Rapper David Banner celebrates Christmas by doing the right thing,helping those mis fortunate people who live in the poorest state in the union.David Banner who is a proud Mississippi native has the vast support of these forgotten marginal downtrodden Black folks in the deep south.He along with a White female magazine editor took a verbal jab at Reverend Al Sharpton of the Harlem based National Action network.He also chastised what he called fake gangster rappers who make it rain on hoes in the club instead of giving the money to people who need it.
The video clip has Banner being needy to fatherless children in rural Jackson Mississippi.Question that needs to be asked is,where are these kids fathers?Is playing a sugar/santa/pimpdaddy is going to excuse the vile degrading music he makes?Where was he during the Jena 6 cause?Who are the Black people who cant seem to help themselves even when they elect Black leaders in their district?Is Banner doing this for political gain or publicity?Why insist on challenging Al Sharpton?Who is he fronting for?We need unity in Black America,the white MTV crowd hate Al Sharpton but he has the support of most African Americans even the ones Banner Played santa/pimpdaddy to.But I'll give him credit for giving hopefully other rappers will follow this trend without trying to get points for it.
Welcome to the beginning of the the Kala Nation cultural movement.Kala means tribe or bond.In old West Africa Kalas were the building block behind the great empires that linked all African societies together in a complex structure.This kept wars down and protected smaller villages from stronger ones.At the top was the apex kingdom called Mali,which means where the king of kings live.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The stupidity of some African leaders

A collection of fresh and innovative ideas wrapped in evocative prose, observed from the perspective of a diverse variety of characters and presented using a disarming, unpretentious personal style. "Think Only Whites Are Racist? Think Again!" is a powerful account of one Blackman's journey across four continents.
Can you believe it? The president of Uganda Yuweri Museveni, has just spent well over half a billion dollars to host the Commonwealth summit. This is a country that is one of the poorest in the world and which could have used the money to help alleviate the suffering of its impoverished population.
It is important to note that, the Commonwealth is made up of countries that were former colonies of the British Empire. Like the Francophonie, which is the French version of the Commonwealth, African leaders have for more than 50 years spent lavishly with the limited resources of their population to host summits of these two organizations which they should not have joined in the first place.
Remember, these organizations are symbols of colonialism and imperialism, which I strongly believe perpetuated Africa's holocaust for more than two hundred years, period. Think about, and then think of Germany forming and heading an organization for all the countries it occupied and ruled from 1933-1945.
Besides, not only are the Francophone and British Commonwealth under the current format unwarranted, from the African perspective, they are also irrelevant because the original idea of visa-free travel among the member states no longer exists. Citizens of countries from the poorer member states now have strict visa requirements to visit the rich members. The economic assistance, which was used as part of the rational to form the two organizations, is something that cannot be justified either. The largest donation to the poorer states from Africa comes from countries such as United States, Japan, Canada, China etc, which did not colonize any of these African countries.
And by the way, just what benefit have Africans gained by being in these two organizations for the past fifty years? The Commonwealth and the Francophonie have not prevented the many wars, poverty, human rights abuses that have been prevalent on the continent. And if they haven't changed anything for the past 50 years, what are the prospects that they will?
Clearly, the only beneficiaries are the corrupt and irresponsible African leaders, (in most cases dictators and human right violators) who spent millions to bribe their way for opportunity to host the annual meetings of either the Commonwealth or Francophonie. Then, when awarded the opportunity to host the summits, spent the limited resources of their people to impress and showcase their stupidity just like the Ugandan president just did.
By the way, the term Commonwealth itself is an absurd terminology for member countries of the developing world, because there is nothing Commonwealth about them, just as the term Francophonie is, since some of the member countries in that organization are not French speaking and have no history or links with the French.
Mohammed Ali
November 26 2007
Say no to all forms of racism, not just white racism
is now in bookstores
Think only Whites are Racist think again.
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©
2006-2007 ALIKING
Throughout my life, I have experienced racial discrimination almost on a daily basis. I am a black African Muslim, born in Sokode in the state of Togo, which is located in the region Southwest of the Sahara desert. My family moved to Ghana in 1974. Since I left Ghana, in 1987, I have lived in Saudi Arabia, Germany and Canada.
In every one of these countries I have found that racism isn't perpetuated by whites alone - all races are guilty. I have also found that some global events tend to propel the intensity of, and increase the amount of racism. The monstrous event of September 11th, 2001 is one of these occurrences that didn't helped matters.
This, in spite of the fact that every year on the March 21, the day earmarked by the United Nations as International Day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, I see people of all racial background come together in various cities around the world to demonstrate and to make statements condemning racial discrimination. This global demonstrations amazes me, not because I hate the noble idea of annihilating racism. Nor am I against people from all walks of life demonstrating their beliefs. It's their actual belief that boggles my mind.
