Hello people out there this is one of your friendly people at Coonwatch Central in partnership with 1800Rent a Coon giving you a chance to select your choice for coon of the year.I mean I already know it is going to be a close contest because we have so many good coontestants.I know many of you are considering Micheal Steele the fool who sold his soul to the RNC and spoke at the Republican convention.He looks like a a chocolate drop in a bowl of milk.I bet he has heard all the racist black jokes and thinks they are funny.One year ago on a cold January night Senator Barack Obama pulled an upset and defeated Senator Hilary Clinton in the Iowa caucus to make him the front runner in the Democratic primary.Since that time the traitors,sellouts and coons went to war against the wishes of the African American community.You see a coon is like a dog which in many ways the term came from.Dont quote me on that one!A coon thinks of what is in the best interest of so called "America"which is code for White America and their collective interest.The African American community was imploding from self hate and self destruction reflected in the hip hop so called community.When a charming educated young Black man from mixed background came along we knew the impact for the better he would have.And we were right.The coons cared little about this.Knowing well that Barack would be better than Hilary but too cowardly to say it publicly,they supported her thinking they owed something to he husband.I for the life of me cant figure out other than playing the sax on Arsenio Hall and a few cabinet appointments what has he done?You see just as a dog shows his loyalty to his master so does the coon.Look how BET founder Bob Johnson,50 cent and Andrew Young all proclaimed support for Hilary just because of self doubt in a fellow Black man.We also found Tavis Smiley cooning for Hilary Clinton thinking himself to be king of Black America and he would be granted permanent rule of the ignorant masses by the Clintons if he helped sabotage Obama.All failed and Obama won thanks to the internet,blogs and good groundwork by the Obama campaign.
Soldja boy and Rev Peterson both proclaim gratitude to the White man for the slave trade because we are doing so well over here.The young rapper is young and uneducated but still he made the list.Well the list is long so vote now on Coonwatch Central's first annual poll.