people are not n1ggers.
Citizen Black says to (02:10:35):
When I''m rich, I ain't supportin no coon that thinks it cool to refer to Black people as n1ggers, like honkys do.
Citizen Black says to (02:11:02):
I didn't choose to be here.
Citizen Black says to (02:11:09):
we always had different economic statises in the Black community.
newblackpantheradio says to (02:11:16):
slim jim , none of those cowardz will ask there questions
newblackpantheradio says to (02:11:16):
its strange
African Warlord X says to (02:11:30):
Oh, you're black Citizen plant ?
Citizen Black says to (02:11:33):
It doesn't cause no money to tell coons that Black people are not n1ggers.
Citizen Black says to (02:11:34):
When I''m rich, I ain't supportin no coon that thinks it cool to refer to Black people as n1ggers, like honkys do.
Citizen Black says to (02:11:36):
I didn't choose to be here.
Citizen Black says to (02:11:55):
Civil rights movement were
African Warlord X says to (02:11:57):
Citizen Black says to (02:11:57):
civil rights movement was unitd
Citizen Black says to (02:12:03):
civil rights movement was united behing
Citizen Black says to (02:12:11):
uBpJessie says to (02:12:12):
southern region nbpp says to (02:12:19):
bp, just agitators
uBpJessie says to (02:12:23):
Citizen Black says to (02:12:32):
civil rights movement was united behind jewish leadership, not Black leadership.
ImhotepVII says to (02:12:38):
African Warlord X says to (02:12:54):
ok Citizen Black is Jewish folks.
African Warlord X says to (02:13:05):
We see these types all of the time
Citizen Black says to (02:16:14):
Jungle bunnies need to learn to listen, and not talk over the other Black person talkin.
*** (02:16:33):Citizen Black is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
African Warlord X says to (02:16:55):
ok Citizen Black is Jewish folks.
African Warlord X says to (02:16:56):
We see these types all of the time
Citizen Black says to (02:16:57):
Jungle bunnies need to learn to listen, and not talk over the other Black person talkin.
*** (02:18:07):Citizen Black has been unmuted by Admin.
Citizen Black says to (02:18:19):
Screw government contracts.
Citizen Black says to (02:19:04):
Citizen Black says to (02:19:32):
Screw government contracts.
Citizen Black says to (02:19:33):
Citizen Black says to (02:19:55):
Fruit of Islam is the only example of manhood for the Negro community.
Citizen Black says to (02:20:04):
Fruit of Islam is the only example of manhood for the Negro community.
newblackpantheradio says to (02:21:38):
citizen :Citizen Black: Jungle bunnies need to learn to listen, and not talk over the other Black person talkin. YOUR SHOWING YOURSELF
ImhotepVII says to (02:21:50):
ImhotepVII says to (02:21:56):
ImhotepVII says to (02:22:07):
ImhotepVII says to (02:22:09):
*** (02:22:20):newblackpantheradio is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
Citizen Black says to (02:22:31):
*** (02:22:37):newblackpantheradio has been unmuted by Admin.
Citizen Black says to (02:22:42):
newblackpantheradio says to (02:23:05):
why are you calling us Jungle bunnies ?
African Warlord X says to (02:23:16):
This isn't the Jerry Springer show Citizen plant
newblackpantheradio says to (02:23:17):
Citizen Black says to (02:23:21):
keep your hand of the mute button. You're lookin like a Gbagbo type figure..
Citizen Black says to (02:25:07):
Negroes have no knowledge.
*** (02:25:21):Citizen Black is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
*** (02:27:07):Citizen Black has been unmuted by Admin.
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:27:21):
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:27:25):
Citizen Black says to (02:27:25):
The route that we need to take is called "mass movement." That was worked out in 1945 at the third Pan-Africanist Congress.
uBpJessie says to (02:28:22):
talking with a rythm
uBpJessie says to (02:28:27):
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:29:24):
African Warlord X says to (02:29:51):
That's real dialogue.
Citizen Black says to (02:30:01):
Why you don't come and join onto what the Panthers are doing????
uBpJessie says to (02:30:07):
talking with a rythm
uBpJessie says to (02:30:08):
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:30:10):
African Warlord X says to (02:30:11):
That's real dialogue.
Citizen Black says to (02:30:13):
Why you don't come and join onto what the Panthers are doing????
African Warlord X says to (02:30:15):
African Warlord X says to (02:30:20):
Citizen Black says to (02:30:30):
keep your hand of the mute button. You're lookin like a Gbagbo type figure..
African Warlord X says to (02:30:36):
Why don't you join Citizen
African Warlord X says to (02:30:44):
Why don't you join Citizen
Citizen Black says to (02:31:20):
Obviously I'm a real Black nationalist.
newblackpantheradio says to (02:31:53):
newblackpanther.org - or nbpphq@yahoo.com is how you can join
Citizen Black says to (02:32:19):
Obviously I'm a real Black nationalist.
Citizen Black says to (02:33:31):
Self hate doesn't exist among the Black Muslims. So, who are you talkin about?
Citizen Black says to (02:34:09):
southern region nbpp says to (02:35:12):
Citizen Black says to (02:35:27):
Hip Hop was good when all the rappers were 5% Muslims. But now that all the rappers got honky Jesus's hangin around their neck, and cross tatooed on their bodies, hip Hop sucks.
uBpJessie says to (02:38:28):
oh god not willie
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:38:36):
Kalagenesis says (02:38:47):
your welcome
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:38:50):
thank you bro. shawn
Citizen Black says to (02:39:01):
uBpJessie says to (02:39:04):
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:39:05):
continued success
Citizen Black says to (02:40:52):
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:40:56):
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:40:57):
thank you bro. shawn
Citizen Black says to (02:40:57):
Brother shawn is not preachin to the quire.
Citizen Black says to (02:41:00):
uBpJessie says to (02:41:01):
BlackAchievement USA says to (02:41:02):
continued success
Citizen Black says to (02:41:04):
Brother shawn is not preachin to the quire.
Citizen Black says to (02:41:31):
You guys on this show are not singin the Black Nationalist chorus.
newblackpantheradio says to (02:41:35):
I don't think he is either ,
TracyGilmore says to (02:42:13):
Citizen Black says to (02:42:24):
The Muslims never called you Black racist, but you hate them.
TracyGilmore says to (02:42:41):
nbpp (F)
TracyGilmore says to (02:42:53):
hey rosie posie
uBpJessie says to (02:42:55):
TracyGilmore says to (02:43:16):
mr steele
TracyGilmore says to (02:43:20):
uBpJessie says to (02:43:32):
uBpJessie says to (02:43:33):
TracyGilmore says to (02:43:39):
TracyGilmore says to (02:43:43):
hey kala
African Warlord X says to (02:43:53):
Tracie ! Hello queen.
uBpJessie says to (02:45:31):
tactiful as usual
uBpJessie says to (02:47:49):
Kalagenesis says (02:48:07):
Kalagenesis says (02:48:25):
220love says to (02:49:10):
full house tonight kala!
220love says to (02:49:41):
full house tonight kala!
uBpJessie says to (02:49:45):
uBpJessie says to (02:49:47):
tactiful as usual
African Warlord X says to (02:49:48):
Tracie ! Hello queen.
TracyGilmore says to (02:50:17):
hey warlord(})
uBpJessie says to (02:50:48):
ImhotepVII says to (02:51:53):
amen to that Kala
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to Kalagenesis (private) (02:51:57):
uBpJessie says to (02:52:09):
lol g40
Dennis C Latham says to (02:52:13):
many spies I bet
TracyGilmore says to (02:52:17):
hey warlord(})
uBpJessie says to (02:52:19):
ImhotepVII says to (02:52:21):
amen to that Kala
uBpJessie says to (02:52:24):
lol g40
Dennis C Latham says to (02:52:25):
many spies I bet
African Warlord X says to (02:52:35):
It's been a long time Tracy.
African Warlord X says to (02:52:41):
It's been a long time Tracy.
220love says to (02:53:06):
who is kala's co-host tonight?
220love says to (02:53:20):
who is kala's co-host tonight?
Kalagenesis says to Kalagenesis (Cohost) (private) (02:53:24):
i know
ImhotepVII says to (02:53:24):
Have a good night brothers and sisters (})
uBpJessie says to (02:53:27):
TracyGilmore says to (02:53:36):
yeah ive been sleeping and u guys are on later than usual
Citizen Black says to (02:53:36):
y'all can private message your conversation.
Kalagenesis says to Kalagenesis (Cohost) (private) (02:53:46):
thats why we have to do what we do
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to Kalagenesis (private) (02:54:09):
African Warlord X says to (02:54:17):
I'm not sure 220
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to Kalagenesis (private) (02:54:21):
nothing constructive
uBpJessie says to (02:54:46):
mis con screw?
Kalagenesis says to Kalagenesis (Cohost) (private) (02:54:52):
i know i just want people to hear
African Warlord X says to (02:55:08):
So what is this brother's solution that goes with his criticism ?
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to Kalagenesis (private) (02:55:17):
a bunch broke motha fukkas plus some more broke mothafukka equals a fukked situation
TracyGilmore says to (02:55:19):
u know at 3e btr cuts ***s off
Dennis C Latham says to (02:55:26):
Who is speaking from THE NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY ?
Dennis C Latham says to (02:55:31):
Who is speaking from THE NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY ?
African Warlord X says to (02:55:33):
So what is this brother's solution that goes with his criticism ?
African Warlord X says to (02:55:34):
I'm not sure 220
uBpJessie says to (02:55:35):
mis con screw?
Kalagenesis says to Kalagenesis (Cohost) (private) (02:55:34):
African Warlord X says to (02:55:45):
African Warlord X says to (02:55:50):
Citizen Black says to (02:56:27):
you say that,brother, because you;re Muslim. But the other negroes talk alot, but their actions show something different.
TracyGilmore says to (02:57:25):
or is it 4e
TracyGilmore says to (02:57:39):
kala u are echoing
TracyGilmore says to (02:57:49):
or there is an echo
Citizen Black says to (02:58:26):
you say that,brother, because you;re Muslim. But the other negroes talk alot, but their actions show something different.
TracyGilmore says to (02:58:27):
or is it 4e
southern region nbpp says to (02:58:29):
natl spokesman chawn @ dennis
Citizen Black says to (02:59:35):
The Black Muslims are 24 hours a day.
southern region nbpp says to (02:59:52):
natl spokesman chawn @ dennis
Citizen Black says to (02:59:53):
The Black Muslims are 24 hours a day.
Citizen Black says to (03:00:00):
Its the negroes who hate the muslims who are sometimeish.
*** (03:01:49):The moderator activated the moderated mode.
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:02:17):
great story, kalagenesis
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:02:22):
great story, kalagenesis
Citizen Black says to (03:02:22):
The Panthers are not guilty.
Citizen Black says to (03:02:25):
The Panthers are not guilty.
PDofBeaverville says to (03:02:25):
(H) I would survive anywhere
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:02:27):
i am happy you survived
PDofBeaverville says to (03:02:37):
I am like a roach,,,,you cannot kill my white azz
PDofBeaverville says to (03:02:41):
220love says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:02:42):
great show kala peace! (})
African Warlord X says to (03:02:44):
Yes, the show has been great.
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:02:49):
i am happy you survived
PDofBeaverville says to (03:02:51):
I am like a roach,,,,you cannot kill my white azz
PDofBeaverville says to (03:02:54):
African Warlord X says to (03:02:56):
Yes, the show has been great.
African Warlord X says to (03:03:19):
Despite the clowns attempts to have fun
African Warlord X says to (03:03:26):
Despite the clowns attempts to have fun
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:04:01):
great commentary kala
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:04:36):
meaner against their own people only
PDofBeaverville says to (03:04:49):
Kill the drugs and stop the thugs!
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:05:08):
we need to stop posturing!
PDofBeaverville says to (03:05:12):
Nothing to do with the past! It is all about the dollar
PDofBeaverville says to (03:05:25):
The dollar makes people kill!
PDofBeaverville says to (03:06:02):
Aint nothing about the white man! I was slinging back in the days my damn self! Gotta eat! And it aint no walk in the park!
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:11:01):
great commentary kala
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:11:02):
meaner against their own people only
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:11:04):
we need to stop posturing!
PDofBeaverville says to (03:11:05):
Kill the drugs and stop the thugs!
PDofBeaverville says to (03:11:06):
Nothing to do with the past! It is all about the dollar
PDofBeaverville says to (03:11:07):
The dollar makes people kill!
PDofBeaverville says to (03:11:08):
Aint nothing about the white man! I was slinging back in the days my damn self! Gotta eat! And it aint no walk in the park!
Citizen Black says to (03:13:14):
uBpJessie says to (03:13:22):
network ppl
uBpJessie says to (03:13:27):
uBpJessie says to (03:14:09):
if you don't have connections you NOTHING!
uBpJessie says to (03:14:18):
Citizen Black says to (03:15:33):
Look how long sinse the kkk did anything to Black people.....
Citizen Black says to (03:15:49):
uBpJessie says to (03:15:50):
network ppl
uBpJessie says to (03:15:51):
uBpJessie says to (03:15:53):
Citizen Black says to (03:15:54):
Look how long sinse the kkk did anything to Black people.....
Dennis C Latham says to (03:15:57):
racists whites want everything for themselves and non whites to have NOTHING
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:17:10):
southern region nbpp says to (03:17:54):
june 2010@cb killed 3 in texas, dragged, hung 1 missipp last wk
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:17:56):
over an 18 year period in DC over 6,000 homicides
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:18:15):
vast majority blacks
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:18:18):
by blacks
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:18:26):
by blacks
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:18:28):
vast majority blacks
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:18:29):
over an 18 year period in DC over 6,000 homicides
southern region nbpp says to (03:18:31):
june 2010@cb killed 3 in texas, dragged, hung 1 missipp last wk
BlackAchievement USA says to (03:18:33):
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:23:08):
Kalagenesis says to Vince in the Bay (private) (03:23:14):
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:23:15):
we have a white panel to debate
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:23:20):
we are listening
Kalagenesis says to Vince in the Bay (private) (03:23:23):
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:23:25):
but cant raise hand
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:23:37):
3 white folks
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:23:44):
woman and 2 men
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:23:59):
408 area code shoud be
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:24:02):
or 111
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (03:24:23):
maybe cant remember if i blocked the number
salwainfinitelove2 says to (03:25:33):
lol that is a good one
southern region nbpp says to (03:27:09):
bp, family .out
Dennis C Latham says to (03:27:57):
Dennis C Latham says to (03:31:11):
Dennis C Latham says to (03:31:26):
Dennis C Latham says to (03:54:14):
Dennis C Latham says to (03:54:19):
HOST ????
Dennis C Latham says to (03:54:47):
anyone here ?
Dennis C Latham says to (03:54:53):
anyone still on the phone ?
Dennis C Latham says to (03:55:08):
THIS IS 404 - whom you hung up on and wouldn't let talk
African Warlord X says to (03:56:36):
Peace, and great show.
Dennis C Latham says to (03:56:42):
THIS IS 404 - whom you hung up on and wouldn't let talk
African Warlord X says to (03:56:44):
Peace, and great show.
African Warlord X says to (03:56:54):
Peace Tracy.
Kalagenesis says (03:57:07):
thanks brother
Dennis C Latham says to (03:57:12):
Dennis C Latham says to (03:57:18):
you going to ignore me here too ?
Kalagenesis says (03:57:29):
No we are finished
Dennis C Latham says to (03:57:32):
you going to ignore me here too ?
Dennis C Latham says to (03:57:47):
why wouldn't you let me talk ?
Dennis C Latham says to (03:57:52):
why wouldn't you let me talk ?
Dennis C Latham says to (03:57:56):
at closing ?
Kalagenesis says (03:58:04):
You got disconnected
Dennis C Latham says to (03:58:17):
I didn't disconnect ... you disconnected me
Kalagenesis says (03:58:24):
No I did not
Dennis C Latham says to (03:58:27):
are you still talking with the NBPP member ?
Dennis C Latham says to (03:58:34):
or can you contact me please ?
Kalagenesis says (03:58:37):
Dennis C Latham says to (03:58:40):
I had a solution .....
Dennis C Latham says to (03:58:44):
if you would have listened ....
Kalagenesis says (03:58:55):
Dennis C Latham says to (03:59:00):
naw ...
Dennis C Latham says to (03:59:03):
you missing the point
Welcome to the beginning of the the Kala Nation cultural movement.Kala means tribe or bond.In old West Africa Kalas were the building block behind the great empires that linked all African societies together in a complex structure.This kept wars down and protected smaller villages from stronger ones.At the top was the apex kingdom called Mali,which means where the king of kings live.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday Night Open Rant 12/29/10
*** (09:54:15):Welcome to the Kalagenesis Chat Room.
Kalagenesis says (09:59:07):
Tucker Carlson says Michael Vick should have been executed?