The significant elements of these demonstrations are the participants and their targets. Excluding a few whites motivated by self-criticism or political correctness, the majority of the demonstrators are non-whites who usually direct their anger and venom at what they perceive as white racism. The South East Asians, the Chinese, Hispanics, Arabs and African Americans whom I have met all believe that racism is synonymous with white people who victimize them.
However, in my capacity as a political refugee who has shared rooms and apartments and worked with many racial groups in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, I see it differently. I don't belief in the baloney that only whites are racist. I hope I am not accused of being a white apologist. Yes, whites may have perpetuated colonialism, segregation and apartheid, and been heavily involved in slavery. And yes, white supremacy groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and other Neo-Nazi groups still exist. But is that all there is about racism?
From my personal experience, it isn't white people who have exhibited the most racism towards me-on the contrary, white people have shown me the least amount of racial discrimination. Unfortunately, the people who top the list of dishing out racism are those who normally complain about being the victims. That is why I believe it is a fallacy to say that racism is a white person's thing, especially when this misperception stems from white people dominating the world's geo-politics.
In contrast, my observation and experience throughout my travels and interactions are that most whites, especially those of West European origin, tend to be sensitive and sophisticated with racism issues. They understand the negative impact and take accusations of racism very seriously.
From my perspective, the vast majority of white people resent being labeled "racist," even if they are practicing it. I have also noted that whites tend to be more considerate in corporate offices, government departments and commercial institutions where they are in charge as opposed to non-whites who rule the roost. This has given me a guiding principle of usually soliciting services in a government office or a store from a white person when both a colored and a white person are serving.
In general, white people show great courtesy to people of color, perhaps because they don't want the race card used against them if non-whites don't receive what they want. On the other hand, non whites don't care whether they are called racist or not. Their logic that racism is a white person's thing is deep rooted; therefore, if you call them racist, they treat it as a joke.
No doubt trying to eliminate racial discrimination is an uphill battle. It just can't be done when some groups believe that racism is only white racism. Racism is racism regardless of its origin and who perpetuates it.
If you have any doubts about the gravity of non-white racism, consider the simple example of relationships and marriages between races. Despite all the myths about black-white frictions, it is an observed fact that black-white unions are some of the most common form of mixed relationships today. For instance, although Germany often gets labeled high as a racist nation, it also has one of the largest black-white relationships per capita in the world.
Unfortunately, mixed-race marriages among some racial groups are non-existent. Some racial groups. particularly those from South and Far East Asia, often consider this type of relationship an abomination or a taboo.
Much has been written about this vast topic. The difference, though, is these books and articles are generally written by people with little or no direct experience in racial discrimination; their works usually are based on hearsay. However, I have felt and experienced racial discrimination.
"Think Only Whites Are Racist? Think Again!, is a new kind of book aimed at giving all fronts on the racial spectrum a fair shot, and to make them all accountable for their actions, actions which are often detrimental to others. The book is also designed to change the current landscape of this vast topic and to usher in fresh ideas about fighting racial discrimination.
The bottom line is we need to resolve several issues of racism. People of all race, color, and creed must agree and accept the concept that the color of a person's skin is no more significant than the color of his or her eyes. The philosophy, doctrine, teachings and ideology that rate one race and one skin superior and another inferior, must be realistically fought, discredited and abandoned.
We must genuinely recognize that racism is a menace and fight against it like we fight terrorism. Otherwise, racial discrimination will stick with us forever- despite our demonstrations, flyers and placards.
by Mohammed Ali
Copyright ©
2006-2007 ALIKING
Throughout my life, I have experienced racial discrimination almost on a daily basis. I am a black African Muslim, born in Sokode in the state of Togo, which is located in the region Southwest of the Sahara desert. My family moved to Ghana in 1974. Since I left Ghana, in 1987, I have lived in Saudi Arabia, Germany and Canada.
In every one of these countries I have found that racism isn't perpetuated by whites alone - all races are guilty. I have also found that some global events tend to propel the intensity of, and increase the amount of racism. The monstrous event of September 11th, 2001 is one of these occurrences that didn't helped matters.
This, in spite of the fact that every year on the March 21, the day earmarked by the United Nations as International Day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, I see people of all racial background come together in various cities around the world to demonstrate and to make statements condemning racial discrimination. This global demonstrations amazes me, not because I hate the noble idea of annihilating racism. Nor am I against people from all walks of life demonstrating their beliefs. It's their actual belief that boggles my mind.
The significant elements of these demonstrations are the participants and their targets. Excluding a few whites motivated by self-criticism or political correctness, the majority of the demonstrators are non-whites who usually direct their anger and venom at what they perceive as white racism. The South East Asians, the Chinese, Hispanics, Arabs and African Americans whom I have met all believe that racism is synonymous with white people who victimize them.
However, in my capacity as a political refugee who has shared rooms and apartments and worked with many racial groups in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America, I see it differently. I don't belief in the baloney that only whites are racist. I hope I am not accused of being a white apologist. Yes, whites may have perpetuated colonialism, segregation and apartheid, and been heavily involved in slavery. And yes, white supremacy groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and other Neo-Nazi groups still exist. But is that all there is about racism?
From my personal experience, it isn't white people who have exhibited the most racism towards me-on the contrary, white people have shown me the least amount of racial discrimination. Unfortunately, the people who top the list of dishing out racism are those who normally complain about being the victims. That is why I believe it is a fallacy to say that racism is a white person's thing, especially when this misperception stems from white people dominating the world's geo-politics.
In contrast, my observation and experience throughout my travels and interactions are that most whites, especially those of West European origin, tend to be sensitive and sophisticated with racism issues. They understand the negative impact and take accusations of racism very seriously.
From my perspective, the vast majority of white people resent being labeled "racist," even if they are practicing it. I have also noted that whites tend to be more considerate in corporate offices, government departments and commercial institutions where they are in charge as opposed to non-whites who rule the roost. This has given me a guiding principle of usually soliciting services in a government office or a store from a white person when both a colored and a white person are serving.
In general, white people show great courtesy to people of color, perhaps because they don't want the race card used against them if non-whites don't receive what they want. On the other hand, non whites don't care whether they are called racist or not. Their logic that racism is a white person's thing is deep rooted; therefore, if you call them racist, they treat it as a joke.
No doubt trying to eliminate racial discrimination is an uphill battle. It just can't be done when some groups believe that racism is only white racism. Racism is racism regardless of its origin and who perpetuates it.
If you have any doubts about the gravity of non-white racism, consider the simple example of relationships and marriages between races. Despite all the myths about black-white frictions, it is an observed fact that black-white unions are some of the most common form of mixed relationships today. For instance, although Germany often gets labeled high as a racist nation, it also has one of the largest black-white relationships per capita in the world.
Unfortunately, mixed-race marriages among some racial groups are non-existent. Some racial groups. particularly those from South and Far East Asia, often consider this type of relationship an abomination or a taboo.
Much has been written about this vast topic. The difference, though, is these books and articles are generally written by people with little or no direct experience in racial discrimination; their works usually are based on hearsay. However, I have felt and experienced racial discrimination.
"Think Only Whites Are Racist? Think Again!, is a new kind of book aimed at giving all fronts on the racial spectrum a fair shot, and to make them all accountable for their actions, actions which are often detrimental to others. The book is also designed to change the current landscape of this vast topic and to usher in fresh ideas about fighting racial discrimination.
The bottom line is we need to resolve several issues of racism. People of all race, color, and creed must agree and accept the concept that the color of a person's skin is no more significant than the color of his or her eyes. The philosophy, doctrine, teachings and ideology that rate one race and one skin superior and another inferior, must be realistically fought, discredited and abandoned.
We must genuinely recognize that racism is a menace and fight against it like we fight terrorism. Otherwise, racial discrimination will stick with us forever- despite our demonstrations, flyers and placards.
by Mohammed Ali
Monday, December 24, 2007
The hidden hand of mass confusion.
Is history repeating itself?Or were we fooled into believing America will change.It seems we as Black people are the butt of America's racial jokes.This time we have cooperation from fools clowns and outright race and nation traitors.Those of us who believe in the beautiful Kala Nation are now fighting an internal threat to our survival.Just this weekend I learned that a popular mall in our area was shut down due to gang violence.I am not talking about simple school yard fights,I am talking kids as young as 13 shooting guns.All youth innocence is gone forever,as our youth today are lost beyond what we could ever hope to bring back.Now you make ask is why?Self hate.Notice most of the youth in our community that are looked after or valued,none almost are dark-skinned almost always light-skinned or brown skinned.This is because we have internalized the White mans view of African people.Sad part is if you say anything about this you are considered a racist,by Whites and uncle tom Blacks.How can you have unity when you don't value your own kind.Make no mistake the Whites know this division exist and the instigate conflict among us.The biggest way to deal with this issue of self degradation is to confront it head on.We know the racist are not going to stop putting out stereotypes of us,but we don't have to buy into them.Don't be afraid to be called a racist if needed.That is the new game to silence the growing anger that is building in our community.With all the destruction of our community only a Pan African movement based on the will of god and morality can prevent chaos and oblivion from occurring.The popular media cant seem to get enough of the minstrel acts of Lil Jon,Lil Wayne,Ying Yang Twins and other ignorant rappers out there.The same as older generation enjoyed racist humor at Black folks expense.