Kalagenesis says (09:59:24):
madness in Kala Land
Kalagenesis says (10:00:56):
peace brother Imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (10:01:08):
Peace Kala.
Kalagenesis says (10:01:34):
Welcome to the Kala Nation Open Rant
NuffLuv says to (10:01:54):
Peace Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:01:57):
I read that Tucker Carlson quote. That was a stupid thing for him to say
NuffLuv says to (10:01:59):
Peace to the Chatroom
Kalagenesis says (10:02:02):
Peace Nuff
ImhotepVII says to (10:02:09):
Hotep Nuff
NuffLuv says to (10:02:14):
Peace IM
Tafari kayode says to (10:02:25):
Kalagenesis says (10:02:25):
Lets get down tonight
ImhotepVII says to (10:02:33):
time ot roll!
Kalagenesis says (10:02:36):
Peace Tafari
Tafari kayode says to (10:02:42):
Kalagenesis says (10:03:30):
One minute folks
ImhotepVII says to (10:03:35):
Kalagenesis says (10:03:57):
Here we go
ImhotepVII says to (10:04:32):
Going down the Kambe Bologo, I the drums of the griots...
Kalagenesis says (10:04:46):
Tonight How do we become civilized again?
ImhotepVII says to (10:04:50):
I smell thre cooking fires...
ImhotepVII says to (10:05:17):
this beats gets me in the mood to write poetry.
Kalagenesis says (10:05:22):
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:05:46):
Our Saviour Has Arrived To Put Us Back On Top Of Civilization
Kalagenesis says (10:05:55):
who is that?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:06:13):
Ansar El Muhammad
Kalagenesis says (10:06:20):
I dont think so
Kalagenesis says (10:06:34):
but call in and tell us why
ImhotepVII says to (10:06:49):
You turned me on to Ismael Lo. I bought two of his mp3's
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:06:51):
What We May Think Does Not Matter
Kalagenesis says (10:07:09):
Yes Ismael Lo is off the chain
NuffLuv says to (10:09:29):
lose control while maintaining control. lol
ImhotepVII says to (10:09:58):
Lose control within parameters. :D
NuffLuv says to (10:10:08):
yeah@IM. lol
NuffLuv says to (10:10:27):
Smart moves@Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:11:11):
Define "civilized:.
NuffLuv says to (10:12:15):
I define Civilized as evolution with boundaries
ImhotepVII says to (10:12:33):
the generation after Reconstruction, or before the Afrikan Holocaust?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:13:16):
the application of righteousness which is our true nature
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:13:51):
in all that we do and whoever we deal with
NuffLuv says to (10:14:00):
That statement was peace@UHURU
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:14:10):
yes sir
ImhotepVII says to (10:14:25):
So you mean agreed upon acceptable behaviors that promote peace an prosperity within a given culture.
African Warlord X says to (10:15:05):
Peace bro.
ImhotepVII says to (10:15:25):
NuffLuv says to (10:15:30):
I have a question WHERE IS THE BLACK MEN's LAND?
ImhotepVII says to (10:15:50):
TruthWorks Network says to (10:15:53):
Good evening all
African Warlord X says to (10:16:07):
ImhotepVII says to (10:16:27):
Good evening truth
NuffLuv says to (10:17:00):
Europeans in South AFrica are calling themselves AfriKaans and talking about their ancestors. They killed millions of Africans, stole their land. Where is the Black Men's land
ImhotepVII says to (10:17:11):
Generations of social engineering
TruthWorks Network says to (10:17:34):
Habari Gani ?
African Warlord X says to (10:17:43):
Yep. It's comfortable being deemed the " safe negro " or " good negro. "
NuffLuv says to (10:18:47):
Boers in South Africa are equivalent to the KKK here in the states, however, the Boers go away with much more killing because they occupied judicial
ImhotepVII says to (10:21:28):
NuffLuv says to (10:23:11):
The can't be worst than Chinese.
NuffLuv says to (10:23:30):
African Warlord X says to (10:23:58):
white women shoplift more than anyone else, and they're typically middle to upper class people
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:07):
Please go deep
NuffLuv says to (10:24:14):
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:14):
we need real talk
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:35):
Thast did not come out right did it@ Nuff LOL
African Warlord X says to (10:24:42):
That is a deep question
African Warlord X says to (10:25:27):
Thanks for giving me a new puzzle to play around with
NuffLuv says to (10:25:42):
You are still cool@IM
NuffLuv says to (10:25:54):
ImhotepVII says to (10:26:07):
Now you are getting into the realm of human consciouness and its interaction with the environment@Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:26:31):
LOL@Nuff (lol)
NuffLuv says to (10:26:42):
Without boundaries@IM comment
ImhotepVII says to (10:27:05):
Truth is often offensive
NuffLuv says to (10:27:13):
The truth can offend the guilty.
ImhotepVII says to (10:27:24):
Speak on that Nuff
ImhotepVII says to (10:27:52):
Ah, lovely Skype :@
NuffLuv says to (10:29:50):
No we are not civilized because some people let the lower vibration gets the best of them.
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:14):
If we are to nation build, we have to answer questions such as these. We have to examine ourselves.
NuffLuv says to (10:30:38):
Look at the state of Black people globally. The hood is now global and the word nega a profitable brand.
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:58):
"Dexter" (a show I never watched), praises a serial killer.
ImhotepVII says to (10:32:03):
NuffLuv says to (10:32:10):
African Warlord X says to (10:32:37):
And we must shun people who have " knowledge " just for the sake of being knowledgable.
ImhotepVII says to (10:32:50):
Oh, like Flukey Stokes back in the 70's and early 80's in Chicago.
NuffLuv says to (10:32:57):
That was a one man show. According to the movie he killed his own brother.
African Warlord X says to (10:33:05):
Guru calypso..lol
ImhotepVII says to (10:34:28):
That is the truth.
NuffLuv says to (10:34:31):
That's the bottom line@Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:34:56):
Like Digital Underground said "Do watcha' like".
ImhotepVII says to (10:37:39):
Exactly. That is why the idea of "subjective 'truth' " is fallacious.
ImhotepVII says to (10:37:50):
There are absolutes
ImhotepVII says to (10:38:55):
That transcend human expeience i.e. a priori.
ImhotepVII says to (10:39:19):
Our value system was diffrerent
NuffLuv says to (10:39:30):
Doing wrong is right these days. I have a problem with seeing young rappers from the age of 12 in the music industry. The goal of parents are to provide for their kids.
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:40:26):
Kalagenesis says (10:40:31):
ALFO says to (10:41:24):
not really
ALFO says to (10:41:44):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:41:57):
ImhotepVII says to (10:42:01):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:42:28):
i will call in once my batteries charged
TruthWorks Network says to (10:42:30):
They will be released on indefinite suspension which blocks then from any redess or speaking out, they remain under the authority of the State of Mississippi and not under normal probation.
ALFO says to (10:42:37):
suspended sentence shuts them down
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:43:04):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:43:19):
will the scott sisters be released from jail
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:43:32):
will gladys give jamie a kidney
African Warlord X says to (10:45:45):
I believe Gladys Scott is finally going to receive REAL kidney dialysis
ImhotepVII says to (10:46:30):
We are an internal colony
African Warlord X says to (10:47:25):
It's a wonder that she is still alive, because the infected shunt in her leg has become infected several times. These infections easily spread from the shunts into the heart, and death insues with hours.
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:48:30):
where would we be without the good white man: uncle ruckus
Onthe7 says to (10:48:46):
The Japanese and any other grouping of people that have felt the white supremacist's wrath have one MAJOR difference than us. They don't have love for their oppressors.
Kalagenesis says (10:49:12):
The Japanese have their own nation
ImhotepVII says to (10:49:14):
Finance 101
ImhotepVII says to (10:49:22):
Economics 101
Onthe7 says to (10:50:22):
Our situation is akin to a battered women hoping that the man who's going upside her will someday change....Opps that a change we can believe in..lol
ImhotepVII says to (10:50:25):
ImhotepVII says to (10:50:46):
Cue theme from "Different Strokes"
ImhotepVII says to (10:51:01):
NuffLuv says to (10:53:00):
Maybe they are like that
ImhotepVII says to (10:53:41):
Question: If it better to study international finance since we are now in a global economy, or is just studying personal finance sufficient?
NuffLuv says to (10:54:22):
I would recommend International finance/law
NuffLuv says to (10:54:43):
Add Mandarin to that study as well. lol
African Warlord X says to (10:55:07):
Desert Rosssssssssssssssssssssse !
ImhotepVII says to (10:55:34):
Ase@ Nuff. Appreciated.
DesertRose says to (10:55:45):
ImhotepVII says to (10:55:54):
Ummm, no@ Caller
ImhotepVII says to (10:57:29):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:57:36):
the black woman is god
ImhotepVII says to (10:57:37):
Oh please, sorry.
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:57:50):
u feel me
ImhotepVII says to (10:59:14):
hte Black woman is our equal. they are not above nor behind us. They have a function just as men have a function. Both compliment each other.
NuffLuv says to (11:00:34):
Making a valid point@Kala
Onthe7 says to (11:02:47):
I have a logical question. Since the title of the show is "are we civil". How civil is it for person to continue to interupt another person who may be speaking? It show a disregard for the other person. One of traits of base uncivil behavior.
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:20):
Weed of he fakes and those who would weaken the struggle.
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:26):
Weed out*
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:35):
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:52):
Good@Kala. I want to hear that
ImhotepVII says to (11:10:31):
ImhotepVII says to (11:13:06):
That is sad.
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:15:15):
we have experience with white people...and look where we at
Rams25 says to (11:15:56):
Rams25 says to (11:15:58):
Rams25 says to (11:16:10):
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:17:14):
we have the worst experience with white people
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:18:16):
we need to do for self
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:18:43):
not everyone..you dont unify with foolishness
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:19:15):
we unify with black people...to hell with the niggaz
African Warlord X says to (11:19:35):
Right @ UHURU
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:20:09):
even if its only 5 of us
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:20:54):
every revolution in history allways started with a few dedicated soldiers
ImhotepVII says to (11:21:06):
6 :) @Uhuru
ImhotepVII says to (11:24:59):
Amen thomas
ImhotepVII says to (11:25:03):
ImhotepVII says to (11:25:46):
Drug dealers=parasitic behavior
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:25:59):
we should'nt paint our people with such a broad brush
ImhotepVII says to (11:26:28):
Oh sorry George@Kala
ImhotepVII says to (11:26:34):
ImhotepVII says to (11:26:39):
Mi Culpa
African Warlord X says to (11:27:36):
lol @ Imhotep We understood bro.
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:28:47):
how do we build a nation?
African Warlord X says to (11:29:28):
A nation begins with land and money, and we have plenty of both. We just don't talk about it publicly
ImhotepVII says to (11:29:51):
If drug dealers could re-direct their business acumen, they would do very well. They need to take that acumen and base it on moral principals thatbuild people up and not killthem, they would be a valuable asset.
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:29:58):
what about communication?
African Warlord X says to (11:30:37):
Right @ Imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (11:30:55):
I remember Vibe, but never read it. Were they useless culturally?
African Warlord X says to (11:31:04):
Communication ? Sure
ImhotepVII says to (11:31:06):
African Warlord X says to (11:31:41):
@ Imhotep Everything there is to hate about degeneracy was embraced by Vibe
ImhotepVII says to (11:32:24):
Gotcha @ Warlord
ImhotepVII says to (11:32:32):
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:32:45):
cause vibe is/was a pivotal part of the death culture
African Warlord X says to (11:34:19):
Right @ UHURU
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:34:42):
uhuru hip hop movement is currently seeking revolutionary writers to contribute to the uhuru hip hop movement newsletter. do you have what it takes?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:36:14):
black and brown are starting to come together in LA
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:37:40):
the brown riders liberation party are in full alliance with the black riders liberation party
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:38:05):
noone reported that
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:38:30):
read the next post
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:39:03):
not all of em
ImhotepVII says to (11:43:21):
Willie ;horton
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:44:08):
willie lynch
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:45:29):
the gangbangers, with the right direction can serve as the national guard for our nation
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:47:17):
stop it uhuru
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:47:38):
thugs can do no more than what they are doing that is destroying our people
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:47:42):
stop what
ImhotepVII says to (11:47:42):
That is horrible George
African Warlord X says to (11:48:13):
Yes bro, but it's true @ Imhotep
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:48:23):
if they stop killin us!!!!!!!
Reali-Tee says to (11:48:24):
it starts in the home
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:48:46):
what home?
Reali-Tee says to (11:48:54):
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:49:00):
it mommy does not handle it, we must!
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:49:00):
you think they can utilized in a positive mannerism?
Reali-Tee says to (11:49:18):
you are so right some homes i know the parents teach the children from birth to be in the gang
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:49:20):
Reali-Tee says to (11:50:06):
when two "bloods" conceive a child they call the baby a blood drop....FROM BIRTH THE NATION IS BEING DESTROYED
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:50:49):
we condem our own just like this devil
BlkoziOi says to (11:51:28):
who u guys talking about
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:51:32):
yes reaki-tee
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:51:39):
BlkoziOi says to (11:52:20):
we all going throu the same fuking thing
BlkoziOi says to (11:52:33):
and we done shoot around over here
BlkoziOi says to (11:52:49):
hope u not running us black mob down
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:52:59):
so our people cant be redeemed?
African Warlord X says to (11:53:03):
Got ebonics ? @ Blkozi
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:53:19):
thats who im talkin about!!!
BlkoziOi says to (11:53:26):
we dont shoot our own mob up
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:53:45):
thats still our people
BlkoziOi says to (11:53:57):
we all go thro same problems tho
BlkoziOi says to (11:54:25):
rob were you?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:54:55):
im around everybody, all walks of life concerning our people
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:55:21):
the nra is the kkk
BlkoziOi says to (11:55:56):
african what u sayin?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:55:59):
im workin on opra (original peoples rifle association)
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:02):
i got get nothin
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:04):
for u
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:07):
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:24):
we right here us black ***s
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:30):
we got our land
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:57:08):
i enjoyed your show brother. UHURU
BlkoziOi says to (11:57:09):
i come in here as guess
BlkoziOi says to (11:57:13):
thts about it
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:47):
Oh yes
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:30):
Have a good night brothers.
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:34):
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:46):
Excellent conversation
African Warlord X says to (12:03:49):
220love says to (12:09:06):
-i missed the show
220love says to (12:09:26):
Kalagenesis says (09:59:07):
Tucker Carlson says Michael Vick should have been executed?
Kalagenesis says (09:59:24):
madness in Kala Land
Kalagenesis says (10:00:56):
peace brother Imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (10:01:08):
Peace Kala.
Kalagenesis says (10:01:34):
Welcome to the Kala Nation Open Rant
NuffLuv says to (10:01:54):
Peace Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:01:57):
I read that Tucker Carlson quote. That was a stupid thing for him to say
NuffLuv says to (10:01:59):
Peace to the Chatroom
Kalagenesis says (10:02:02):
Peace Nuff
ImhotepVII says to (10:02:09):
Hotep Nuff
NuffLuv says to (10:02:14):
Peace IM
Tafari kayode says to (10:02:25):
Kalagenesis says (10:02:25):
Lets get down tonight
ImhotepVII says to (10:02:33):
time ot roll!
Kalagenesis says (10:02:36):
Peace Tafari
Tafari kayode says to (10:02:42):
Kalagenesis says (10:03:30):
One minute folks
ImhotepVII says to (10:03:35):
Kalagenesis says (10:03:57):
Here we go
ImhotepVII says to (10:04:32):
Going down the Kambe Bologo, I the drums of the griots...
Kalagenesis says (10:04:46):
Tonight How do we become civilized again?
ImhotepVII says to (10:04:50):
I smell thre cooking fires...
ImhotepVII says to (10:05:17):
this beats gets me in the mood to write poetry.
Kalagenesis says (10:05:22):
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:05:46):
Our Saviour Has Arrived To Put Us Back On Top Of Civilization
Kalagenesis says (10:05:55):
who is that?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:06:13):
Ansar El Muhammad
Kalagenesis says (10:06:20):
I dont think so
Kalagenesis says (10:06:34):
but call in and tell us why
ImhotepVII says to (10:06:49):
You turned me on to Ismael Lo. I bought two of his mp3's
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:06:51):
What We May Think Does Not Matter
Kalagenesis says (10:07:09):
Yes Ismael Lo is off the chain
NuffLuv says to (10:09:29):
lose control while maintaining control. lol
ImhotepVII says to (10:09:58):
Lose control within parameters. :D
NuffLuv says to (10:10:08):
yeah@IM. lol
NuffLuv says to (10:10:27):
Smart moves@Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:11:11):
Define "civilized:.