Our ancestors were fighting and external enemy that openly oppressed us.We have mastered how to deal with them.But no one has ever talk about how to fight the enemy within.Yes we have people although share the same race as the rest of us have no knowledge of their collective past,so they don't see a collective future.This is why we sit in shock when we turn on the evening news and listening to rap lyrics.And yes those threats are made against you for being hard working law abiding.They hate you not the White man you are the enemy to them for complaining about their foolishness,their buffoonery,their violence and irresponsibility and boy acting.We dare say to them pull up your pants and look for a job.Love is a two way street if you want to be my brother then act like it.The Bible says he that desires a friend must first show himself friendly.I am my brothers keeper,I will love him enough to tell him where he is wrong and point him down a path of righteousness.We need to build our culture to include the Pan African world and work with African states to promote unity across the Atlantic and throughout the world.
Our ancestors were fighting and external enemy that openly oppressed us.We have mastered how to deal with them.But no one has ever talk about how to fight the enemy within.Yes we have people although share the same race as the rest of us have no knowledge of their collective past,so they don't see a collective future.This is why we sit in shock when we turn on the evening news and listening to rap lyrics.And yes those threats are made against you for being hard working law abiding.They hate you not the White man you are the enemy to them for complaining about their foolishness,their buffoonery,their violence and irresponsibility and boy acting.We dare say to them pull up your pants and look for a job.Love is a two way street if you want to be my brother then act like it.The Bible says he that desires a friend must first show himself friendly.I am my brothers keeper,I will love him enough to tell him where he is wrong and point him down a path of righteousness.We need to build our culture to include the Pan African world and work with African states to promote unity across the Atlantic and throughout the world.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Africa's Biggest Rapper calls out 50 cent.50 cent gets an A- on Kala Nation's Pan -African report card.
As we all have suspected for the last five years this man 50cent is incredible.It seems as though he knows just what to do when to do it what to say and when to say it.A very clever move on his part was to go outside the US and build his fan base global.There is only one Black man in the world that is more revered on the African continent than 50 cent it is not the famous Nigerian rapper who is trying to compete with 50 for African dominance.It is Nelson Mandela.In fact more youth in Africa see 50 cent as their leader than Mandela.Do you hear this?This is alarming!A gangster rapper from NYC more important than Nelson Mandela?We Pan Africanist are in serious trouble.We only can hope 50 does the right thing with this influence and help build bridges with the Black community in America and the Black population in Africa.Recently the African Union just green lighted his concert in Abuja Nigeria the rival city of Johannesburg South Africa,to host a Pan African event.This will probably be the most significant event since FESTAC held thirty years ago in Lagos Nigeria.A few years ago 50 did a concert in Nigeria and drew 100,000 people.Rapper Eedris Abdul Kareem may be just jealous of 50 cent's popularity on the African Continent.Jay Z got a B on his Pan African report card for helping build a water system for school children in South Africa.We gave Reakwon of the Wu Tang Clan a b+ for his work in exposing the blood diamond trade in Sierra Leone a year ago.Well at least it seems that one rappers knows where the future is and I doubt very much if the Africans care about who is more gangster.It is just seeing who seems to be a muscled African superhero who has the world in a gaze it makes them and most of us proud.
Kala Nation of God
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
George W.Bush.The Road to hell is often paved with good intentions.

When George W.Bush became the 43 President of the United States,many felt it was a false presidency.The voter fraud that some accused the Republican party of gave some an excuse not to like or accept his presidency.The second term validated his first term with an overwhelming vote.
From the very start Mr Bush seemed arrogant, cocky self righteous and always had this smirk of deceit on his face.Many of us opposed to him simply by those observations.We for the life of us don't understand why others cant.I can't see why even hard line conservatives aren't turned off by this.After all isn't it truth we all want?Don't we want peace and being seen by the rest of the world as a good country not a bully?
On September 11 2001 Americans were forced to chose sides.No longer could you objectively criticize you government,country.It was now considered by GW and the neo conservatives as treason.They rationalized that America needed to now wage war on it's enemies. Make no mistake there are people who are really trying to destroy this country.But most of us believe the bigger threat comes from these people who say that they are trying to help or protect us.The Patriot Act although never actually read by any congressman,passed in mist of the hysteria after 9/11 attacks. It is now harder for us to travel receive mail,or get certain jobs without 20 different ids.If you think this protects us think again.
I early 2003 Mr Bush decided to take us to war with Irag.We were told we would be safer once this evil dictator Saddam Hussein is removed from power. Along comes GW the cowboy on a white horse to save the day.There is is one small problem that was four years ago, and the country of Irag is in chaos.There is an undercurrent running through America which is bordering on civil war.This all because one man said he wanted to do something good for the people of Irag.Halliburton CEO made 40 million dollars profit in Irag last year!3500 young men and women are dead!23,000 missing limbs, and forever damaged!400 billion tax payer money gone over this war.
"The road to
hell is often paved with good intentions"
Self hatred is number one problem threatening the African American community.
In recent weeks these two videos on the internet has finally put this issue of race mixing on the front page.It is an issue that brings out raw emotions in this all people.This issue effects I believe Black men more than Black women.This is because men have an urge to reproduce and will go where ever they can find it.All men have desire territory and women it is primal in all men.The tragedy of being Black in a White dominated society means any Black woman is open to other races.And since the White man controls this society all women are naturally attracted to the stronger man.It does not help that the current hip hop generation seems hell bent on a criminal self destructive behavior.Most of the Black women in America are not like the Black women of a generation ago.Years of watching daytime talk television,negative images of Black men have taken there toll.Years ago because racism and racial violence we came together and formed bonds that made us strong.This kept families together and created Black love as in the words of Dr Cornell West.When we kept to ourselves we loved each other to an extent.Now since the post civil rights era those bonds are vanishing.Young Black girls and women think nothing of having flings with White men or even marriage.Now I am not a racist I believe in a perfect world true love should be colorblind.This is not a perfect world.Black men are still bound to social constructs that protect the future of the White race in America.The symbol of this was the lynching of Black men to instill fear in them so they will not mingle with White women.The man and young woman in this video both have good points.Black women are surely after White men we see this with Halli Berry with her White boyfriend,who was she fooling.Her sex role with Billy Bob Thorton was appalling.She was a symbol of Black beauty and he was a nobody.Why not Brad Pitt?I believe only a few Black men date white women as a preference.I believe when a pretty girl show a Black man interest he will take it that is just his maleness.Now women are programed to be patient and selective when choosing her mate.The type of man a woman choose is her total definition of her existence.I f she had something in her childhood that scared her it will effect her judgment on men selection.So given that what does that say about a woman who chooses to be with a man even though his family don't accept her on something like race?I says she has a lot of self hate toward her own kind something like Uncle Rutkus on Boondocks.So check these videos out.Self hate is the number one problem threatening our future.
black men sisters,
interracial couple,
self hate
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A mans word is his bond
Since the dawn of civilization mankind has been toying with the idea on how to trust one another and get along.God gives all men character,we are all born knowing right from wrong.We choose weather we want to be good or evil.The problem comes when we call good evil or bad,or we see evil as good.Murder is evil,stealing is evil,lying is evil.We all sin and do evil things, but the difference is atonement asking for forgiveness,as Christ forgave us for our sins.
What distinguishes ordinary men and women from the great is the way people see or view them.It speaks a lot for a society that seems to only value looks and wealth,which is fine there is nothing wrong with having those things.There once was a time when a person cared about his honor,did everything in his power to clear his name and his families reputation.When he gave his word nations were built.Remember Gen.Douglas Mac author's promise to the Philippine people?I shall return.Maybe this is what President Bush means to stay the course in Iraq.After all he gave the Iraqi people his word.
There is something great and noble about a man who lives by his word.Never boast about something you have no intentions to manifest.A coward dies a thousand deaths,dreams of greatness in each.A real man knows when his moment to stand up, and has a will to meet any challenge.
All of the legal phraseology of modern mankind would be for nothing,if at the very fabric of it was in the beginning the first to agree or bonded by word.In the Bible it say 'In the;beginning was 'god's word.'Your word is you what gives you character live by it or perish. 'A mans word is his bond'
What distinguishes ordinary men and women from the great is the way people see or view them.It speaks a lot for a society that seems to only value looks and wealth,which is fine there is nothing wrong with having those things.There once was a time when a person cared about his honor,did everything in his power to clear his name and his families reputation.When he gave his word nations were built.Remember Gen.Douglas Mac author's promise to the Philippine people?I shall return.Maybe this is what President Bush means to stay the course in Iraq.After all he gave the Iraqi people his word.
There is something great and noble about a man who lives by his word.Never boast about something you have no intentions to manifest.A coward dies a thousand deaths,dreams of greatness in each.A real man knows when his moment to stand up, and has a will to meet any challenge.
All of the legal phraseology of modern mankind would be for nothing,if at the very fabric of it was in the beginning the first to agree or bonded by word.In the Bible it say 'In the;beginning was 'god's word.'Your word is you what gives you character live by it or perish. 'A mans word is his bond'
Hip hop.The Myth of the Black CNN.