NuffLuv says to (10:12:15):
I define Civilized as evolution with boundaries
ImhotepVII says to (10:12:33):
the generation after Reconstruction, or before the Afrikan Holocaust?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:13:16):
the application of righteousness which is our true nature
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:13:51):
in all that we do and whoever we deal with
NuffLuv says to (10:14:00):
That statement was peace@UHURU
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (10:14:10):
yes sir
ImhotepVII says to (10:14:25):
So you mean agreed upon acceptable behaviors that promote peace an prosperity within a given culture.
African Warlord X says to (10:15:05):
Peace bro.
ImhotepVII says to (10:15:25):
NuffLuv says to (10:15:30):
I have a question WHERE IS THE BLACK MEN's LAND?
ImhotepVII says to (10:15:50):
TruthWorks Network says to (10:15:53):
Good evening all
African Warlord X says to (10:16:07):
ImhotepVII says to (10:16:27):
Good evening truth
NuffLuv says to (10:17:00):
Europeans in South AFrica are calling themselves AfriKaans and talking about their ancestors. They killed millions of Africans, stole their land. Where is the Black Men's land
ImhotepVII says to (10:17:11):
Generations of social engineering
TruthWorks Network says to (10:17:34):
Habari Gani ?
African Warlord X says to (10:17:43):
Yep. It's comfortable being deemed the " safe negro " or " good negro. "
NuffLuv says to (10:18:47):
Boers in South Africa are equivalent to the KKK here in the states, however, the Boers go away with much more killing because they occupied judicial
ImhotepVII says to (10:21:28):
NuffLuv says to (10:23:11):
The can't be worst than Chinese.
NuffLuv says to (10:23:30):
African Warlord X says to (10:23:58):
white women shoplift more than anyone else, and they're typically middle to upper class people
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:07):
Please go deep
NuffLuv says to (10:24:14):
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:14):
we need real talk
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:35):
Thast did not come out right did it@ Nuff LOL
African Warlord X says to (10:24:42):
That is a deep question
African Warlord X says to (10:25:27):
Thanks for giving me a new puzzle to play around with
NuffLuv says to (10:25:42):
You are still cool@IM
NuffLuv says to (10:25:54):
ImhotepVII says to (10:26:07):
Now you are getting into the realm of human consciouness and its interaction with the environment@Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:26:31):
LOL@Nuff (lol)
NuffLuv says to (10:26:42):
Without boundaries@IM comment
ImhotepVII says to (10:27:05):
Truth is often offensive
NuffLuv says to (10:27:13):
The truth can offend the guilty.
ImhotepVII says to (10:27:24):
Speak on that Nuff
ImhotepVII says to (10:27:52):
Ah, lovely Skype :@
NuffLuv says to (10:29:50):
No we are not civilized because some people let the lower vibration gets the best of them.
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:14):
If we are to nation build, we have to answer questions such as these. We have to examine ourselves.
NuffLuv says to (10:30:38):
Look at the state of Black people globally. The hood is now global and the word nega a profitable brand.
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:58):
"Dexter" (a show I never watched), praises a serial killer.
ImhotepVII says to (10:32:03):
NuffLuv says to (10:32:10):
African Warlord X says to (10:32:37):
And we must shun people who have " knowledge " just for the sake of being knowledgable.
ImhotepVII says to (10:32:50):
Oh, like Flukey Stokes back in the 70's and early 80's in Chicago.
NuffLuv says to (10:32:57):
That was a one man show. According to the movie he killed his own brother.
African Warlord X says to (10:33:05):
Guru calypso..lol
ImhotepVII says to (10:34:28):
That is the truth.
NuffLuv says to (10:34:31):
That's the bottom line@Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:34:56):
Like Digital Underground said "Do watcha' like".
ImhotepVII says to (10:37:39):
Exactly. That is why the idea of "subjective 'truth' " is fallacious.
ImhotepVII says to (10:37:50):
There are absolutes
ImhotepVII says to (10:38:55):
That transcend human expeience i.e. a priori.
ImhotepVII says to (10:39:19):
Our value system was diffrerent
NuffLuv says to (10:39:30):
Doing wrong is right these days. I have a problem with seeing young rappers from the age of 12 in the music industry. The goal of parents are to provide for their kids.
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:40:26):
Kalagenesis says (10:40:31):
ALFO says to (10:41:24):
not really
ALFO says to (10:41:44):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:41:57):
ImhotepVII says to (10:42:01):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:42:28):
i will call in once my batteries charged
TruthWorks Network says to (10:42:30):
They will be released on indefinite suspension which blocks then from any redess or speaking out, they remain under the authority of the State of Mississippi and not under normal probation.
ALFO says to (10:42:37):
suspended sentence shuts them down
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:43:04):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:43:19):
will the scott sisters be released from jail
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:43:32):
will gladys give jamie a kidney
African Warlord X says to (10:45:45):
I believe Gladys Scott is finally going to receive REAL kidney dialysis
ImhotepVII says to (10:46:30):
We are an internal colony
African Warlord X says to (10:47:25):
It's a wonder that she is still alive, because the infected shunt in her leg has become infected several times. These infections easily spread from the shunts into the heart, and death insues with hours.
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:48:30):
where would we be without the good white man: uncle ruckus
Onthe7 says to (10:48:46):
The Japanese and any other grouping of people that have felt the white supremacist's wrath have one MAJOR difference than us. They don't have love for their oppressors.
Kalagenesis says (10:49:12):
The Japanese have their own nation
ImhotepVII says to (10:49:14):
Finance 101
ImhotepVII says to (10:49:22):
Economics 101
Onthe7 says to (10:50:22):
Our situation is akin to a battered women hoping that the man who's going upside her will someday change....Opps that a change we can believe in..lol
ImhotepVII says to (10:50:25):
ImhotepVII says to (10:50:46):
Cue theme from "Different Strokes"
ImhotepVII says to (10:51:01):
NuffLuv says to (10:53:00):
Maybe they are like that
ImhotepVII says to (10:53:41):
Question: If it better to study international finance since we are now in a global economy, or is just studying personal finance sufficient?
NuffLuv says to (10:54:22):
I would recommend International finance/law
NuffLuv says to (10:54:43):
Add Mandarin to that study as well. lol
African Warlord X says to (10:55:07):
Desert Rosssssssssssssssssssssse !
ImhotepVII says to (10:55:34):
Ase@ Nuff. Appreciated.
DesertRose says to (10:55:45):
ImhotepVII says to (10:55:54):
Ummm, no@ Caller
ImhotepVII says to (10:57:29):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:57:36):
the black woman is god
ImhotepVII says to (10:57:37):
Oh please, sorry.
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:57:50):
u feel me
ImhotepVII says to (10:59:14):
hte Black woman is our equal. they are not above nor behind us. They have a function just as men have a function. Both compliment each other.
NuffLuv says to (11:00:34):
Making a valid point@Kala
Onthe7 says to (11:02:47):
I have a logical question. Since the title of the show is "are we civil". How civil is it for person to continue to interupt another person who may be speaking? It show a disregard for the other person. One of traits of base uncivil behavior.
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:20):
Weed of he fakes and those who would weaken the struggle.
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:26):
Weed out*
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:35):
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:52):
Good@Kala. I want to hear that
ImhotepVII says to (11:10:31):
ImhotepVII says to (11:13:06):
That is sad.
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:15:15):
we have experience with white people...and look where we at
Rams25 says to (11:15:56):
Rams25 says to (11:15:58):
Rams25 says to (11:16:10):
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:17:14):
we have the worst experience with white people
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:18:16):
we need to do for self
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:18:43):
not everyone..you dont unify with foolishness
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:19:15):
we unify with black people...to hell with the niggaz
African Warlord X says to (11:19:35):
Right @ UHURU
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:20:09):
even if its only 5 of us
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:20:54):
every revolution in history allways started with a few dedicated soldiers
ImhotepVII says to (11:21:06):
6 :) @Uhuru
ImhotepVII says to (11:24:59):
Amen thomas
ImhotepVII says to (11:25:03):
ImhotepVII says to (11:25:46):
Drug dealers=parasitic behavior
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:25:59):
we should'nt paint our people with such a broad brush
ImhotepVII says to (11:26:28):
Oh sorry George@Kala
ImhotepVII says to (11:26:34):
ImhotepVII says to (11:26:39):
Mi Culpa
African Warlord X says to (11:27:36):
lol @ Imhotep We understood bro.
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:28:47):
how do we build a nation?
African Warlord X says to (11:29:28):
A nation begins with land and money, and we have plenty of both. We just don't talk about it publicly
ImhotepVII says to (11:29:51):
If drug dealers could re-direct their business acumen, they would do very well. They need to take that acumen and base it on moral principals thatbuild people up and not killthem, they would be a valuable asset.
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:29:58):
what about communication?
African Warlord X says to (11:30:37):
Right @ Imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (11:30:55):
I remember Vibe, but never read it. Were they useless culturally?
African Warlord X says to (11:31:04):
Communication ? Sure
ImhotepVII says to (11:31:06):
African Warlord X says to (11:31:41):
@ Imhotep Everything there is to hate about degeneracy was embraced by Vibe
ImhotepVII says to (11:32:24):
Gotcha @ Warlord
ImhotepVII says to (11:32:32):
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:32:45):
cause vibe is/was a pivotal part of the death culture
African Warlord X says to (11:34:19):
Right @ UHURU
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:34:42):
uhuru hip hop movement is currently seeking revolutionary writers to contribute to the uhuru hip hop movement newsletter. do you have what it takes?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:36:14):
black and brown are starting to come together in LA
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:37:40):
the brown riders liberation party are in full alliance with the black riders liberation party
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:38:05):
noone reported that
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:38:30):
read the next post
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:39:03):
not all of em
ImhotepVII says to (11:43:21):
Willie ;horton
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:44:08):
willie lynch
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:45:29):
the gangbangers, with the right direction can serve as the national guard for our nation
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:47:17):
stop it uhuru
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:47:38):
thugs can do no more than what they are doing that is destroying our people
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:47:42):
stop what
ImhotepVII says to (11:47:42):
That is horrible George
African Warlord X says to (11:48:13):
Yes bro, but it's true @ Imhotep
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:48:23):
if they stop killin us!!!!!!!
Reali-Tee says to (11:48:24):
it starts in the home
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:48:46):
what home?
Reali-Tee says to (11:48:54):
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:49:00):
it mommy does not handle it, we must!
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:49:00):
you think they can utilized in a positive mannerism?
Reali-Tee says to (11:49:18):
you are so right some homes i know the parents teach the children from birth to be in the gang
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:49:20):
Reali-Tee says to (11:50:06):
when two "bloods" conceive a child they call the baby a blood drop....FROM BIRTH THE NATION IS BEING DESTROYED
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:50:49):
we condem our own just like this devil
BlkoziOi says to (11:51:28):
who u guys talking about
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:51:32):
yes reaki-tee
BlackAchievement USA says to (11:51:39):
BlkoziOi says to (11:52:20):
we all going throu the same fuking thing
BlkoziOi says to (11:52:33):
and we done shoot around over here
BlkoziOi says to (11:52:49):
hope u not running us black mob down
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:52:59):
so our people cant be redeemed?
African Warlord X says to (11:53:03):
Got ebonics ? @ Blkozi
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:53:19):
thats who im talkin about!!!
BlkoziOi says to (11:53:26):
we dont shoot our own mob up
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:53:45):
thats still our people
BlkoziOi says to (11:53:57):
we all go thro same problems tho
BlkoziOi says to (11:54:25):
rob were you?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:54:55):
im around everybody, all walks of life concerning our people
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:55:21):
the nra is the kkk
BlkoziOi says to (11:55:56):
african what u sayin?
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:55:59):
im workin on opra (original peoples rifle association)
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:02):
i got get nothin
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:04):
for u
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:07):
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:24):
we right here us black ***s
BlkoziOi says to (11:56:30):
we got our land
UHURU HIP HOP RADIO says to (11:57:08):
i enjoyed your show brother. UHURU
BlkoziOi says to (11:57:09):
i come in here as guess
BlkoziOi says to (11:57:13):
thts about it
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:47):
Oh yes
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:30):
Have a good night brothers.
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:34):
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:46):
Excellent conversation
African Warlord X says to (12:03:49):
220love says to (12:09:06):
-i missed the show
220love says to (12:09:26):
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Two very different directions in the ninteenth century for Black America,from two very different men.Fredrick Douglas vs Joseph J Roberts

Joseph Jenkins Roberts was born 1809 in Norfolk, Virginia.He was born free during slavery, a product of a white father and a slave mistress.He was more octoroon than Black meaning he more favored his White ancestry.As a young man he worked in his stepfathers boating business on the James River where a light skinned African Americans acquired wealth.After his stepfather had passed he continued to work in the business.
The American Colonization Society excites the young Roberts
Paul Cauffe another African American in the shipping business saw an opportunity to build AA settlements on the coast of West Africa.He predated the ACS by about 35 years and built the first of these settlements for ex slaves in Freetown.They were a safe haven for Blacks.There were no need to fear slave catchers,racist,and slave traders.After the uprising in Santa Domingo where many whites were massacred on their plantations.Southern plantation owners knew the inevitable was going to happen to them.So along with abolitionist and leading statesmen of the day there was a meeting in Washington DC to fund the idea of a colony to rid the country of freed Blacks.The liberals were acting out of charity while the slaveholders were acting out of fear of losing there slaves.
After hearing of the plans of the American Colonization Society to colonize the African coast at Cape Mesurado near modern-day Monrovia, the Roberts family decided to join an expedition. The restrictions of the Black Code in Virginia on free blacks played an important part. In addition, the Roberts family was strongly religious and wanted to evangelize the indigenous people of Africa.[2] On February 9, 1829 they set off for Africa on the Harriet. Joseph Roberts, his wife Sarah and their unnamed infant traveled to Liberia together,[7] along with his mother and five of his six siblings. On the same ship was James Spriggs Payne, who would later become Liberia's fourth president.[1]
In Monrovia, Roberts and his two brothers established a business with the help of their friend William Colson of Petersburg. The company exported palm products, camwood, and ivory to the United States, and traded imported American goods at the company store in Monrovia. In 1835, Colson emigrated to Liberia, but died shortly after his arrival. Expanding into coastal trade, the Roberts family became successful members of the local establishment.[2] During this time, Joseph's brother John Wright Roberts entered the ministry of the Liberia Methodist Church, founded by Americans. Later he became a bishop. After starting as a trader, the youngest son, Henry Roberts, studied medicine at the Berkshire Medical School (now part of the University of Massachusetts Medical School) in Massachusetts. Joseph Roberts was successful enough to pay for his brother's studies. Henry returned to Liberia to work as a physician.[8]
In 1833, Joseph Roberts became high sheriff of the colony. One of his responsibilities was to organize settler militias to travel to the interior to collect taxes from the indigenous peoples and put down their rebellions against colonial rule. In 1839, the American Colonization Society appointed Roberts vice governor. Two years later, after the death of governor Thomas Buchanan, Roberts was appointed as the first mixed-race governor of Liberia. In 1846, Roberts asked the legislature to declare the independence of Liberia, but also to maintain cooperation with the American Colonization Society. The legislature called for a referendum, in which voters chose independence. On July 26, 1847, Roberts declared Liberia independent. He won the first presidential election on October 5, 1847, and was sworn into office on January 3, 1848, with Stephen Allen Benson as vice president.[1]
Liberia along with Haiti,the Martin Delaney explorations and several others represented a different vision for the future of African Americans.The idea of leaving the USA to form a nation of their own had more support among Black people than most historians would admit.This is why the Garvey movement grew so fast.The foundation was laid generations before him.
Fredrick Douglass was a good leader in his own right but he believed the opposite of JJ Roberts.Roberts appealed to his Black brothers and sisters to emigrate that Liberia offered them a chance to be full human beings something America never would give them.Douglass is more known because he fits the narrative about Blacks in America.That they are a people who love America so much they will endure any suffering and humiliation to be here.Nothing could be further from the truth.In fact if you look at the exodus of Blacks to the West,Canada,South America,South Africa,Liberia it was all about finding Zion.The same is even true today many are led to believe the only place in the world is America when the Chinese,Indians,ect are flooding the continent of Africa.Many people will quote Douglass but few know Roberts.Roberts maintained a relationship with several heads of state.He was received by them.He had very heartfelt meetings about the role the West could playing in stopping the slave trade and giving blacks a home in Africa where they belong.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday Night chat rant
*** (09:53:36):Welcome to the Kalagenesis Chat Room.
Kalagenesis says (09:55:38):
Welcome to the Kala Nation Kwanzaa Defined Show
Kalagenesis says (09:55:47):
Kalagenesis says (09:56:11):
Please check out the blog on Kwanzaa
Kalagenesis says (09:57:16):
Check out the African orphan trade below
Kalagenesis says (09:57:24):
Kalagenesis says (09:59:05):
Race War among non Whites in Los Angeles
Kalagenesis says (09:59:11):
Kalagenesis says (10:01:14):
peace brother Imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (10:01:48):
Peace Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:03:49):
Hotep Black Achievement
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:03:51):
kala, did you know the black woman is GOD
Kalagenesis says (10:03:57):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:03:58):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:04:07):
please explain that kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:04:12):
Kalagenesis says (10:04:17):
I will try
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:04:23):
when did the black woman become GOD
Kalagenesis says (10:04:30):
that booty though
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:04:39):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:04:54):
Kalagenesis says (10:05:01):
You must have been listening to Rev Majhuti
ImhotepVII says to (10:05:39):
What song is this Kala?