It has been 11 years since the Fox news network first aired on cable television.It came as an alternative to the CNN cable news network in which most White Americans felt was left-wing leaning and catered to the United Nations and globalist interest.CNN with its world report and other internationalist perspective seemed like counter to the traditionalist beliefs of most White Americans.For years the images of America put out by CNN owned by Ted Turner and wife Jane Fonda painted a liberal America last image that most Americans didn't agree with.CNN tended to lean towards socialist ideology,and doctrine.Traditional interpretation of borders a national language and an American culture that glues a nation together.The image of CNN was minorities,gays,women's issues we just as mainstreamed as the military,police,and the stock market was to most White men.Now Fox news came and for all its worth gave White America and accurate view of how they saw this country and the issues that mattered to most of them.This comes at the expense of minorities in this country,because negative images of Blacks and Latinos get high ratings.Again tit is all of how news and opinion is shaped and the willingness of viewers to watch.
Now the 69,000 question.Where is the Black CNN?The Black Fox news network?Where does the world get info about our community?Who shapes the images in Black America?Are those images accurate and balanced?Rapper Chuck D once coined the term Black CNN I remember back when intelligent hip hop was big,that was to some extent true.Most rappers were in sync with the struggle of the people.Rappers went out of their way to be examples and send messages to the laymen.Over the years though big corporations got a hold to the music and they erased all Black consciousness in music and replaced it with gangster rap,drugs and violence.Now since CNN gave a fixed view of America that was not accurate,hip hop by definition would be not accurate.Most of White America's opinion of Black people come from the media not through any real contact as Bill Oreilly's recent comment about being surprised about seeing Black people acting civilized in Sylvia's restaurant.Hip hop seems to concentrate on the negative and sensational.I once coin a phrase 'a tree grows in Brooklyn'.This means if you want news there is always something to talk about.News is all around us it is just who is doing the reporting.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Kalagenesis critics corner.American Gangster
The move American Gangster starring Russell Crow and academy award winning actor Denzel Washington opened two months ago to rave reviews.Now the Kalagenesis who is the cultural protector of the Kala Nation which means the African American family working as one unit,is the vanguard protector against counter culture in Black America.At a time when it is now reveal that in spite of the once held notion of us as a people being strong we are finding out compared to other people we are very weak.One of the things that make us weak besides the curse of many complexions which make us feel insecure around each other is not loving or knowing our culture to coexist with each other.We used to be a very religious people who lived by gods word.God have laws that he means for us to follow.We are flesh so we are born in sin.The Bible tells us that God will forgive ours sins if we repent and ask for forgiveness.There is almost no man that cannot be redeemed.Music,art,film,poetry,writings influence us and our thinkings and emotions.A society that permits the wrong messages to influence the youth without role models is signing its death certificate.The youth are more inclined to act out violent fantasies without thinking of consequences.Now painting a rosy picture of life is not the answer either.The key is balance.So as that is my background for reviewing American Gangster a story about a White Jewish New York City cop taking down heroin kingpin Frank Lucas in the early seventies.I asked myself when I saw this movie,when am I going to see a movie about Nat Turner and his slave rebellion?Or about the ex slaves who left this country to form their republic in Liberia?Why on the whole Black life in America is a constant state of hell and misery?Why was this movie made?I went looking for redeeming qualities in Frank Lucas and I found very little.His conservative manner,business savoy,marriage,close family ties with his mother and brothers were good,but anyone with a half of brain knows that is what sold the movie.Hollywood is clever in knowing there is a yearning for family values to get past the critics but the gangster criminal life is the 800 pound gorilla in the room.Something that can't be ignored.Neither can it be ignored that this movie went against every cultural,conventional belief about the drug trade in America.A black man was above the Italian Sicilian mafia in control of the drug trade.This went against The movie The Godfather, when he said 'we will keep the traffic in the dark people the colored they're animals anyway.'Now many of us have to face the reality that it was a Black man who imported heroin to his community for greed and money.No longer can we blame the White man for this destruction.They're some who refuse to believe this.One of them being Minister Farrakhan who say that it was a lie that Lucas did this without some government support.I personally felt this when I watched this.They did not give me enough evidence to believe Frank Lucas with his country bumpkin brothers could do that without help from above.The climax when the police mounted a full on assault on Lucas's operation at the end was rousing.When the church was surrounded and Frank Lucas walked out that was the best part of the film.The big name rappers who had undeveloped roles seemed silly because they were the ones boosting the film on MTV/BET ect.The RZA from the Wu tang Clan had a very memorable role as a NYPD cop assigned to Crow's Narcotic's unit.
american gangster,
denzel washington,
russell crow,
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Welcome!Dress code strickley enforced!