Kalagenesis says (10:05:58):
Song Fela Kuti Water No get enemy
ImhotepVII says to (10:06:11):
ImhotepVII says to (10:07:04):
What about Salif Keita?
ImhotepVII says to (10:07:17):
That is what I felt like Kal. Good call
ImhotepVII says to (10:07:38):
I felt my afro growimg :)
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:08:24):
i have never heard fela kuti or salif keita
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:08:32):
i will check itunes
Kalagenesis says (10:12:29):
JasonX says to (10:20:24):
"socialism" doesn't require perfect equality of shares. There is plenty of room in a socialist society for differential rewards for different types and amounts of work.
nyc1347 says to (10:21:01):
well hey there
nyc1347 says to (10:21:11):
just browsing around trying to see whats goin dooown
JasonX says to (10:22:07):
But a society like ours in which the top 400 richest Americans own as much wealth as the bottom 50% (that is 150 million people) that would be considered unjust under socialism.
nyc1347 says to (10:23:21):
i need vodka
*** (10:23:32):nyc1347 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
JasonX says to (10:23:57):
your idea that under socialism everyone gets paid the same is a total misunderstanding.
mansamusa says to (10:25:30):
theres a cartoon too
Vince in the Bay says to (10:32:27):
we are entering a dark period in BTR history
Vince in the Bay says to (10:32:39):
this era will be known as THE TROLL WARS
Vince in the Bay says to (10:32:50):
join me tonight as I discuss Join me after for "Disorderly Conduct - THE TROLL WARS" hosted by Vince in the Bay on #BlogTalkRadio http://tobtr.com/s/144931
ImhotepVII says to (10:40:12):
Oy gevalt! :|
ImhotepVII says to (10:40:48):
Well said Jason!
DesertRose says to (10:41:20):
lol you dont have to yell at him
DesertRose says to (10:41:27):
ImhotepVII says to (10:43:05):
Kala, I think this has become the Black "McNeil-Lehrer Hour"
Kalagenesis says (10:43:12):
ImhotepVII says to (10:43:16):
ImhotepVII says to (10:43:53):
Topic: Will Sarge stop yelling? Discuss!
ImhotepVII says to (10:44:40):
Sarge, we are not deaf. Please stop shouting
uBpJessie says to (10:45:30):
uBpJessie says to (10:45:41):
stop yelling
ImhotepVII says to (10:45:52):
Thank yoy Kala.
ImhotepVII says to (10:45:54):
uBpJessie says to (10:46:07):
what with the yelling
uBpJessie says to (10:46:15):
I have a lady friend over
ImhotepVII says to (10:48:18):
I really need to get deeply acquainted with macro/micro economics.
ImhotepVII says to (10:49:18):
Awwww, do you have to Kala?
ImhotepVII says to (10:49:25):
ImhotepVII says to (10:52:29):
I saw the special on the woman who warned them about the derivatives scam.
ImhotepVII says to (10:52:36):
Seh got shut down quick
ImhotepVII says to (10:52:40):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:54:26):
ImhotepVII says to (10:54:46):
I saw that. That messed up my day@BA
ImhotepVII says to (10:55:06):
Too young
ImhotepVII says to (10:55:30):
uBpJessie says to (10:56:08):
uBpJessie says to (10:57:59):
sarge stop yelling!
DesertRose says to (10:58:16):
uBpJessie says to (10:58:26):
Vince in the Bay says to (10:58:59):
Check me out next on "Disorderly Conduct - THE TROLL WARS" hosted by Vince in the Bay http://tobtr.com/s/1449312
ImhotepVII says to (10:59:04):
Kala, can you give me control of the mute button? I promise not to abuse it. (@)
Kalagenesis says (10:59:13):
uBpJessie says to (11:00:47):
where's sarge?
ImhotepVII says to (11:01:05):
Have no idea and I'm ok with that.
uBpJessie says to (11:01:05):
messed up the mood
mansamusa says to Kalagenesis (private) (11:06:59):
Peace Kala, Im 422 on the line
Kalagenesis says to mansamusa (private) (11:07:14):
ok I ll get you on in a minute
mansamusa says to Kalagenesis (private) (11:07:33):
bluesky69 says to (11:08:12):
bluesky69 says to (11:08:27):
hi jasonX
bluesky69 says to (11:08:35):
hello everyone else
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:53):
Hi bluesky (F)
bluesky69 says to (11:09:15):
bluesky69 says to (11:15:42):
bluesky69 says to (11:16:01):
hi tracy(L)
TracyGmore says to (11:17:21):
hi bluesky
TracyGmore says to (11:17:36):
TracyGmore says to (11:18:21):
hey Rose
bluesky69 says to (11:18:37):
i think she is sleeping(lol)
uBpJessie says to (11:18:46):
Bubba SC says to (11:18:51):
no epa
Bubba SC says to (11:19:14):
you would be breathing ***
TracyGmore says to (11:19:15):
crazy fuccer 8-)
ImhotepVII says to (11:19:37):
the "enemy"? Who is this "enemy"?
TracyGmore says to (11:19:56):
Bubba SC says to (11:19:57):
you would be drinking .......
Kalagenesis says to Kalagenesis (Cohost) (private) (11:20:05):
i think skypeassholes are on
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to Kalagenesis (private) (11:20:12):
Bubba SC says to (11:20:19):
how about roads
chaseXradio says to (11:21:10):
happy Kwanza
Bubba SC says to (11:21:16):
no body can prove that
TracyGmore says to (11:21:43):
he is a dumb ass
chaseXradio says to (11:21:43):
happy Kwanzaa
Bubba SC says to (11:21:46):
there is no double blind study on the USA
Kalagenesis says (11:21:54):
Happy Kwanzaa
Kalagenesis says (11:21:59):
chaseXradio says to (11:22:01):
all he does is complain
uBpJessie says to (11:22:02):
welfare has been around since the 30s
chaseXradio says to (11:22:17):
complain complain complain
Bubba SC says to (11:22:22):
Unlimited cap would be great!!!!!
Bubba SC says to (11:22:28):
Bubba SC says to (11:22:30):
Bubba SC says to (11:22:36):
he's right
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:36):
If you get rid of food stamps and aid, you will effectively kill off a lot of White people, becasue the majority of people who get welfare are White females.
Bubba SC says to (11:23:39):
the rich save their money because they are recieving it faster than they can spend or even invest it
ImhotepVII says to (11:23:43):
Sarge, you do you have a hearing issue?
TracyGmore says to (11:23:50):
feminism destroys our families just as it does the white family but they chose not to expose their dirt as feminism now supports our economy
TracyGmore says to (11:24:01):
dumb bunch of dumb asses
TracyGmore says to (11:24:44):
hey JAHN
JAHNySLIM says to (11:25:03):
ImhotepVII says to (11:25:11):
This isn't Morton Downey Jr. Sage
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:25:16):
Seperate private industry from government things would be pretty good
ImhotepVII says to (11:25:16):
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:25:35):
its the corperate backers in washington that make government such a ***up
bluesky69 says to (11:25:52):
oh dear god !!!
TracyGmore says to (11:25:56):
TracyGmore says to (11:26:00):
bluesky69 says to (11:26:04):
don't kill eachother
TracyGmore says to (11:26:10):
TracyGmore says to (11:26:35):
bluesky69 says to (11:26:42):
Bubba SC says to (11:26:45):
sarge you yell your points why
TracyGmore says to (11:26:50):
bluesky69 says to (11:26:55):
TracyGmore says to (11:27:01):
bluesky69 says to (11:27:17):
how was you christmas tracy?
bluesky69 says to (11:27:23):
hi leee
TracyGmore says to (11:27:31):
bluesky69 says to (11:27:31):
welcome to the nut house
bluesky69 says to (11:27:39):
ye si hear y a there
TracyGmore says to (11:27:45):
and how was yours
TracyGmore says to (11:28:03):
TracyGmore says to (11:28:17):
exactly its all about money
Bubba SC says to (11:28:20):
haiaburton is the real welfare queen
Wheelock says to (11:28:23):
Hello Peoples
Bubba SC says to (11:28:32):
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:28:35):
quote for truth bubba sc on that one
Bubba SC says to (11:28:38):
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:28:56):
no bid contracts are worse then any welfare state
chaseXradio says to (11:29:19):
then move sarge
Wheelock says to (11:29:20):
Wow, Sarge again with his Non-facts and hatred for his mirror image!
Bubba SC says to (11:29:30):
sarge you have the ability to affect the gov't
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:29:37):
rich people are the government and it would be under the constitution
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:29:46):
as well
chaseXradio says to (11:29:46):
sarge just dont have a wife all he does is harping on the same thing
Kalagenesis says (11:29:50):
chaseXradio says to (11:30:02):
all he does is harp on the same thing
Wheelock says to (11:30:17):
Sarge, Did teh constitution say you rig the system by buying Politicians?
chaseXradio says to (11:30:39):
who is John hanson
bluesky69 says to (11:30:53):
yay lee !!!!! u got it
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:31:24):
doesn't say anyting on 2 years
chaseXradio says to (11:31:36):
i cant not belive he has the constitution in front of him .... he has no life
CFGA says to (11:31:43):
Sarge is heated!!
bluesky69 says to (11:31:47):
bluesky69 says to (11:31:53):
he is (lol)
Wheelock says to (11:31:56):
chaseXradio says to (11:32:05):
he is always heated
chaseXradio says to (11:32:23):
and he is harping on the same thing
bluesky69 says to (11:32:25):
oh good god
bluesky69 says to (11:32:38):
they are gonna kill each other
bluesky69 says to (11:32:42):
chaseXradio says to (11:32:46):
who is john hanson
Wheelock says to (11:32:56):
I'm just waiting for Sarges Head to exploded....HEAT HIM UP SOME MORE!
bluesky69 says to (11:33:00):
lee i see u got your icon
CFGA says to (11:33:05):
TracyGmore says to (11:33:13):
bluesky69 says to (11:33:14):
apple (lol)
bluesky69 says to (11:33:22):
hi icon(L)
IconoclastTX says to (11:33:27):
hey bluesky :D
bluesky69 says to (11:33:38):
welcome to the madhouse
JAHNySLIM says to (11:33:41):
this is saddly funny8-|
bluesky69 says to (11:33:44):
IconoclastTX says to (11:33:46):
i have a show later if you're around
bluesky69 says to (11:33:51):
oh ok cool
bluesky69 says to (11:33:57):
normal time
IconoclastTX says to (11:34:01):
in 30 mins
bluesky69 says to (11:34:05):
Wheelock says to (11:34:06):
Thats right Sarge Dazzle them with twisted facts!
bluesky69 says to (11:34:07):
CFGA says to (11:34:18):
no one is coming to a gay show
IconoclastTX says to (11:34:24):
lol is that Denzel Washington speaking? LOL
bluesky69 says to (11:34:37):
aww leee now be nice
IconoclastTX says to (11:34:40):
hmm well 89 people came last time CFGA so I believe you're wrong
CFGA says to (11:34:47):
bluesky69 says to (11:34:57):
lee be nice sweetie
JAHNySLIM says to (11:35:00):
dazzle me with your dillegence,, or baffle me with your bull shyt.....
uBpJessie says to (11:35:24):
wow obama is worse in 2
uBpJessie says to (11:35:31):
than bush was in 8
uBpJessie says to (11:35:40):
IconoclastTX says to (11:35:44):
that guy can't speak without screaming
Bubba SC says to (11:35:49):
the founding fathers were slave owners and supported that institution.
we have an elected gov't that together with the supreme court that hopefully won't go back to those good ole days
chaseXradio says to (11:36:04):
who is john hanson
uBpJessie says to (11:36:07):
Kala tell sarge to LOWER his VOICE!
Wheelock says to (11:36:16):
Hey Jessie
bluesky69 says to (11:36:17):
my new year resoulution is im gonna be nice to everyone weather they are black white pink or purple
bluesky69 says to (11:36:21):
IconoclastTX says to (11:36:26):
aren't you anyway bluesky?
bluesky69 says to (11:36:34):
yes i am nice
uBpJessie says to (11:36:40):
bluesky69 says to (11:36:43):
i said that jokenly
chaseXradio says to (11:36:44):
so why do u keep talking sarge
Bubba SC says to (11:36:45):
now the supreme court believes that corporations are equal to humans
IconoclastTX says to (11:36:49):
so you vow to be the same LOL
bluesky69 says to (11:36:58):
IconoclastTX says to (11:37:00):
he's a double-talker
mansamusa says to Kalagenesis (private) (11:37:01):
am i on ?
Wheelock says to (11:37:03):
SARGE Likes yelling! He yells at his Mirror, car, birds,
ImhotepVII says to (11:37:04):
I think Metallica concert are quieter. ({)
bluesky69 says to (11:37:08):
i was just saying that
bluesky69 says to (11:37:12):
Trust Claire says to (11:37:24):
JAHNySLIM says to (11:37:25):
the first black president
IconoclastTX says to (11:37:31):
Hey Claire :)
chaseXradio says to (11:37:32):
to day is the first day of kwanzaa
bluesky69 says to (11:37:33):
hi calire(L)
Bubba SC says to (11:37:37):
but you do the same thing ....sarge
bluesky69 says to (11:37:38):
Wheelock says to (11:37:39):
Trust Claire says to (11:37:40):
chaseXradio says to (11:37:52):
i went to a kwanzaa parade
Wheelock says to (11:37:53):
Hi Claire
ImhotepVII says to (11:37:53):
Bro, Wheelock. Peace to you
bluesky69 says to (11:37:55):
sorry i spelt your name wrong
chaseXradio says to (11:37:58):
in los angeles
Trust Claire says to (11:38:05):
HI Wheelock!
Wheelock says to (11:38:31):
Listen to Sarge and his denial of Facts!
chaseXradio says to (11:38:35):
sarge send yoru money to the government
Trust Claire says to (11:38:37):
Hi Icono, blusky, tracy, and anyone else I know that's smiley isn't sleeping LOL
IconoclastTX says to (11:38:39):
all he can do is yell
JAHNySLIM says to (11:38:44):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9hEfnkMjOU john hanson
bluesky69 says to (11:39:01):
(lol) claire
chaseXradio says to (11:39:21):
got him
Bubba SC says to (11:39:22):
no they won't take all your money
chaseXradio says to (11:39:25):
this is funny
bluesky69 says to (11:39:28):
icon sarge is passionate about his country
IconoclastTX says to (11:39:38):
So am I
Bubba SC says to (11:39:40):
otherwise we vote them out
Wheelock says to (11:39:42):
Here is the Problem...All Laws are bullshyt.
IconoclastTX says to (11:39:45):
Doesn't mean I have to scream it at everyone
Bubba SC says to (11:39:54):
the vote
bluesky69 says to (11:39:57):
no but that's the way he is
chaseXradio says to (11:39:58):
there not
IconoclastTX says to (11:40:07):
Just because he's patriotic doesn't mean he has to put it everyone's face LOL ;)
IconoclastTX says to (11:40:11):
ImhotepVII says to (11:40:23):
Sooooo, Kala, about Kwanzaa...
Wheelock says to (11:40:24):
Sarge is passionate yes, BUT CONFUSED!
IconoclastTX says to (11:40:34):
and incorrect
chaseXradio says to (11:40:36):
we are not on the a whole person
Kalagenesis says (11:40:38):
I know
Bubba SC says to (11:40:52):
chaseXradio says to (11:40:54):
he is not a american
chaseXradio says to (11:41:15):
spell it
IconoclastTX says to (11:41:27):
chaseXradio says to (11:41:44):
god bless kwanzaa
chaseXradio says to (11:41:59):
i celebrate them all
chaseXradio says to (11:42:33):
it started in the 60
chaseXradio says to (11:42:37):
i was not born then
chaseXradio says to (11:43:10):
i want my 40 acres and u mule
Wheelock says to (11:43:19):
The caller is correct Kala
Bubba SC says to (11:43:33):
is community the same socialism here?????
Wheelock says to (11:43:42):
Acres and Tractor....
chaseXradio says to (11:43:48):
so write me a check
chaseXradio says to (11:44:08):
yes a tractor
Wheelock says to (11:44:57):
If Kwanzaa becomes more Commerical it could be bigger than Chirstmas
CFGA says to (11:45:04):
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
CFGA says to (11:45:17):
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
chaseXradio says to (11:45:23):
check out my first show on JAN 7th at www.blogtalkradio.com/themartingalereport
ImhotepVII says to (11:45:26):
Bubba SC says to (11:45:32):
Kwanza is similar to the holidays invented by holiday card business
CFGA says to (11:45:32):
IconoclastTX says to (11:45:34):
CFGA - That only applies to Christians I am not a Christian so keep your "religion" to yourself
CFGA says to (11:45:40):
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
CFGA says to (11:45:47):
it applies to all mankind
chaseXradio says to (11:45:54):
where is sarge i am amused by him
IconoclastTX says to (11:45:57):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:01):
only to Christians
CFGA says to (11:46:04):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:08):
Nope only to Christians
CFGA says to (11:46:09):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:13):
Christians only
CFGA says to (11:46:18):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:20):
It's an opinion, not fact
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:24):
"Thou shalt not judge"
CFGA says to (11:46:24):
chaseXradio says to (11:46:25):
yes they are
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:25):
"Thou shalt not judge"
CFGA says to (11:46:28):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:29):
"Thou shalt not judge"
CFGA says to (11:46:39):
*** (11:46:39):IconoclastTX is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
CFGA says to (11:46:44):
CFGA says to (11:46:50):
chaseXradio says to (11:46:51):
christians are closted
CFGA says to (11:47:10):
Kalagenesis says (11:47:20):
CFGA says to (11:47:35):
ImhotepVII says to (11:47:49):
Yes they are@CFGA
CFGA says to (11:47:53):
CFGA says to (11:48:07):
CFGA says to (11:48:16):
CFGA says to (11:48:24):
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
Wheelock says to (11:48:53):
ok Sarage tell us how Kwanzaa is a Communist Plot!
CFGA says to (11:49:08):
ImhotepVII says to (11:49:23):
Oh Please Sarge.
chaseXradio says to (11:49:48):
i hvae been to africa
Wheelock says to (11:49:49):
Its a Question: CFGA
CFGA says to (11:49:55):
CFGA says to (11:50:03):
Buck Wyldes says to (11:50:29):
Sarage on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1Lnyr6JBK8
Bubba SC says to (11:50:53):
why polish society
CFGA says to (11:50:55):
Buck Wyldes says to (11:51:05):
CFGA says to (11:51:11):
Bubba SC says to (11:51:13):
why not chinese
CFGA says to (11:51:17):
Bubba SC says to (11:51:33):
why not german
Wheelock says to (11:51:39):
Africa is Tribal So we should forget about and not try and piece together What Happened? Learn from your past!
Wheelock says to (11:52:11):
Wheelock says to (11:52:19):
Wheelock says to (11:53:07):
CFGA says to (11:53:07):
CFGA says to (11:53:14):
CFGA says to (11:53:17):
Bubba SC says to (11:53:19):
CFGA says to (11:53:25):
CFGA says to (11:54:03):
CFGA says to (11:54:13):
CFGA says to (11:54:28):
CFGA says to (11:54:34):
Buck Wyldes says to (11:54:57):
This is sarage on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5b9aWsU49c&NR=1
Bubba SC says to (11:55:00):
ialians were not considered white at the turn of the last century
Bubba SC says to (11:55:51):
now it is apparent that whites will be a minority by the 2050's
Bubba SC says to (11:56:30):
We need stable family stucture and I agree with sarge here
Gruesome Gossip says to (11:56:45):
Trust Claire says to (11:56:49):
Buck Wyldes says to (11:56:54):
The population will spill off into the sea by 2050.
chaseXradio says to (11:56:58):
u are still complaing sarge
chaseXradio says to (11:57:03):
chaseXradio says to (11:57:17):
i cant swim
Bubba SC says to (11:57:21):
where are they going???????????????????
JasonX says to (11:57:43):
how about giving secure meaningful employment to black fathers?
ImhotepVII says to (11:57:53):
It's trafficking
chaseXradio says to (11:57:54):
check out my first show on Jan 7 2011 at www.blogtalkradio.com/themartingalereport
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:02):
21st century slavery
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:09):
Bubba SC says to (11:58:11):
We are bringing non white children into this country
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:18):
DesertRose says to (11:58:18):
but they are still stolen
DesertRose says to (11:58:23):
that is wrong
chaseXradio says to (11:58:43):
i need to be
chaseXradio says to (11:58:46):
give me my check
chaseXradio says to (11:59:01):
give my 40 acres
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:03):
Bubba SC says to (11:59:04):
they certainly should never be taken from parents who want them!
chaseXradio says to (11:59:14):
i would
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:36):
Kala, open the wormhole portal. Escort sarge throughj
ImhotepVII says to (12:00:04):
maybe he'll be happy on another planet in another galaxy away from us "colored folks"
Bubba SC says to (12:00:09):
this line is completely stupid
chaseXradio says to (12:00:09):
i wanted to go to puerto rico
chaseXradio says to (12:00:28):
my real name is shaka zulu
JasonX says to (12:00:47):
thanks for the show, and thanks for taking my call Kala.
Bubba SC says to (12:01:07):
i'm getting commercials....is everyone?
ImhotepVII says to (12:01:09):
Good points JasonX
ImhotepVII says to (12:01:20):
Bubba SC says to (12:01:57):
thx.............i'm new
ImhotepVII says to (12:02:15):
Good to have you. Welcome
ImhotepVII says to (12:02:38):
Commericials come afterthe show is over
Bubba SC says to (12:02:42):
thx..............love this!
Bubba SC says to (12:03:08):
i'm tired of the politicly correct
Iron Fist says to (12:03:22):
wow what is that music?
ImhotepVII says to (12:03:29):
Yes, it can be tedious.
Bubba SC says to (12:03:46):
If your blood boils..................you alive.
ImhotepVII says to (12:03:58):
I think it's called "Jammu"
Iron Fist says to (12:04:07):
that is the group?
Bubba SC says to (12:04:10):
you are alive. sorry
Iron Fist says to (12:04:32):
Iron Fist says to (12:04:40):
love it, want to find it
ImhotepVII says to (12:05:20):
I think it's the name of hte song. Email Kala, he may tell you
Iron Fist says to (12:05:20):
from Kashmir perhaps?
Iron Fist says to (12:05:26):
ok thanks!
ImhotepVII says to (12:05:41):
np. Have a good night/morning.
Kalagenesis says (09:55:38):
Welcome to the Kala Nation Kwanzaa Defined Show
Kalagenesis says (09:55:47):
Kalagenesis says (09:56:11):
Please check out the blog on Kwanzaa
Kalagenesis says (09:57:16):
Check out the African orphan trade below
Kalagenesis says (09:57:24):
Kalagenesis says (09:59:05):
Race War among non Whites in Los Angeles
Kalagenesis says (09:59:11):
Kalagenesis says (10:01:14):
peace brother Imhotep
ImhotepVII says to (10:01:48):
Peace Kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:03:49):
Hotep Black Achievement
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:03:51):
kala, did you know the black woman is GOD
Kalagenesis says (10:03:57):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:03:58):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:04:07):
please explain that kala
ImhotepVII says to (10:04:12):
Kalagenesis says (10:04:17):
I will try
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:04:23):
when did the black woman become GOD
Kalagenesis says (10:04:30):
that booty though
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:04:39):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:04:54):
Kalagenesis says (10:05:01):
You must have been listening to Rev Majhuti
ImhotepVII says to (10:05:39):
What song is this Kala?
Kalagenesis says (10:05:58):
Song Fela Kuti Water No get enemy
ImhotepVII says to (10:06:11):
ImhotepVII says to (10:07:04):
What about Salif Keita?
ImhotepVII says to (10:07:17):
That is what I felt like Kal. Good call
ImhotepVII says to (10:07:38):
I felt my afro growimg :)
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:08:24):
i have never heard fela kuti or salif keita
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:08:32):
i will check itunes
Kalagenesis says (10:12:29):
JasonX says to (10:20:24):
"socialism" doesn't require perfect equality of shares. There is plenty of room in a socialist society for differential rewards for different types and amounts of work.
nyc1347 says to (10:21:01):
well hey there
nyc1347 says to (10:21:11):
just browsing around trying to see whats goin dooown
JasonX says to (10:22:07):
But a society like ours in which the top 400 richest Americans own as much wealth as the bottom 50% (that is 150 million people) that would be considered unjust under socialism.
nyc1347 says to (10:23:21):
i need vodka
*** (10:23:32):nyc1347 is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
JasonX says to (10:23:57):
your idea that under socialism everyone gets paid the same is a total misunderstanding.
mansamusa says to (10:25:30):
theres a cartoon too
Vince in the Bay says to (10:32:27):
we are entering a dark period in BTR history
Vince in the Bay says to (10:32:39):
this era will be known as THE TROLL WARS
Vince in the Bay says to (10:32:50):
join me tonight as I discuss Join me after for "Disorderly Conduct - THE TROLL WARS" hosted by Vince in the Bay on #BlogTalkRadio http://tobtr.com/s/144931
ImhotepVII says to (10:40:12):
Oy gevalt! :|
ImhotepVII says to (10:40:48):
Well said Jason!
DesertRose says to (10:41:20):
lol you dont have to yell at him
DesertRose says to (10:41:27):
ImhotepVII says to (10:43:05):
Kala, I think this has become the Black "McNeil-Lehrer Hour"
Kalagenesis says (10:43:12):
ImhotepVII says to (10:43:16):
ImhotepVII says to (10:43:53):
Topic: Will Sarge stop yelling? Discuss!
ImhotepVII says to (10:44:40):
Sarge, we are not deaf. Please stop shouting
uBpJessie says to (10:45:30):
uBpJessie says to (10:45:41):
stop yelling
ImhotepVII says to (10:45:52):
Thank yoy Kala.
ImhotepVII says to (10:45:54):
uBpJessie says to (10:46:07):
what with the yelling
uBpJessie says to (10:46:15):
I have a lady friend over
ImhotepVII says to (10:48:18):
I really need to get deeply acquainted with macro/micro economics.
ImhotepVII says to (10:49:18):
Awwww, do you have to Kala?
ImhotepVII says to (10:49:25):
ImhotepVII says to (10:52:29):
I saw the special on the woman who warned them about the derivatives scam.
ImhotepVII says to (10:52:36):
Seh got shut down quick
ImhotepVII says to (10:52:40):
BlackAchievement USA says to (10:54:26):
ImhotepVII says to (10:54:46):
I saw that. That messed up my day@BA
ImhotepVII says to (10:55:06):
Too young
ImhotepVII says to (10:55:30):
uBpJessie says to (10:56:08):
uBpJessie says to (10:57:59):
sarge stop yelling!
DesertRose says to (10:58:16):
uBpJessie says to (10:58:26):
Vince in the Bay says to (10:58:59):
Check me out next on "Disorderly Conduct - THE TROLL WARS" hosted by Vince in the Bay http://tobtr.com/s/1449312
ImhotepVII says to (10:59:04):
Kala, can you give me control of the mute button? I promise not to abuse it. (@)
Kalagenesis says (10:59:13):
uBpJessie says to (11:00:47):
where's sarge?
ImhotepVII says to (11:01:05):
Have no idea and I'm ok with that.
uBpJessie says to (11:01:05):
messed up the mood
mansamusa says to Kalagenesis (private) (11:06:59):
Peace Kala, Im 422 on the line
Kalagenesis says to mansamusa (private) (11:07:14):
ok I ll get you on in a minute
mansamusa says to Kalagenesis (private) (11:07:33):
bluesky69 says to (11:08:12):
bluesky69 says to (11:08:27):
hi jasonX
bluesky69 says to (11:08:35):
hello everyone else
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:53):
Hi bluesky (F)
bluesky69 says to (11:09:15):
bluesky69 says to (11:15:42):
bluesky69 says to (11:16:01):
hi tracy(L)
TracyGmore says to (11:17:21):
hi bluesky
TracyGmore says to (11:17:36):
TracyGmore says to (11:18:21):
hey Rose
bluesky69 says to (11:18:37):
i think she is sleeping(lol)
uBpJessie says to (11:18:46):
Bubba SC says to (11:18:51):
no epa
Bubba SC says to (11:19:14):
you would be breathing ***
TracyGmore says to (11:19:15):
crazy fuccer 8-)
ImhotepVII says to (11:19:37):
the "enemy"? Who is this "enemy"?
TracyGmore says to (11:19:56):
Bubba SC says to (11:19:57):
you would be drinking .......
Kalagenesis says to Kalagenesis (Cohost) (private) (11:20:05):
i think skypeassholes are on
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to Kalagenesis (private) (11:20:12):
Bubba SC says to (11:20:19):
how about roads
chaseXradio says to (11:21:10):
happy Kwanza
Bubba SC says to (11:21:16):
no body can prove that
TracyGmore says to (11:21:43):
he is a dumb ass
chaseXradio says to (11:21:43):
happy Kwanzaa
Bubba SC says to (11:21:46):
there is no double blind study on the USA
Kalagenesis says (11:21:54):
Happy Kwanzaa
Kalagenesis says (11:21:59):
chaseXradio says to (11:22:01):
all he does is complain
uBpJessie says to (11:22:02):
welfare has been around since the 30s
chaseXradio says to (11:22:17):
complain complain complain
Bubba SC says to (11:22:22):
Unlimited cap would be great!!!!!
Bubba SC says to (11:22:28):
Bubba SC says to (11:22:30):
Bubba SC says to (11:22:36):
he's right
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:36):
If you get rid of food stamps and aid, you will effectively kill off a lot of White people, becasue the majority of people who get welfare are White females.
Bubba SC says to (11:23:39):
the rich save their money because they are recieving it faster than they can spend or even invest it
ImhotepVII says to (11:23:43):
Sarge, you do you have a hearing issue?
TracyGmore says to (11:23:50):
feminism destroys our families just as it does the white family but they chose not to expose their dirt as feminism now supports our economy
TracyGmore says to (11:24:01):
dumb bunch of dumb asses
TracyGmore says to (11:24:44):
hey JAHN
JAHNySLIM says to (11:25:03):
ImhotepVII says to (11:25:11):
This isn't Morton Downey Jr. Sage
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:25:16):
Seperate private industry from government things would be pretty good
ImhotepVII says to (11:25:16):
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:25:35):
its the corperate backers in washington that make government such a ***up
bluesky69 says to (11:25:52):
oh dear god !!!
TracyGmore says to (11:25:56):
TracyGmore says to (11:26:00):
bluesky69 says to (11:26:04):
don't kill eachother
TracyGmore says to (11:26:10):
TracyGmore says to (11:26:35):
bluesky69 says to (11:26:42):
Bubba SC says to (11:26:45):
sarge you yell your points why
TracyGmore says to (11:26:50):
bluesky69 says to (11:26:55):
TracyGmore says to (11:27:01):
bluesky69 says to (11:27:17):
how was you christmas tracy?
bluesky69 says to (11:27:23):
hi leee
TracyGmore says to (11:27:31):
bluesky69 says to (11:27:31):
welcome to the nut house
bluesky69 says to (11:27:39):
ye si hear y a there
TracyGmore says to (11:27:45):
and how was yours
TracyGmore says to (11:28:03):
TracyGmore says to (11:28:17):
exactly its all about money
Bubba SC says to (11:28:20):
haiaburton is the real welfare queen
Wheelock says to (11:28:23):
Hello Peoples
Bubba SC says to (11:28:32):
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:28:35):
quote for truth bubba sc on that one
Bubba SC says to (11:28:38):
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:28:56):
no bid contracts are worse then any welfare state
chaseXradio says to (11:29:19):
then move sarge
Wheelock says to (11:29:20):
Wow, Sarge again with his Non-facts and hatred for his mirror image!