The age of hip hop has created a eternal youth culture that effect everyone.There was an old saying that it is a shame 'youth' is wasted on the young.Hip hop is unique in that like most youth oriented art forms rebellion against the social morays and norms of established society,it celebrates the arrested development of youth.This is why everyone in hip hop just about has little so and so or young so and so.Hip hop appeals to the youth in all of us,never wanting to age or grow up.Many artist give knowledge we use to better ourselves but it is lost on those artist who want to promote ignorance and buffoonery.Over the last few years that I have been working and going to the nightlife hip hop scene a deadly plague on ill behaviored unruly people of all ages has made the club scene very dangerous and unsafe.Correct me if I am wrong but I always thought people go out to have a go time.Hip hop is the music of choice in the clubs.Most people still dress up or used to dress there Sunday best but most still dress up.But the younger crowd coming up having the hip hop mentality that is because they are young anything goes up till your 50 years old, then it time to grow up.Men in their thirties have to be told not to wear a white t-shirt or pants falling of their butts.A question needs to be asked,is it okay to reject people from your establishment,business,school,church,club,restaurant ect if they are not dressed to your standards?If so the who sets the standards?Is this discrimination?Should a person be sued if he does it?These are questions we ask as many of of hip hop people age and mature,some will not mature and upgrade their dress code.I have come to believe that if you are in a position of power and you see obscene dress then you are in your right to demand a decent dress code.I didn't think this way until I worked in a night club for a couple of years and saw that there is definitely connection between they way a person is dressed and the way they behave.If you are a school teacher or law enforcement take note.Giving the benefit of the doubt can cost you dearly.Think about it the way a person dresses tells you allot about that person.I have noticed when people give you a hard time about the dress code then they will cause you problems when they get drunk.I found that when a person if forced to wear a dress shirt then they tend to act more civil.This is the age of savage degenerate southern crunk music.Listen to Lil Jon say his verses we are going to rush that click,f@#% security,the whole disrespect for any authority not just police.Now when grown boys can't wear a belt to hold up their pants or refuse then it is up to those who enforce rules to enforce them.Back in the day most men over the age of 21 wore a suit in public.This was true especially in old Harlem,people came out in their Sunday best to present themselves to the world and look respectable.This is what old Black Nationalist and Civil rights movements were made from.Remember Marcus Garvey,Malcolm X,and Martin Luther King were all in their twenties and wore suits influenced millions.So why do the hip hop generation refuse to dress up?
Friday, December 14, 2007
Minister Louis Farrakhan.Looking for love in all the wrong places.
I remember being one of the chief organizers of the Million man march back in the summer of 1995 here in Virginia.I was a believer in the minister and the movement I still am.The year leading up to the march there was turmoil in young Black America.We saw a rise in KKK/Skinhead activity in America on one side and Bloods,crips,thug life on the other.Squeezed in the middle Minister Farrakhan,Khallid Abdul Muhammed and Ben Chavis seemed like a godsend.There was no in between either you was lost an 85% or you followed Farrakhan.Most rappers although they did wrong still supported the movement.No sellout was the thing.The rapper that idealized this was Ice Cube.When he dropped Amerikkka's most wanted in the late 80's along with Ice T,KRS ONE,Public Enemy,even NWA,Militancy was the main current running through hip hop.It was on this foundation that the youth saw The minister as a leader.Fighting a racist government,being proud of our history and ancestry was stamped in early hip hop.Remember Queen Latifah's 'Ladies first'and others.Now back then when I spoke to people about Black Unity only a few objected.So all of the signals were there for a mass mobilization of our people.In 1994 Nelson Mandela was elected president of South Africa so Black power and Black solidarity was the buzz and it seemed no one inthe mainstream media could stop it.Right before Farrakhan held the Million man march about 9 months prior he held a Pan-African summit in Accra Ghana.This was ground breaking,the President of Ghana at the time was Jerry Rawlings,who opened his country to the Nation of Islam and Black America.We would now have a Government to connect to.Since that time the number of our people visiting Ghana quadrupled.Farrakhan was the man of the hour.Remember what was going on on the hip hop scene back then.Remember east coast west coast beef.Something those vermin scum in hip hop publications would not stop talking about.In the final call there were no mention of this conflict only unity.The mainstream media would not stop instigating this rivalry.A few years earlier Farrakhan held a gang summit that would come back to haunt him.The gangs now had legitimacy.After the march on October 16,1995 the whole movement fell apart.People thought he had a plan and it turned out he didn't.As a result the Pan/Africa movement fell apart and the Minister looked like a lonely old man without a following.A year later 2Pac Shakur was murdered in Las Vegas while the Minister was in town for the Tyson fight.After that he mentioned rap,but revealed he never listened to it but his kids did.A few months later Biggie was murdered then he got involved.Since that time he has abandoned to extent nationalism and saw hip hop as the future.This left us Nationalist brothers without a spokesman.Then hip hop turned against us.Nas 'Black girl lost' Biggie's song about slaying militants,and the blunts,guns violence,40 oz,cristal sipping,it was over for us.For a time not even Farrakhan would speak against them.Chuck D was irrelevant trying to attack Puff daddy.In other words this was the age of cash rules everything around me.