Bubba SC says to (11:29:30):
sarge you have the ability to affect the gov't
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:29:37):
rich people are the government and it would be under the constitution
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:29:46):
as well
chaseXradio says to (11:29:46):
sarge just dont have a wife all he does is harping on the same thing
Kalagenesis says (11:29:50):
chaseXradio says to (11:30:02):
all he does is harp on the same thing
Wheelock says to (11:30:17):
Sarge, Did teh constitution say you rig the system by buying Politicians?
chaseXradio says to (11:30:39):
who is John hanson
bluesky69 says to (11:30:53):
yay lee !!!!! u got it
Valkyrie0010 says to (11:31:24):
doesn't say anyting on 2 years
chaseXradio says to (11:31:36):
i cant not belive he has the constitution in front of him .... he has no life
CFGA says to (11:31:43):
Sarge is heated!!
bluesky69 says to (11:31:47):
bluesky69 says to (11:31:53):
he is (lol)
Wheelock says to (11:31:56):
chaseXradio says to (11:32:05):
he is always heated
chaseXradio says to (11:32:23):
and he is harping on the same thing
bluesky69 says to (11:32:25):
oh good god
bluesky69 says to (11:32:38):
they are gonna kill each other
bluesky69 says to (11:32:42):
chaseXradio says to (11:32:46):
who is john hanson
Wheelock says to (11:32:56):
I'm just waiting for Sarges Head to exploded....HEAT HIM UP SOME MORE!
bluesky69 says to (11:33:00):
lee i see u got your icon
CFGA says to (11:33:05):
TracyGmore says to (11:33:13):
bluesky69 says to (11:33:14):
apple (lol)
bluesky69 says to (11:33:22):
hi icon(L)
IconoclastTX says to (11:33:27):
hey bluesky :D
bluesky69 says to (11:33:38):
welcome to the madhouse
JAHNySLIM says to (11:33:41):
this is saddly funny8-|
bluesky69 says to (11:33:44):
IconoclastTX says to (11:33:46):
i have a show later if you're around
bluesky69 says to (11:33:51):
oh ok cool
bluesky69 says to (11:33:57):
normal time
IconoclastTX says to (11:34:01):
in 30 mins
bluesky69 says to (11:34:05):
Wheelock says to (11:34:06):
Thats right Sarge Dazzle them with twisted facts!
bluesky69 says to (11:34:07):
CFGA says to (11:34:18):
no one is coming to a gay show
IconoclastTX says to (11:34:24):
lol is that Denzel Washington speaking? LOL
bluesky69 says to (11:34:37):
aww leee now be nice
IconoclastTX says to (11:34:40):
hmm well 89 people came last time CFGA so I believe you're wrong
CFGA says to (11:34:47):
bluesky69 says to (11:34:57):
lee be nice sweetie
JAHNySLIM says to (11:35:00):
dazzle me with your dillegence,, or baffle me with your bull shyt.....
uBpJessie says to (11:35:24):
wow obama is worse in 2
uBpJessie says to (11:35:31):
than bush was in 8
uBpJessie says to (11:35:40):
IconoclastTX says to (11:35:44):
that guy can't speak without screaming
Bubba SC says to (11:35:49):
the founding fathers were slave owners and supported that institution.
we have an elected gov't that together with the supreme court that hopefully won't go back to those good ole days
chaseXradio says to (11:36:04):
who is john hanson
uBpJessie says to (11:36:07):
Kala tell sarge to LOWER his VOICE!
Wheelock says to (11:36:16):
Hey Jessie
bluesky69 says to (11:36:17):
my new year resoulution is im gonna be nice to everyone weather they are black white pink or purple
bluesky69 says to (11:36:21):
IconoclastTX says to (11:36:26):
aren't you anyway bluesky?
bluesky69 says to (11:36:34):
yes i am nice
uBpJessie says to (11:36:40):
bluesky69 says to (11:36:43):
i said that jokenly
chaseXradio says to (11:36:44):
so why do u keep talking sarge
Bubba SC says to (11:36:45):
now the supreme court believes that corporations are equal to humans
IconoclastTX says to (11:36:49):
so you vow to be the same LOL
bluesky69 says to (11:36:58):
IconoclastTX says to (11:37:00):
he's a double-talker
mansamusa says to Kalagenesis (private) (11:37:01):
am i on ?
Wheelock says to (11:37:03):
SARGE Likes yelling! He yells at his Mirror, car, birds,
ImhotepVII says to (11:37:04):
I think Metallica concert are quieter. ({)
bluesky69 says to (11:37:08):
i was just saying that
bluesky69 says to (11:37:12):
Trust Claire says to (11:37:24):
JAHNySLIM says to (11:37:25):
the first black president
IconoclastTX says to (11:37:31):
Hey Claire :)
chaseXradio says to (11:37:32):
to day is the first day of kwanzaa
bluesky69 says to (11:37:33):
hi calire(L)
Bubba SC says to (11:37:37):
but you do the same thing ....sarge
bluesky69 says to (11:37:38):
Wheelock says to (11:37:39):
Trust Claire says to (11:37:40):
chaseXradio says to (11:37:52):
i went to a kwanzaa parade
Wheelock says to (11:37:53):
Hi Claire
ImhotepVII says to (11:37:53):
Bro, Wheelock. Peace to you
bluesky69 says to (11:37:55):
sorry i spelt your name wrong
chaseXradio says to (11:37:58):
in los angeles
Trust Claire says to (11:38:05):
HI Wheelock!
Wheelock says to (11:38:31):
Listen to Sarge and his denial of Facts!
chaseXradio says to (11:38:35):
sarge send yoru money to the government
Trust Claire says to (11:38:37):
Hi Icono, blusky, tracy, and anyone else I know that's smiley isn't sleeping LOL
IconoclastTX says to (11:38:39):
all he can do is yell
JAHNySLIM says to (11:38:44):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9hEfnkMjOU john hanson
bluesky69 says to (11:39:01):
(lol) claire
chaseXradio says to (11:39:21):
got him
Bubba SC says to (11:39:22):
no they won't take all your money
chaseXradio says to (11:39:25):
this is funny
bluesky69 says to (11:39:28):
icon sarge is passionate about his country
IconoclastTX says to (11:39:38):
So am I
Bubba SC says to (11:39:40):
otherwise we vote them out
Wheelock says to (11:39:42):
Here is the Problem...All Laws are bullshyt.
IconoclastTX says to (11:39:45):
Doesn't mean I have to scream it at everyone
Bubba SC says to (11:39:54):
the vote
bluesky69 says to (11:39:57):
no but that's the way he is
chaseXradio says to (11:39:58):
there not
IconoclastTX says to (11:40:07):
Just because he's patriotic doesn't mean he has to put it everyone's face LOL ;)
IconoclastTX says to (11:40:11):
ImhotepVII says to (11:40:23):
Sooooo, Kala, about Kwanzaa...
Wheelock says to (11:40:24):
Sarge is passionate yes, BUT CONFUSED!
IconoclastTX says to (11:40:34):
and incorrect
chaseXradio says to (11:40:36):
we are not on the a whole person
Kalagenesis says (11:40:38):
I know
Bubba SC says to (11:40:52):
chaseXradio says to (11:40:54):
he is not a american
chaseXradio says to (11:41:15):
spell it
IconoclastTX says to (11:41:27):
chaseXradio says to (11:41:44):
god bless kwanzaa
chaseXradio says to (11:41:59):
i celebrate them all
chaseXradio says to (11:42:33):
it started in the 60
chaseXradio says to (11:42:37):
i was not born then
chaseXradio says to (11:43:10):
i want my 40 acres and u mule
Wheelock says to (11:43:19):
The caller is correct Kala
Bubba SC says to (11:43:33):
is community the same socialism here?????
Wheelock says to (11:43:42):
Acres and Tractor....
chaseXradio says to (11:43:48):
so write me a check
chaseXradio says to (11:44:08):
yes a tractor
Wheelock says to (11:44:57):
If Kwanzaa becomes more Commerical it could be bigger than Chirstmas
CFGA says to (11:45:04):
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
CFGA says to (11:45:17):
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
chaseXradio says to (11:45:23):
check out my first show on JAN 7th at www.blogtalkradio.com/themartingalereport
ImhotepVII says to (11:45:26):
Bubba SC says to (11:45:32):
Kwanza is similar to the holidays invented by holiday card business
CFGA says to (11:45:32):
IconoclastTX says to (11:45:34):
CFGA - That only applies to Christians I am not a Christian so keep your "religion" to yourself
CFGA says to (11:45:40):
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
CFGA says to (11:45:47):
it applies to all mankind
chaseXradio says to (11:45:54):
where is sarge i am amused by him
IconoclastTX says to (11:45:57):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:01):
only to Christians
CFGA says to (11:46:04):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:08):
Nope only to Christians
CFGA says to (11:46:09):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:13):
Christians only
CFGA says to (11:46:18):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:20):
It's an opinion, not fact
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:24):
"Thou shalt not judge"
CFGA says to (11:46:24):
chaseXradio says to (11:46:25):
yes they are
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:25):
"Thou shalt not judge"
CFGA says to (11:46:28):
IconoclastTX says to (11:46:29):
"Thou shalt not judge"
CFGA says to (11:46:39):
*** (11:46:39):IconoclastTX is muted by Admin for breaking rules!
CFGA says to (11:46:44):
CFGA says to (11:46:50):
chaseXradio says to (11:46:51):
christians are closted
CFGA says to (11:47:10):
Kalagenesis says (11:47:20):
CFGA says to (11:47:35):
ImhotepVII says to (11:47:49):
Yes they are@CFGA
CFGA says to (11:47:53):
CFGA says to (11:48:07):
CFGA says to (11:48:16):
CFGA says to (11:48:24):
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.
Wheelock says to (11:48:53):
ok Sarage tell us how Kwanzaa is a Communist Plot!
CFGA says to (11:49:08):
ImhotepVII says to (11:49:23):
Oh Please Sarge.
chaseXradio says to (11:49:48):
i hvae been to africa
Wheelock says to (11:49:49):
Its a Question: CFGA
CFGA says to (11:49:55):
CFGA says to (11:50:03):
Buck Wyldes says to (11:50:29):
Sarage on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1Lnyr6JBK8
Bubba SC says to (11:50:53):
why polish society
CFGA says to (11:50:55):
Buck Wyldes says to (11:51:05):
CFGA says to (11:51:11):
Bubba SC says to (11:51:13):
why not chinese
CFGA says to (11:51:17):
Bubba SC says to (11:51:33):
why not german
Wheelock says to (11:51:39):
Africa is Tribal So we should forget about and not try and piece together What Happened? Learn from your past!
Wheelock says to (11:52:11):
Wheelock says to (11:52:19):
Wheelock says to (11:53:07):
CFGA says to (11:53:07):
CFGA says to (11:53:14):
CFGA says to (11:53:17):
Bubba SC says to (11:53:19):
CFGA says to (11:53:25):
CFGA says to (11:54:03):
CFGA says to (11:54:13):
CFGA says to (11:54:28):
CFGA says to (11:54:34):
Buck Wyldes says to (11:54:57):
This is sarage on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5b9aWsU49c&NR=1
Bubba SC says to (11:55:00):
ialians were not considered white at the turn of the last century
Bubba SC says to (11:55:51):
now it is apparent that whites will be a minority by the 2050's
Bubba SC says to (11:56:30):
We need stable family stucture and I agree with sarge here
Gruesome Gossip says to (11:56:45):
Trust Claire says to (11:56:49):
Buck Wyldes says to (11:56:54):
The population will spill off into the sea by 2050.
chaseXradio says to (11:56:58):
u are still complaing sarge
chaseXradio says to (11:57:03):
chaseXradio says to (11:57:17):
i cant swim
Bubba SC says to (11:57:21):
where are they going???????????????????
JasonX says to (11:57:43):
how about giving secure meaningful employment to black fathers?
ImhotepVII says to (11:57:53):
It's trafficking
chaseXradio says to (11:57:54):
check out my first show on Jan 7 2011 at www.blogtalkradio.com/themartingalereport
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:02):
21st century slavery
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:09):
Bubba SC says to (11:58:11):
We are bringing non white children into this country
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:18):
DesertRose says to (11:58:18):
but they are still stolen
DesertRose says to (11:58:23):
that is wrong
chaseXradio says to (11:58:43):
i need to be
chaseXradio says to (11:58:46):
give me my check
chaseXradio says to (11:59:01):
give my 40 acres
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:03):
Bubba SC says to (11:59:04):
they certainly should never be taken from parents who want them!
chaseXradio says to (11:59:14):
i would
ImhotepVII says to (11:59:36):
Kala, open the wormhole portal. Escort sarge throughj
ImhotepVII says to (12:00:04):
maybe he'll be happy on another planet in another galaxy away from us "colored folks"
Bubba SC says to (12:00:09):
this line is completely stupid
chaseXradio says to (12:00:09):
i wanted to go to puerto rico
chaseXradio says to (12:00:28):
my real name is shaka zulu
JasonX says to (12:00:47):
thanks for the show, and thanks for taking my call Kala.
Bubba SC says to (12:01:07):
i'm getting commercials....is everyone?
ImhotepVII says to (12:01:09):
Good points JasonX
ImhotepVII says to (12:01:20):
Bubba SC says to (12:01:57):
thx.............i'm new
ImhotepVII says to (12:02:15):
Good to have you. Welcome
ImhotepVII says to (12:02:38):
Commericials come afterthe show is over
Bubba SC says to (12:02:42):
thx..............love this!
Bubba SC says to (12:03:08):
i'm tired of the politicly correct
Iron Fist says to (12:03:22):
wow what is that music?
ImhotepVII says to (12:03:29):
Yes, it can be tedious.
Bubba SC says to (12:03:46):
If your blood boils..................you alive.
ImhotepVII says to (12:03:58):
I think it's called "Jammu"
Iron Fist says to (12:04:07):
that is the group?
Bubba SC says to (12:04:10):
you are alive. sorry
Iron Fist says to (12:04:32):
Iron Fist says to (12:04:40):
love it, want to find it
ImhotepVII says to (12:05:20):
I think it's the name of hte song. Email Kala, he may tell you
Iron Fist says to (12:05:20):
from Kashmir perhaps?
Iron Fist says to (12:05:26):
ok thanks!
ImhotepVII says to (12:05:41):
np. Have a good night/morning.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Freaky Fridays in Kala Land.
*** (10:04:32):Welcome to the Kalagenesis Chat Room.
ImhotepVII says to (10:05:02):
I didn't think there was going to be a show tonight
Kalagenesis says (10:05:36):
I got to
Kalagenesis says (10:05:39):
ImhotepVII says to (10:05:48):
Understood :-)
ImhotepVII says to (10:06:16):
Just finished watching the "A Team" movie
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:08:06):
good evening
ImhotepVII says to (10:08:07):
Drop knoweldge
ImhotepVII says to (10:08:17):
Good evening
ImhotepVII says to (10:08:24):
Vince in the Bay says to (10:08:34):
BTR has gone to hell
ImhotepVII says to (10:08:47):
Uh oh...here we go!
ImhotepVII says to (10:09:03):
Strap in kids, it's gonna be wild
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:09:18):
peace happy holidays
Vince in the Bay says to (10:09:36):
skype***holes, British Conservative, Bill Waggonner and his crew, One Angry Jew, Debi Daly, all these people are nuts and/or driving everyone else nuts
Black Talk Radio says to (10:10:25):
Peace FAm
Black Talk Radio says to (10:10:57):
I heard that, BTR is a addiction huh? I guess we will find out in Feb who gotta feed their crack habit
TracyGmore says to (10:14:06):
lol vince
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:16:48):
oh youre gonna have to pay to listen?
Vince in the Bay says to (10:17:21):
love it
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:18:28):
i guess i'll be sayin goodbye in feburary if you have to pay to listen
Vince in the Bay says to (10:18:37):
its outta control
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:19:02):
wonder what i'll replace it with
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:19:11):
cause it is an addiction
TracyGmore says to (10:19:37):
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:19:45):
but uhh ima njoy it til then
OneAngryJew says to (10:21:07):
I don't see OneAngryJew in that list.
ImhotepVII says to (10:21:43):
It's a vicious cycle
ImhotepVII says to (10:22:08):
College is not about learning, it's about making sure the economy stays solvent
Kalagenesis says (10:22:18):
ImhotepVII says to (10:22:22):
by producing work drones
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:23:25):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:23:54):
student loans college is a legal hustle and a scam as it is structured right now
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:12):
It definitely is.
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:25):
I work at a university, I know
Black Talk Radio says to (10:24:28):
Teens Giving Birth Significantly Reduced Look at the chart on my blog, whites have the lowest birth rates hence the conservative fear that they are losing their majorities in USA http://blackteenempowerment.blogspot.com/2010/12/teens-giving-birth-signific
Black Talk Radio says to (10:25:03):
sorry, the chart is on front page http://blackteenempowerment.blogspot.com/
ImhotepVII says to (10:25:24):
Social engineering has made us hostile to each other
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:25:34):
the frances cress welsing theory on color confrontation coming to fruition
ImhotepVII says to (10:27:16):
Unless they are conditioned to hate the color part of themselves.
SlimJim says to (10:27:48):
if you have more kids than you can afford to raise financially, emotionaly, and pre-school education, then you are stacking the deck against them
bringfortheye says to (10:28:19):
it is imparitive that one obtain a mastery of the liberal arts and sciences in their life time
ImhotepVII says to (10:29:33):
ImhotepVII says to (10:29:43):
Oh wow...
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:10):
PLEASE let me use that one ohost!
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:16):
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:32):
Uncle Ruckus time
SlimJim says to (10:31:19):
imparitive? a man who is a skilled welder in need of a job doesnt need to understand dantes inferno or plank's constant..