Now fast forward to 2007 the minister is fighting a credibility problem.There are still us Nationalist who turn up eyebrows at all of this compromising with traitors and sellouts.He seems to still be looking for love in all the wrong places.
hip hop,
minister farrakhan,
Friday, December 7, 2007
The African Union

In 400 hundred years of White supremecy and colonial domination the people of African decent are finally seeing a dream come true.It is an old saying that this revolution will not be televised.We as African Americans are the only people on this earth who accepts racial subordination and servitude.Africa has untold resources and territory to be exploited.We here in America have to start being to representatives of the AU in this country.At the same time we should be able to represent the US in Africa.This will give our people Nia the first principle of Kwanzza,which means purpose.If a people don't have a purpose then they have nothing to build around.If they have nothing to build around then they are prey to division and self hate.Any group of people can unite if they have something to build on.The enemy of Black people know this and they want to keep telling us that tired old lets be American crap.If we are not truly American by now then we will never be American.I believe we only can be American when we become Africans first.African American businessmen need markets to trade and invest in.Look at India look at China the world network of business in India is because India is a powerhouse.Indian businessmen have a base in which to draw from.It is so simple.All of the English speaking states should unite first.All of the Swahilli speaking states should unite.It is already taking place.African American businessmen are looking into opportunity in Africa.Not just business.Political,cultural,musical,educational,spiritual opportunities exist in the new Africa.We who are Africanist should respect the people and laws of the Countries we live in.We are Americans,Brits,French,ect but what unites us is what Unites the Zionist of the 19th century,that is a homeland to identify with.This is not being racist this being very noble and righteous.(cont)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Slavery and White Supremecy
In order for the institution of slavery to work a harsh system of racial abuse and oppression was needed.This series show that far from just a few slave owners owning a few slaves the system needed the support of all Whites in order to work.This series clearly shows the criminal immoral brutal institution in all of its horrors.
Monday, December 3, 2007
A side of Africa you wont see on American tv.Lagos Nigeria
IT always amazes me how people who don't know anything about Africa have such a Negative image of the continent.Nigeria is beautiful and the more African Americans see images like this one the more they will understand that Africa has potential to be a partners in education,business,trade,technology,culture politics ect.The first thing is we as Black people have to get rid of the self hate.Every other group has ties to their homelands we are the only group of people who are totally dependent on White America for survival.From fancy cars to sports countries like South Africa,Nigeria,Kenya has real potential for the ambitious among our people.Above are a collection of fourteen videos made in Lagos,Abuja/Nigeria with excellent scenery,stuff you wont see on American television.Only war,aids people starving is what you will see.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Stop Kooning!
Recently I got into a discussion with Koofilms about some of the contents of his videos he posted.Because most media outlets are controlled by White racist,it is in their best interest to only let the most ignorant among us get the most exposure.This is a continuation of their domination over us.Making a people feel insecure,hopeless,unsafe and miserable among themselves.In turn they are made to love their oppressor and elevate among themselves based on who looks more like the oppressor.
Kooning is the act of self denegration of Black people for the pleasure of white people.This started in slavery which was different than slavery in past times.Here in the Americas particularly the North American continent the African was made to hate himself.His color,hair lips were ridiculed.People who had never seen a Black when they came here learned to dispise them.One of the ways to reinforce this system is through entertainment.Minstrel shows put on by whites in black face mocked their slaves and slaves who wanted to please their masters danced,clowned,jesture in a musical,buffooning manner.In todays hip hop we see this,because most hip hop records are sold to white teens.The funny thing is that the black kids are following a trend in music that is being financed by white youth.How much of that money jAYZ,50,PDiddy Russell have do you think comes from black pockets?Probably 20%.Remember the saying, "he who pays the piper calls the tune".We are watching Black kids being self enslaved through clowning and dehumanization by black on black hatred and low self worth.Where does this come from?If you don't respect yourself then you wont respect those who look like you.If you are constantly humiliating others of your own kind just to entertain Whites then you are kooning.If you have $3000 rims and you live in an apartment then you are kooning.If you mock other peoples complexion,size or income just so you can seem better in the eyes of whites then you are kooning.If you think gangs are a legitimate organization then you are kooning.
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