ImhotepVII says to (10:31:20):
White skin is as good as kevlar :S
bringfortheye says to (10:31:41):
democratic party nick-name was the "lynching party" during slavery
OneAngryJew says to (10:31:54):
A crack whore with aids
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:32:07):
i say blow the system up it is broken fettid and perverse
bringfortheye says to (10:32:31):
the liberals cdreated black laws/code and jim crow
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:32:58):
democrat republicans all the same retarded family
OneAngryJew says to (10:32:59):
and me?
OneAngryJew says to (10:33:07):
They're all nuts over there.
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:33:12):
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:33:19):
totally ignor one angry jew
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:33:29):
oh damn
SlimJim says to (10:33:31):
not everything is about you OAJ... where you neglected as a child?
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:33:31):
too late
OneAngryJew says to (10:33:44):
Neither does Benyamin
OneAngryJew says to (10:33:55):
SlimJim you're jealous
Black Talk Radio says to (10:34:22):
Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice, what ever ,and to all a good night
bringfortheye says to (10:34:50):
practice love and peace, do for others as you will
SlimJim says to (10:35:05):
jealous of a whining, self absorbed liberal?? sure.. ok
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:35:21):
Kalagenesis says to Vince in the Bay (private) (10:35:57):
ImhotepVII says to (10:36:00):
$3.15 here
ImhotepVII says to (10:36:11):
for the cheap gas
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:36:34):
no worries
SlimJim says to (10:38:08):
wow.. now that Bush isnt in office, you guys are actually attempting to ascertain the real reasons for the rise and fall of the price of oil!! good job
SlimJim says to (10:41:50):
Who cares what rupert says.. i pay attention to congress.. they control the purse and create the oppresive laws against us
ImhotepVII says to (10:42:11):
ImhotepVII says to (10:42:48):
This "ism's" are illusions.
ImhotepVII says to (10:43:03):
An economic Jedi mind trick.
SlimJim says to (10:44:02):
it is fact that under Kennedy and Reagan that when the taxes were lowered, revenues to the gov increased
SlimJim says to (10:44:46):
u see, in many cases of business, the more employees i have, the more money the company makes..
SlimJim says to (10:46:47):
to the caller.. may i ask what he feels is a fair income tax rate?
SlimJim says to (10:48:02):
Kala writes off everything under the sun.. even his personal use expenses.. thats why he changed the subject
SlimJim says to (10:48:14):
ImhotepVII says to (10:48:24):
I was akid, but I remember people complaining about the Japanese taking over our economy
ImhotepVII says to (10:51:42):
Yep, the Star Wars Program. X-ray laser platforms on satellitesi in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
ImhotepVII says to (10:58:26):
Send him away from the community
ImhotepVII says to (10:58:37):
ImhotepVII says to (10:58:50):
Death is pointless
SlimJim says to (11:02:32):
damn kala.. wow, i wish i would have known things would be handed to me.. why did i start working at 16, put myself thru college? why did i even study? why did i not just wait and let things fall in my lap?
ImhotepVII says to (11:03:44):
InformationTechnology is one of those fields where experience counts more than a degree
SlimJim says to (11:04:07):
i submit it could be parenting, upbringing, determination, work ethic and the will to better my life
S Malcolm says to (11:05:57):
He sounds like a Proud House Negroe
SlimJim says to (11:05:58):
i think the more equal things get, the idea may come to pass that some people just cant cut it.. so they need their security blanket comprised of exuses about them not being white.. its getting old
ImhotepVII says to (11:06:11):
Funny things is, many of us are raised with those same values, work hard, but still get treated as if we were lazy and shiftless @Slim
ImhotepVII says to (11:06:33):
I know I was
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:06:42):
the playing field has never been level
ImhotepVII says to (11:06:48):
SlimJim says to (11:07:17):
then you have the foundation VII.. now its up to you to make something of it
SlimJim says to (11:07:24):
sounds like u may have
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:07:27):
so therefore where you start and where you finish are not comparable in regards to race. if you are white and you fail you pretty much have no rationale
ImhotepVII says to (11:07:38):
Indeed I have@ Slim.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:07:57):
the game is rigged
SlimJim says to (11:08:05):
cop out..
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:10):
But the reality is I still may be percieved as someone who is not up to par
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:19):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:08:21):
do you renounce white supremacy racism
SlimJim says to (11:08:32):
then change the perception
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:08:33):
affirmatively and unequivocally
S Malcolm says to (11:08:33):
I renounce it.
S Malcolm says to (11:08:41):
It is imaginary
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:08:48):
SlimJim says to (11:08:56):
Cohost.. what that directed to me?
S Malcolm says to (11:09:35):
We don't have to beg for what we can take for ourselves.
SlimJim says to (11:09:51):
kudos Malcom
ImhotepVII says to (11:10:05):
That's what I'm saying Slim. I can dress in a three piece suit, speak the "king's english", and answer deep questions. The problem is people are surprised when I do.
ImhotepVII says to (11:10:28):
As if that wasn't expected of me@ Slim
SlimJim says to (11:10:39):
that is their problem VII, whether they know it or not
ImhotepVII says to (11:10:55):
You got it Slim.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:11:05):
white supremacy is as real as the air you brathe and as powerful concept as the make believe jesus you worship
S Malcolm says to (11:12:49):
White Supremacy only exists if you give it power. just like the Imaginary Jesus.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:13:09):
i actually that is not factual
S Malcolm says to (11:13:54):
Prove it
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:14:45):
melanated people do not control the factors of production in this country you have to kneel before your overlord and beg for a job even if you are beyond qualified
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:15:15):
that enough says it
S Malcolm says to (11:15:27):
You can work for yourself. No need to beg for anything
S Malcolm says to (11:15:58):
You think you need to beg because you were taught that.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:16:15):
who will support your business who has the means to support it
S Malcolm says to (11:16:20):
Our people did for self not long ago
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:16:45):
when you are business for yourself you work for your customers
S Malcolm says to (11:16:54):
What's important? Food, clothing, and shelter.
SlimJim says to (11:16:56):
it must suck to be so redundantly consumed with what a certain segment of society thinks about them...
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:17:17):
you have to get your business financing utilities food clothing and shelter from a caucasian
ImhotepVII says to (11:17:21):
It's social engineering@Slim
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:17:50):
in other words you can not live or exist without being in the sphere of influence of a caucasian period
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:18:16):
we dont grow our own food
SlimJim says to (11:18:21):
social engineering is another cop out.. maybe not years ago, but i feel it is today
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:18:29):
dont own 13% of the banks
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:18:35):
or insurance
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:18:58):
hospitals, law firms defense contracting
ImhotepVII says to (11:18:59):
It's more covert now@Slim
ImhotepVII says to (11:19:23):
but it is starting to come back into the open
S Malcolm says to (11:19:27):
Fear based programming
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:19:27):
whites net worth median is 90000 for a family
SlimJim says to (11:19:29):
if one can make it, 10 can make it just as 1,000.. or a million
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:19:40):
for blacks it is 6000
S Malcolm says to (11:19:48):
We have a lot of cowards in our community
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:20:14):
1500% difference in net worth is that a mistake
S Malcolm says to (11:20:19):
All I hear are excuses
ImhotepVII says to (11:20:27):
Free market works when the social playing field is even.
S Malcolm says to (11:20:30):
Where are the men?
ImhotepVII says to (11:20:37):
Communism is a joke
SlimJim says to (11:20:39):
its about parenting.. both parents and a managable munber of children
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:20:51):
its about being honest
ImhotepVII says to (11:20:54):
Socialism is just as bad
SlimJim says to (11:20:55):
SlimJim says to (11:21:10):
right.. honet parents
S Malcolm says to (11:21:13):
Cowards make excuses
SlimJim says to (11:21:16):
ImhotepVII says to (11:21:21):
Anarchy is beyond stupid.
ImhotepVII says to (11:21:40):
Marxism is self serving
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:21:44):
name one people on this planet who were brutalized abused disenfranchised and legally discraminated against and exploited by their own government
S Malcolm says to (11:21:53):
Self determination is the only way
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:21:57):
lets see the tuskeegee experiment
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:14):
That's one
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:22:15):
iran contra oliver noth
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:20):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:22:20):
SlimJim says to (11:22:21):
the jews in germany
S Malcolm says to (11:22:26):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:22:28):
putting drugs in the community
S Malcolm says to (11:22:32):
SlimJim says to (11:22:33):
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:45):
Home run@Kal cohost
SlimJim says to (11:22:49):
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:51):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:22:51):
not accurate sir we don't believe you you need more people
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:23:19):
you can not compare
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:23:31):
they are homogenous societies
ImhotepVII says to (11:23:38):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:24:31):
and the abuses in some cases were due to colonial influences
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:26:28):
when jews were gassed in 1948 they got a country
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:26:37):
japanese were given money by reagan
SlimJim says to (11:26:53):
let me say this, America is the worst country that ever existed... except for all the rest..
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:27:17):
jim life is good for you
ImhotepVII says to (11:27:26):
America as a concept is great, it just needs to live up to its creed more.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:27:43):
i have experienced racism at many levels first hand
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:27:47):
never been arrested
S Malcolm says to (11:27:51):
We will never be accepted as equals. So do for self and stop begging
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:27:56):
no children out of wedlock
ImhotepVII says to (11:27:59):
The issue is, America was founded on bloodshed, not peace
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:28:19):
I came out of the poorest neighborhood per capita in the country
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:28:32):
and i am still not accepted based on my melanin
S Malcolm says to (11:28:33):
Who is thiss fool screaming for slavery
ImhotepVII says to (11:28:56):
Someone not worth listening too@ S Malcolm
SlimJim says to (11:28:56):
Cohost.. life was not good for me a time ago, but now it is.. as a result of my actions and determinations.. i will not let any man take that from me..
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:03):
I have worked for fortune 100 firms and managed at different levels
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:13):
That is where we differ
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:18):
I don't have that luxury
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:26):
my reality is far different
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:51):
In a true meritocracy i wouldnt lose a job even when I am performing well
ImhotepVII says to (11:30:10):
That's the first thing I agree with Sarge
ImhotepVII says to (11:30:40):
No, you weren't wrong@Kala
Kalagenesis says (11:30:47):
S Malcolm says to (11:31:13):
I agree
ImhotepVII says to (11:31:21):
I will love the person, but will ot except the lifestyle of homosexuality
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:31:30):
Unless you are willing to sacrifice your advantage as a white person in this country, in this world and this universe than we very little common ground
S Malcolm says to (11:31:35):
The next thing will be people marrying animals
ImhotepVII says to (11:31:53):
Sadly, I can see that@Malcolm
S Malcolm says to (11:32:09):
Sad to say
ImhotepVII says to (11:32:59):
Pedophilia will become normal
S Malcolm says to (11:33:11):
It is already normal
SlimJim says to (11:33:38):
Well, i dont remember anyone around when i was working nights, staying up studying just to get through college.. no social life while everyone was out partying it up and knocking up women..
SlimJim says to (11:33:41):
i paid the price
ImhotepVII says to (11:33:57):
But it's not public yet i.e. you don't have people holding marches for equal rights@ malcolm
SlimJim says to (11:34:02):
on my own and will not relinquish one drop of sweat
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:34:04):
yeah yeah yeah i hear you
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:34:17):
i did not knock women up
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:34:33):
but i have been severely mistreated
ImhotepVII says to (11:35:03):
S Malcolm says to (11:35:08):
That television show that traps these pedophyles shows how normal this thing is
ImhotepVII says to (11:35:26):
I've seen that. It's horrific
S Malcolm says to (11:35:52):
Some have been caught several times
ImhotepVII says to (11:36:18):
It's a spiritual issue which translates into immoral actions.
ImhotepVII says to (11:36:40):
ImhotepVII says to (11:36:50):
SlimJim says to (11:38:49):
CoHost.. how were you mistreated? sorry to hear about it.. but, if you are the host on the air.. you sound VERY capable of taking charge and making a complete success of your life.. if you make it happen
ImhotepVII says to (11:39:55):
Obama was born in United States territory. 1Nuff said.
SlimJim says to (11:40:15):
it was a state, not territory
SlimJim says to (11:40:36):
a territory would have been questionable
ImhotepVII says to (11:40:41):
I know, I was just saying
ImhotepVII says to (11:40:54):
That's waht I was inferring
ImhotepVII says to (11:40:59):
S Malcolm says to (11:41:01):
Does it matter? He is still President
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:41:41):
i am not kala
ImhotepVII says to (11:41:43):
Oy gevalt...
ImhotepVII says to (11:41:50):
SlimJim says to (11:42:09):
However, Obama having admitted holding citizenship to a foriegn nation truobles me as it sets precidence.. it should be put to rest
ImhotepVII says to (11:42:29):
ImhotepVII says to (11:42:34):
ImhotepVII says to (11:43:14):
Was Daddy Grace like Rev. Ike?
ImhotepVII says to (11:43:53):
People who don't preach the Gospel, but foolishness?
ImhotepVII says to (11:44:43):
ImhotepVII says to (11:45:10):
No, he's a reptilian from Zeta Reticuli
Kalagenesis says (11:45:20):
SlimJim says to (11:45:21):
ImhotepVII says to (11:45:49):
That show "V" is based on his life, right Sarge?
SlimJim says to (11:45:53):
i think his birth certificate lists him as white..
SlimJim says to (11:47:43):
the president of the senate
ImhotepVII says to (11:49:20):
The sad thing is, it would take the near destruction of our culture before people wake up
ImhotepVII says to (11:50:15):
Preach Kala!
ImhotepVII says to (11:51:08):
Oh no...8-|
Demetri328 says to (11:51:10):
Watch out, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will try to overturn The Constitution so that he can become President.
ImhotepVII says to (11:52:20):
That's true
SlimJim says to (11:53:10):
right on Sarge!
Demetri328 says to (11:55:31):
That is why we need to discipline our children, family member children and our nieghbor's children. Stop letting these young brothers use the excuse of now fathers to raise them, and us as men, me
Demetri328 says to (11:55:49):
I meant no fathers.
Reali-Tee says to (11:56:08):
I m late
Reali-Tee says to (11:56:44):
continue ....if you dont mind and have the time...this is a good talk....
ImhotepVII says to (11:56:46):
It says it all@ Cohost
ImhotepVII says to (11:57:54):
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:01):
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:35):
Four hundred years of psychological warfare
Demetri328 says to (11:59:15):
We need to educate the women to stop having all these babies and baby daddies. They not only disrespect themselves, but our generation in this country. Teach men to stand up instead f being runawa
Demetri328 says to (11:59:39):
runaway dads.
ImhotepVII says to (12:00:00):
Ok Sarge, go to an all White community and try and settle there. Try E. Washington State. Let see how long you last in spite of your social views
ImhotepVII says to (12:00:49):
Gangs=Social cancer
Kalagenesis says (12:01:23):
gangs=cummunity failure
SlimJim says to (12:01:47):
good discussion yall..
ImhotepVII says to (12:01:50):
Failure of the values in the community
ImhotepVII says to (12:03:40):
Hotep fam. Peace
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (12:12:36):
ImhotepVII says to (10:05:02):
I didn't think there was going to be a show tonight
Kalagenesis says (10:05:36):
I got to
Kalagenesis says (10:05:39):
ImhotepVII says to (10:05:48):
Understood :-)
ImhotepVII says to (10:06:16):
Just finished watching the "A Team" movie
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:08:06):
good evening
ImhotepVII says to (10:08:07):
Drop knoweldge
ImhotepVII says to (10:08:17):
Good evening
ImhotepVII says to (10:08:24):
Vince in the Bay says to (10:08:34):
BTR has gone to hell
ImhotepVII says to (10:08:47):
Uh oh...here we go!
ImhotepVII says to (10:09:03):
Strap in kids, it's gonna be wild
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:09:18):
peace happy holidays
Vince in the Bay says to (10:09:36):
skype***holes, British Conservative, Bill Waggonner and his crew, One Angry Jew, Debi Daly, all these people are nuts and/or driving everyone else nuts
Black Talk Radio says to (10:10:25):
Peace FAm
Black Talk Radio says to (10:10:57):
I heard that, BTR is a addiction huh? I guess we will find out in Feb who gotta feed their crack habit
TracyGmore says to (10:14:06):
lol vince
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:16:48):
oh youre gonna have to pay to listen?
Vince in the Bay says to (10:17:21):
love it
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:18:28):
i guess i'll be sayin goodbye in feburary if you have to pay to listen
Vince in the Bay says to (10:18:37):
its outta control
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:19:02):
wonder what i'll replace it with
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:19:11):
cause it is an addiction
TracyGmore says to (10:19:37):
CURTISCAIFE says to (10:19:45):
but uhh ima njoy it til then
OneAngryJew says to (10:21:07):
I don't see OneAngryJew in that list.
ImhotepVII says to (10:21:43):
It's a vicious cycle
ImhotepVII says to (10:22:08):
College is not about learning, it's about making sure the economy stays solvent
Kalagenesis says (10:22:18):
ImhotepVII says to (10:22:22):
by producing work drones
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:23:25):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:23:54):
student loans college is a legal hustle and a scam as it is structured right now
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:12):
It definitely is.
ImhotepVII says to (10:24:25):
I work at a university, I know
Black Talk Radio says to (10:24:28):
Teens Giving Birth Significantly Reduced Look at the chart on my blog, whites have the lowest birth rates hence the conservative fear that they are losing their majorities in USA http://blackteenempowerment.blogspot.com/2010/12/teens-giving-birth-signific
Black Talk Radio says to (10:25:03):
sorry, the chart is on front page http://blackteenempowerment.blogspot.com/
ImhotepVII says to (10:25:24):
Social engineering has made us hostile to each other
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:25:34):
the frances cress welsing theory on color confrontation coming to fruition
ImhotepVII says to (10:27:16):
Unless they are conditioned to hate the color part of themselves.
SlimJim says to (10:27:48):
if you have more kids than you can afford to raise financially, emotionaly, and pre-school education, then you are stacking the deck against them
bringfortheye says to (10:28:19):
it is imparitive that one obtain a mastery of the liberal arts and sciences in their life time
ImhotepVII says to (10:29:33):
ImhotepVII says to (10:29:43):
Oh wow...
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:10):
PLEASE let me use that one ohost!
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:16):
ImhotepVII says to (10:30:32):
Uncle Ruckus time
SlimJim says to (10:31:19):
imparitive? a man who is a skilled welder in need of a job doesnt need to understand dantes inferno or plank's constant..
ImhotepVII says to (10:31:20):
White skin is as good as kevlar :S
bringfortheye says to (10:31:41):
democratic party nick-name was the "lynching party" during slavery
OneAngryJew says to (10:31:54):
A crack whore with aids
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:32:07):
i say blow the system up it is broken fettid and perverse
bringfortheye says to (10:32:31):
the liberals cdreated black laws/code and jim crow
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:32:58):
democrat republicans all the same retarded family
OneAngryJew says to (10:32:59):
and me?
OneAngryJew says to (10:33:07):
They're all nuts over there.
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:33:12):
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:33:19):
totally ignor one angry jew
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:33:29):
oh damn
SlimJim says to (10:33:31):
not everything is about you OAJ... where you neglected as a child?
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:33:31):
too late
OneAngryJew says to (10:33:44):
Neither does Benyamin
OneAngryJew says to (10:33:55):
SlimJim you're jealous
Black Talk Radio says to (10:34:22):
Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice, what ever ,and to all a good night
bringfortheye says to (10:34:50):
practice love and peace, do for others as you will
SlimJim says to (10:35:05):
jealous of a whining, self absorbed liberal?? sure.. ok
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (10:35:21):
Kalagenesis says to Vince in the Bay (private) (10:35:57):
ImhotepVII says to (10:36:00):
$3.15 here
ImhotepVII says to (10:36:11):
for the cheap gas
Vince in the Bay says to Kalagenesis (private) (10:36:34):
no worries
SlimJim says to (10:38:08):
wow.. now that Bush isnt in office, you guys are actually attempting to ascertain the real reasons for the rise and fall of the price of oil!! good job
SlimJim says to (10:41:50):
Who cares what rupert says.. i pay attention to congress.. they control the purse and create the oppresive laws against us
ImhotepVII says to (10:42:11):
ImhotepVII says to (10:42:48):
This "ism's" are illusions.
ImhotepVII says to (10:43:03):
An economic Jedi mind trick.
SlimJim says to (10:44:02):
it is fact that under Kennedy and Reagan that when the taxes were lowered, revenues to the gov increased
SlimJim says to (10:44:46):
u see, in many cases of business, the more employees i have, the more money the company makes..
SlimJim says to (10:46:47):
to the caller.. may i ask what he feels is a fair income tax rate?
SlimJim says to (10:48:02):
Kala writes off everything under the sun.. even his personal use expenses.. thats why he changed the subject
SlimJim says to (10:48:14):
ImhotepVII says to (10:48:24):
I was akid, but I remember people complaining about the Japanese taking over our economy
ImhotepVII says to (10:51:42):
Yep, the Star Wars Program. X-ray laser platforms on satellitesi in Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
ImhotepVII says to (10:58:26):
Send him away from the community
ImhotepVII says to (10:58:37):
ImhotepVII says to (10:58:50):
Death is pointless
SlimJim says to (11:02:32):
damn kala.. wow, i wish i would have known things would be handed to me.. why did i start working at 16, put myself thru college? why did i even study? why did i not just wait and let things fall in my lap?
ImhotepVII says to (11:03:44):
InformationTechnology is one of those fields where experience counts more than a degree
SlimJim says to (11:04:07):
i submit it could be parenting, upbringing, determination, work ethic and the will to better my life
S Malcolm says to (11:05:57):
He sounds like a Proud House Negroe
SlimJim says to (11:05:58):
i think the more equal things get, the idea may come to pass that some people just cant cut it.. so they need their security blanket comprised of exuses about them not being white.. its getting old
ImhotepVII says to (11:06:11):
Funny things is, many of us are raised with those same values, work hard, but still get treated as if we were lazy and shiftless @Slim
ImhotepVII says to (11:06:33):
I know I was
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:06:42):
the playing field has never been level
ImhotepVII says to (11:06:48):
SlimJim says to (11:07:17):
then you have the foundation VII.. now its up to you to make something of it
SlimJim says to (11:07:24):
sounds like u may have
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:07:27):
so therefore where you start and where you finish are not comparable in regards to race. if you are white and you fail you pretty much have no rationale
ImhotepVII says to (11:07:38):
Indeed I have@ Slim.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:07:57):
the game is rigged
SlimJim says to (11:08:05):
cop out..
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:10):
But the reality is I still may be percieved as someone who is not up to par
ImhotepVII says to (11:08:19):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:08:21):
do you renounce white supremacy racism
SlimJim says to (11:08:32):
then change the perception
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:08:33):
affirmatively and unequivocally
S Malcolm says to (11:08:33):
I renounce it.
S Malcolm says to (11:08:41):
It is imaginary
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:08:48):
SlimJim says to (11:08:56):
Cohost.. what that directed to me?
S Malcolm says to (11:09:35):
We don't have to beg for what we can take for ourselves.
SlimJim says to (11:09:51):
kudos Malcom
ImhotepVII says to (11:10:05):
That's what I'm saying Slim. I can dress in a three piece suit, speak the "king's english", and answer deep questions. The problem is people are surprised when I do.
ImhotepVII says to (11:10:28):
As if that wasn't expected of me@ Slim
SlimJim says to (11:10:39):
that is their problem VII, whether they know it or not
ImhotepVII says to (11:10:55):
You got it Slim.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:11:05):
white supremacy is as real as the air you brathe and as powerful concept as the make believe jesus you worship
S Malcolm says to (11:12:49):
White Supremacy only exists if you give it power. just like the Imaginary Jesus.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:13:09):
i actually that is not factual
S Malcolm says to (11:13:54):
Prove it
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:14:45):
melanated people do not control the factors of production in this country you have to kneel before your overlord and beg for a job even if you are beyond qualified
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:15:15):
that enough says it
S Malcolm says to (11:15:27):
You can work for yourself. No need to beg for anything
S Malcolm says to (11:15:58):
You think you need to beg because you were taught that.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:16:15):
who will support your business who has the means to support it
S Malcolm says to (11:16:20):
Our people did for self not long ago
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:16:45):
when you are business for yourself you work for your customers
S Malcolm says to (11:16:54):
What's important? Food, clothing, and shelter.
SlimJim says to (11:16:56):
it must suck to be so redundantly consumed with what a certain segment of society thinks about them...
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:17:17):
you have to get your business financing utilities food clothing and shelter from a caucasian
ImhotepVII says to (11:17:21):
It's social engineering@Slim
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:17:50):
in other words you can not live or exist without being in the sphere of influence of a caucasian period
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:18:16):
we dont grow our own food
SlimJim says to (11:18:21):
social engineering is another cop out.. maybe not years ago, but i feel it is today
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:18:29):
dont own 13% of the banks
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:18:35):
or insurance
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:18:58):
hospitals, law firms defense contracting
ImhotepVII says to (11:18:59):
It's more covert now@Slim
ImhotepVII says to (11:19:23):
but it is starting to come back into the open
S Malcolm says to (11:19:27):
Fear based programming
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:19:27):
whites net worth median is 90000 for a family
SlimJim says to (11:19:29):
if one can make it, 10 can make it just as 1,000.. or a million
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:19:40):
for blacks it is 6000
S Malcolm says to (11:19:48):
We have a lot of cowards in our community
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:20:14):
1500% difference in net worth is that a mistake
S Malcolm says to (11:20:19):
All I hear are excuses
ImhotepVII says to (11:20:27):
Free market works when the social playing field is even.
S Malcolm says to (11:20:30):
Where are the men?
ImhotepVII says to (11:20:37):
Communism is a joke
SlimJim says to (11:20:39):
its about parenting.. both parents and a managable munber of children
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:20:51):
its about being honest
ImhotepVII says to (11:20:54):
Socialism is just as bad
SlimJim says to (11:20:55):
SlimJim says to (11:21:10):
right.. honet parents
S Malcolm says to (11:21:13):
Cowards make excuses
SlimJim says to (11:21:16):
ImhotepVII says to (11:21:21):
Anarchy is beyond stupid.
ImhotepVII says to (11:21:40):
Marxism is self serving
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:21:44):
name one people on this planet who were brutalized abused disenfranchised and legally discraminated against and exploited by their own government
S Malcolm says to (11:21:53):
Self determination is the only way
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:21:57):
lets see the tuskeegee experiment
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:14):
That's one
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:22:15):
iran contra oliver noth
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:20):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:22:20):
SlimJim says to (11:22:21):
the jews in germany
S Malcolm says to (11:22:26):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:22:28):
putting drugs in the community
S Malcolm says to (11:22:32):
SlimJim says to (11:22:33):
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:45):
Home run@Kal cohost
SlimJim says to (11:22:49):
ImhotepVII says to (11:22:51):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:22:51):
not accurate sir we don't believe you you need more people
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:23:19):
you can not compare
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:23:31):
they are homogenous societies
ImhotepVII says to (11:23:38):
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:24:31):
and the abuses in some cases were due to colonial influences
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:26:28):
when jews were gassed in 1948 they got a country
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:26:37):
japanese were given money by reagan
SlimJim says to (11:26:53):
let me say this, America is the worst country that ever existed... except for all the rest..
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:27:17):
jim life is good for you
ImhotepVII says to (11:27:26):
America as a concept is great, it just needs to live up to its creed more.
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:27:43):
i have experienced racism at many levels first hand
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:27:47):
never been arrested
S Malcolm says to (11:27:51):
We will never be accepted as equals. So do for self and stop begging
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:27:56):
no children out of wedlock
ImhotepVII says to (11:27:59):
The issue is, America was founded on bloodshed, not peace
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:28:19):
I came out of the poorest neighborhood per capita in the country
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:28:32):
and i am still not accepted based on my melanin
S Malcolm says to (11:28:33):
Who is thiss fool screaming for slavery
ImhotepVII says to (11:28:56):
Someone not worth listening too@ S Malcolm
SlimJim says to (11:28:56):
Cohost.. life was not good for me a time ago, but now it is.. as a result of my actions and determinations.. i will not let any man take that from me..
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:03):
I have worked for fortune 100 firms and managed at different levels
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:13):
That is where we differ
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:18):
I don't have that luxury
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:26):
my reality is far different
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:29:51):
In a true meritocracy i wouldnt lose a job even when I am performing well
ImhotepVII says to (11:30:10):
That's the first thing I agree with Sarge
ImhotepVII says to (11:30:40):
No, you weren't wrong@Kala
Kalagenesis says (11:30:47):
S Malcolm says to (11:31:13):
I agree
ImhotepVII says to (11:31:21):
I will love the person, but will ot except the lifestyle of homosexuality
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:31:30):
Unless you are willing to sacrifice your advantage as a white person in this country, in this world and this universe than we very little common ground
S Malcolm says to (11:31:35):
The next thing will be people marrying animals
ImhotepVII says to (11:31:53):
Sadly, I can see that@Malcolm
S Malcolm says to (11:32:09):
Sad to say
ImhotepVII says to (11:32:59):
Pedophilia will become normal
S Malcolm says to (11:33:11):
It is already normal
SlimJim says to (11:33:38):
Well, i dont remember anyone around when i was working nights, staying up studying just to get through college.. no social life while everyone was out partying it up and knocking up women..
SlimJim says to (11:33:41):
i paid the price
ImhotepVII says to (11:33:57):
But it's not public yet i.e. you don't have people holding marches for equal rights@ malcolm
SlimJim says to (11:34:02):
on my own and will not relinquish one drop of sweat
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:34:04):
yeah yeah yeah i hear you
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:34:17):
i did not knock women up
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:34:33):
but i have been severely mistreated
ImhotepVII says to (11:35:03):
S Malcolm says to (11:35:08):
That television show that traps these pedophyles shows how normal this thing is
ImhotepVII says to (11:35:26):
I've seen that. It's horrific
S Malcolm says to (11:35:52):
Some have been caught several times
ImhotepVII says to (11:36:18):
It's a spiritual issue which translates into immoral actions.
ImhotepVII says to (11:36:40):
ImhotepVII says to (11:36:50):
SlimJim says to (11:38:49):
CoHost.. how were you mistreated? sorry to hear about it.. but, if you are the host on the air.. you sound VERY capable of taking charge and making a complete success of your life.. if you make it happen
ImhotepVII says to (11:39:55):
Obama was born in United States territory. 1Nuff said.
SlimJim says to (11:40:15):
it was a state, not territory
SlimJim says to (11:40:36):
a territory would have been questionable
ImhotepVII says to (11:40:41):
I know, I was just saying
ImhotepVII says to (11:40:54):
That's waht I was inferring
ImhotepVII says to (11:40:59):
S Malcolm says to (11:41:01):
Does it matter? He is still President
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (11:41:41):
i am not kala
ImhotepVII says to (11:41:43):
Oy gevalt...
ImhotepVII says to (11:41:50):
SlimJim says to (11:42:09):
However, Obama having admitted holding citizenship to a foriegn nation truobles me as it sets precidence.. it should be put to rest
ImhotepVII says to (11:42:29):
ImhotepVII says to (11:42:34):
ImhotepVII says to (11:43:14):
Was Daddy Grace like Rev. Ike?
ImhotepVII says to (11:43:53):
People who don't preach the Gospel, but foolishness?
ImhotepVII says to (11:44:43):
ImhotepVII says to (11:45:10):
No, he's a reptilian from Zeta Reticuli
Kalagenesis says (11:45:20):
SlimJim says to (11:45:21):
ImhotepVII says to (11:45:49):
That show "V" is based on his life, right Sarge?
SlimJim says to (11:45:53):
i think his birth certificate lists him as white..
SlimJim says to (11:47:43):
the president of the senate
ImhotepVII says to (11:49:20):
The sad thing is, it would take the near destruction of our culture before people wake up
ImhotepVII says to (11:50:15):
Preach Kala!
ImhotepVII says to (11:51:08):
Oh no...8-|
Demetri328 says to (11:51:10):
Watch out, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will try to overturn The Constitution so that he can become President.
ImhotepVII says to (11:52:20):
That's true
SlimJim says to (11:53:10):
right on Sarge!
Demetri328 says to (11:55:31):
That is why we need to discipline our children, family member children and our nieghbor's children. Stop letting these young brothers use the excuse of now fathers to raise them, and us as men, me
Demetri328 says to (11:55:49):
I meant no fathers.
Reali-Tee says to (11:56:08):
I m late
Reali-Tee says to (11:56:44):
continue ....if you dont mind and have the time...this is a good talk....
ImhotepVII says to (11:56:46):
It says it all@ Cohost
ImhotepVII says to (11:57:54):
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:01):
ImhotepVII says to (11:58:35):
Four hundred years of psychological warfare
Demetri328 says to (11:59:15):
We need to educate the women to stop having all these babies and baby daddies. They not only disrespect themselves, but our generation in this country. Teach men to stand up instead f being runawa
Demetri328 says to (11:59:39):
runaway dads.
ImhotepVII says to (12:00:00):
Ok Sarge, go to an all White community and try and settle there. Try E. Washington State. Let see how long you last in spite of your social views
ImhotepVII says to (12:00:49):
Gangs=Social cancer
Kalagenesis says (12:01:23):
gangs=cummunity failure
SlimJim says to (12:01:47):
good discussion yall..
ImhotepVII says to (12:01:50):
Failure of the values in the community
ImhotepVII says to (12:03:40):
Hotep fam. Peace
Kalagenesis (Cohost) says to (12:12:36):
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